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Can we lift the name restrictions already?


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Since NCsoft or cryptic arent running this mug, can we lift the restrictions? There is no reason for us to not be able to have more than one hero with the same name. Far too many generic names like "whiplash", "thirteen", "toxin", (which i proudly own lol on my server), etc etc etc are taken. Even lame ass champions online has no restriction on names being the same.

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The name system used for City of Heroes can at best be termed ... archaic.  It requires that each character be given a unique name on that server.  This was pretty much the industry standard in 2004 for MMOs.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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Yeah, @Arcanaville and I had many discussions over the merits and drawbacks of both game's (CoH and CO) naming conventions.


However no change was possible at that point. From my understanding, changing it to the Champions model would require quite a bit of work to accomplish.

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Aye, it's not something easy to change, it MIGHT be possible for them to allow duplicate names, but without an overhaul that would still be a problem.


If I /friend "Toxin", I am friends with EVERY Toxin, I don't know which Toxin it is when I see them online. I /t Toxin about something we were talking about two days ago, is it the same Toxin? What if multiple of you are online at the same time, does /t Toxin go to all of you? Etc.


Yes, the Global Name system was implemented, where we can friend people and communicate via their account, not their character, but that doesn't alleviate the problems above since they never revamped the system to be "Toxin@nhisso", internally. Now, could we change that? Maybe, but the code for this game is ... a mess at the best of times, and something like this would probably have a lot of things that could go wrong with a change.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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Dont think that's possible.


as in city of heroes you're actually named what you select for your character's name.


eg: "Burgerman"


in CO your name works kinda like an email, with @ your global handle


eg: Burgerman@ihatemyjob

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Since NCsoft or cryptic arent running this mug, can we lift the restrictions? There is no reason for us to not be able to have more than one hero with the same name. Far too many generic names like "whiplash", "thirteen", "toxin", (which i proudly own lol on my server), etc etc etc are taken. Even lame ass champions online has no restriction on names being the same.


You're going to have to wait for one of the spiritual successors.  IIRC, they all will follow the Champions Online model.

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I have no issue with people getting whatever name they like.

However, from what I know about coding and the information we have at hand, it seems like they use the CharacterName as a primary key in pretty much all of the base game.

Changing deep things like that can be really risky, even when you know how it's built - trying to comeback and change that behind others in a codebase like this, years later, yeah, that does not sound like fun.


Digging in the code to figure out how to do it is the first step.

That will have to be a passion project just like all the rest of the changes people would like.

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I'd LOVE to see them implement a non-unique name system like Champions has. That said - I'm not sure how possible it is with the CoH code. It might be possible with SEGS where they are building things from the ground up, and the various successors, as far as I am aware, are going with non-unique character names as well.

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I like the name system. Makes me feel unique knowing I'm the one and only so-and-so.


Before City of Heroes went free-to-play, I would have agreed with you.  The problem now is that everyone and their mother can create an account, potentially fill it up with 1,000 characters, take a lot of valuable names, and then disappear.


I've already come across four different triple-boxers.  People running three accounts simultaneously.  That's the potential for three thousand names.


Given enough time, it's going to get to the point where the only available character names are B0b12x34.

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I like the name system. Makes me feel unique knowing I'm the one and only so-and-so.


Before City of Heroes went free-to-play, I would have agreed with you.  The problem now is that everyone and their mother can create an account, potentially fill it up with 1,000 characters, take a lot of valuable names, and then disappear.


I've already come across four different triple-boxers.  People running three accounts simultaneously.  That's the potential for three thousand names.


Given enough time, it's going to get to the point where the only available character names are B0b12x34.


Near the end, didn't they implement something that would free names up on accounts that hadn't been used in X amount of time?  Perhaps a "character hasn't been used in X amount of time and the name becomes free again" type scenario? 

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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I like the name system. Makes me feel unique knowing I'm the one and only so-and-so.


Before City of Heroes went free-to-play, I would have agreed with you.  The problem now is that everyone and their mother can create an account, potentially fill it up with 1,000 characters, take a lot of valuable names, and then disappear.


I've already come across four different triple-boxers.  People running three accounts simultaneously.  That's the potential for three thousand names.


Given enough time, it's going to get to the point where the only available character names are B0b12x34.


Near the end, didn't they implement something that would free names up on accounts that hadn't been used in X amount of time?  Perhaps a "character hasn't been used in X amount of time and the name becomes free again" type scenario?


I remember them doing so.  A time limit would be good.  I think 1000 character slots is way too generous too.

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I don't know.


If after two weeks of having the game around gives you problems to find a suitable name, then:

1.) You looked for the most generic ones.

2.) You tried to be a knockoff of a existing character from different brands and universes. Yes, I saw Gambit, Wonder Woman and a few others already.

3.) You didn't try hard enough.


We had to deal with that for years, so when you already got problem with a name now, with the playing field being reset, then I am sorry.


Tough luck. :\

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I like the name system. Makes me feel unique knowing I'm the one and only so-and-so.


Before City of Heroes went free-to-play, I would have agreed with you.  The problem now is that everyone and their mother can create an account, potentially fill it up with 1,000 characters, take a lot of valuable names, and then disappear.


I've already come across four different triple-boxers.  People running three accounts simultaneously.  That's the potential for three thousand names.


Given enough time, it's going to get to the point where the only available character names are B0b12x34.

On the flip side, there's no way of knowing what's going on in a person's life that prohibits them from logging in.


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And remember, some players had access to the servers 1 year after NCSoft ganked the game. So a LOT of the really good superhero names are taken.


So we get stuck with names like this:



Ummmm.... NO. The Homecoming server and its shards have NOTHING to do with the previous "private" server that was run. No names from that private server were "reserved" or taken on the Homecoming servers.

I'm out.
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