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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. Personally, and I say this as someone who took super speed as my second travel power ever (since back in 2004 flight was just the tops), the only reason I take it these days is because I want a travel and don't have a 5th power pool slot open after I take Hasten. Or if I have a character whose concept benefits from having a motorcycle, which SS ghetto serves as. It's good but not great, and the zones where it doesn't work well it REALLY doesn't work. The others are easier to deal with.
  2. I have Amazon Prime (as part of an AP sub, like everyone else) on which I watch a fair number of freebie movies and TV shows. I have a Netflix subscription TECHNICALLY, but it's only as a result of being a freebie with my cell phone plan. I haven't actually used it yet, and I let my paid Netflix sub lapse years ago. On a similar note, I had a Hulu subscription with my previous cell phone plan, but you know, swapped and lost it. The majority of my online streaming content is via Vudu, which 95% reflects actual physical movies I own and unlocked on the service. It's easier than having to remember where I put DVDs or Blu Rays and lets me watch them on phone, PC, or tablet. The remainder is stuff I bought on sales on Vudu, since I already had two thousand-odd other things there. Ultimately I think the problem from the consumer's perspective is that none of the streaming services really offer much to attract $10-30 a month for a subscription to their services. The content tends to be trite, derivative, or overtly harangue-y, rather than entertaining. If I'm paying ten or fifteen bucks a month for what is often maybe four hours of new content it's not cost effective to do that with twenty or more streaming companies, and there's like a dozen of them I can think of just off the top of my head. The C-suite execs all assume that they'll pull Netflix's numbers, which have always been massaged and fueled by debt, creative accounting, and outright lies. The market to support a dozen streaming services on Netflix's level does not exist.
  3. Silly boy, Mother is everywhere. And she loves all her children SO MUCH.
  4. FWIW I don't drink coffee, but wouldn't Starbucks' coffee-like products form the basis of a Taunt set with another psi damage proc?
  5. Or is EVERYONE anonymous on the Seer Network? #mindblown
  6. Hilarious and I'm all in favor of more animations. Only problem I know of is that I'm 95% sure none of the Homecoming devs are animators. They're great coders and good writers but those skills don't necessarily transition to animation. :)
  7. I always thought that Insight's weakness was owed in part to how Psi Melee was still cooking when the Live game got shuttered. There's a lot of subtle hints to that conclusion, such as the fact almost all the animation times are the same, the way it doesn't (last I checked) get hyperlinked if you put a psi melee power name in [brackets] in chat like every other power does, or the general uselessness of the Insight effect and its lack of generation by the buildup clone.
  8. 1) 2004, approximately two weeks after the game went live. I played more on than off until shutdown. I was introduced by a friend who picked it up and let me roll a character on his account. He stopped playing after a couple weeks. 2) I did, as my answer to question one shows. I was super pissed when the game closed, and I was one of the people in Atlas Park on Virtue doing the /em torch signout until NCsoft shut down the servers. Ended up moving to play SCORE a few years later before that blew up. As a result of NCsoft's decision regarding City, I took a stand to never play one of their games again or have any financial interaction with the company in any way, including but not limited to buying their products, trading their stock or any index stock containing it, etc. I'll hold a grudge to the grave. 3/4) I was thrilled that someone took up the mantle again after SCORE. I recall thinking "ah, glad to have this back again, hey they don't have any of my live alts? Not as awesome" before I proceeded to roll a titan/electric scrapper. I've been here since. 5) I brought a lot of character ideas (I rerolled/created four live alts here) and my experience with builds. 6) Not really. I've got a lot of characters, who I play is a matter of "What do I feel like this time" or "Who do I want to do that TF/team/raid/etc. on?" Occasionally it's "Oh man I had a Terrible Character Idea I HAD to roll"
  9. Fair point, fair point. On the other hand if they have the mod too, well then now we're cookin', right?
  10. There's a mod for that. I assume it's available down in the mods subforum somewhere.
  11. You're SO missing out. I've done this dozens of times. Just ask Psychonanism, the (all-psi) fortunata. Or Fetch Girl the puptorian brute. Or Shrieking Gail, the sonic/storm corr. Or... Well you get the idea. Plus my group's discord is often regaled with my Terrible Character Ideas (tm) which are almost universally awful pun/powerset pairings that come to me during the course of a day.
  12. The limit is 1023 characters, so all the big name character bios you did would fit in the box as it stands.
  13. Never have I ever (knowingly) made an existing IP infringing character. Never have I ever regretted nuking entire zones back when there were no target caps and you could cram a thousand nazis in a dumpster. Never have I ever taken a kheldian past 40. And even that was mostly PL'd on Live.
  14. Longbow's stolen Prae clocks are healers, Arachnos' are damage bots.
  15. Here's my take on scrapper street/ninja. Mids' data link: https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1479&c=672&a=1344&f=HEX&dc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
  16. What about the knockoff-Citadel from his task force?
  17. Because the exercise of "maximizing my personal performance within the limits I set for myself" by its very definition precludes requiring the services of a second person. 😀
  18. Well I never took the power either, so...
  19. I always assumed that was how it was supposed to be.
  20. I would have probably gone with "Brass Knocker" if it was a melee character.
  21. I dunno, maybe you should let it float to see what potential rises to the top.
  22. So yeah, on a shield/energy melee brute female if any of the shield defense toggles (deflection, battle agility, etc.) are active then Tough's animation costume setting (as set in the tailor) is forced to the default chest pound and scream. Detoggling all shield powers restores the setting to what the costume has set in the tailor. Needless to say this is super annoying, as changing the animation is due to not liking the default for me. Attached is a costume file from the character I noticed this issue on as she's my only shield alt. bia bug.costume
  23. It's either 181.3% or a flat 200%. I forget if it's level-based.
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