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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Jim the Butcher? Great name. Is it copyrighted?
  2. On live I had a bit of a go with naming an energy blaster Zerg. I had NO idea it meant anything, seriously. Ask anyone that knows me, it's like I live in a tomb... errr. Anyways I got generic'd, then petitioned for why, and after two weeks got "my" name. Why did i want Zerg? Erg is a unit of energy, and Zs are cool. Zs are one of the reasons i took up studying german lol. i am a glutton as well i guess.
  3. could you please revise and resubmit in the form of a grievance? Thank you.
  4. That is a way different build than mine! Thanks. Yeah, I prefer the double mag 2 stun (total mag 4) and then drive-by PBAoE chain. Then pop out to range for most of my work. I also have a ST Hold attack chain for things like Vickeys or other pesky EBs, LGTF, etc. I die surprisingly little considering I love to drift into a large group then hit Soul Drain/Blackstar. But I know the fights and lean into my inspiration tray.
  5. and the base (as best as I can manage...use TP points to see underbase oranbega cavern) /macro_image "DarkArmor_FearfulAura" "Teleport: Rogue Isles Villains" "enterbasefrompasscode MAYHEM-19149"
  6. I actually want murky cloud, it looks way cooler. But Soul Mastery is easily the better choice for my playstyle. It gives me a nice DPS cone that fits my build style better and a solid hold (with the coolest and easiest to see affect). I could arguably not take any armor since with just 6% def and a few percent armor in 4 types it is windshield armor. My next but of research will delve into 1) how useful is it. 2) is there any power I can 1-2 slot and be better off taking?
  7. I keep trying to find a Dark Dark combo that is “it” lol. One if the issues is vampires are so ill suited to almost anything. Luckily they are ill defined. currently maining a Dark Dark Blaster. favorites? Fire3 Blaster is THE meta. So much power and fun. Good thing it has a rez. AR/Dev Blaster. This is a hoot, safe, but I prefer the Dark Dark. Living on the edge with a PBAoE is just a…blast. Dark Dark Corruptor. Safer than the Blaster. Not as satisfying as the Blaster. I know it is more powerful than the Blaster. But it lacks crunch. I do not melee much at all anymore. I feel the safety is unnecessary and the builds are so locked in. Constricting. But I have a Dark Dark Brute with around 1450 badges. Lets put that down as a favorite. It lives on the edge of sanity, depending on CoH oddball mechanics for 1/2 of its survivability.
  8. What you want are Task Forces at that level range. There are not a lot 40+, but 45+ there are a few. Best news? The Imperious Task Force. This much loved Task Force is run regular in many variations, and is 35+. To access Cimerora to do the ITF you need a badge. Get that badge by going to Night Ward. From the Base Portal in Night Ward look up at the mansion on the hill. Go in the front door of that mansion and you get the badge. To get to Cimerora go to any Midnighter Mansion besides that one. Then go through the door upstairs in the back. Then use the crystal pillar middle of the tunnel intersection. You want the +4 Kill Most ITF most preferably. Good Luck.
  9. yeah. you are right. here is what it looks like with soul mastery. not taking soul tentacles. because they are white. why? no one knows. but they can keep them. Blaster Dark Dark Soul v1.51.mbd
  10. if you tap it just right, no more water noise. be careful. base building is finicky.
  11. yeah, i cannot flip for crap lol. i have some truly unbelievable interactions with objects. if you saw a video of it you would die laughing. i may know what happened with the water though. I saw these guys coming out of a base portal...
  12. The only toon I ran in the mapserver event was an en ergy energy Blaster. 50d it in 3 hours, then in another 45 opened all incarnate slots except hybrid (3/4 open) Havbe not played it since. Beautiful power sets that you pay up to 9 enhancer slots worth of "KB->KD tax" to make it team useful.
  13. at a quick glance you could slot it Force Feedback: Acc/KB, Dam/KB, Rech/KB Bombardment: Dam, Dam/Rech, Acc/Dam/Rech. this gives +KB scraping ED, and Damage past ED oh, and please dont play it on a team with me. F-ing hate knockback, especially non directional "ball o knockback" If it was me.... I would slot this 4 Overwhelming Force, 2 Bombardment: Overwhelming Force: Acc/Dam, Acc/Dam/End, Acc/Dam/End/Rech, Dam/Kb->KD Bombardment: Acc/Dam/Rech, Fire Dam Proc the overwhelming force dam/knockback to knockdown proc flops anyone that would have been knocked across the room on their back. just as helpless but in a nice neat pile. This gives just as much crowd control, keeps enemies centralized for 1) you 2) teammates so AoE is more effective. Does more damage as well also, 2 or more bombardments in a power give a global +5% range increase. and as archery that is nice.
  14. I am building this mostly for theme, but trying to make it work. Dark Mastery has Fearsome Stare. long Recharge but a solid Dark performer. I have never been a fan of Possess. As a single target confuse on a crowded build it will not start here. I have tried to like Black Hole, specifically on a Troller. It rarely is any good, the watered down version in Blaster Dark Mastery is an easy pass. So that leaves tha armor, which everyone takes, and Soul Consumption. Which is more or less the main point of the topic. Soul Consumption. Hmmm. Is it any good. I have over enhanced it in this build, in my opinion. But I am testing how far I can push it and how useful it is. Anybody know it, love it, hate it, have insights? Blaster Dark Dark Dark v2.01.mbd
  15. You have left out what powers. The enhancement sets for Knockback increase KB distance except the proc in force feedback that turns it to knockdown. Energy Mastery power build up says it does but it does not. Was changed and text is outdated. Without what power is giving you the knockback 50% kind of firing blind
  16. Yes. The team handled that fine. I had the easy job as the fire3 blaster. Kill anything near team. If confused about primary target then Target thru the tank
  17. Lambda. I heard that could happen. Never seen it. Hey, we’ve all done stupid things. Uh, or at least according to 31.11% of polls I have. So, you’re in great company!
  18. Dark is a resist set. That uses game mechanics for defense instead of regular "defense" Non suppressing stealth. Less folks see you. less folks attack you. Defense Stun Arua. stunned folks do not attack you. Defense Fear Aura. Feared opponents attack you way less. Defense To hit debuffs. lowering your opponents chances of hitting. Defense. Then the best heal in the game. Nothing else comes close to that heal.
  19. when you build up some ban and want to run at 50 i would re roll this as a BA / Invul and use a hyperstrike invul build. at 50 invul does everything willpower does and more. a lot more survivable. invul brutes can serve as main tanks in master of attempts in most TF/SF if you know the game.
  20. Well i had been slumbering in my coffin. But since you woke me up… My favorite Tanker is an invulnerability/dark. Damned near unkillable. But one year for winter i made an ice/ice theme tank. It was insane how easy it was to tank, because everyone in the room hated him. It was like people were telling people a hundred feet away to swarm the tank. At least it felt that way. Lot of agro. A lot. Dark Armor is stronger on a Tank. No doubt. And the AoE increase is nice on Dark/Dark. Very nice. But since Dark Armor uses non suppressed stealth as a survival trick it acts the OPPOSITE of ice armor. Making it, in my mind, just more work to tank with. Because i am a lazy old vampire.
  21. So… a few days ago i did a pug 2 star itf that was so bad. How bad was it? Bad enough to write about lol. Last night I was with Justice Superteamers on Excelsior. There were 10-11 of us. We split into two teams. Regular 4/8 kill most and a 2 star. I was on the 2 star. We had 2 Tanks a Fender a dom, a troller, and me on a Fire3 Blaster. We finished in smart form with deaths in mid 30s. Not a PUG, on Discord. But 6, light on “pure dps,” and i thought it would be “hard”. Good feeling
  22. Keep smiling and casually steal as much random stuff as you can. Might come in handy.
  23. The common denominator on all bad pugs. Sigh.
  24. Thanks. I am going to rebuild my Blaster based on everything I learned from my Corr. I will come back to the Dom. But it has two powers that give off a brilliant rainbow …. Not great lol.
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