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Mordernize Buffs


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City of Homogenization 


Sure, why not.  Make every set the same, don't forget you are gonna have to remove the shields in the epics, double buffs kinda OP.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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5 hours ago, Monos King said:

long recharge for the group self affecting buffs

Again..Time, and in particular..Farsight..say hello. Long rech? Lol. Its perma 2 levels after you get the power!

5 hours ago, Monos King said:

A controller sitting around with maxed out resistance and eternal AoE holds.

Maxed out? Maybe you are talking to the people who want FULL self buffing ally shields, but I did shall small amounts. Even best Case, sonic fender..with dispersion, epic shield, tough and the 2 +res IOs..you still only cap smash/lethal. Everything else is gonna be under. And wtf does having external holds have to do with self buffing shields?


5 hours ago, Monos King said:

People that want self protection and damage aren't rolling support ATs.

Unless, you know..they go roll a /Time corr. Or a sonic. Or traps. Or cold. Cause all those sets HAVE protection and damage.



I also find it rather hilarious you talked about power creep above..and yet your MM Buffing thread goes and claims that the entire MM AT should get those super powerful ATOs folded into the inherent, just because you call using 4-6 slots on awesome buffs...a Tax. You didnt just ask for the ATos to be changed, or the sets altered to make slotting easier..you just flat out WANT extra resist/def (funny..which is what ally buffs doing self effects would be) for nothing. Yeah, you are so right, not power creep at all.



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5 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

I also find it rather hilarious you talked about power creep above..and yet your MM Buffing thread goes and claims that the entire MM AT should get those super powerful ATOs folded into the inherent, just because you call using 4-6 slots on awesome buffs...a Tax. You didnt just ask for the ATos to be changed, or the sets altered to make slotting easier..you just flat out WANT extra resist/def (funny..which is what ally buffs doing self effects would be) for nothing. Yeah, you are so right, not power creep at all.

I considered that you might mention my mastermind threads, but I dismissed the notion. I dismissed the notion because I thought that after all the messages I and others had spent attempting to explain to you why those changes were something that could be considered necessary you would not be so negligent as to compare the two. You are still apparently extremely mistaken as to the nature of the ATOs, and I invite anyone reading this thread to take a look for yourselves at my thread for the specified differences (there's some really cool suggestions on there, including some new IOs that might be of interest. You can find that thread here. )


Razor if you don't understand the difference between what I am against here now and what I am a high proponent of for masterminds, we have no business talking to each other. I really wanted you to understand, but it seems you don't have the game experiences to do so. That's ok, but a good deal of posts were spent trying to make you understand. If you just don't get what all of us are talking about, I wouldn't advise using your perspective as a reference in the matter. 


I don't understand why you keep citing Time as if I and other people didn't literally just address it. Two of us even called it an outlier for different reasons. You just pulled out my words a sentence after I explained why there was a difference. Why would you do that? I'm a little confused.


5 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

Unless, you know..they go roll a /Time corr. Or a sonic. Or traps. Or cold. Cause all those sets HAVE protection and damage.

If that's the case then these changes aren't necessary then are they? You just said they already have a measure of protection, and again, they aren't scrappers or sentinels or VEATS. They shouldn't get high protection as a result of the AT design philosophies. I also don't think you addressed a single thing I said in regards to why I don't think this change is necessary (like how self buffing as persuasion to do your job as support in a group is ridiculous) aside from suggesting that the fact that CC exists isn't relevant to a discussion about extra protection for support classes. 


5 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

And wtf does having external holds have to do with self buffing shields?

That's what it has to do with self buffing shields, by the way. I'm slightly disgruntled you had to ask that.


I'm extremely opposed to this idea because I think this means of thinking will set harmful precedents and hurt distinctions of classes and thus eventually further complaints about things like balance and ease of the game. And seriously, if you even mention the MM thing again outside of it's thread, I won't be able to take you seriously anymore. I thought I was being polite at least in trying to explain my reasoning for that single suggestion, and even invited you to look at some of the others if that wasn't something you could vibe with. All I asked was that you listen to us and understand why 98% of people (including me who is EXTREMELY ANTI POWER CREEP to the extent even Galaxy Brains suggestion to give protector bots splash buffs made me uncertain) were all in favor of a change of that nature. I suppose I will also highlight that, being a tax, every MM already gets the IOs so the only buff would be indirect through better slotting, whereas this would be an outright increase to survivability. Amongst a mountain of blatant differences.


 If your next reply involves the MM thread and isn't on the MM thread, I won't reply. That isn't what we're discussing. I'm not obdurate; if you have an actual argument or communicate with me I can change my mind. So show me how this suggestion doesn't do what I said it will do, and how it's fixing a problem that exists, who cares about whatever misconceptions you have about my previous posts. Just as I did for you, try to show me why it's necessary. If anything, me supposedly being hypocritical should be a window for you to show me persuasively how our interests actually align.

Edited by Monos King
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I'm not opposed to the idea, and I feel it's something that should be vigorously tested first. While I don't believe it would make those particular characters "OP", these things can have a knock-on effect.



Oh? You like City of Heroes?

Name every player character.

I'll be waiting in my PMs.

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Time, Nature, and Kin are the new standard for buffs. Nerfing them would be absolutely stupid. Not everything needs to be nerfed to make it like FF.


Given, I'm unimpressed enough with my treatment at the hands of some in the community I'm unlikely to be back soon, but if I ever return and see that they ruined the actually GOOD sets to please whiners, I will immediately uninstall, and dont think I'm the only one who would.

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