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Everything posted by Dreamboat

  1. When you have the LRT menu open, you're able to use the slash command as normal. So activate LRT, then do whatever you normally did to use /ebfp - hit your macro button, type it out, etc.
  2. Sketch commission of one of my characters, Mummyman: Love how it turned out. Art was done by https://twitter.com/ComicNerdSam - they were great! Super reasonable prices, and their communication was ace. Quick turnaround time as well, I recommend checking them out!
  3. Costume I made waaaaaaay back when HC started up: Ultraman Cosmos rip GO! If I made the character I'd go Kin Melee to ape Cosmos' Tai Chi-esque style and I'd throw in an alt costume with red Color Timer and Beastly Rage aura on the chest for the flashing.
  4. Shameful of me to forget this, too: READ X-STATIX PLEASE AND THANK YOU EVERYONE The series starts in X-Force, Vol. 1, #116, then gets rebranded into X-Statix after #129. I imagine those will be under different listings on Marvel Unlimited. This comic rules.
  5. Friend: Exiles, Vol. 1, 2001. Have at it! EDIT: Oh, and: Original run of the Thunderbolts, 1997. Go go go!
  6. More insulting to PvPers than any "blaming" could ever be, in my opinion.
  7. Harassing! Dear Christ. Delete these forums.
  8. The teams that previously expected/demanded you use the macro will now just expect you to use it in conjunction with a 10 million inf portal power. The problem there is the players, not the mechanics.
  9. A bunch of powers in the Nature Affinity set do it - e.g., Overgrowth.
  10. Definitely not, because Yulaw does not succeed in killing Gabe and is not himself killed, but instead is sent to the Stygian Penal Colony in the Hades Universe to serve out his life sentence, and thus neither of them become The One. Though Yulaw does swear he will be! I guess we'll never know! 10/10 film, perfect in every way, etc.
  11. The GM-run costume contests take place on every shard! Deets:
  12. Very cool of you to do this! Worth a shot, here's my main, Stuntmaster:
  13. Well, now's as good a time as any to try making a proper AE arc: Arc ID: 34791 Arc Name: The Stunt Before Christmas Author: @Hissatsuman Number of Missions: 3 Description: It's the evening of December 24th, and the interdimensional do-badder, the Stuntmaestro, is attempting to ruin Christmas for everyone in Paragon! It's up to a group of brave heroes to help the Stuntmaster foil his Scroogelike spitting-image and ensure that every gift gets to where it's going before Christmas Day!
  14. Came along to this last night and it was a lot of fun - great to see people figuring out fun ways to combine RP with content! I'll definitely try to make it along to another if it happens again! Also, great base!
  15. Can you say which specific powers? Base Transporter, for sure, but if you mean things like Mission Transporter, ATT, Team Transporter etc. "invalidation" is definitely not the case. Those powers have different practical functions that are useful in addition to the slash command.
  16. This. If there's a secret no-startup-no-cooldown slash command that takes me to outer island Talos mission doors instantly, boy, I'd like to know about it.
  17. I generally don't consider of any the game's story arcs or missions "canon" to my characters. If I feel like some of it might work for whatever I'm doing at the time, I can pull it as needed (I threw Galaxy City's destruction into my main character's motivation for being a hero, for instance) but adhering to the lore of CoH just feels too restrictive to me for the most part, and I'd rather come up with my own stuff that my characters have done. If someone else wants to say their character has went through all the game's stories - beat up the Skull leaders, saved Night Ward, rubbed shoulders with the Phalanx, whatever - then I'm not going to tell them otherwise, but 99% of the time I'm probably going to act like I've never heard of any of these people or events. You were leading a strike team to destroy the Rikti portal and cleaned Nemesis' clock into the bargain, saving the world as we know it, and while you were doing that I was stopping the shivering Shakespearean shenanigans of Frozencrantz and Chilldenstern. I guess we just run in different circles!
  18. My main character was a vampire for one night a few weeks ago, but he got better. Sunlight cures vampirism pretty handily!
  19. After doing one for the first time in a month or so the other night, I think Synapse's TF should be deleted from existence, and maybe Synapse along with it.
  20. I just do it for the inf/XP. On a good day I can handle two farms in a row, but most of the time I'm out after one, it's just so tedious. The initial thrill of "Hey, I've built this guy to be unstoppable on these farms, and look at him tear through 'em!" wore off quick.
  21. Felt like making a new villain and was wanting to make an outfit inspired by the old European superhero films of the 60s, things like Superargo vs. Diabolicus or The Three Fantastic Supermen, real simple and campy and with a ridiculous Evil Name to boot. So, here's the villainous super-pirate lord, King Skull Man:
  22. Seeing "Access is denied" when trying to launch the game, no further error. Tried with http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml and https://manifest.cohhc.gg/testing.xml but no luck. Any ideas? I was able to launch fine earlier this morning. EDIT: Think the problem is with my AV, so ignore this for now! EDIT EDIT: Yup, post-maintenance my AV is now saying no to the COH exe. Had to fiddle with some settings!
  23. New alternate animation option for Laser Beam Eyes so I can just shoot one beam from my forehead-eye, please!
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