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Name Assistance Brigade (The N.A.B.bers)

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Go hardcore!
Knieval's Stuntman!


Daredevil's Stuntman

(After all, he takes on the stuff too scary for those guys!)

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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I used a few approaches already listed here, but one of my favourites is to use a loanword (a word or phrase from another language that has been adopted into your own, and become part of the vocabulary), as they tend to be overlooked a lot of the time.




Deja Vu



If you can find a multi-word adjective and use it as a noun, then ever better. I recently picked up 'Tour de Force', and was so happy it wasn't taken. Describes my WP/SS Tanker perfectly!

Edited by Chequers
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On 8/11/2020 at 9:17 AM, Isenraven said:

I've been having difficulty coming up with a name for a concept I have - DP/Device blaster. I want something to reflect his back story about being a stuntman / extreme sports enthusiast. Obviously cannot use Daredevil, which is exactly what he is. Mr. Adrenaline sounded a little meh to me. It's been eluding me for awhile. Anyone help out there?

Dual Pistols with extreme sports and no one has suggested Double Dare?  If that's taken, you could always tweak it Double Dareya, Double Dog Dare(ya), etc.

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For a time, I would level a character of to 50+3, t-4, and then start again. While in the hive, a friend who led the raid would explain his very minor annoyance in having no idea this new tank in the hive had tanked Hami repeatedly before, but he hadn't bothered to check the global. 

So, I opted to start making some of my characters more recognizable: 

Ukase Fire
Ukase Max
Ukase Frost


etc, you get the idea. Ukase is an old Russian term, an edict from the government or a king. I stole it from Doctor Doom in the Secret Wars series. (Doom to Ultron 5 "Ukase Rex!")

An alt account does the same thing, name stolen from a race horse an old girlfriend owns. 

Apache Fog
Apache Mist

Apache Fire


I'll still look for names that are a bit silly - like Zombo, my ill/rad controller, or Patmos Pete, a dual blade/invuln scrapper. In my head, I see a civilian exclaiming, "Look, it's (hero name here)!"

And if the name I come up with doesn't sound right, I don't use it. It's annoying that we can't use "The" as part of a character's name, but it is what it is. 


So, if you're global is fairly unique, you can simply add a word to take some of the burden off the naming difficulty. 

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  • 2 weeks later
14 hours ago, Abstergo said:

Hi, I hope im posting the correct way


I want to save/guard the name "Praetor Weaver" for the RP server Everlasting. 

Its the name I had on Virtue back when the game was live ❤️

You know, Praetor is also sometimes spelled Pretor in English. "Pretor Weaver" is available on (at least) Torchbearer.

Just a thought.

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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1 minute ago, DoctorDitko said:

You know, Praetor is also sometimes spelled Pretor in English. "Pretor Weaver" is available on (at least) Torchbearer.

Just a thought.

I know, I know..its just that, I was very attached to the name and character on Virtue..Heck It was with him that I managed to be the first to spot the Hamidon tentacles and screenshot it on the forums 😞

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Yeah, that's the downside of the clean break Homecoming made with the pirated rescued resurrected forensically preserved codebase from Live.

I can see how there could be considerable liability with using the old database, but it is something of a shame.


Condolences, and if no one else has said it -- or even if they have -- welcome home!


Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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  • 1 month later

*digs down to page 4 and dusts off the topic*


Your mission, Jim*, should you choose to accept it, is to name my latest project.  The subject is a female /Nature controller (still deciding on Illusion or Dark as the primary), most likely of magic origin, who will probably start in Praetoria.  Background is unknown.  Motives are unknown.  Methods of operation are unknown.  All I can say at this time is that the subject is a loose port of the one Skyrim vampire that I've managed to play past level 30 (if I bail on a Skyrim character, it's usually in the early 20s).  Said character is a do-gooder by default, but is quite capable of casual evil (especially in the pursuit of Daedric artifacts).


The costume is still a work-in-progress, but will mostly be dark red and black, possibly with silver highlights thrown in.  Power customization is also WIP, and will feature the same dark red as the costume.  Instead of black, however, the counter color will be the darkest one in that weird band that's not quite green and not quite yellow.  Imagine, if you will, a miasmatic field of undergrowth pocked with sinister red flowers; that's the effect I want with the secondary.  Also, the character will have a red firefly combat aura, because, you know, why not?


Wish I had more to go on, but this is a rare situation where I'm working "backwards" from powers and general look towards a character.  Anyway, the spookier the name, the better.  Botanical names are certainly welcome.  Real names, whether of actual people or mythological figures, would be most welcome as well.  I'm envisioning the character as vaguely Asian in some way, if that helps, but that's not at all a limiting factor (my first two choices were Alecto and Tisiphone - both taken).


As always, if you are caught in the process of naming, I will disavow any knowledge of my own existence.  This post will self-destruct in ten seconds.


*or, you know, whoever, it's not like I even know who Jim is anyway.

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21 minutes ago, TheOtherTed said:

The subject is a female /Nature controller (still deciding on Illusion or Dark as the primary), most likely of magic origin, who will probably start in Praetoria.  


The costume is still a work-in-progress, but will mostly be dark red and black, possibly with silver highlights thrown in.  Power customization is also WIP, and will feature the same dark red as the costume.  Instead of black, however, the counter color will be the darkest one in that weird band that's not quite green and not quite yellow.  Imagine, if you will, a miasmatic field of undergrowth pocked with sinister red flowers; that's the effect I want with the secondary.  Also, the character will have a red firefly combat aura, because, you know, why not?


 Real names, whether of actual people or mythological figures, would be most welcome as well.  I'm envisioning the character as vaguely Asian in some way, if that helps, but that's not at all a limiting factor (my first two choices were Alecto and Tisiphone - both taken).


Well, it's not Asian, but since your female character is a nature controller, and red plays dominantly in the design, might I suggest combining "Ceres", Roman goddess of agriculture (or "food plants" as the internet put it), with "cerise", classified as a type of red.  So "Cerise Ceres" or "Ceres Cerise".    One downside of this: cerise has a tinge of purple in it, leaning towards a bit of a wine red in its dark forms.  

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@FoulVileTerror, Makaria (and Macaria) are taken.  Getting a name from Greek mythology is tough on a good day.  I've only ever been able to grab one such name, and let's just say I wasn't happy with it.


@Techwright, I like the direction you're going in, but I'm personally not a fan of double, self-descriptive names.  Too hero-y for my tastes.  That said, a single, relatively uncomon color word (like Cerise) could do the job.  Now I gotta find out the "official" color of those red berries that grew in the shrubs around my childhood home, that us kids "knew" were poisonous just by looking at them...

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19 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:

*digs down to page 4 and dusts off the topic*


Your mission, Jim*, should you choose to accept it, is to name my latest project.  The subject is a female /Nature controller (still deciding on Illusion or Dark as the primary), most likely of magic origin, who will probably start in Praetoria.  Background is unknown.  Motives are unknown.  Methods of operation are unknown.  All I can say at this time is that the subject is a loose port of the one Skyrim vampire that I've managed to play past level 30 (if I bail on a Skyrim character, it's usually in the early 20s).  Said character is a do-gooder by default, but is quite capable of casual evil (especially in the pursuit of Daedric artifacts).


The costume is still a work-in-progress, but will mostly be dark red and black, possibly with silver highlights thrown in.  Power customization is also WIP, and will feature the same dark red as the costume.  Instead of black, however, the counter color will be the darkest one in that weird band that's not quite green and not quite yellow.  Imagine, if you will, a miasmatic field of undergrowth pocked with sinister red flowers; that's the effect I want with the secondary.  Also, the character will have a red firefly combat aura, because, you know, why not?


Wish I had more to go on, but this is a rare situation where I'm working "backwards" from powers and general look towards a character.  Anyway, the spookier the name, the better.  Botanical names are certainly welcome.  Real names, whether of actual people or mythological figures, would be most welcome as well.  I'm envisioning the character as vaguely Asian in some way, if that helps, but that's not at all a limiting factor (my first two choices were Alecto and Tisiphone - both taken).


As always, if you are caught in the process of naming, I will disavow any knowledge of my own existence.  This post will self-destruct in ten seconds.


*or, you know, whoever, it's not like I even know who Jim is anyway.

You don't mention which shard you play on.  but I have "Malfiore" aka Flower of Evil reserved on Excelsior.  Since it looks like  I'll never get around to building her,  I'll gladly throw the name your way.

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15 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:


@Techwright, I like the direction you're going in, but I'm personally not a fan of double, self-descriptive names.  Too hero-y for my tastes.  That said, a single, relatively uncomon color word (like Cerise) could do the job.  Now I gotta find out the "official" color of those red berries that grew in the shrubs around my childhood home, that us kids "knew" were poisonous just by looking at them...

So I take it your character's friends and enemies won't have first and last names beginning with "L"?  :classic_rolleyes:


I've got ornamental red berries growing on several nandina (aka "heavenly bamboo") outside my front door, and they're quite poisonous.  Don't suppose you're referencing that plant? 

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8 hours ago, Techwright said:

So I take it your character's friends and enemies won't have first and last names beginning with "L"?  

They might - but my character won't.  🙃

8 hours ago, Techwright said:

I've got ornamental red berries growing on several nandina (aka "heavenly bamboo") outside my front door, and they're quite poisonous.  Don't suppose you're referencing that plant?

Nope, turns out the "bushes" I was thinking of were actually trimmed yew trees.  That said, Nandina is a really good call.  Just grabbed it (and some variations thereof) and will let it stew in my brain for a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later

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