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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. Generally when I've gotten to the point I care about the character, beyond just "oh combo x/y is fun" stage. Or when I have a really awful pun name I need to justify. Most of my alts have bios, naturally.
  2. I believe it's around 150 names, like the SG limit used to be. That's a semi-educated guess though, as I tend to keep my global friends lists under 100 entries.
  3. God yes. A temp power that does nothing but "instantly kill a mole machine" added to you inventory during any mission that features the stupid things would be awesome. I'd even be for leaving them at the huge HP pool but removing the resists.
  4. Obviously visit the tailor and get myself a younger, toned-er, taller look, duh.
  5. But don't you SEE? That only proves the reach and power of the Ninja Industrial Complex (tm)! They can use Nemesis automatons to simulate corpses to keep their higher ups alive and intimidate one of the sneakiest sods in TWO dimensions to support their plan! The Ninjas are COMING, people must be WARNED!
  6. Okay, fair enough. But maybe Chimera just did a Magical Ninja Vanish (tm) in order to retreat to his otherwise inaccessible Fortress of Jerkitude (tm) in order to plot a hilariously convoluted return/revenge plot via mainlining Incarnate Juices (raspberry flavor!) in order to grow to ten times his original size and develop the ability to fire full size longbows with ONE FINGER EACH! As you can see, I've laid out what is Really Going On (tm)!
  7. Is it too late to say "Because the only people who have permanently died in City of Heroes since 2004 are Statesman, Sister Psyche, and Malaise?" 😝
  8. So last night I had a terrible mission arc idea, while my computer was... unavailable. Is there any way that the AE editor could be run in an "offline" version where you don't have to be logged into City to edit story arcs? I know that the missions are saved as text files basically and while it would be theoretically possible to write an entire arc in notepad or equivalent, the existing UI is very helpful in making sure that I dot all the "i"s as it were. Given that there is still the old costume creator equivalent for offline use, would it be possible/doable to whip up something similar for AE? Speaking for myself and I suspect at least a couple storytellers a non-logged in AE editor would be helpful for those times when the creative urge strikes but getting into City isn't possible for whatever reason.
  9. Clearly he's mourning his master stepping outside time, the poor little wolfy boy.
  10. I'm torn between Full Auto and Eagle's Claw. Both animations are just so over the top they make me giggle when I use them.
  11. 1) Isn't this already possible? As I recall you just need to open the pets tab on your team window and you can rename pets in there. 3) I'd love to see more Summer Blockbuster content. Maybe a ghostbusters or independence day homage. Call it "Classic Summer" or something. 6) I don't use macros, but I'm all in favor of more options for people who need them. 8 ) I wouldn't use them, but this falls under my "more options are good" philosophy for costumes. Long as they don't clip or otherwise look like junk. 10) Probably couldn't hurt. 12) As I recall the existing "snake legs" for mobs are just invisible regular legs and animated fake legs. From what I remember back on the Live forums trying to adapt them to the existing animations breaks said animations in hilarious ways.
  12. I tend to get my drinking done BEFORE I sit down to play.
  13. Yeah but your number two will probably re-invite you back just to spite you.
  14. For me, I consider "soloing AV" to be at least even level (+0-2), using only powerset/incarnate powers (why hello there degenerative!) and no p2w buffs, temp pets, etc. Also no shivans/warburg nukes. Naturally this includes pool powers, but accolades optional since I mostly don't bother getting them.
  15. They were an entirely SCORE development as I recall.
  16. A different question is "what mechanical role would hero patron-equivalents offer that aren't already supplied by either the existing EPP or PPP pools?" Simply put, what mechanical niche would hero patrons fill?
  17. Thank you for your feedback, Kyksie.
  18. Croatoa already has two native giant monsters. There's also arguably a Cimeroan one, but it only shows up during one of the Incarnate story arcs. I forget which one offhand but it's the one that explains how the Sentinel arrived in Paragon, IIRC.
  19. That IS supposed to just remove them from your chat tab. Perhaps you ran into a global channel cap? I've also found that sometimes quitting out to the desktop and logging back in can restore global channels that seem to be missing.
  20. Because it's no longer canonical content, for one. Second it does not launch from the LFG interface, and third Penny Yin's arc is arguably less annoying.
  21. Yes. Thunderspy is one of... I want to say at least half a dozen different server groups using the source code that got released back in the day. Homecoming is the best (I'm here after all) and if I recall the only one of the lot that made the transition to full 64-bit code. I also think but am not 100% certain that it's the only server cluster that's added new story arc content.
  22. How, exactly? It's not like a player with three characters, one for each color (blue, red, gold) to play an hour or two on each in a given day. I seem to get the feeling you're ignoring or dismissing perspectives that don't match what you already assume and want to be true.
  23. I play everything, and really the only reason a majority of them end up as a vigilante (pure hero is not for me) is because it's easier to find teams when I want one. That said, I still have plenty of rogues (same reason) and a couple goldsiders who haven't come to primal and been forced to pick one of the main sides.
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