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Everything posted by Dreamboat

  1. At what point does it become necessary to deny someone access to a community for their own wellbeing? There are some people whose approach...it's simply not healthy.
  2. Disbanded, according to this thread:
  3. Always really liked this page from Immortal Iron Fist #3, drawn by David Aja: Love that flow of movement, Aja is great for that sort of thing. Another example of his from Secret Avengers #18: And last but not least, one of my favourite ever instances of this, from #9 of the original Moon Knight solo series, art by Bill Sienkiewicz:
  4. I want to be able to not slide off of cars/trucks/trams/blimps when I jump on them. I should be ferried through zones like a king!
  5. I don't have anything to add re: MMO game balance but walk forward un-FADCable fierce DP makes me feel like the biggest big big boy in the world
  6. Best thing John Byrne ever did. Awesome design.
  7. I played the beta, but wasn't too impressed with it. Combat felt kind of clunky (especially the shooting) and none of the characters seemed very distinctive to me. After a few missions I had the distinct impression I'd pretty much played the entire game, too - when the War Table first opened up and all the locations were listed I just felt like this was it. Won't be buying this one, I don't think. I did at least like how Ms. Marvel's combat animations looked, they did a good job bringing her fighting style to life visually.
  8. Seconding this. If you have the chance to grab the Sleeper Omnibus, do so. Fantastic comic. A lot of good ones and some of my own favourites mentioned in here already, but another:
  9. They're in the Face category, the first dropdown - should be "Face 1" or whatever by default. Click it, scroll down past all the actual faces and you'll see them.
  10. I love DS9, but it didn't make serial television Cool & Sexy like Lost did when it first hit. I doubt it ever pulled half the numbers, either - I remember at the time Lost was the most DVR'd show on television or something like that.
  11. A while back on Everlasting, a villain-themed CC was held, and afterwards it was decided that since it was the birthday of one of the judges, they were going to have to take a very thoughtful birthday beating:
  12. Yup! Tailors have specific NPCs that can change body sliders. Can't remember what they're called in blueside Icon tailors, but they're usually the NPC at the very back on the right. In redside Facemakers, they're called Facemaker Surgeons, I think. There's also one NPC upstairs in Pocket D's Tiki Lounge who can do it.
  13. @Virtual Green Thank you! Yeah, I'm really happy with the effect - my only niggle is that we can't have the leather-effect boots/gloves underneath when using the armor pattern, it has to be the wraps. But still, it definitely works!
  14. Wanted to make a new villain and I've never really put much time into Masterminds before so I decided to go with a snake-themed master villain, the kind of fruit loop who elongates every S sound when speaking and is prone to fist-shaking bouts of rage (ones where the word "Cursessss!" comes up a lot). Came up with a backstory involving him being the latest leader of a centuries-old snake cult and gave him the moniker "The Sovereign Serpent": I'm not 100% happy with how the Black Knight chestpiece looks but I haven't found an alternative I like better yet - I like how that one fills out the shape of the torso. The colours were initially meant to be based on a Samar cobra, black and yellow, but I ended up going for darker gold as I thought the yellow looked a bit too garish. The darker colours kind of take away from the overall Saturday morning cartoon villain he's meant to be, though, so I'll have to keep tweaking. I really like the Tartarus helmet as an ersatz cobra hood, though.
  15. I think the credit for bringing the serial back into the mainstream is chiefly with Lost (two years prior, if I remember rightly, and at the time of Heroes I recall a lot of comparisons being drawn to it), but it definitely helped open up the door for superhero media that came after it, yeah. I don't really remember much beyond the first season, which was great, though I remember thinking the end of season 1 was a little flat. Beyond that, all I remember is that at one point the girl who had Taskmaster's power did a 619. Also vaguely felt like they started really unceremoniously bumping characters off after a point, but maybe I'm missing something. Endless props for having Tim Sale involved.
  16. Nothing to contribute, but: great movie!
  17. I haven't used it personally, but from what I understand the Virtueverse Wiki is someplace players can put all their various character writings in a more expanded way than the game allows. Of course, here is fine too!
  18. Brute I made at the start of the week and is now my quickest level 50 because I've been having so much fun with them - Stuntmaster! Really happy with how this costume turned out, was aiming for a vaguely Silver Age-ish look and then just kind of hit on the idea. In amongst that I also wanted to try my hand at a Golden Age character, but realised I'm terrible at it and so just pretty much wholesale ripped off the Destroyer for a Scrapper character, the Deadly Devil - idea was that he's from a parallel Earth during WW2 and got zapped to present-day Paragon. Unsure if I like the Grin mask or the Bonehead one more and which colour combination to use. Going towards combining them and having Grin with the yellow.
  19. Yeah, I'm not saying otherwise on this point from two months ago - but next time, lead with that example!
  20. I think Batgirl in makeup is still a white alien
  21. Had this happen the last time I ran SBB. Ended up with Sylvia Rexson climbing all the way up into the rafters and the rest of us having to get up there with her.
  22. The only people I have on ignore are people who created character names with racial slurs, etc. in them and then spammed chat channels with other hugely creative slurs because you need some kind of hobby, I guess. I haven't seen anyone do it in a long time and I'm assuming the ones I had on ignore have long since been banned. Other than stuff like that, I don't put anyone on ignore. I will use notes to mark someone who's consistently been an ass, though.
  23. I can count on one hand the amount of 2010s anime that I've seen, but I'm really glad I watched Yamato 2199. The show is great, and looks awesome - love the updated designs. I have a model of one of the Cosmo Zeros sitting unmade, actually....I should do that during the lockdown!
  24. I would have sworn this is what CoX does for interiors right now. I always assumed that each interior (except for certain mission-specific unique ones) was just pulling from a library of rooms and placing/connecting them semi-randomly, with some vague guidelines about where certain rooms should go on the map - say, "the multi-floor room should always go at the end of caves". If that's not how it's been done then I applaud Cryptic, because they managed to perfectly replicate my own experience with procedurally-generated games before I ever actually had them! With me it always end up making things seem more samey because you end up being able to spot the various parts and patterns that have repeated. In terms of what I'd like to see, I think it would be really cool if they could pull in something like the arch-nemesis system from Champions Online. Design your greatest foe and have personal missions that pit you against them and their schemes (if you're hero) or trying to stop them derailing your schemes (if you're a villain). I'd like to see more personalised content in general. You can achieve that fairly well with AE as it stands, but I'd like something that's actually "real" in the game world.
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