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Iron man/Woman Challenge


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So myself and other CoH streamers have developed a play on the classic "Iron man Challenge" that was popular for a time. As such i am inviting others to come along for the ride.  The Iron Man challenge is designed with streamers in mind but anyone can participate with using the honor system!




The Rules for the Iron Man is as follows


  1. Must be a newly created character.

  2. Cannot be any of the following AT’s: Brute, Tank, Scrapper, Sentinel.

  3. No Power Leveling or teaming with any other live player unless they are also participating in the challenge.

  4. May only purchase upgrades (inspirations and enhancements) with money earned by doing missions or by own means.

  5. If your character dies for any reason they are to be deleted immediately.

  6. No Supergroup invites will be accepted unless by other Iron Man challenge participants.

  7. You must try to at least level up once per stream on the challenge.

  8. No P2W items are allowed, only the items you get from creation.


IF you would like to join the discord where i have the rules posted up feel free to at 




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Lol - I failed it just reading it!  😁


Seriously though - sounds kind of neat for anyone looking for a serious challenge.  Not my thing anymore but these kind of challenges can be fun (and frustrating).  I did the 'Unconquered' challenge successfully (without cheating - believe me players find ways) in Age of Conan and while it was fun it is not something I am inclined to do again.  Getting up into the mid 40's a couple times and having to start over (both times lag caused my death) was beyond frustrating.  And rewarding when I finally accomplished it.  


So I wish any who do this the best of luck and have fun!  👍


Want to see my current list of characters?  Want to know more about me than you ever wanted to know?

Wish Granted!   Check out the 'About Me' in my profile:   KauaiJim - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)


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2 hours ago, Chainz said:

The second rule is cause they are easily soloable.. gotta hanve a challenge!



Soloability exclusive to those?


My stalker and most of my controller would like a word with you 🙂


Seriously though: enjoy your challenge, sounds fun!

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the cash thing is leaving me flummoxed.  what does by own means...errr mean? are you saying do not use the AH at all for buying/selling?  because if the AH is available even i (and i am not good at AH) can have a toon rolling in cash in a few days.  with a little effort...okay, quite a bit of effort...i can run a merit farm through doing content, then get recipes or convert drops to just about anything i need for a build.  not super fast, not the rare stuff anyways, but a few days hard effort.  without AH.  with AH?  two days with no startup cash or loaned from other toons.  just grind/craft/sell/ buy what i need.

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

the cash thing is leaving me flummoxed.  what does by own means...errr mean? are you saying do not use the AH at all for buying/selling?  because if the AH is available even i (and i am not good at AH) can have a toon rolling in cash in a few days.  with a little effort...okay, quite a bit of effort...i can run a merit farm through doing content, then get recipes or convert drops to just about anything i need for a build.  not super fast, not the rare stuff anyways, but a few days hard effort.  without AH.  with AH?  two days with no startup cash or loaned from other toons.  just grind/craft/sell/ buy what i need.

What I mean is that you cannot get any items from outside influences.  You can use the Ah but all money must be made through your own means likes running missions or the like.  And exactly a few days hard effort is what it is meant to be. This is a challenge in seveor factors but the death thing is the main challenge .

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59 minutes ago, Chainz said:

What I mean is that you cannot get any items from outside influences.  You can use the Ah but all money must be made through your own means likes running missions or the like.  And exactly a few days hard effort is what it is meant to be. This is a challenge in seveor factors but the death thing is the main challenge .

so...you can buy from the AH but not sell there?

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Biggest one that would bother me is #3. I'd find #8 annoying, but that's just because of the low-level wait for an attack chain that the Blackwand, Nemesis Staff, and Sands of Mu fills, and you can counter that by making a Dominator or Blaster and have more clicks than you know what to do with by level 8. But not being able to join teams? Heck, that's not only less fun, but you're more likely to die from someone on your team doing something stupid.


2 minutes ago, Snarky said:

so...you can buy from the AH but not sell there?

I took that to mean that you can both buy and sell on the market, you just can't email yourself seed money from another character that you've already inf capped. But @Chainz might come in and correct me.

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I think that @Chainz brought up a frame for an interesting Ironman Challenge but I don't think that the rules he mentioned need to be entirely static.  An Ironman means you push your limits. If I did something like this (I won't, my gaming life is complicated enough as it is), I would impose a "No AH" rule on me because marketing is what I do best in this game so it would be supremely easy to buy my way out of difficulties.


If I wanted a CoH challenge, I would use most of the rules written up there but I force myself to play a support type.  I suck at those so it would be a challenge by itself.


You know.  Tailored to your talents.


Am I making sense? I need sleep. Or coffee.  Or both.

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Right this is just a static groudwork and any more or complicated rules you wish to instill are perfectly fine.  And yeah it is a chalenge for me as well but i think it will be both fun for myself and entertaining for viewers.


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I'll be starting this weekend.  Will be a Controller for sure.  Be on Everlasting, hoping to see some Iron Toons once I make it out of Goldside.


Yes, I will be soloing Gold Side to start.

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I play where my toons are... and they are everywhere.  But Everlasting is my current main home.  Come on by my base GOLD-11404.  And, yes, most of my toons start Gold Side (Bold Side)!
If you want to make a fortune of Inf in City of Heroes, watch my guide on the Auction House.
Or come on by and visit my Discord.

I run my theme groups there and chat with Twitch viewers in voice there.
And lastly, come see my on Twitch.  City of Heroes is my main game!

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On 5/27/2021 at 9:10 PM, siolfir said:

I took that to mean that you can both buy and sell on the market, you just can't email yourself seed money from another character that you've already inf capped. But @Chainz might come in and correct me.

Any competent Marketeer could have a billion or more inf in no time at all, just buying and selling things from the auctionhouse, and starting from the tiny bits of info you get from drops.

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Already on character #3 - LMFAO!!!


First died to a Goldbricker, second died in a mayhem mission to DoT. I am making an attempt to take ATs and sets I have never done. So this is fun. You can't take it seriously at all cause you just might get frustrated and angry. 😛 (quiet Mijarui, I know what you are gonna say next)


Cheers to everyone who has started and I've watched stream. Ya'll are being very careful!!!! 😄

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@Tax E

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I wish you well, but yeah, no.  #5 is a killer, literally.  I'm seasoned enough to stay upright in some pretty scary situations, have even been last man standing more than a few times polishing off the last of the bad guys, but I've played with too many teammates who do dumb, dumb, dumb, ridiculously dumb (did I mention "dumb"?) stuff and either the team wipes or worse, they pull all that dumb stuff right into me as they run past, and I get a solo death.  Not going to waste my time and effort deleting due to another's idiocy.

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2 hours ago, Techwright said:

I wish you well, but yeah, no.  #5 is a killer, literally.  I'm seasoned enough to stay upright in some pretty scary situations, have even been last man standing more than a few times polishing off the last of the bad guys, but I've played with too many teammates who do dumb, dumb, dumb, ridiculously dumb (did I mention "dumb"?) stuff and either the team wipes or worse, they pull all that dumb stuff right into me as they run past, and I get a solo death.  Not going to waste my time and effort deleting due to another's idiocy.

This is why there is no teams.  It is simply a solo adventure unless you are with other Iron person participants.

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Deathless run is really hard imo. The participant has to fight thousands of mobs and always win. Imagine that. Their win probability have to be near 100%. Otherwise, even if they re doing everything right, they'll eventually get defeated before reaching their goal. 



Godspeed, you madlad!

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