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Are ranged snipes supposed to be instant?


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I am trying out Assault Rifle.  I just got the snipe.  In combat it gets the circle around it, but it is not instant.  It does not take full snipe time to fire but it is slow.


On stalkers the assassin's strike seems instant when you are in combat.  Are ranged snipes supposed to be slower to fire?

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This is simply an animation quirk with Assault Rifle.  The snipe is instant, but the animation for it is so bad it may as well not be.  No other Ranged set with a snipe has this problem; even Archery and Beam Rifle which borrow animations from other attacks for their fast snipe instead of just recycling their current animation.

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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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If the mobs are aware of you, it should be instant (or as near to it as one can come).  If you haven't drawn aggro yet, it should be slow to fire, but to a lot more damage.  I don't know that Assault Rifle snipes are different from any other, but I haven't really taken time to compare.


EDIT:  Ah, answered by ZorkNemesis, I see.  Nevermind, then.  Disregard.  😁

Edited by Grindingsucks
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My stalker and blaster both take a long animation to fire the snipe from an un-aggroed position or in hide/invis, but fire it almost instantly in combat (with greatly reduced damage). I think that's how they are supposed to work after the fix from always having a long animation/interrupt.

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I'm not sure if all fast snipes have the same animation time but if not, Sniper Rifle's has to be one of the worst and I find it extremely janky to boot.  It's especially weird if you're flying as - if I remember correctly - it basically brings you to a halt in a jarring way.  Definitely something I hope gets fixed and shortening the animation time of the fast snipe would be a nice way to boost the underperforming ST damage of AR.

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There's not a big variation in the activation times of the fast snipes. Most have either a 1.33s or 1.67s activation time. Archery, Beam Rifle and Fire Blast have that 1.67s cast time. AR's is slightly better at 1.50s. Everyone else (who has a snipe) seems to get the 1.33s time.

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