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An ongoing issue with a mission against the Lost, given by Sanjay Chandra and others, where he describes a warehouse controlled by "Unlucky Pete" where homeless people go in and come out looking stronger; he asks you to defeat Unlucky Pete and his crew. The mission text in your nav bar will usually describe the mission as "Defeat X and his crew", where 'X' is a different name, although it can show 'Unlucky Pete' as the boss to defeat -- the mission I just completed was "Defeat Faizon and his crew". The actual boss in the mission may or may not be Unlucky Pete -- if the mission text in the nav bar says 'Unlucky Pete', it will be him or another named boss; if it gives a different name, it will be Unlucky Pete or the boss named in the mission text. Now, with the progression of Lost through the 'system', I can understand there being turnover and a new boss being in charge of the warehouse, so the information the contacts have may be out of date, but I'd hope they have reasonably current information -- or at least consistent information, even if out of date.


The pop-up text for Mote of Fury and Mote of Jealousy both use "a" when they should use "an":

Mote of Fury: The mysterious halo cube glows with a offensive orange hue.

Mote of Jealousy: The mysterious halo cube glows with a upsetting indigo hue.


Also the Exploration badge "Hidden In The Fog" should be "Hidden in the Fog"


And the GM "Minotaur In The Fog" should be either "Minotaur in the Fog" or possible even "Minotaur-in-the-Fog" but I'm not sure if that applies to entities or only place names.




At the end of Anton Sampson's first mission, you get the following message in your chat window:


 After calling your contact, you receive instructions to talk to Phillipa Meraux, the counter-terrorism specialist.


This is impossible at this stage of your relationship with Anton Sampson, because you do not have his cell phone number at that point. If the mission text had some reference to a way to message Sampson with what you discovered, it would address the issue, but as it is you're told that you do something you can't have done. This has been a standing problem all the way back to the early days of Live, and the original devs apparently thought it was a sufficiently minor issue not to be worth fixing.


Night Widow Ragana's text "With every succesful task you are proving yourself more worthy of your title, and of my appreciation." should be spelled "successful" with 2 s's

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Posted (edited)

Invincibility description says "up to 10 foes can contribute to you Defense and ToHit Bonus." I'm pretty sure it was supposed to say your Defense and ToHit Bonus.


Shortly afterwards I saw Wild Fortress say "You encase yourself and in a protective barrier" where there's no subject referred to after the and. I'm not sure if the and was supposed to be there or if the second subject in that sentence was forgotten about or clipped out by accident.


Edited by Tag365
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An event message for the new Labyrinth of Fog shows up in chat as


Visage of a giant monster has emerged within the Labyrinth of Fog.

To be more grammatically correct, it should be "The visage of a giant monster...


On my Controller, I have the power "Tornado" which is a Storm Summoning power.  The description (when you right-click *and* when you select "Info") both say "PBAoE."  But it's actually a "Targeted AoE."  I just wanted to respectfully point out that the description might need updating.

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

Posted (edited)

Guilt-Stricken Trail of Blood - Give 'The Slicer' a... fair... trial.

The diary is slightly indecisive to whether 'The Slicer' is "Neville Hank", or "Hank Neville".

However, in every other location than the diary, the game calls him "Neville Hanks", which means it should read "Neville Hanks' diary".


The object also has the description that it is a computer.







Merlin's Magical Minute - Edit the children's show!

Defeating the Security Chief brings up the Objective information that you have found the passocode for the video-editing machines. The clue correctly calls it a passcode.


There is also a missing space from the "audio editing" dialogue, for consistency's sake (between ":" and "[")





Doctor's Orders - Take out Dr. Jonas Hanziger!

Oh boy, so much inconsistency here.

He's accidentally called Dr. Hanzinger (once) in the mission intro, again in the accept text...

Dr. Henziger in the mission sendoff text, and in the entry pop-up...








Personal style gripe here: I would say it should either be "... only the Chief Neurosurgeon, Rodriguez, has the authority..." or "...only Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez has the authority...".



And even the boss and the objective get confused. The Boss mob is called "Dr. Jonas Henziger", while the mission objective asks you to "Locate Dr. Hanzinger and defeat him"


Oh, great, now I'm doing it too. (Also, missing comma after justice?)




And the completion text:


And the exit pop-up is back to Hanziger.


Edited by Molubdos
Headed each mission with bold text in the format (Tip name - mission name)
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Didn't see this on a quick search, so posting it.

 In the A Flashy Thief mission from Bobby Curtin, Arc Flash says "If it could have traded my own soul for it,". This should probably be "If I could have traded my own soul for it," instead.




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Posted (edited)

Not sure if this is the right post for it, but this Lifter boss in Mission 3(?) of Alec Parson's Loyalist arc in Praetoria is missing its Description. The one guarding the escort objective.


EDIT: Same with this one in the follow-on mission. I'm guessing there's supposed to be custom text for Metronome in here.


Edited by twozerofoxtrot
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2 hours ago, gameboy1234 said:

" With his plans to build a SuperFreak behind him, Doc Buzzsaw decided to start ..."


I always assumed that Doc. B was female.


It's from the "Steal Parts For Doc Buzzsaw" mission, after the "Die By the Freak" arc.  (This one I'm on a ship stealing parts from The Council.)



Doc Buzzsaw in Sharkhead has a typo. Doc is female, so the pronouns are wrong. The mission is quoted above, the one right after it is "Heavy Metal Doctoring."  Oh, and I think the mission text was under Clues.  Yeah actually it's still there:


Heavy Metal Doctoring

 With his plans to build a SuperFreak behind him, Doc Buzzsaw decided to start building regular Tank Freaks locally, instead of bringing them over from Paragon City as the Freakshow had been doing. In order to build his first batch to prove it could be done, he needed certain supplies, which is where you came in. Doc Buzzsaw asked you to steal medical supplies from the Family for him, so he could begin.

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The unearned badge text for Arachnos Agent is displaying its acquired text instead of its unlock criteria.

It should say something like "Spend time logged off in an Arachnos Base." instead of "Your work with the forces of Arachnos has earned you the Arachnos Agent Day Job.  ...".

I think this became an issue when the alignment-specific text of this badge was addressed.

Speaking of which... it might be nice if the day job unlock criteria also stated something about the required alignment, like "Spend time logged off in an Arachnos Base (Villain or Rogue).".


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As a Rogue taking Mender Silos' mission _Aid the "Mendacious Man"_, Manticore has some weird dialog where he says a PC or NPC name then "to I don't have time for this".

[NPC] Manticore: Goll Aesir to I don't have time for this.
[NPC] Manticore: Longbow Flamethrower to I don't have time for this.

It seems the "to" is unnecessary.




not exactly a typo, but imagine my surprise when i read that i now had access to military epaulets from the tailor, from the task force commander accolade, after visiting null the gull for a quick switch... (i switched from rogue to vigilante, btw, so viewed from vigilante)




i am sure it has been reported before, since it has been 5 years... but a cursory search for epaulets did not yield much. 🙂

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours" the Cheshire Cat

"Ce n'est rien de mourir; c'est affreux de ne pas vivre"

(It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean

"وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب”

(Home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease.) Naguib Mahfouz


in the LFG Queue, under Story Arcs, the blueside "Who Will Die?" arc from Theoden (part 1/7) says that the level range is from 10-120, it should be 10-20.


Not entirely sure if this belongs here or elsewhere but found that the name for the Board Transit mission that starts Dr. Stribbling's Arc is not correct at the Tram when you click to enter it.

It lists Jamison Office Park but it is a Laboratory Map not an outdoor map, but it does connect correctly to the mission, just named wrong.



" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X


In the mission "Bust Countess Crey & her guards" from Janet Kellum, one of the Crey Gamma Tanks says


"[NPC] Crey Gamma Tank: I know. And nothing ever seems to phase her."


That should be "faze", not 'phase'. 'Faze' is a verb meaning to disturb or disconcert; 'phase' is either a noun describing a part of a process, or a verb indicating carrying out something in stages.

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These are all NPC descriptions in the new Ashling Corlette story arc, the last mission.





"...her effect on those in her protection *are* considerable." should be "effect...is" or "effects...are"





I especially appreciate the oxford comma in this description, however...

"Cauldron is now joined with Hero Corps..." might I suggest, "Cauldron *has* now joined with Hero Corps..." as being a bit smoother





So here he's "The Ascendant" in his name, but in the bio it refers to him as "Ascendant" so one or the other.


Thanks for the hard work, I'm *flat* out excited to see the next patch!

Nemesis Conspiracy Theorist


"As often as it is said that not everything is a Nemesis plot is the most convincing evidence that everything is a Nemesis plot." 

  • 2 weeks later

After completing Gordon Stacy's arc 'Revenant Hero Project' he tells you in the conclusion that 'The families of many of the missing Heroes that Crey kidnapped want to thank you for brining closure to their loss. You did a great thing today, [hero name].' Should be bringing.

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Making an AE arc? Want a quick reference sheet to color coordinate your custom enemies' costumes and powers? Check out my AE Powerset Color Cheat Sheet! [Last updated: December 2024]

Posted (edited)

In Vincent Ross' Story Arc, Lorenz Ansaldo has an incorrectly formatted line break tag in his dialogue when talking to him before the first mission.



Likewise, Vince Dubrowski has an errant apostrophe after "don't" after agreeing to work together.




Edited by Molubdos
Another one in Vince's text.
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19 hours ago, VeiledOwl said:

'The families of many of the missing Heroes that Crey kidnapped want to thank you for brining closure to their loss. You did a great thing today, [hero name].'

Well, it's completely understandable that they should be salty about what happened.

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