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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. my goal is to stack things. currently pillars. to make pillars about hundred feet high, maybe more. but anytime i use the F1 gris disabled, f5 attach to object the best it does is try to attach at a right angle to the pillar. i cannot even put things on tables. unless only specific items are coded to stack on tables and the random stuff i am trying is not it. i know stuff stacks. i seen it. just cannot do it. any help?
  2. Why in the name of Crom’s desiccated nutsack gas this nonsense thread been dug up and rehashed? If your AT: Powersets are so low on damage that this is important to you I have a suggestion…. Stop punching things. You probably need to be using a debuff, a heal , or a buff.
  3. Okay. I believe that you believe that I am hallucinating, or lying, or having a really Snarky moment. But here is the thing about Snarky…. The vampire Snarky does not care enough about anyone to lie. So, that leaves hallucinations. I did not do anything. Etched came into the base and removed the ceiling. Then he posted how he did it. I have not proofed the technique on another base. So, I got no idea. I can tell you this. You enter my base, say from Pocket D. You are in the default entry room. The rest of the base is a largest footprint undecorated barn. Brand new and empty. You fly up. And up. And up. No ceiling. No problem. Also, not in editor. Hit me up tomorrow and I will invite you in to see. Now my next issue, which I am trying to solve. I have figured out, with help from advice in this thread, how to stick an item through the room as well. But I have not figured out how to stack something on that item above the ceiling. This may be because pillars I have chosen have no “top” or because it is moving the item above the normal base plane. I am crappy at anything besides basic base stuff. I watched a couple videos from base forum and that was useless. I have seen bases so beautiful and I really just want something clunky….but monumental. And really stinking big. It speaks to the Snarky ego. Big and ugly. Snagged a great name for the SG though. Rogue Isles Villains. Sharp eyes will notice that is a specific group and I was shocked it was available. Now just gotta build the Parthenon Ziggurat Schlossenstein thing. Soon as I figure out how to stick the legos together. But the flying thing. That is real. Unless I got hold of a really screwy batch of blood this week.
  4. we had this conversation. so if you just want to scroll up i wont need to do it again. when you get to here just go right back to the top, over and over and
  5. i wish. although honestly that would be as cramped as a blue cave ... so maybe not lol
  6. as the pillar i want to stack get to the top the only way it will attach is at a right angle, i want to stack it for a longer pillar
  7. no, it is sitting in base portal room
  8. How do i turn off clipping? figured that. you enable it.... grrr now, can i build on top of what i clipped above ceiling?
  9. I am literally in the base, not in editor mode guessing about 400 feet up. could go higher. proves the point though....
  10. Okay, so having established it is laughably easy to make enough to easily get SOs, and with a lucky drop here or there some good I/Os feathered in.... You can solo on pretty much anything. If you are doing story arcs (more merits...) then you can set up something like an AR/Dev. This has a semi stealth in Field Operative. Then you can pop a Celerity +Stealth in inherent sprint for full stealth. To grab glowies you use smoke grenade from devices on mobs near glowie. Very Fast. Surgical. If it is a boss, stealth in kill boss. If it is a kill all. Well, you are an AR Blaster after all... But there are any number of AT and power set combos that will go fast.
  11. Of all the ATs and Dark Dark powers on CoH, this seems to fit my vampire concept the best. It has a lot of tricks, yet does enough DPS that I am not screaming because the team went in a completely stupid direction. Then, when the team is actually there, I can provide a crapton of leverage to help them succeed. Corruptor is a very powerful archetype. It speaks to dark villainry. Would not be (and was not) my first pick. Yet the thing is just powerful, and the more you understand the combat system the more powerful it becomes.
  12. does this not allow you to put big objects in? because the editor thinks there is something blocking me, and so i cannot put tall objects/stack objects past "imaginary" ceiling...
  13. No, it does not make sense. You can collect 5 merits for getting all badges in a zone. like Atlas Park, Echo Altas etc. So even at level 1 you could get a few dozen merits. Theat you buy converters with. Then sell converters. And get SO enhancers. And, literally, a half dozen other really easy ways to get cash. Plus hundreds of more intricate ways. But, you do you.
  14. you say no enhancement? like not free? not SO? not cheap I/O just none? So, you lost me here because I cannot understand your mind set. If you wanted the fastest soloer? i do not know, but AR/Dev has the damage and gimmicks to speed any arc in the game at +1/x1 Any Brute will make a decent soloer, and I have run a ton of content on SS/Will Brutes using just SOs. But,... Ya, i have no idea how you even Good Luck
  15. well etched did what i needed, which is just rip the ceiling off and now i have a wide open area to mess around.
  16. ya, on excelsior, von snarky curr vig
  17. i want to create a base with a wide open sky. that you can fly though, and not be in that 20 ft horizontal zone. i have asked about how to do this a few times in base bldg help. the responses have left me unsure these people can successfully manage a bathroom visit. this is on a brand new base. can someone just pop in, set up the place as wide open? i can decorate. thanks.
  18. My current iteration of Snarky is an AR/Dev Blaster. Say you are a run of the mill vampire in any genre. Not THE MASTER....just Joe Vampire. Sure, you are tougher than mortals. And usually have little power. So, grab some locally made weaponry and start doing some crimes....
  19. so i just go ahead and speak my mind. not that they deserve my wisdom. for me it is like hitting the gym. the resistance makes me stronger.
  20. Well... It truly depends on the type of vampire does it not? I have ran nearly every dark dark dark X combo on nearly every AT. I can say this, Dark is very good in CoH. Great toolkit set. I dusted off a Invul Dark Tank last night. If you want the unstoppable master vampire, unfazed by the world trying to kill it, this would be it. A Dark/Dark Brute.... (Dark/Dark on melee reaches it's zenith on a Brute in my opinion) This ball of hate (with non suppressing stealth) is just a hoot. Although complicated, subtle, and expensive. So, challenging to build and run. A Dark/Dark Stalker. Very good. M only issue was ... Dark Dark Blaster was just faster Dark Dark Blaster Very powerful. A vampire that can pull the negative material plane onto earth and destroy enemies with it. Dark Dark Corruptor. On a team a significant step above Blaster in terms of power. And Corruptor, right in the name. Control types ar harder for me. I have both Dom and Controller. A Dark Dark Troller would, for my money, be both easier and more powerful. Only annoying thing is you are basically a petless MM and your team is your pets. You gather a bunch of supers to achieve your goal, or leech off them. Then use some of the biggest powers in Dark to ensure they achieve YOUR goal. If you can stand doing little to no damage and just want to completely ruin the enemies chances of doing anything a Controller is the choice.
  21. This week I have run Dr Q on my two Blasters that needed the badge. Both relatively recent additions to the stable. I looked around and most of the other 50s I had already had it. But… there was this prime tank from 2019 that did not. Now, I do not run many Tanks. I built this as the ultimate. It is Invulnerability, with a slightly tweaked Hyperstrike build (prob degrading it, but it became mine). I paired it with Dark Melee. I believe this to be hand down the toughest heavy melee pairing in the game. Dark has a heal, and an end recovery power. A hard hitting ST chain with to hit debuffs for the kiddos. So I dusted this off. To my dismay there were three if us Tanks. I never inspected them. Not sure what level or powersets they were. Either by level, powerset, or player neither were particularly useful. We stormed through. I took one break at the start of a kill all for about three minutes and the team looked like it was about to implode. One big room of crey at the start of a mission. Two tanks in there. Sad panda. I rolled in and we rolled on. I can only think the other two tanks were not incarnated. It was spectacular how good this was. Once I got comfortable behind the wheel it was untouchable. No matter how big the room, what combo of mobs, if I agroed a room full of a hundred looking for a glowie half the time i could get the glowie without eating even a sm purple. Damn things defense is that good. Truly a joy to run and a fun break from blasting. We finished in about 1 hour 50 minutes. It was laughably easy. The only issue i see in running it regularly is a lot of people play Tanks and Brutes. Unfortunately most if them are like the other two tanks on that Q in my opinion. Not ready for prime time.
  22. I do believe Yomo may still be giving out dome cash. Subject to Yomo’s casual schedule for reply. Might be worth it to shoot of an in game email…
  23. So, joined Oklahoman on a two run through Magi where the league was textbook. Every badge except Really Hard Way and made it look like a cakewalk. Immediately after there was an ad for a TV2 respec. I needed the badge. It went okay, not great. Until... we got to the reactor room. I have rarely seen this thing fail. I cannot remember the last time. I felt like I was fighting the whole room solo (a Blaster) with occasional glimpses of people i think were my teammates being chased by hordes of Freakshow blowing past. An unmitigated disaster, and the reactor inevitably fell...
  24. Here is what I am currently using Blaster (Fire Blast - Fire Manipulation) 2024 v 2.01.mbd
  25. One word per post. Thanks Luminara. My new forum style...
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