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Posted (edited)


Thank you so much for making one of my dreams come true, i have others, but this one is fullfilled, i have passed so much time in my childhood playing this game, and when they shut it down, it was a big disappointment.


Thanks a lot !

Edited by Cerveza
  • Like 5

I only got to play this for like a year before it was shut down, I got to it pretty late.


Thanks for letting me collect badges again, your badgemittment brings a badge to my badge!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Had a long post in mind but realized most of what I’d say has already been said. Got this game as a gift when I was a kid and loved it. Especially the hero creator. Hated having to stop playing but life went on and I went with it. 


Blah blah blah, YouTube CoH one night and I see Homecoming pop up. Downloaded it immediately and now it feels like I’m a kid again. Thank you all for bringing a piece of my childhood back.

Edited by Hamburglar



CoX was a game I started playing pretty late, not a lot or very deep. Didn't really play with anyone either despite having made super groups. But I was completely in love with the character creator and the charm of the simple (accessible I should say?) graphics. Had good fun creating at least one character per archetype and my low level gameplay experience felt like an extension of my messing around in the creator.

Then at some point game went F2P, most of my characters got locked. And I don't remember exactly when but sometime after that the game died. I don't remember if I was even actively playing at the time, but that hurt. So as a casual (I'd still call myself a) newbie of that time who missed CoX, I can only imagine how veterans felt.


Looking on the net every now and then years ago for any half-decent resurrection left me disappointed. Some projects that were getting crowdfunded but didn't look much like the CoX I had a game-crush on and stuff that didn't sound like they would become a reality anytime soon.


So when a streamer I follow on Twitch was in the CoH category maybe a week or so ago I went to ask how they were playing the game because I thought it'd just be this open character creator thing where you run around the city but there's no gameplay. And she told me about Homecoming. Finding out this game was alive and well (albeit in a modestly sized and unofficial capacity) was one of the best surprises of the year. Honestly, I haven't even set foot into the game yet. I've been busy with other stuff for the past few months and I'm currently spending some time making a little list of characters I may want to create soon. But I'm excited.

I didn't get the details but something was said about Homecoming being acknowledged as a legitimate version of the game and won't face a possible shutdown? If that is true that's even better news.


Long story short, I look forward to making a ton of characters and having fun with them in Homecoming. I don't know if I'll play it intensely/seriously but even if I can just enjoy the power sets for a while that'll be enough for me.


Thanks so much for making this a reality!

  • Like 1

For the umpteenth time in the last several years my daughter and I recently brought up CoH again and the hole left in are hearts when it was takin from us. How no other MMO has been as fulfilling as our good old CoH/CoV days. Two days later she calls me and tells me her bf found it online.. it's still around or back or something, and I'm like no effin way. My jaw hanging open as so many thoughts swim through my brain.. just no freaking way!! As I wait for the download my eyes are bit watery from the overwhelming joy. To the devs I wish you a heartfelt THANK YOU and god bless you. You are my heroes 😄

  • Like 1

So I already through out a TY, but as sit here laughing about my situation wanted to share it and say I can't thank devs enough for this. I've since downloaded the game and have like 8 hrs into it yet haven't got past the tutorial. Oh no I'm not having problems with the game, everything is working perfectly. It's just one of my favorite things about CoX is the character customization options . So happy to make my characters all over again that's all I've done so far. 8+ hours in the character creator lmao 

  • Like 1

Thank for bringing this back. My wife and I, now with kids, relive our early college days. There's so much content for casuals like us. What a great job you've done.


I just started the game up for the first time since the game went down and all i can say is thank you to everyone involved in reviving this game you are my heroes at this point, i just downloaded and tried it today and have yet to surprise my friend who played it with me, in closing you guys are fantastic people and i hope i will be able to play this game for a long time coming.


With so many great memories flooding back after playing for a single day (No sleep for me), I cannot thank the dev's enough.


I canot be the only one with emotions running amok, a 48 year old man with tears in his eyes says alot about what this game means to so many of us.


I had given up all hope of ever playing the first MMO I layed my hands on, only to find it alive and kicking after a random thought prompted me to look at the state of play on a CoH revival. WoW Classic has gone on an indefinate hold whilst I try to relive the good times.


CoH is one of those games that is so vast with things to do that you forget more and more over the years of what the game had to offer. It seems that the glimpses of memories of things ive done in the game are never ending, I had forgotten just how much fun Trick or Treating can be, the events, the monsters, the Incarnate system. With so much flooding back to me I cannot see myself putting this game down any time soon.


Like so many others have said already, Im home.


I wish the Devs and everyone involved every success.



  • Like 2

I'll say this:  Relive The Old Times if you want to and can, but consider also living The New Times here in Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, and Praetoria.  Things have changed.  Not all the things, of course . . . but there's enough newness that you shouldn't sell yourself short by nostalgia-chasing when there're exciting discovers around the corner.


Just wanted to thank the HC team and the community on Indom a bit.  I first heard Homecoming was a thing back in July, and as I was downloading the files one of the first things that crossed my mind was "I hope they do Halloween big like the original team did."  


This Halloween event wasn't just as good as I remembered, it was even better.  I spent the last couple hours of the 31st in a giant ToT league on Indom, and the experience exemplifed everything that makes CoH fun - friendly people mowing down spooky characters in a chaotic frenzy, badges flying in from everywhere, people ding'ing in droves and laughing it off when the 50 dc'd and suddenly everyone was -8.  


The whole thing wasn't just a reminder that CoH is back - it was proof of why.  Salud!

  • Like 1

I killed them.... Con Carne


I loved this game and missed it for years, thanks so much for bringing it back.


I tried other superhero games but they never measured up, recently I had been playing games that simply had similar travel powers but it would never scratch the itch.


I was actually just looking at COH wiki and daydreaming about power combos when I saw a link to this game.  You have to go wider or louder on the homecoming news! 

Posted (edited)

What I really love about reading these posts is, they share a genuine, if nostalgic love for this game, and that a number of them only recently discovered that the game was back.  Imagine how many more real fans of the game are out there, just waiting for the realization that their beloved Paragon City is once again alive!  I know because of the gray-area status that the game currently stands in, complicates any efforts to advertise it's existence in any "official" way.  But, if enough of us put something on our social media connections about being back, that has the potential to reach a lot more people than hoping they run across it by accident, or individual word of mouth.  My hope is that, everyone who remembers this game fondly, and wants to play again should have the opportunity.  But, they won't unless they know!  So, until/unless the NCSoft talks are successful, and an actual advertising campaign can be launched, it's up to us to bring folks home to the city they love!

That's the best "thank you" I could offer the great folks who make all this possible!

Edited by Abraxus
  • Like 1

What was no more, is REBORN!

Posted (edited)

HI there, I played this game from just after issue 6, and then off and on again until it closed,

It has always been a great game to play in, what with the costume creator, the storylines I have enjoyed, especially blueside Crey and Council ones, and the newer ones, loved the Protean one,

I met good people, had amazing RP with super cool players,

Now, because of the Homecoming team, I get to relive those memories and make new ones, and it's not just the servers, it's the boards and the community, that I remember, I cannot thank you enough for that, to be able to come back to a world that was lost, I am very grateful

Edited by Stygus
Silly typo

My Dad and I don’t have a lot in common, but the one thing that we bonded over was City of Heroes.


I remember him and I playing hooky from work/school and we would just play for hours. Him on his Dark Miasma or Trick Arrow Defender, and me on whatever alt I was conjured up at the time. (I’m still suffering from alt-itis.)


That one terribly day in 2012 when the game shut down, I remember standing on the steps of Atlas Plaza holding a torch, and saying goodbye.


Since shut down, I could never find an MMO that I could call home. No one had the love and approachability that’s COH players had.


When I found out a group of people banded together to bring back this beloved game, I couldn’t believe it. Listening to the theme song when I logged back in 7 years later made me giddy. I still can’t believe I’m able to play this game again, and I pray I get to play if for many years to come.


Thankyou. Thankyou GMs for all that you do.

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later
Posted (edited)

(Edited for correct issue number when I quit)

I played City of Heroes from preorder until about Issue 16. I tuned out because a ton of the players resorted to grinding farm missions at Architect Entertainment (it was getting too hard to find a time), because the rite of passage that was the early game and the feeling of satisfaction I got from whipping out tricks like Team Teleport were cheapened by the early and widespread proliferation of travel options and zoning shortcuts, and because they ditched the gravitas of the Fitness decision (would I rather manage my power use carefully, or give up 3 powers?).


Sure, they seemed to be throwing crap at the wall to see what stuck and removed a lot of the "purity" of the game for me, but that didn't mean I didn't want to go back once in a while. About every 2 years I would google up the game and dwell in nostalgia, read or watch some retrospectives, maybe even visit Paragon Wiki.

I did that again this week. VideoGameDunkey's latest video had a paid promotion for a password manager, and he brought up accounts for a ton of obsolete games, including City of Heroes. Thing is, the screenshot... that was the wrong server list. I played that game for 8 years, and those server names were not what they should be. He wouldn't have photoshopped them... Was that a set of pre-launch alpha/beta servers? Whatever, that's got me thinking about CoH and now it's time to take a trip down memory lane...


... and BAM right at the top of results, tons of articles from sites like PC Gamer, dated last April. I think you can fill in the rest. That was Wednesday night. I didn't look too far into it because I didn't want to be up all night playing games when I had work, I promised I would wait until Friday night. I went to bed like I was supposed to. I still didn't get any sleep.


Friday when I got home from work I signed up, and this has been the least productive weekend I've had in years. I'll just finish with what I put in the bio of my first character:





 Jesus, can it be real? Does the game I spent so many years playing wait for me on the other side of this character creation screen? I can't think of what to write. I just made my character as closely as I could to what I remember my main looked like. I wasn't great at character design 15 years ago and I got attached to his old design with the lame costume pieces we had back then, warts and all.


I'm afraid to stop writing. I don't want to know that it's buggy and broken and pathetic, or that it's not what I remember through my nostalgia. I'm afraid to go home again. I've still played this game more than all other MMOs combined.


If you're reading this... don't mind the tear in my eye. I just got a glint of something, shining. It was friends and adventure. It was imagination and escapism. I looked directly at it, like they tell you not to do. Just a glint in my eye, that's all.


If you're reading this... I'm home.


Edited by Mr. Wallet
  • Like 3

One of my favorite memories on Live:


Reunion Server. In RV with 8ngaHroSndwch, my main Ninja Trap MM. I was AFK.. Came back to a purple drop and a PVP kill. Sold it for 1.4 Billion.. 


On 12/8/2019 at 12:52 PM, Mr. Wallet said:

I played City of Heroes from preorder until about Issue 20 (I ducked out around Going Rogue). I tuned out because a ton of the players resorted to grinding farm missions at Architect Entertainment, The rite of passage that was the early game and the feeling of satisfaction I got from whipping out tricks like Team Teleport were cheapened by the early and widespread proliferation of travel options and zoning shortcuts, and they ditched the gravitas of the Fitness decision (would I rather manage my power use carefully, or give up 3 powers?).


Sure, they seemed to be throwing crap at the wall to see what stuck and removed a lot of the "purity" of the game for me, but that didn't mean I didn't want to go back once in a while. About every 2 years I would google up the game and dwell in nostalgia, read or watch some retrospectives, maybe even visit Paragon Wiki.

I did that again this week. VideoGameDunkey's latest video had a paid promotion for a password manager, and he brought up accounts for a ton of obsolete games, including City of Heroes. Thing is, the screenshot... that was the wrong server list. I played that game for 8 years, and those server names were not what they should be. He wouldn't have photoshopped them... Was that a set pre-launch alpha/beta servers? Whatever, time to take a trip down memory lane...


... and BAM right at the top of results, tons of articles from sites like PC Gamer, dated last April. I think you can fill in the rest. That was Wednesday night. I didn't look too far into it because I didn't want to be up all night playing games when I had work, I promised I would wait until Friday night. I went to bed like I was supposed to. I still didn't get any sleep.


Friday when I got home from work I signed up, and this has been the least productive weekend I've had in years. I'll just finished with what I put in the bio of my first character:



Another hero has found their way home through the reaches of time!  7 years is a long time, but not long enough to snuff out the fire that burns eternal in Paragon City!

What was no more, is REBORN!


Happy as can be 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Finally feeling home again. I have been looking for CoH ever since the NCSoft Servers had stopped. I have been sooo sad about it and I could not imagine how it all happenend.

Then, this week, looking for CoT´s release, I stumbled upon this forum and other sides discussing CoH servers and I watched youtube videos that said there still was a server running.

So I got here through Dredd´s Guide and I just wanted to say



City of Heroes just was, and still is, the best game that ever existed!


Just wanted to add my own personal thank you to the devs.  Having this game back is like a dream come true.  After the original game got shut down, I was feeling lost.  I tried other MMO of course, and some were fun, but none ever really truly felt like I was home.  Now I do feel like I am back home again.



4 hours ago, wolfshadow31 said:

Just wanted to add my own personal thank you to the devs.  Having this game back is like a dream come true.  After the original game got shut down, I was feeling lost.  I tried other MMO of course, and some were fun, but none ever really truly felt like I was home.  Now I do feel like I am back home again.




On 12/14/2019 at 8:58 AM, Paula78 said:

Happy as can be 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Finally feeling home again. I have been looking for CoH ever since the NCSoft Servers had stopped. I have been sooo sad about it and I could not imagine how it all happenend.

Then, this week, looking for CoT´s release, I stumbled upon this forum and other sides discussing CoH servers and I watched youtube videos that said there still was a server running.

So I got here through Dredd´s Guide and I just wanted to say



City of Heroes just was, and still is, the best game that ever existed!

I think you'll find that many of us feel EXACTLY the same way!  I certainly do!

What was no more, is REBORN!

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