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Medicine Power Pool Revamp

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Saw Gen Chat today that made a good point about the utility/costs of the medicine power pool, especially now that incarnates are in play. 


Would love to hear more ideas on how this power pool could be revamped for current game build. 



           Aid Other (ally heal)

           Injection (ally mez res/buff or foe debuff)

           Aid Self (self heal/buff)

           Field Medic (heal/activation buffs)

           Resuscitate (ally rez)


Suggested Medicine

           Regeneration Beacon (aoe team +regen/+heal)

           Clarity Beacon (aoe team +mez clear/res)

           Field Medic (aoe team +absorb, self +maxhp, ally+ res)

           Recovery Beacon (aoe team +recov/+end)

           Resuscitate (ally rez) 


Hope to hear more suggestions.




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1 hour ago, CloudMouse said:

Suggested Medicine

           Regeneration Beacon (aoe team +regen/+heal)

           Clarity Beacon (aoe team +mez clear/res)

           Field Medic (aoe team +absorb, self +maxhp, ally+ res)

           Recovery Beacon (aoe team +recov/+end)

           Resuscitate (ally rez)


The second power, an AoE status protection/resistance, if you could convince the HC team to do that (best of luck, and i mean that, because i'd eat, sleep and breathe that power on my defenders/corruptors), would be moved to the level 20 selection, as evidenced by existing status protection/resistance in the pools now.  The fourth power, +Rec/End, is too large of a change from what the Medicine pool currently offers, so I doubt that one would go through because it would force players to respec if they had the power it replaced.  And Field Medic is a bit over the top, potentially better than some melee archetype damage mitigation powers, and would likely be limited to just Absorb.


It's clear that you considered the potential power creep they'd add, why you suggested beacons instead of drones, but if they were "better" than the existing Medicine powers, they'd still be saddled with painfully long recharge times, and if they were reduced to a point at which the recharge times were manageable, they probably wouldn't be sufficiently improved over the existing options to justify the time spent changing them.  I don't foresee the HC team making these changes.  One power, maybe.  Two, unlikely, but distant possibility.  Four of the five powers, almost certainly not.  Aside from the balance conundrum, changing that many powers that drastically would disrupt a lot of characters, and that's as big a no-no as power creep.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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Seems too OP unless most of these are super long recharge / low uptime. What stats were you thinking for each power? Looks like a lot of 600 second recharge powers as far as how pool powers tend to be balanced.

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4 hours ago, Rudra said:

Triage works fine. ... if you're solo. Or if you're in a ToT league.

Works well in static fights.  Not hard to send regeneration to the ~+600% range with higher recharge builds.  Like a lot of things Traps, traps works easiest in static fights or where the fight comes to the Trapper.

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23 hours ago, kelika2 said:

I skip Triage these days on my masterminds because stationary items just dont belong

Regular everyday fights just happen so fast and the team keeps moving

Trying to imagine what’s left of Traps when you only take mobile stuff… why would you even play that at all, that’s like 2-3 powers and skips all the best ones.

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The problem with pools is that they need to be bad so they are not tempting. Once the pass has been made to make them bad they are, well, bad, and only taken for funsies.


There's a reason we are hard locked on the few good ones like Speed, Fighting and Leadership.


As someone who recently looked at ways to add AoE for a character who only had an AoE starting at 28 I came out with the Grenades temp power (low damage, but still ok except it scatters all mobs when used) and Acid Vial. Acid Vial had something like 30 seconds recharge and six slotted it took using it three times to kill an even level minion.


Hip hip horray on the programing hours spent!


Edited by Sovera
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Meh. I disagree. I agree that the power pools are set to be weaker than a character's primary or secondary power sets, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them bad.


I do admit I am not a fan of the Medicine pool. Aid Other is useful out of combat only (unless you get Field Medic). As opposed to the Aid Other the NPCs get which I can't disrupt to save my life. (Literally in some cases.) Having to take 2 powers from the Medicine pool to make Aid Other useful in combat is... uhm... really unnecessary in my book.


I've never made a character where it made sense for me to try the Force of Will set, so I don't know how that set is.


And I only took the Presence pool on 1 Super Strength brute to help deal with Rage (because Rage's crash is supposed to be mitigated by Unrelenting, which it does, just in a minor way) and pick up a heal (with HoT) that my armor set lacked. That one worked great because I was already planning on taking a provoke power (though I would have preferred my primary's Taunt) and having a HoT went a long way to recovering my brute in the more brutal fights. So following that pool fit right in.


Aside from those 3 pools though? I find all the pools very useful. It just depends on the character I am building as to which pools are more useful to my character and fit the theme.

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Medicine isn’t that bad right now. Aid Other as Preventive Medicine mule, and then Aid Self + Field Medic is quite powerful. I think a lot more people would pick it up as is if not for crippling LotG addictions.

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12 hours ago, arcane said:

Trying to imagine what’s left of Traps when you only take mobile stuff… why would you even play that at all, that’s like 2-3 powers and skips all the best ones.

It really is mostly FFG and Acid 95% of the time.

Acid gets a pass only because of the -resist


Caltrops is generally taken at level 30 because pets dont get their firepits and rains until 32

Triage is very bad even with slots, 300% regen sounds like a lot but its not and with a brutally long cooldown AND stationary?  I get more mileage out of current Aid Other

Trip Mines are still interruptible for MMs

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6 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

It really is mostly FFG and Acid 95% of the time.

Acid gets a pass only because of the -resist


Caltrops is generally taken at level 30 because pets dont get their firepits and rains until 32

Triage is very bad even with slots, 300% regen sounds like a lot but its not and with a brutally long cooldown AND stationary?  I get more mileage out of current Aid Other

Trip Mines are still interruptible for MMs


i agree - combat is incredibly fast thesedays, gone are the times where a mob would be pulled into a spot and then ground down for 40-60 seconds

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I think you should take your suggested medicine set and make it even more unique from the current medicine pool.  Then give it a new name and have a suggestion for a new pool power set instead of doing major changes to an existing set.


The proposed changes are interesting but way too different from what players that have already taken the powers should be expected to accept as a forced change.


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