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For melee characters--- is there a way to make you toon move and stick to your target?

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i have to manually move to a target to engage.


Most mmos allow melee toons to move to their target to attack when within melee range.


also-- can i make my camera always stay behind my toon?


as it stands now, ill move to a target-- it moves, and because the camera doesnt follow me, it will show me at a side profile as an example.

31 minutes ago, punahou said:

i have to manually move to a target to engage.


Most mmos allow melee toons to move to their target to attack when within melee range.


also-- can i make my camera always stay behind my toon?


as it stands now, ill move to a target-- it moves, and because the camera doesnt follow me, it will show me at a side profile as an example.


Yep, as mentioned, F key.  It can be used on enemies or friends actually. 


Can quickly reset camera by pressing PageDown key (changeable in keymapping options) or scrolling into first person view and back out.   That should fix the 'side profile' issue.

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     One thing to note and I have no idea if it's still true but follow while Hovering tended to leave you just out of striking distance so my Claws/SR would end up 'R' (target nearest), 'F' (Follow) then have to tap my W to move forward just enough to activate her melee attack.  Annoying but worked well for things like 5-layer cave rooms.

Posted (edited)

It took me a long time (and i played a LOT of melee) to develop a comfortable system.


I use a couple systems.  If picking a boss or special victim before i charge in i find it easier to mouse them and click.  They are now my target.  I run at them….


 I have a “hot key” target nearest.  If in combat and things get crazy i run up to the guy i want to hit.  Melee after all.  Chest bump.  Target nearest.  Business time


One of the things i despise about WoW is there is no target nearest.  It is target next.  If you are in a high volume area you are pretty screwed

Edited by Snarky
Posted (edited)
  1. Turn your travel powers off when fighting (Sprint, Ninja Run, Super Speed, etc).  They suppress movement in combat.
  2. Have Combat Jumping always on for unsuppressed movement in combat
  3. Target your enemy (use Target Nearest and Target Next binds)
  4. Jump straight up
  5. Press Follow (while in the air)
  6. Let Follow and air control from Combat Jumping carry you toward the target
  7. Release jump key, land on target's face
  8. Profit.


Edited by Greyhame

Bind one key to target the nearest alive enemy, something like:


/bind r "targetcustomnear alive enemy"


Then press f, which is the default key to follow your target.


You can even queue-up an attack while you're closing the distance.


If you don't like binds (I don't), I macro this on every new toon soon as they step into the tutorial:  /macro TN "target_enemy_near" 


Somewhere I picked up a macro that also puts me on "follow" to that target, but I don't recall the wording off the top of my head (and I haven't used it too often).  But I do use Ctrl+F fairly often, once I've picked a target, just in case they get knockbacked or start to run or something.


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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, punahou said:

i have to manually move to a target to engage.


Most mmos allow melee toons to move to their target to attack when within melee range.


also-- can i make my camera always stay behind my toon?


as it stands now, ill move to a target-- it moves, and because the camera doesnt follow me, it will show me at a side profile as an example.



No need for AHK, you can use the in-game bind system.


Something like /bind 1 "powexecslot 1$$follow" will do the trick. Now when you press 1 it will use your power in the first slot and run to (and stay glued to) your target.


As for the camera there are a lot of camera options in the options so see if one fits your needs.


Check my newbie guide for more 'hidden' things in the options.

Edited by Sovera

I use this on all my mele alts:


/bind ` "target_enemy_near$$follow"


You can change the key you bind to, I use the accent because it's beside 1 and nothing else uses it by default.


Hope thi sshelps!



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8 hours ago, momentarygrace said:

/bind ` "target_enemy_near$$follow"


I suggest G-for-'Grapple' but yes, this is the essential melee bind. It will keep your alt engaged with the nearest foe regardless of how insane a battle gets, especially with many mobs, multiple teammates, quick defeats, powers shoving both you and your target around, etc. Just whack G (or whatever) every time you're not engaging for any reason. Bam, you're back in action.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com


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