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How to buff Sleep


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This is just a quick idea without much thought put into it, but...

What about making it so that when characters are sleeping, they have no recharge? Only while they are sleeping of course, once they wake up their recharge returns to normal (or whatever it should be when considering buffs and debuffs)

I think this would give sleep powers a little more use, instead of being a weaker version of hold. It also makes sense for foes who are sleeping to be unable to recharge their powers because they are no longer conscious.

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Not a bad idea. I did have a similar idea for a sleep buff which would be that if a Sleep is interrupted, the target takes Psionic damage, or looses endurance, or some other effect based on the duration of Sleep time remaining, either directly or as an inverse bell-curve formula based on total sleep time.

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There's a lot of suggestions over here! And you might want to take a look at what I did for Ice Control's Flash Freeze:

So there's a lot of different ways to approach it - I think any effect should vary depending on the kind of Sleep being inflicted on an enemy, since it can represent a lot of things.

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40 minutes ago, Darkneblade said:

What about when sleep broken, they have to recharge all their powers at once? like they used everything or something.

Forcing all or a lot of the powers on cooldown? I suggested this exact thing. I think that'd be cool. 


Tyrannical's would also be great.

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Maybe make Sleeping enemies rapidly regenerate health & endurance? Reminds Us some of SWTOR's sleeps, where enemy regenerate health while being put to sleep. And Spiral Knights slee. And it makes sense when u sleep you regain strength.


That would be hell of a great buff lOO XD

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I always thought that waking up was making you sluggish. So upon breaking Sleep, there is an Unresistable -Recharge / -Movement / -Damage that lasts for say 12 seconds. In this age of AOE attempting to keep things asleep is a thankless job, so at least when its broken have it provide something useful. Likewise, if all or a portion of it were unresistable, it would make sleeps useful vs. EBs, AVs and GMs. 

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1 hour ago, Darkneblade said:

What about when sleep broken, they have to recharge all their powers at once? like they used everything or something.

Tyrannical's suggestion might work, but I think putting every power on recharge would be way too powerful.  There are some long-recharge powers out there, plus all those 30-minute-recharge temp powers that I would be annoyed to recharge like I'd used them all.

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6 minutes ago, FrauleinMental said:

Tyrannical's suggestion might work, but I think putting every power on recharge would be way too powerful.  There are some long-recharge powers out there, plus all those 30-minute-recharge temp powers that I would be annoyed to recharge like I'd used them all.

Exactly. Whatever effect it gains, it has to be true for both friendly sleeps that you place on others, and it has to be true for incoming sleeps that enemies place on you.

Whatever is done, it has to be applicable every time Tsoo Yellow Ink Men hit players with it, too.

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1 hour ago, Purrfekshawn said:

Maybe make Sleeping enemies rapidly regenerate health & endurance?


Er... no thanks. This would make life hell for any support AT with a sleep in a solo/small team, and if you're shutting down an AV ... just no.

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