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Old school playing is getting rare


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On live, I got a tell once, when I was playing my Dark/Dark Defender, asking if I was a healer.

My response was, "I have a heal".

I even had the best Rez in the game.

They never invited me to their team.


That was, of course, before the Repeat Offenders were a well known group that would show up most everyone else not a Defender AT.

Not that I was a part of the Repeat Offenders.


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2 minutes ago, Twisted Toon said:

On live, I got a tell once, when I was playing my Dark/Dark Defender, asking if I was a healer.

My response was, "I have a heal".

I even had the best Rez in the game.

They never invited me to their team.

Heh. Granted, I cringe when I hear a team saying they need "a healer." But anyway...


It did remind me of ... early (I3-I4) live. I was on my Ice/Emp 'troller, in the hollows. Responded to a "LFM" - given it was the hollows, it was probably a team about to take on Frostfire. Only two other people on the team at that point. I got to listen to the other person complain to the leader for a while that Controllers didn't have Empathy. Despite me standing right there, and the fact that right click - get info was a thing then...

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15 hours ago, jubakumbi said:

These (same) bossy voices have tried to dictate everything from costume to power choices in this game the whole time.

It's not a 'bad day', it's a group of people that simply cannot abide other players doing things their way.

I've never experienced this by more than a small handful of players over my entire time on Live or Homecoming and I've been around since at least Issue 1 (couldn't tell you if I was here before then, honestly). Even my time spent in the CoV closed beta, where you'd expect a bunch of people saying you're doing things wrong by virtue of them wanting analytical players to test things, didn't really occur. During my stint as a PvPer on Champion, the so-called "buttholes of the gaming community" weren't especially demanding with builds as long as your choice made sense for the team or strategy you were using.


I still make whatever characters I want with whatever powers I want and when players ask for general advice I tell them the same: pick what you want if it sounds fun or useful. If they want something more tailored to their other choices, then I can get more detailed but my first answer is always "what sounds fun or fits your concept". Almost no one ever argues with that answer in the Help channel, and the one who does isn't on all the time and most people don't listen to him anyway because he's particularly abrasive and dismissive of anything he perceives as sub-optimal. That's still only one person out of hundreds.


What it looks like to me is maybe you've got a bit of a confirmation bias and are giving more attention to a minority because you already believe that all of us are a bunch of "bossy busy-bodies", to use your terminology.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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3 hours ago, Twisted Toon said:

On live, I got a tell once, when I was playing my Dark/Dark Defender, asking if I was a healer.

My response was, "I have a heal".

I even had the best Rez in the game.

They never invited me to their team.


That was, of course, before the Repeat Offenders were a well known group that would show up most everyone else not a Defender AT.

Not that I was a part of the Repeat Offenders.


I only ever really experienced this in two places: early in the game's life where the concept of the "Holy Trinity" was expected, and during early levels where newer players thought the "Holy Trinity" was expected. As the game aged and its players got higher level, that mentality started to wither. It never completely went away, of course, but it dropped off dramatically.


That said, "healers" are your best friends in PvP.

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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23 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Frankly its really reaching a point in game even on bloody everlasting were folks just lack any sense of civility or social build ability. Puggle TFs are growing ever less fun as each seems to be at best 50% decent folks worth being around, and 50% the kind of trash that should stay on solo games because all they do is things that ruin the fun for the people who actually want everyone to have an equally good time.

So you're including yourself in those "trash people" too or is it just the rest of us are the deplorables because we don't build or play how you like?  and omg lol wtf is "social build ability'? Dude seriously, get off the high horse.  You're not better than anyone or more pius for taking a pool power to port lazy people.  People build and play their character they way they want because that's what they want to have fun not you.  They don't need some holier than thou doofus telling them to pick pools they don't want for a good "sociable" build.  picking recall friend doesn't make you sociable.  Treating others the way you want to be treated is being sociable.  You do you and let others do them and be nice to each other.  That's sociable.

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39 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

So you're including yourself in those "trash people" too or is it just the rest of us are the deplorables because we don't build or play how you like?  and omg lol wtf is "social build ability'? Dude seriously, get off the high horse.  You're not better than anyone or more pius for taking a pool power to port lazy people.  People build and play their character they way they want because that's what they want to have fun not you.  They don't need some holier than thou doofus telling them to pick pools they don't want for a good "sociable" build.  picking recall friend doesn't make you sociable.  Treating others the way you want to be treated is being sociable.  You do you and let others do them and be nice to each other.  That's sociable.

Maybe you are unaware, but back on live after the ability to have several builds on a character, while it was done for pvp builds to be able to be done on pve characters without having to give up pve optimization, the main use for it ended up being players having a solo build, and a team build.


But thank you for the needless insults because nothing in my post is telling others what they have to do, just what I value in team mates, and what I do not. For example a guy who can solo the end av and all its mobs, and ghosts to do that while ignoring the team is to me and the people I tend to play with, a bad player who is a selfish glory hound and ruining the game for the rest of us and should just be playing solo.


The thing is though, those glory hounds need to be on teams to feed their ego, so they intrude and ruin the game for the rest of us because they cant stay in their own game space.


I am not going to tell anyone how they have to play in my teams, but if how you play negatively impacts my play, dont expect to stay on my team till the end of the TF. I mean really is this any different then for example the endless KB vs KD debate and how people who use KB can ruin others fun by doing things like scattering mobs and lessening the effect of drain powers  others use etc?


Now yes I love it the most when all can self stealth. But the stealth pool isnt actually all that popular, many hate anything that obscures their toon and never take it. Same with super speed. Many actually hate its level of speed while being on the ground. And for those that do like the speed, the new alt super speed in experimentation is growing in popularity because it has a built in way to deal with vertical obstacles. In fact about all I ever see from speed anymore on folks at all often is hasten. So folks with full stealth are actually not all that common in the pug scene.


And when you pug, you build to be able to help others if your wise, as then you can lift them up rather then have to see them as dead weight or hear them complain about the games balance, mob type or some other such nonsense.

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2 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

But thank you for the needless insults because nothing in my post is telling others what they have to do, just what I value in team mates, and what I do not. For example a guy who can solo the end av and all its mobs, and ghosts to do that while ignoring the team is to me and the people I tend to play with, a bad player who is a selfish glory hound and ruining the game for the rest of us and should just be playing solo.

So he doesn't tell anyone what they have to do while continuing to spew insults at those that don't play his way.


2 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

The thing is though, those glory hounds need to be on teams to feed their ego, so they intrude and ruin the game for the rest of us because they cant stay in their own game space.

More insults. His projection is set for IMAX.


4 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

And when you pug, you build to be able to help others if your wise, as then you can lift them up rather then have to see them as dead weight or hear them complain about the games balance, mob type or some other such nonsense.

And more of the same "he's smarter than all those that don't build like he wants us to" garbage.

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7 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

And more of the same "he's smarter than all those that don't build like he wants us to" garbage.

This entire forum has devolved into "holier than thou" stuff like that.  YOU have to play a specific way, but god help you if you criticize their build or correct anyone on how the game actually works.  

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7 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

What it looks like to me is maybe you've got a bit of a confirmation bias and are giving more attention to a minority because you already believe that all of us are a bunch of "bossy busy-bodies", to use your terminology.

Sure, it is IMO and IME, as I have typed over and over again.

I never typed ALL, that is you projecting and putting words in my prose.

I specifically have stated I love teaming with the vast majority of players that play this game.


Just because you have not encountered these things, just because your confirmation bias is different, it does not mean these players and actions do not exist, as they have been documented for far longer than I have been paying attention.


I am not even saying they are a numerical majority here, I never have or meant to if I did, but IME, the rules-worshippers and busy bodies exist in this community in a larger number/percentage/volume than I encounter in all other games I have ever played and hold more sway over the 'narrative' if you will, than in those other games.


Is that specific enough for you to realize I am not, in fact, calling ALL players of this game jerks?

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1 minute ago, jubakumbi said:

and hold more sway over the 'narrative' if you will, than in those other games.

I have to argue against this. Were it true, incarnate powers would still be locked behind I-Trials. TFs couldn't be started by a single player. Double-XP wouldn't exist.


Granted, a lot of the changes we have now were put in place during the "super secret private server" days when they had a much smaller population, but they weren't dumped by the powers that be, either.


Yes, the game fascists exist but I don't run with them and they don't affect my game time.

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1 minute ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

I have to argue against this. Were it true, incarnate powers would still be locked behind I-Trials. TFs couldn't be started by a single player. Double-XP wouldn't exist.


Granted, a lot of the changes we have now were put in place during the "super secret private server" days when they had a much smaller population, but they weren't dumped by the powers that be, either.


Yes, the game fascists exist but I don't run with them and they don't affect my game time.

Not really talking about the code, there are servers with more and less creative freedom than HC at this point as well.

This server chooses to restrict the creative freedom of names and costumes out of fear, for a specific example of the 'game fascists', which is completely thier choice, even if I think it's silly.


By 'narrative' I am talking about those still trying to convince anyone there is 'right' or 'wrong' way to play loudly and with feeling, not invoke code changes to insure a traditional role based team must be used to complete content, or prevent powerleveling form occuring like the orignal developers tried to do, etc.


It's a wide ranging community with many voices.

I rail against a few of them, just as a few of them rail against me.

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59 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

Agreed. There's honestly only a few of "those" people but they post a lot.

Aye. I specifically neglected to include the forums, particularly the Homecoming forums, when pointing out that most people in-game aren't this way. Around here though? It's pretty prevalent as people who post tend to be more passionate about the game. It was that way on Live, too, but the effect was diluted somewhat due to the much larger playerbase and a seemingly increased focus on appropriate subforums rather than just the General one.


15 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

the rules-worshippers and busy bodies exist in this community in a larger number/percentage/volume than I encounter in all other games I have ever played

Must be the groups you associate with, then. This community has been, far and away, the most lenient and accepting group of people since the very beginning simply because of how it's designed. It doesn't necessitate the use of fully optimized builds just to progress, it doesn't use a team system anyone was using at the time, and it doesn't grant rewards in a way that traditional MMO players tend to find satisfying. I tried to get lots of people to play this game and they refused because they "didn't get gear drops" and "couldn't understand why you can't just put armor on". It's a more social, RP-style game by its very nature and that attracts a different kind of person on the whole and tends to turn away others.


Your original post outright stated that these "dictators" were the majority, or at least make it seem that way and you lumped the entire community into their ranks with your next sentence. Only later did you start to backtrack and take a "technically correct" stance of how you never said everyone was that way. The implication being, of course, that there are apparently so many of these people that you allow their existence to completely sour your game and focus so intently on them that you see nothing else once one pops up. To suggest that they're such a huge problem says, to me, that you think they're a dominant voice in the system and your claim that they're holding sway over some imagined "narrative" all but confirms that stance. Hell, you even say it's the "root" of the community, which really says all you need to say. Clearly you think the attitude of the playerbase and desire to "control" everyone is just the natural order and we're poisoned from the start -- anyone that doesn't do this just hasn't gotten that passive-aggressive nutrient yet.


You can say "it's not everyone", but it's obvious to me you don't really believe that. According to your statements, we're all destined to become busy-body no-fun-alloweds and it's only a matter of time. Normally I'm the cynical one, but sheesh.


Anecdotes are anecdotes and all that, but as far as community opinion is concerned you seem to be in the minority of people that just can't seem to escape the meanies. I know you didn't say anything about Destiny 2, but someone else did and I have no idea how that person thinks their community isn't one of the most toxic in the universe, second probably only to MOBA communities.

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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3 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

Aye. I specifically neglected to include the forums, particularly the Homecoming forums, when pointing out that most people in-game aren't this way. Around here though? It's pretty prevalent as people who post tend to be more passionate about the game. It was that way on Live, too, but the effect was diluted somewhat due to the much larger playerbase and a seemingly increased focus on appropriate subforums rather than just the General one.


Must be the groups you associate with, then. This community has been, far and away, the most lenient and accepting group of people since the very beginning simply because of how it's designed. It doesn't necessitate the use of fully optimized builds just to progress, it doesn't use a team system anyone was using at the time, and it doesn't grant rewards in a way that traditional MMO players tend to find satisfying. I tried to get lots of people to play this game and they refused because they "didn't get gear drops" and "couldn't understand why you can't just put armor on". It's a more social, RP-style game by its very nature and that attracts a different kind of person on the whole and tends to turn away others.


Your original post outright stated that these "dictators" were the majority, or at least make it seem that way and you lumped the entire community into their ranks with your next sentence. Only later did you start to backtrack and take a "technically correct" stance of how you never said everyone was that way. The implication being, of course, that there are apparently so many of these people that you allow their existence to completely sour your game and focus so intently on them that you see nothing else once one pops up. To suggest that they're such a huge problem says, to me, that you think they're a dominant voice in the system and your claim that they're holding sway over some imagined "narrative" all but confirms that stance. Hell, you even say it's the "root" of the community, which really says all you need to say. Clearly you think the attitude of the playerbase and desire to "control" everyone is just the natural order and we're poisoned from the start -- anyone that doesn't do this just hasn't gotten that passive-aggressive nutrient yet.


You can say "it's not everyone", but it's obvious to me you don't really believe that. According to your statements, we're all destined to become busy-body no-fun-alloweds and it's only a matter of time. Normally I'm the cynical one, but sheesh.


Anecdotes are anecdotes and all that, but as far as community opinion is concerned you seem to be in the minority of people that just can't seem to escape the meanies. I know you didn't say anything about Destiny 2, but someone else did and I have no idea how that person thinks their community isn't one of the most toxic in the universe, second probably only to MOBA communities.

So now what I say is not what I mean and I am lying.


Is my passion posting always accurate? Am I always in full control of my own emotions and totally watchful of each word I type? Nope and nope, I try, but I am a big stoner and this is just a fun conversation outlet for me, not a contract for work.

The existence and volume of the controlling voices in and out of this game has, at times, soured me on playing the game, even while I was only playing with RL friends in-game.

I am now somehow lying about that?

IME, IMO, from my POV, these voinces are louder about 'how to play right' in this game than they are about other games.

Since I like this game and IMO they ruin the playing of the game through thier actions and words, I speak up about it.

I do think many of the 'roots' of this community think and feel this way - I have watched these community popular voices say these things for years, some in this very forum thread.

I think that these voices have altered the narrative over the years, still today trying to convince people there is an 'old school' way to play, for example, or that not making a 'creative enough' name or costume means a person should not play the game.


Why does it make you so angry at me to point this out?

Why does it matter that I am in a minority if I see these things?

How does it change the facts for me to be one of the few people willing to talk about it?


Why do you even care what I think?

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9 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

Why does it make you so angry at me to point this out?

Why does it matter that I am in a minority if I see these things?

How does it change the facts for me to be one of the few people willing to talk about it?


Why do you even care what I think?

I mean, when you say "community", it's hard not to feel like you're pointing your finger at an amorphous group that includes me. Or anyone else reading.


People are gonna get prickly that way, when they feel misrepresented.

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2 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

Why does it make you so angry at me to point this out?

Attributing emotion to my words is your own error. I'm merely reading your words and responding to them. If you didn't want to say the whole community is poisoned at the source, maybe choose different words?


4 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

Why do you even care what I think?

I don't. I just find your stance needlessly aggressive and accusatory for no reason and would rather people not get the impression that whole playerbase is full of extra-sensitive people and provided a counter viewpoint, one that also tends to be majority opinion despite your declaration otherwise. It's not to disparage your particular opinion or view, but merely show that it's not really indicative of anything as it's anecdotal and also doesn't jive with most others' experiences.


For someone that seems to hate people who "tell others what to do" you sure like making sure others know how you feel about what they're supposedly doing. Have you thought that maybe, just maybe, your vitriolic response to "being told what to do" is why you see it everywhere? People tend to respond in kind, and even those trying to optimize someone's build aren't doing it out of control or malice and may only be getting aggressive when you start attacking them for trying to help.

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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2 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Maybe you are unaware, but back on live after the ability to have several builds on a character, while it was done for pvp builds to be able to be done on pve characters without having to give up pve optimization, the main use for it ended up being players having a solo build, and a team build.

yeah no, that was mostly used for separating PvP and PvE builds.  they are different animals.  no one I ever teamed with ever had a "solo" and "teaming" build.  your soloing build should be your teaming build so you can take care of yourself and in doing that take care of the team. 


2 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

But thank you for the needless insults because nothing in my post is telling others what they have to do, just what I value in team mates, and what I do not. For example a guy who can solo the end av and all its mobs, and ghosts to do that while ignoring the team is to me and the people I tend to play with, a bad player who is a selfish glory hound and ruining the game for the rest of us and should just be playing solo.

LMAO!  so you don't tell people what to do or insult anyone then go right on saying how someone else is "ruining the game for you" and "should just be playing solo".  classic!


2 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

The thing is though, those glory hounds need to be on teams to feed their ego, so they intrude and ruin the game for the rest of us because they cant stay in their own game space.

I thought you don't insult anyone?  for someone who complains about others not being sociable, you don't seem to have any empathy or understanding of other people like to enjoy the game.  Which is it man?  Why do they need to accommodate you?  why don't YOU stay in YOUR space?  don't worry, we get it.  the door only swings one way and the holier than thou has spoken.


2 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

I am not going to tell anyone how they have to play in my teams, but if how you play negatively impacts my play, dont expect to stay on my team till the end of the TF.

So it's ok for you to screw the other people on the TF by leaving the team short.  Doesn't that negatively impact their play?  For someone who goes on and on about "building for others" you certainly don't seem to mind screwing them over.


2 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

And when you pug, you build to be able to help others if your wise, as then you can lift them up rather then have to see them as dead weight or hear them complain about the games balance, mob type or some other such nonsense.

yeah building a character that can take care of themselves is helping others. 


@jubakumbi is spot on about the holier than thou busy bodies here.  How about this man, you play your way and let others play their way and everyone has fun that way. 

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23 minutes ago, Lines said:

I mean, when you say "community", it's hard not to feel like you're pointing your finger at an amorphous group that includes me. Or anyone else reading.


People are gonna get prickly that way, when they feel misrepresented.


21 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

Attributing emotion to my words is your own error. I'm merely reading your words and responding to them. If you didn't want to say the whole community is poisoned at the source, maybe choose different words?


I don't. I just find your stance needlessly aggressive and accusatory for no reason and would rather people not get the impression that whole playerbase is full of extra-sensitive people and provided a counter viewpoint, one that also tends to be majority opinion despite your declaration otherwise. It's not to disparage your particular opinion or view, but merely show that it's not really indicative of anything as it's anecdotal and also doesn't jive with most others' experiences.


For someone that seems to hate people who "tell others what to do" you sure like making sure others know how you feel about what they're supposedly doing. Have you thought that maybe, just maybe, your vitriolic response to "being told what to do" is why you see it everywhere? People tend to respond in kind, and even those trying to optimize someone's build aren't doing it out of control or malice and may only be getting aggressive when you start attacking them for trying to help.


It still amazes me, after all these years on the Internet, so many poeple still think that to talk about something you dislike is to directly insult.


We are back around to I am the mean villian man again, telling everyone how terrible they are, I guess i will just crawl back under my rock.

I think I have run in this circle on this forum enough, my episode of 'As the Hamster Wheel Turns' is over for now, it reamins obvious I am not a welcome addition to the community, since what I have to say does not conform to the nature and structure of the current majority.



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30 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

I don't. I just find your stance needlessly aggressive and accusatory for no reason and would rather people not get the impression that whole playerbase is full of extra-sensitive people and provided a counter viewpoint, one that also tends to be majority opinion despite your declaration otherwise. It's not to disparage your particular opinion or view, but merely show that it's not really indicative of anything as it's anecdotal and also doesn't jive with most others' experiences.

I do not believe @jubakumbiis meaning every single person in the community, only a select few who unfortunately leave a bad impression of the whole.  Those same people tend to be very vocal and in my opinion, busy bodies is a very apt term to describe them.

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11 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

I do not believe @jubakumbiis meaning every single person in the community, only a select few who unfortunately leave a bad impression of the whole.  Those same people tend to be very vocal and in my opinion, busy bodies is a very apt term to describe them.

I'm sure he doesn't think he is either, and to be frank, neither do I believe he's talking about literally everyone. I just take umbrage with the use of the terminology "roots" and the wide brush he decided to paint the community as a whole with as be busy-bodies or busy-bodies-of-the-future. I'm merely going by his own initial words which were both accusatory and aggressive towards this perceived group. The idea that they also hold this imaginary "majority narrative" didn't help matters though I think that may have been directed at the devs specifically as "costumes and names" were called out, which sort of suggests a lack of understanding of IP ownership and our technically illegal server's desire to not make unnecessary waves.


27 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

It still amazes me, after all these years on the Internet, so many poeple still think that to talk about something you dislike is to directly insult.


We are back around to I am the mean villian man again, telling everyone how terrible they are, I guess i will just crawl back under my rock.

I think I have run in this circle on this forum enough, my episode of 'As the Hamster Wheel Turns' is over for now, it reamins obvious I am not a welcome addition to the community, since what I have to say does not conform to the nature and structure of the current majority.

If you don't intend to insult or belittle, then don't use insulting or belittling terms to describe a group of people. You could have simply replied directly to the person dictating how to play like @Bill Z Bubba did instead of taking the shotgun approach and accusing the entire community of being, essentially, gatekeepers. Trying to play the "woe is me" card is a bit unbecoming as well and tips your hand to the notion that you feel like a perpetual victim.


Based on this post, I've decided that the main issue lies with your perception and your reaction to that perception causing otherwise neutral parties to become belligerent towards you as a defense against your accusations. I suggested as much earlier, but wasn't entirely sure until now. Your reaction to me saying that it's not really fair to call the whole community bossy since my, and most others' experiences don't match yours, is telling. In every post you've been defensive about your opinion, aggressive in its defense, accusatory towards the other party, and tried to cite this as "yet another example of not being wanted". It's as if you desire to create a self-fulfilling prophecy -- being just abrasive enough to get someone to be annoyed so you can feel justified in your misplaced disgust in what was originally a benign statement. I say these statements had to have benign in origin in most cases, because the legitimate "do things this way or you suck" types do not number high enough for you to be angry enough to say the whole community is tainted.


In any case, as I'm sure you won't respond any further, and as I've lost interest in continuing myself due to the cyclical nature of one who's mind cannot be changed, I won't be responding further on this matter.

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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9 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

What it looks like to me is maybe you've got a bit of a confirmation bias and are giving more attention to a minority because you already believe that all of us are a bunch of "bossy busy-bodies", to use your terminology.


1 hour ago, ForeverLaxx said:

. Have you thought that maybe, just maybe, your vitriolic response to "being told what to do" is why you see it everywhere?

I was going to point that out.

I realized when I first started riding motorcycles that I became more aware of motorcycles on the road.

All that changed was my awareness. I became hyper-aware of motorcycles.


I think some people are more hyper-aware of toxic busy-bodies, and sometimes, maybe see them where they don't exist.

46 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

I do not believe @jubakumbiis meaning every single person in the community, only a select few who unfortunately leave a bad impression of the whole.  Those same people tend to be very vocal and in my opinion, busy bodies is a very apt term to describe them.

It is true that there are some people on the forums that are busy-bodies.

However, some people my be overly sensitive when it comes to "being told what to do" and see people that give even mild suggestions as "busy-bodies" "telling them what to do".

I have met people like that, in person.


I'm not saying that Jubakumbi is one of those people.

Although, people will probably infer that that is what I'm implying.

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2 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

I know you didn't say anything about Destiny 2, but someone else did and I have no idea how that person thinks their community isn't one of the most toxic in the universe, second probably only to MOBA communities.

I mentioned Destiny 2 along with overwatch, swtor, and gw2. Toxicity is not the same idea as what has been argued in this thread in my opinion.  I would say toxicity relates more to HOW people engage in arguments rather than WHAT they are arguing about. 


The Destiny 2 community was definitely more toxic in how they interacted. However, the arguments, while more aggressive, still mainly revolved around balance. Sure it usually devolved into “hunters are trash excuses for a human being” type insults, but it was still usually based on balance arguments. 

I would say overwatch is also more toxic than homecoming in that arguments almost always devolve into insults and even start with them. However, again, they are almost always based on balance decisions or the tank and support vs dps tribalism that game has. 

The homecoming forums do still get toxic with insults thrown around in the course of an arguments, but not nearly as often or as bad. However, the arguments in homecoming more often revolve around how people play the game (i.e. PLing/farming is bad), versus the game itself (i.e. balance). 

This community can be less toxic and more bossy at the same time. In my experience, this community does have a lot more complaints and loud voices lobbying for people to play the “correct” way than other games. But agree, the arguments usually don’t devolve into insulting cesspits as often. 

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10 minutes ago, Saikochoro said:

The Destiny 2 community was definitely more toxic in how they interacted. However, the arguments, while more aggressive, still mainly revolved around balance.

Most of what I see from there are people with complaints that get spammed with various versions of "get out" or they look up the player stats to attack their skill (or lack thereof) rather than the point at hand. Granted, I don't tend to venture into the balance feedback forum very often and the community is essentially fed up with Luke Smith's incompetence and the rest of Bungie's staff unwillingness to interact with their players on their own forum.

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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