Panthonca7034 Posted June 10, 2019 Posted June 10, 2019 Big thanks to you guys for bringing OUR city back, A friend of mine told me about CoH around 2008, and I started the journey then. I took a small hiatus because I had to focus on real life for a moment, and when things were in the up and up, I came back in 2010 to start experiencing the new changes that went into the game. In 2011 is when stressful, hard times began again (lost my pops and issues with my now ex-gf) but I had my toons in CoH to keep me busy and story arcs to inspire me. CoH was a refuge of sorts to help me pass the time and also a highly creative tool to help develop my writing style. I was very sad when the news of the shutdown came, and had a lot of toon concepts that didn't get to see the light of day. Now these characters that didn't get a chance to get made were made, and some previous ones revamped. All in all, CoH was my first and my best MMO experience. CO was a good temporary place to be, but the recent changes in that game have caused deviation from its original path. I've also gotten a chance to strengthen some friendships forged in another instance of our beloved Paragon City, and make some new ones along the way. The fondest memories were the missions in First Ward helping the palatine, Katie and The Carnival of Light (Vanessa included). So, on a closing note, once again Thank you for bringing back our beloved Paragon City :)
markofantares Posted June 10, 2019 Posted June 10, 2019 I joined CoX with City of Villains. My first character (long since abandoned because I had no idea what I was doing) leveling in Cap au Diable. I was coming out of a mission on the side of the cliff around Aeon City. As I came out so did a small Dominator - I can still remember it: Hooded, raggedy dressed, wrapped hands. A Mind/Psi named Azazel. I immediately logged out and created one. I've been chasing Mind/Psi ever since. And that name. Virtueverse Instagram
StoneColdJoker Posted June 10, 2019 Posted June 10, 2019 Thank you. All of you. Whoever and however y’all did this. This is my favorite game of all time and was my first MMO. A small part of me died when CoX was killed. Even after it was murdered, I still never really left. I would think about and remember it on a regular basis. Again, thank you thank you thank you!!!! Virtue-Vet Now on Everlasting
H2OMellon Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 Oh wow! I don't even know where to start! It's been 7 long years since that night in Atlas Park! All I can say is THANK YOU! It's not enough but for now it's all I have!
wdnobile Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 I beta tested CoH, and plaed it right through til sunset. However, for me ,it was always a fallback game. I ran a nearly 5000 member guild in EQ2, we were in other games and CoH was that "I need a break from everyone" game I played a few minutes here and there. When it ended, I felt like I had shortchanged myself and not fully experienced it. I don't think I even had a level 50 character. I always regretted that. When I read the stories of the Secret Server , and how it was shut down, I was again reminded of my blown opportunity with this game. I am, of course, beyond thrilled to have a chance to play again. Ive been on pretty much nonstop since I found out and I just wanted to tell the dev team - THANK YOU!!! I am LOVING playing this game!
ShadowDragon Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 I wanted to say "Thank you" too! I spent so much time back when the original came out until it was shutdown. I met some amazing people while smashing and bashing. Then religiously with 4 great teammates for over 7 years! Every night for 1-2 hours for 7 years! My kids would actually watch me play too! Now they are teens and have joined me online and we game together now! THANKS for bringing City of Heroes back!
Sicken Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 I just arrived, and if the world ends tomorrow - If I can spend just a few minutes in "Sicken's" skin I will be so very happy. If only NCSoft knew what this game really meant to the folks who played it. So very happy to be launching Sicken sometime in the next few hours.
Healix Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 How could anyone ever know what this game has meant, except us? NCSoft saw a way to make money. Non-gamers have no interest in understanding. It's something that has filled voids, provided support, friendship and fun. 'Just a game'? Tell that to my feels. 1 Forever grateful to be back in my city!
ShiverMeRivets Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 OMFG! I found out CoH is back only 2 days ago - I absolutely has no hope that this will happen. A big FU to NCSoft. A huge huge THANK YOU to the people who performed this miracle and undid the NCSoft fingersnap.
Zumberge Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 Fairly after the fact, but you all (the Homecoming dev team) have found yourselves in a unique yet unenviable position. Unique in that you're able to work on an MMO without concerns about executive meddling (and great things come from video game modders who do things out of love rather than profit), and unenviable because you're now GMs and moderators of an MMO. But don't worry; just to make things easier on you I'm keeping my griefing and shitposting to a bare minimum acceptable levels actually never mind, it's fine, don't worry about it. Old memories, though? Post-Hami raid in the pre-IO days, got a Nucleous Exposure. There was generally a little antipathy towards our SG from the RP crowd, but I saw a character that I recognized, liked their concept and the cut of their jib, so I snuck up, dropped the Nuc into their inventory, and sped off. Judging from their post they made on the boards, they were more than a little surprised, but grateful. I know at least one person low-key tried to claim responsibility, which was quite interesting to see. But doing an easy raid for some entertainment and the privilege of seeing someone's true colors? Hell yeah, better than Netflix. Especially since Netflix didn't exist at the time. As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.
Sicken Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 Always been more of a solo player. Sure, love a good team up when it happens and I build such that I can help in a fight. I spend the bulk of my time, however solo-hunting and working my way through missions. Oh, the joy I will feel when I get my travel power back and start super-jumping all over the place. I will be happily awaiting the next funding cycle. Happy to do whatever I can to make sure you guys can maintain.
Belapixie Posted June 17, 2019 Posted June 17, 2019 If this a true homecoming and you can actually play, I would be very happy. I am still downloading things. I loved City of Heroes. I played on the Pride server and bought every costume pack and update they had. It was a good time and so much fun. I would love to see it and play again. I miss it. It was my home and escape during a dark time in my life, and it helped me heal. I tended to play solo...there are some major combination builds that allow for it, but when I was done playing, there were things to do in the home base and hang out with friends. I have to confess, I was not a very costume builder and never won any of the contests... Thank you for bringing it back and sharing. If it's not a real server, thanks for bringing back some amazing memories.
_NOPE_ Posted June 17, 2019 Posted June 17, 2019 On 6/17/2019 at 8:58 PM, Belapixie said: If this a true homecoming and you can actually play, I would be very happy. It's true. You can actually play. Be prepared to be happy.* *after you get past any tech issues that may arise with initial setup. I'm out.
Chance Jackson Posted June 19, 2019 Posted June 19, 2019 Thanks for bringing the game back & being attentive to the community.
RicoRaynn Posted June 20, 2019 Posted June 20, 2019 I played this game the first time early 2004. I was on mid tour leave from Iraq and I can not stress how exciting it was to hit stateside and see this was released. Over the next 10-12 days, when I wasn't catching up with family, I was posted in front of my computer flying thru the streets of Paragon on my blaster. Over the next several years I continuously played the game whenever I was back in garrison and enjoyed every minute of it. During that time, my wife got into it as well and it lead to some great drunken nights sitting at home and bonding. It was a sobering moment when the game shut down and to this day, this was the only game I ever looked back at and desperately wished I could play again. The community, gameplay, and just overall feel was vastly different from the rest of the MMO market. Thank you whole heartedly for bringing it back. I'm still in the military, and still playing when I'm in garrison. Besides several grey hairs on my part, it's just like old times.
Tahliah Posted June 20, 2019 Posted June 20, 2019 I've been enjoying COH Homecoming since around May 10th, and I want to add my voice to all of those saying a resounding THANK YOU to the devs, mods, and entire Homecoming crew. I won't wax on about what the game means to me because others have done so far more eloquently than I can, but I do want to share that the first time I logged in (for the second first time last month), I literally cried. I couldn't believe it was the whole game. Or that it would last more than a few hours or days. I didn't care if it lasted minutes, I was going to squeeze every bit of joy and love into that time that i could. And here we are, over a month later and I am still filled with such joy and gratitude to be home at long last. Thank you.
malonkey1 Posted June 24, 2019 Posted June 24, 2019 I just want to thank the devs for bringing back the only MMO I ever liked, and even continuing to update and improve it. I love the Sentinel, I like Sudden Acceleration helping ease KB issues, and I look forward to seeing what lies beyond the horizon for us.
Legree Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 It occured to me that I haven't posted in this thread yet. I really should. City of Heroes was, in a lot of ways, my first MMO. Not the first I played (actually the second) but the first I subscribed to, the first I hit level cap on (and the only until I duo'd with a friend in another game last year), the first (and only) I pre-ordered an expansion for - and Going Rogue is still the benchmark by which I judge all other expansions. It's a game that even as a habitual soloist I enjoyed teaming in and one that's had a lasting influence on the way I play MMOs - not least in my love of alts. When the shutdown was announced I hadn't been playing for some time - mostly due to health reasons - and I couldn't quite bring myself to come back and rush the content I'd missed while the axe hung overhead. For seven years I've had to regret missing out on the newer zones, newer powersets, newer stories. I never dreamed I'd get a second chance at this game, but here it is. The best thing about this - other than the simple fact of being able to play again - is that coming back to City of Heroes I realise that it wasn't just nostalgia. It really was is as good as I remember. So thank you, Homecoming Team, for all of that. Thank you so much.
SlimPickens Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 I was a little late to the return party, I just started my account at the end of last month, but I honestly didnt realize how fun this game still is, or how much I enjoyed playing it until the opportunity arose to actually play it again. Since 2011 when I left the live servers I have played other games and other MMOs, and enjoyed most, but nothing is quite like Coh, and the community is just different and... dare I say... better than other MMO games. So just a huge thanks to the devs who devote their time and money, they are part of the community too, and they are the best example of why this fanbase and community are so good. What other game has ever risen from the ashes like this one due solely to the efforts of dedicated fans like this one? Kudos Devs.
Dynamistress Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 I was thinking just last night of one of my favorite memories in COH. I logged in one day, popping up at Pocket D. As I stepped out of the Tiki Room, I saw another character walk by. WALK. By. Sent a tell. You're WALKING!!! We'd been wanting it forever, and finally go the ability to not run. Kind of weird how awesome that is. "Face the impossible... and make it your bitch." ~ Dynamistress
Skyeye Posted June 30, 2019 Posted June 30, 2019 Thank you to all the GM's and Devs. Thank you to all the returning players! I love this game and for some of us, it's a great help and stress reliever/inducer :) . Too many memories to mention here, but now, as well as my son playing, my grand son and grand daughter both made toons and I let them run wild. The joy on their faces is priceless and their smiles and laughter warm my heart! Thank you all sooooooo much!
Zep Posted July 1, 2019 Posted July 1, 2019 Any easy way to see if I correctly installed it? ** Asus TUF x670E Gaming, Ryzen 7950x, AIO Corsair H150i Elite, TridentZ 192GB DDR5 6400, Sapphire 7900XTX, 48" 4K Samsung 3d & 56" 4k UHD, NVME Sabrent Rocket 2TB, MP600 Pro 8tb, MP700 2 TB. HDD Seagate 12TB ** ** Corsair Voyager a1600 **
sin0044 Posted July 3, 2019 Posted July 3, 2019 I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! omg, I just can't thank you enough! I was really pissed off when it shut down, and followed paragon chat for quite a long time. My father-in-law loves this game too, as well as a bunch of us that used to get together after work and log in and have a blast. I appreciate everything that ya'll are doing. We all do!! much love and /salute, you made this retired military man proud!
Neeks Posted July 6, 2019 Posted July 6, 2019 OMG YESSSSSS!! THANK YOU! ahem yes /calm I have truly missed this game, so thank you! For preserving it and keeping that secret for years. lolol Well done! /applaud And thanks so much to the devs continuing the work, I'm sure it can't be easy, especially with the new influx of players. When you get stressed or annoyed, please remember there are so many of us who appreciate the work and are super happy we can inhabit Paragon again. You guys are great! I'll definitely be helping out with the server costs. Rock on, rockstars! Downloading now and see you in game soon! /calm off SO EXCITED!!! YES YES YES ;D
mumblefug Posted July 6, 2019 Posted July 6, 2019 I just found out about this server and am downloading the game, so freakin' excited! THANK YOU ALL for doing this! You really are RL heroes for giving so many people the chance to relive this wonderful game! 1
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