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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. I agree. We had to cheat because we were running at 2x8 with three people. Not because of the attack type or aggro changes.
  2. I love them. They are a challenge to fight. No snark intended, sometimes you have to turn the difficultly down. See 4x8 Carnies for most of my characters.
  3. Yes, I made an SO only, cannot remember the AT at the moment. It was fine as the difficulty I would normal would have played with only SOs.
  4. American Angel has good advice. You can copy your character to the beta server: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/beta/ I would start with things you normally solo at your normal difficultly on live. Then try the same thing on beta.
  5. Yes, some mobs in some groups have been changed to use different attack types. Please, post what entire groups, or even 50% of a group that have been effected by this change. Specifics are the key if you want anything to change.
  6. I have read your post all the way through twice. Please, post specific examples of mobs that are wrecking you now. I have run defenders, corruptors, and controllers through multiple tests against 4x8 groups. I am *not* seeing a massive difference. Yes, everyone will be taking some more damage even if they are not relying on softcapped s/l. This thread is mostly people who have tested and found that the change not huge and people who have been theorizing that it will apocalyptic. If you have found a group that is wrecking you now. Please, please, please, post a description of who you were fighting, what level, and what AT you were using. Posting your build would be helpful. Adjustments have been made, because testing found that Lord Recluse got rather nasty. The toxic/psi defense buffs are a result of people testing specific groups and finding an issues with specific mobs that got a boost. Example, Toxic Tarantulas. If you want the devs to listen, test and post specifics.
  7. Yes, we did a three person 2x8 Posi. Didn't notice any issue due to the attack type or aggro changes. We did have to pop super insp for the last fight against the duplicates. But it was a 2x8 with three players.
  8. The test off between the double proc hold vs hold/confuse is closer than you would think, but double proc hold wins by a little bit. Obviously, single target double with double proc hold is much higher, but so is end usage, and misses. When fighting 4x8, I noticed the misses quite a bit and the reduced hold times. Misses can be mitigated by Acid Arrow, but ageless is a absolute requirement if you're going to proc the holds. Symphony/TA is end heavy already, procing attacks pushes it over the edge to required ageless. Non-proc'ed hold/confuse and live w/o ageless, but you do have to watch your end bar in long fights. tldr Two holds procs, but better damage, requires ageless. hold/confuse no procs, better control, doesn't require ageless.
  9. Working my way through the priority testing list: Symphony Control/Hymn of Dissonance: Fixed a particle bug that was ignoring color tinting. Color tinting appears to be working Symphony Control/Enfeebling Lullaby: Will no longer apply damage on targets that are asleep. Lullaby will not break sleep on a sleeping target. I would sleep with Poison Gas Arrow, then appled Lullaby. Also, Lullaby will not break Lullaby One caveat, if Chant has a knockdown proc, it will break sleep. This is working as designed. Symphony Control/Reverberant: Significantly lowered the delay between the player activating a Symphony power and Reverberant being able to repeat it. Casting speed does seem to be quicker
  10. Yes, I have always found the constant back and forth between melee and range and issue with almost all Dominator assult sets. Savage/Symphony with the teleport pool solves a lot of the those issue, but there is the pet problem. The pet is really important to the set and it is too fragile and aggressive. Dominator do not have the tools to keep it alive. Controllers do have the tools, hence why I think this is a best on a controller.
  11. Don't let Voltak hear you say TA is better Elec for support. 🙂 Trick Arrow works extra well with Symphony, even better than my Earth/TA controller, because TA buffs Symphony's good damage. On top of the stacking, and of course you can play completely at range. My Earth/TA is a control monster, but really lacks damage. Symphony/TA is a very good controller with great controller damage. Traps... sigh now I have test another alt. Because I always wanted to have a traps character. There is still the issue with it being too slow for the current player meta.
  12. Haha. It's a great debuff no argument, but I just don't have the slots. Also, I would have to give up a power, the crazy thought would be to swap out Ice Arrow for the confuse. Then I would have the slots.
  13. The synergy is amazing. Stacking -damage Stacking immobilizes Two AOE holds Stacking sleeps Only one hold. I didn't take ice arrow, no room or slots. I am happy with the damage w/o any procing. One downside, it's an end hog end with Cardiac.
  14. Symphony/Trick Arrow Controller is the strongest combo I had found so far. You can stack a lot of mezz, damage and tohit debuff, to keep the pet alive. And it does good damage with oil slick and Confounding Chant.
  15. I tried out Symphony/Storm. I found it to be a bit too chaotic as mobs were sliding out of edges of the cones. Symphony/Dark is a strong combo, not a quick killing combo, but safe and kills fast enough solo.
  16. Ok. It was a joke.
  17. Probably so few people would play that one of the devs could run it on their laptop for free. 🙂 Just a thought experiment, since some folks were complaining the game was too easy.
  18. Yes, Symphony has some damage and Storm has buckets of it. I will be trying that combo out today. At this point, I think Symphony is best as a controller set. Provides damage that controllers need, the soft nature of most of the controls does hurt as much because controllers can build good defense.
  19. Jousting is very useful, but hard with Super Stunners. Their rez AOE is large,25. Infiltration helps because is gives you speed and maneuverability. My Elec/Ice blaster is very good at drive by from Freezing Auras and Touches.
  20. Respecs suck. But it should be mostly the same powers and IO at least. Banes have those nice crunchy hits, Widows are a claw blender. Both need no-redraw. No-redraw on Banes will be such a game changer.
  21. Gentle nerco bump. It's Yin WST time again.
  22. My Bane is up next for the teleport overhaul. Fold Space works well with Spin and Eviscerate, because of max compaction of the mob spacing. Even when it does that weird staggered line formation. It use to take an act of god for me to hit five mobs with Eviscerate, after fold space my average hits is two plus. I will see a five hit once a mission or at least two or three four hits. Also, nothing makes Spin feel better than Fold Space->Spin and dropping three to four minions while hitting six plus mobs.
  23. I was bored with my Night Widow, flying was ok, ground based melee was frustrating. So, I thought how about the teleport pool. Wow. That worked out my better than expected. Solves the melee issue with combat teleport, just tele to the target of choice. Fold space makes Spin and Eviscerate must more effective due to hitting more targets. For the first time, I actual think Eviscerate is worth taking. Widows usually have high accuracy and recharge which make fold space up and more effective. And the defense to survive the alpha. If you're taking to many hits, then use the bind below to tele out of melee range. Smoke Grenade is for page 4 aggro changes. I tried placate after fold space, but it's just awkward. Attack chain group example: Build Up->Combat Teleport->Fold Space->Spin->Eviscerate->Electrifying fences->Ball Lightning Solo: Build Up->Combat Teleport->Slash->Fold Space->Spin->Eviscerate... etc Useful binds: /bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name "Teleport" // Will teleport you using your cursor as a guide /bind lshift+w powexec_location back:35 "Combat Teleport" //Nice back out of combat bind * A barrel of Rikti monkeys has been scientifically proven to be more fun than a normal barrel of monkeys. The build:
  24. I tend to be an 80%. I will min-max some aspects of my builds like durability. But I also build with lower level content in mind. If my builds cannot do well in a Posi 1 and a ITF, then I will lose interest.
  25. The MIDS character builder support VEATs builds which will help figure out what you want. There are lots of builds this forum as folks have pointed out.
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