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Focused Feedback: Teleportation Pool Revamp


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On Live, I have a Savage/Bio Brute where Combat Teleport works perfectly for my concept. Testing it out, I was really digging the complete bamf experience.
I was using the binds posted in this thread a few times to bounce around to my single targets and swipe them.

/bind SHIFT+w "powexec_location target combat teleport"


But then, on Savage Melee in particular, it is a great way to grab more stacks of Bloody Frenzy mid fight.
When Savage Leap is up, I use the following 2 binds in succession:

/bind SHIFT+s "powexec_location back:40 combat teleport"
/bind button4 "powexec_name Savage Leap"


Shift+S sets me back 40 feet and then my side mouse button sends me in with Savage Leap. I will immediately gain 3 more stacks of Blood Frenzy. This also tries to maximize Savage Leap's damage. With this method I also prefer to slot a set in Savage Leap now, rather than a bunch of procs.
I also threw out some Electrifying Fences before doing the back-up-and-leap to immobilize what I could. Though, you can get by without the immobilize as the whole thing is pretty quick.

Edited by glycerine102
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If LRTP was like an incarnate Destiny-Incandescence-lite, it would be worth the trouble.


Best would be if (as suggested above) it was a "Gather everybody on my team, no matter where they are, to here!" power, that would be a glorious T5 for Teleport.


Vector will keep hope alive. But he's not counting on it.

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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Yeah, I just tested out Fold Space on my (fairly squishy in human form) Warshade and...it's not that useful. Not for her. It's a power that synergizes best with the big ol' tanky/aggro types, or people with tons of PBAoEs, and while Warshades do have a few of the latter (Mire and Eclipse), I still don't really think it's that great for them? If it gets added to the Dwarf form, than I'll love it forever, but as a regular power in the human Warshade set, I really don't like it.

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1 minute ago, Hops said:

Give CT +spd instead of +acc. 

Not a bad idea! Would approximate the LoTG mule bonus, but still stay a unique buff.

My hat's off to you!

(Disclaimer: I'm a big hops fan, especially when teamed with barley, yeast, and water.)

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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1 hour ago, CatCatJamie said:

Yeah, I just tested out Fold Space on my (fairly squishy in human form) Warshade and...it's not that useful. Not for her. It's a power that synergizes best with the big ol' tanky/aggro types, or people with tons of PBAoEs, and while Warshades do have a few of the latter (Mire and Eclipse), I still don't really think it's that great for them? If it gets added to the Dwarf form, than I'll love it forever, but as a regular power in the human Warshade set, I really don't like it.

Wouldn't it allow you to guarantee an eclipse into double mire when grousp are spread out? namely when playing with others?


15 minutes ago, Hops said:

Give CT +spd instead of +acc. 


Im assuming by DoctorDitko's response that would include recharge? because just speed is something id actually nto want because of the change in move values

Edited by Koopak
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That was absolutely what I thought was suggested.

I know I routinely stop slotting IO sets once they start having the "move faster than you want to" set side effect.


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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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1 hour ago, Koopak said:

Wouldn't it allow you to guarantee an eclipse into double mire when grousp are spread out? namely when playing with others?


When playing with others, it's not that bad a move, but soloing would not be wise. It's too likely that I'll miss one of the enemies with my Eclipse and get taken out; heck, even in a team, that's still too much of a possibility.

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1 hour ago, CatCatJamie said:

When playing with others, it's not that bad a move, but soloing would not be wise. It's too likely that I'll miss one of the enemies with my Eclipse and get taken out; heck, even in a team, that's still too much of a possibility.

Id need to test it but i can see the risk of dieing beign eclipse give you your resistances i guess

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So I've spent the last few hours of the game trying to see if I can grow to like Combat Teleport's to-hit effect or other tactical usage.  I remain unconvinced.


I've been spamming it in combat quite a bit to try to maintain the to-hit uptime, but goodness it's so short.  Because of the frustrating way that the monitor doesn't usually show my to-hit bonus, I have to either keep my eyes glued to the tiny and ever-changing buff icons, or just guess when I'm needing it.  It continues to not "feel" impactful in terms of gut-check "am I seeming to hit more often" (even though I enhanced it with an attuned Gaussian's To-Hit buff).  I've been facing opponents with to-hit debuffs (flash grenades from Rogue PPD), and even stacking Combat Teleport's buff doesn't seem to win out against their debuff.  The same enemies also have a patch effect, but I usually find it more advantageous to stay in it and cluster my enemies up for AoEs than escape it with Combat Teleport.  I almost invariably find keyboard movement more precise to line up my cone attack (though I might again find it different with a mouse).


It continues to be a great travel power (with Ninja Run), to the point where I am uninterested in getting actual Teleport.


I don't know.  I more-or-less like the power, but I can't help but feel that it's not great at what's supposed to be its core role.  I'm going to try messing with my binds a little and see if I can find a more productive use for it.

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9 hours ago, aethereal said:

So I've spent the last few hours of the game trying to see if I can grow to like Combat Teleport's to-hit effect or other tactical usage.  I remain unconvinced.


I've been spamming it in combat quite a bit to try to maintain the to-hit uptime, but goodness it's so short.  Because of the frustrating way that the monitor doesn't usually show my to-hit bonus, I have to either keep my eyes glued to the tiny and ever-changing buff icons, or just guess when I'm needing it.  It continues to not "feel" impactful in terms of gut-check "am I seeming to hit more often" (even though I enhanced it with an attuned Gaussian's To-Hit buff).  I've been facing opponents with to-hit debuffs (flash grenades from Rogue PPD), and even stacking Combat Teleport's buff doesn't seem to win out against their debuff.  The same enemies also have a patch effect, but I usually find it more advantageous to stay in it and cluster my enemies up for AoEs than escape it with Combat Teleport.  I almost invariably find keyboard movement more precise to line up my cone attack (though I might again find it different with a mouse).


It continues to be a great travel power (with Ninja Run), to the point where I am uninterested in getting actual Teleport.


I don't know.  I more-or-less like the power, but I can't help but feel that it's not great at what's supposed to be its core role.  I'm going to try messing with my binds a little and see if I can find a more productive use for it.

A helpful way to determine the combat attributes of your character is to open the combat attributes window (which his located in the top left corner next to Incarnate Abilities when you open the power tab). So instead of monitoring your health bar icons, you can see it laid out fairly concisely in each category. If you don't want the whole window up, you can right click one of the data points and monitor that by itself (it creates a brand new window with just that information tracking in it, i.e. end recovery or influence). You can also create a combat log tab in the chat bar to refer back to.

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I must... must have Fold Space.


But I won't. No way I'm dropping out of Fly to pick Teleport and then throw three powers at it for that one skill.


Which is a pity because I must... must have it...

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1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

A helpful way to determine the combat attributes of your character is to open the combat attributes window (which his located in the top left corner next to Incarnate Abilities when you open the power tab). So instead of monitoring your health bar icons, you can see it laid out fairly concisely in each category. If you don't want the whole window up, you can right click one of the data points and monitor that by itself (it creates a brand new window with just that information tracking in it, i.e. end recovery or influence). You can also create a combat log tab in the chat bar to refer back to.

Yeah, I'm monitoring to-hit chance, but it appears to not, uh...  work most of the time.  I posted a bug about it in the bugs forum.  For whatever reason, specifically the to-hit bonus from Combat Teleport does not seem to show up in the monitoring most of the time, and when it does, it's with a significant-enough lag that for a 5 second buff I'm unconvinced that I'm getting useful information.

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20 hours ago, ABlueThingy said:


But LRTP is crap.  It is the crap of the TP pool, having taken the crown from TP Team.  Team TP being the former crap monarch of the Extremely Crappy Powers in Very Thematic Power Pool Sets kingdom.  ECPVTPPSK for short.

Ok, my bad on the “no interest” thing. So let me ask you this - as a TP fan, would you think LRTP was crap if it went to the all the destinations currently on the accolade power, plus Perez, Boomtown, TV, Crey’s (no idea why those are skipped), Eden and Zulu (maybe via unlocks), and had its activation time cut in half (which I think is a big part of the problem because yes, by the time 12 seconds go by, you can be there by some other multi-step process)?

All the other “supplemental” travel options are or where gated behind something - Vet or Market, long recharges, limited uses, etc.  Much of that has been reduced or eliminated, but they still could have made LRTP useful or at least improved. Isn’t this the first time they have actually removed a power from a set, pool or otherwise?

Edited by dtj714
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1 hour ago, aethereal said:

Do you mean Jaunt or Combat Teleport?

I mean that while flying, Jaunt has a longer animation, i would like to know if there are any plans to make it shorter, similar to Combat Teleport, (Combat Teleport has a very short very quick animation while flying)

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14 hours ago, aethereal said:

So I've spent the last few hours of the game trying to see if I can grow to like Combat Teleport's to-hit effect or other tactical usage.  I remain unconvinced.


I've been spamming it in combat quite a bit to try to maintain the to-hit uptime, but goodness it's so short.  Because of the frustrating way that the monitor doesn't usually show my to-hit bonus, I have to either keep my eyes glued to the tiny and ever-changing buff icons, or just guess when I'm needing it.  It continues to not "feel" impactful in terms of gut-check "am I seeming to hit more often" (even though I enhanced it with an attuned Gaussian's To-Hit buff).  I've been facing opponents with to-hit debuffs (flash grenades from Rogue PPD), and even stacking Combat Teleport's buff doesn't seem to win out against their debuff.  The same enemies also have a patch effect, but I usually find it more advantageous to stay in it and cluster my enemies up for AoEs than escape it with Combat Teleport.  I almost invariably find keyboard movement more precise to line up my cone attack (though I might again find it different with a mouse).


It continues to be a great travel power (with Ninja Run), to the point where I am uninterested in getting actual Teleport.


I don't know.  I more-or-less like the power, but I can't help but feel that it's not great at what's supposed to be its core role.  I'm going to try messing with my binds a little and see if I can find a more productive use for it.

I don't wanna be 'that guy' but I'm really gonna stick to my guns on the claim that, because you are playing with a track pad and there for point click precision is kinda out the window for you in an active fight? Then yeah, it just isn't going to work for you, and I don't think that's something to be taken as to big a criticism. For whatever reasons you have for using the track pad (no mouse room or mobility whatever) it is ultimately a person issue in my opinion? Like if we can make it work better in your situation, awesome, but i don't think the track pad is the input the devs should be focusing their game design around. All of your positioning issues seem more related to that than anything else, because of course, without mouse precision you cant teleport as precisely as you can run with the WASD keys, which by the way i find VERY inaccurate at anything above baseline sprint speeds due to the odd input lag / physics / acceleration and deceleration.

As for the tracking issue you mentioned, that's just a limit of the way the status monitor works, it pings your character's stats about once every few seconds or so? With seemingly some variance, its not real time. As such the buffs can come and go without showing up properly, stacking, and so on. I've had the issue with any effect shorter than 20 seconds, including force feedback procs and gaussian procs.

From my anecdotal experience, it does its job just fine, and i can stacking it almost like build up, which often is enough for me to punch through several layers of -to-hit in order to get a hit or two in. For alto of ATs that will be a 'nice to have' but not being enough to change how often they feel they hit. But for someone using a set with a lot of -def built in, it can be a life saver. The character iv been working with is a Katana using Scrapper, and the +to-hit often lets me get one or two -def debuffs onto the target, letting me get my hit rate back into a viable spot. This lines up since I was already able to do that with Build-Up just not as often, and 2 stacks of CT is the same +to-hit.

If yer not using a set with -def built into it I can totally see why you wouldn't necessarily notice the benefit, especially if yer running a built that comfortable hits 95% hit rate on 50+4 mobs passively already since yer likely over capped, this is something you have to account for in your build, basically with the goal of having JUST enough accuracy to always be in that 95% hit range on most fights while squeezing in as much durability and damage as possible. I don't see CT as a game changer, just as i don't see CJ or Hover as a game changer when it comes to builds, both of those powers much lauded defense is often only necessary on specific builds, and i often don't feel the need for them, again my main scrapper solos +4x8 content without either and i don't think everyone should have that as a goal.

I know ill probably be branded a heretic for that last paragraph but its how I feel lol. I think this 10% to-hit buff lines up, mechanically, with the value provided by CJ and Hover, as a combat mobility power in both raw value and goal. If it 'feels' useless, just keep in mind that we as humans are terrrrible at detecting even significant shifts in probability. That said how something feels is a big part of game design, so, there's a debate to be had there.

Now at risk of writing to much....



3 hours ago, dtj714 said:

Ok, my bad on the “no interest” thing. So let me ask you this - as a TP fan, would you think LRTP was crap if it went to the all the destinations currently on the accolade power, plus Perez, Boomtown, TV, Crey’s (no idea why those are skipped), Eden and Zulu (maybe via unlocks), and had its activation time cut in half (which I think is a big part of the problem because yes, by the time 12 seconds go by, you can be there by some other multi-step process)?

All the other “supplemental” travel options are or where gated behind something - Vet or Market, long recharges, limited uses, etc.  Much of that has been reduced or eliminated, but they still could have made LRTP useful or at least improved. Isn’t this the first time they have actually removed a power from a set, pool or otherwise?

Answering for myself as a fan of Teleport as my main travel power since the old old olden days. Even if they did that, even if it had zero cast time, and functionally no cooldown? It'd still be pretty shit mate. The problem isn't ease of use, or even how fast I can use it to travel, those all go out the window when i can shift to any zone i want in under minute though a dozen other methods.

What is an issue is, that because of the aforementioned options existing, and most of them existing well before LRTP was added, even if they were payed for, is that there is no VALUE. There is nothing LRTP allows you to do that cant be done by someone that doesn't have it, at best, you can do it SLIGHTLY faster, maybe 30 seconds to a minute faster depending on loading times. Even after yeeting yourself into the zone, you are still dependent on where that location spits you out at, and now have to travel to your final destination still, just like everyone else. As such the only reason i take LRTP is I like to use it, then click my base macro when the animation ends so it 'looks' like I'm teleporting. To me? Its main value is as a /emote.

Every other power in the game has more intrinsic value than LRTP, I'm not saying that without some thought, I'm actively struggling to find anything id even remotely consider as bad or worse, since even other 'bad' powers have niche uses that cannot be accomplished with any other power, or at least without a specific power set mixed together, thus taking up more space. Even Team Teleport, which I firmly think needs to be thrown in the wood chipper and reworked from the ground up, has niche uses where only assemble the team could maybe be used to fill in, and even then there are things it cant do. Meanwhile the functionality of LRTP is emulated by about a dozen things that every character almost always has access to.

LRTP is dead weight in any build that takes it, it provide no combat value, no utility, and only the most tiny quality of life boost that simply doesn't matter and wouldn't with all the cooldown and cast speed, and destinations in the world. Unless you can add "my ideal life" to the teleport list, or at least "the bar" and "home" then I couldn't be happier to see it be gone. The fact that I can get it back as an accolade, customize the visuals, and keep my snazy animation is just icing on the cake that is this rework.

If you're issue is with the time commitment to get the accolade? That is a fair argument, and one I'm happy to engage in. But to me that's a matter of "how should the accolade work" not "should it be removed from the Teleport pool and replaced by something more valuable". Because I totally see how people feel that the requirements are a bit much for a character. Its one thing to need all those badges for SG portals, that benefits a group, but individual its a bit steep. Perhaps one badge per zone? Something like that might be more palatable. Maybe add the ability to purchase locations from the P2W vendor to reduced your badge gathering.

Edited by Koopak
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42 minutes ago, Koopak said:

I don't wanna be 'that guy' but I'm really gonna stick to my guns on the claim that, because you are playing with a track pad and there for point click precision is kinda out the window for you in an active fight? Then yeah, it just isn't going to work for you, and I don't think that's something to be taken as to big a criticism. For whatever reasons you have for using the track pad (no mouse room or mobility whatever) it is ultimately a person issue in my opinion? Like if we can make it work better in your situation, awesome, but i don't think the track pad is the input the devs should be focusing their game design around.


I'm certainly not suggesting that we should be designing the game around track pad usage.  I do want to push back, however, on this idea that you're getting enormous actual benefit from combat positioning with the mouse + macro + combat teleport option, rather than "it seems cool to teleport around the combat."  Lining up cones is just not that hard, and in my experience is probably faster with normal movement than it is with combat teleport's animation time even if your precision is perfect with CT.  My setup is clearly much less than ideal!  But the only time I've found it to be a significant problem is in PvP (where tactical movement seems like a much bigger deal than PvE).

Edited by aethereal
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9 minutes ago, aethereal said:


I'm certainly not suggesting that we should be designing the game around track pad usage.  I do want to push back, however, on this idea that you're getting enormous actual benefit from combat positioning with the mouse + macro + combat teleport option, rather than "it seems cool to teleport around the combat."  Lining up cones is just not that hard, and in my experience is probably faster with normal movement than it is with combat teleport's animation time even if your precision is perfect with CT.  My setup is clearly much less than ideal!  But the only time I've found it to be a significant problem is in PvP (where tactical movement seems like a much bigger deal than PvE).

Certainly, and I'm sorry if I came off more combative than I intended.

I will say that the times where this mobility matter most are generally not while soloing, and generally seem to be melee specific. Melee characters are more dependent on positioning then ranged ones to get good cone and AOE hits, namely due to short ranges. The other place this helps a lot in are patches, namely blizzards or caltrops, anything with serious negative effects. CT makes it much easier to escape them, and while it does require mobs to bunch back up, one could make the argument that Fold Space is the remedy to that as a melee character, and as a ranged character, well most of the times Mobs seem happy enough to conga line to their death.

However I feel group play is actually the biggest value. While I haven't had a lot of opportunities to test with groups on the test server, I have used Jaunt on the main servers as an effective method to rapidly move to assist teammates, something that can become extremely difficult under previously mentioned path effects. Its to the point that I wanna try and setup a series of binds to jump to each of my teammates. As most of the ATs best suited to pulling a teammate out of the fire are melee, being able to rapidly jump next to my blaster teammate (who is certainly no blapper and tends to get squished kinda bad if she gets agro) throw out a taunt, or a knock back or some other CC, then return to the main fight, presumably dragging the offending mob along, is very handy.

I recognize the situation I just described can be seen as 'niche' because people tend to think in end game terms, chain running iTFs with a group all loaded out with T3+ incarnates and probably atleast a basic set IO build. However as someone who regularly plays with friends from level 10 on up to 50 incarnate gods, and 'whats an enhancement?' to 'Hey check my new 1.5 bil fit' I find it happens more than enough to validate CT on that use alone.

For characters like Dominators that tend to have a mix of ranged and melee powers, it can be very useful to leap to a target, smackem with your big melee hit, then blink back and refresh a CC or slap out a snipe. A stalker I have actually uses the force of will powers, and I'm sorely tempted to give her CT when its out for this very reason. (granted i build a crowd control stalker, so shes hella off meta weird).

This is also part of why id love to see the WS equivalent work for there shape shifted forms, as it would allow them to triform more effectively. Think stealth CT into a pack, used fold space to tighten them up for eclipse, mire, dwarf form, dwarf mire, blink back, use the cone stun/knockback, blink back a tiny bit more, go nova and proceed to wreck shop. That can all be done without being able to blink in that dwarf form but not as easily. Id argue let WS use their version in any form, then let PBs use CT only in human form like normal. This keeps the WS version unique, but allows PBs to have some fun with the options too.

For me I feel like the utility CT brings to the table is so great that, while not every AT, power set, and player is doing to want it, or even benefit from it. It will be so valuable to so many playstyles that any stats just are icing on the cake. So I feel like this may just be a case of CT isn't for you personally, which is totally fine.

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18 hours ago, CatCatJamie said:

When playing with others, it's not that bad a move, but soloing would not be wise. It's too likely that I'll miss one of the enemies with my Eclipse and get taken out; heck, even in a team, that's still too much of a possibility.

Just realizing I never saw this reply and Its got me scratching my head. No offense but why would missing Eclipse on one of the enemies matter? Ignoring for a moment that you shouldn't have much trouble getting it to a 95% hit chance most of the time, if you've slotted it for even basic resistance you should be hitting your resist caps at somewhere between 4 and 5 targets.

I realize there are a ton of ways to play WS but I was making my comment under the assumption that the reason you'd want to guarantee the mobs are within your Eclipse range is because it lets you leap up to your resist caps in all forms. So if you yank in say 6-8 mobs, you'd need to miss more then 1/2 of them for it to be a serious issue, assuming you can get the eclipse off before the alpha strike, which admittedly i haven't tested but given the slow reactions mobs often have i didn't think it a likely issue.

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39 minutes ago, Koopak said:

For characters like Dominators that tend to have a mix of ranged and melee powers, it can be very useful to leap to a target, smackem with your big melee hit, then blink back and refresh a CC or slap out a snipe. A stalker I have actually uses the force of will powers, and I'm sorely tempted to give her CT when its out for this very reason. (granted i build a crowd control stalker, so shes hella off meta weird).
For me I feel like the utility CT brings to the table is so great that, while not every AT, power set, and player is doing to want it, or even benefit from it. It will be so valuable to so many playstyles that any stats just are icing on the cake. So I feel like this may just be a case of CT isn't for you personally, which is totally fine.

this!  I usually play Dominators (or extremely mobile Blasters), and Jaunt has been an essential part of how I approach combat with a couple characters.  Hit the ranged enemies with melee attacks, keep the melee enemies at a distance.  I can't get over the QoL change that has the camera staying put when you blink backwards. that itself might be my favorite part of this patch. 


Beyond actually placing the teleport reticle, I find the main benefit of the disconnected mouse for teleporting is how quickly you can whip the camera around, up, down etc.  I think there are keyboard buttons that do those individually, I'm not sure. But I realized that this might be a big part of why it feels integrated into my playstyle.


I remember when I found out my good friend played CoH with his right hand on the arrow keys and his left hand on the numbers, which blew my mind.  I'm sure a lot of people play that way, but I can't get used to ever taking my hand off the mouse because of how neurotically I rotate the camera and change zoom depending on what's happening.  And I teleport all over the place.  Up-thread I mentioned I have F as teleport to target, and C as teleport backward.   idk if anyone will care, but I also  set   F1-F6, ~, R, T, Y  to be my second power tray so they are all within reach of my left hand without looking (especially R, which is always my basic spam power. i auto-run by holding both mouse buttons down for a few seconds).  Therefore I click inspirations (again, mouse in hand 24/7).   So I try to remember that when someone is reading what I'm doing and what is straightforward for me, they might think I'm crazy and couldn't imagine being set up this way.  I don't know anything about any forumgoers' playstyle beyond the person saying they use a trackpad (and may therefore have a different relationship to mouse/keyboard interaction with the game in general), so this is not specifically about any type of setup outside of my own.  Just ... a reminder that someone may have started the game differently and then further evolved their setup to be totally alien to yours, which affects power usage. 


i highly recommend setting ~ and R/T to commonly-used powers!

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1 hour ago, Koopak said:



Ok, let's actually look at the alternatives -


1. Mission Transporter - 30 min cd, must have a mission door.

2. Base Transporter - 30 min cd, must have a base with infrastructure for all other destinations.

3. Team Transporter - 30 min cd, must have a mission door.

4. Pocket D Transporter - 30 min cd, connects to 4 zones?

5. Ouro Portal - This is the closest thing, same base recharge of 5 mins, but the process is drop portal, take portal to Ouro, take Ouro portal to Talos (with a few exceptions), get to Tram or Tunnel, take Tram or Tunnel to destination.


These are the permanent, "power" options, AFAIK.  There are of course also LFG queue, transport to new contact, the Wentworth power(s), and Base Transporter Day Job, but those also have limitations.  LRTP is the only way to go from anywhere in a zone directly to another zone, with no other BS, every 5 minutes (or less).  Maybe I'm completely clueless though, so show me otherwise...


And yes, a big part of my issue is the accolade.  The explanation goes "LRTP is a useless power, so we are taking it out of its (namesake) pool, but it's useful/desired enough that we're actually going to improve it and put it in as an accolade, and lock it behind a ton of badges."  I mean, wtf? If it's useless, then take it out.  If it's worth improving and keeping, then do that.  But this take with one hand and give with the other, makes no sense to me.  Developing the accolade cannot have been a small effort.  Personally, I'd be fine if they improved it and did it both ways.  Want to take it as the third pick in a pool you already have and like? Go for it.  Want to hunt hundreds of badges instead? Go for it...

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