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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. They have technically done weaknesses via Kheldians and their weakness to Quantum Guns the issue I think would be that you could have a polar opposite power set or a nemsis power so for Fire it would be Ice and vice versa where the nemesis set does slightly more damage so a low level ice blaster would have to worry about hellions while a fire blaster would have to watch Outcasts but the issue you get is that most villains don't have automatic across levels mobs outcasts don't land past 20 hellions are 1-10iish you do have groups like malt and council that have ice and fire bullets and flamethrowers and such but suddenly that group would need to be everywhere to provide the challenge
  2. Ohai new friend you bring the donuts?
  3. Archvillains always have a base line resistance to debuffs and controls shown by the little purple triangles that float around them. the powers still work mind you which is why rad is always so effective against them
  4. its a riveting book cant put it down *nod nod*
  5. Ohai new friend you bring the donuts?
  6. lets see Atlantis or Lemuria underwater adventures and the intro of a high speed swimming power for those Aquaman expys Moon Base nuff said more customization of minions for MMs Arch foes including a nemesis mechanic --not that nemesis-- but where your archfoe has plans you have to thwart and ambushes you on occasion so it really is a Nemesis plot you have to thwart Keep expanding power options new travel option including web or grapple line swinging and perhaps motorcycle or jet or super cars with customizable appearances to match the heroes themes make Super speed better by giving it a vertical option which means they can run on walls or on water
  7. well to be fair you would use such to break burning pieces away from the building in question to save the rest though I grant probably safer to use water in the long run
  8. yeah I remember that monster of a tf well and not so fondly my personal records were 1hour56 minute finish thanks to a team that just steamrolled the missions 24 hour finish thanks to a team that had to bail but shocked everyone by logging back in to finish around the same time next night one solo finish after team bailed or was dcd for various reasons
  9. Ohai new friend, you bring the donuts? 😸
  10. Ohai new friend you bring the donuts? =^_^=
  11. Welcome home new friend =^_^=
  12. Should be possible I remember my EEE Blaster sending a cog nearly over the war wall once
  13. Ninja Poison MM really shocked me as did Ninja Ninja Stalker the ninja seemed so squishy but it wasn't until I got the MM binds and learned to micro them into ffocused attacks that I found that they hit like trucks, when combined with poisons seriously nasty debuff ability I was able to steamroll my way through incarnate content. my ninja ninja stalker because my first ever 50 for a villain side on live. the intitial attacks seemed almost lackluster but the ability to restealth almost immediately meant I could basically one shot almost anything including bosses anything I didn't one shot was so badly damaged that a quick attack rotation would finish them off. Or if it didn't I could vanish and assassinate almost immediately to repeat the process as often as needed
  14. Oh yes the Radio Radio RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Free opportunity yeah coming at you live from the Rogue isles and beyond and now available on your phone! Were the station for all the dirt for the down and dirty and heres a Voiced over section of our greatest hits
  15. you now what? Ill admit I had a rough time initially with Controllers. I found them hard to work and level without a team and sincei played a bit more aggressively I preferred tanks or scraps orblasters the irony of this is that my first EVER 50 was my Bale Fire and her fire rad fire controller version on Champion. She dinged 50 during a carnie mission where her ability to lock down and debuff everyuthing including the illusionists and dark mistresses allowed the rest of the team to roflstomp the rest
  16. also confirmed on Striga the Children of the Night only come out in the Dark, and the wolves during the day though you can find some at night as well
  17. ny First ever was a Invuln SS tank Adam Black on Freedom. Played him all the way to 8 am the next morning without even realizing the sun was coming up.
  18. might as well go with a classic Every rose has its thorn - Poison
  19. Jigsaw - Sky High while were bending back into some classics
  20. In the spirit of the season stay safe Police stop my car ` Bob Rivers
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