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Name database - Will this get cleaned up?

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1 hour ago, Player2 said:

But I have freed up plenty of others over my time here... and continue to do so.  In fact, I'll probably go in and clean out a ten or so more on Torch today if anyone is interested.  Keep an eye on the relevant name release thread for details.

I freed up a dozen, and because I'm always having new ideas I went into the character creation screen and checked some more... and while I was there, I had even more ideas, so I checked those as well.  That's almost four dozen more available on top of the ones I released.


Go.  Claim.  Play game.

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On 2/2/2024 at 1:26 PM, Snarky said:

I take issue with this.  Capt Fab is shallow end of the pool unstable.  Dive deep into the world of my opinions and theories.  you will be aMazEd at the torturous lengths I go to just to make a point I have forgotten by the end of the paragraph while blithely ignoring previous posts, facts, decorum, grammar, or whether anyone wants me to continue.




ROFLMAO! They need to make a vampire-themed Deliverance...hence the banjo. I think it's long overdue and there is a market for it. :classic_biggrin:

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Game over man, game over!

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12 hours ago, ZacKing said:


This isn't true either.  The whole "name release" routine was created back when the game was live.  As I remember it, and I could be wrong, it was run once and didn't provide anywhere near the intended result.  If my memory is correct here, this was being enabled here because there were a few people complaining on the HC Discord about names being already taken.   So yeah, there were and still are people arguing for this for selfish reasons. 


On the plus side, all the whiner-wajinas who couldn't get their beloved, Gods-given name, have left in a huff, so Excelsior doesn't have queues in prime time any longer! :classic_biggrin:

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Game over man, game over!

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1 hour ago, Nostromo21 said:


ROFLMAO! They need to make a vampire-themed Deliverance...hence the banjo. I think it's long overdue and there is a market for it. :classic_biggrin:

They came close here….



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11 hours ago, Snarky said:

I have wanted the name Badger for years.  Of course I was the first to want it…. Yeah/No.  So I started studying German about 10 months ago for various reasons.  Made a new merc AR toon to solo Redside and named him Badger.   Dachs is German for Badger.  

Walk a small step in the direction of theme and a whole new world opens up….  Tschuss!!!


Yup. I'm a huge fan of WH40K. I made a massive, armoured beast of a brute (broadsword/shield) which I wanted to call Space Wolf. Taken. No surprise. A couple attempts later I landed Romulv. Which I am actually happier with. It's really not that hard...


And I have 20+ toons which I spent a lot of time on the costume and theme, picked a good name for, and spent very little time playing. So I should give those up just because some other whiney pimple-nosed tweeny wants the name...? F No. I even made a hero for my wife, for her favourite tv character. He's in a suit, dark hair, mo+beard, very good looking, with white wings, fire/mental dom from memory. His name is Lucifer Morningstar. Because Lucifer was taken, shock, horror! If she ever deigns to play CoH with me, she has a readily transferable name and costume ready to go (although she might need to play something less challenging than a dom first he he...although come to think of it, given her RL skills...hmmm....).

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Game over man, game over!

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8 hours ago, Ironblade said:


Look.  I made a character named 594rk because 5p4rk was taken.  It just takes a little imagination.  And no, I'm not kidding.  That's the name of my level 50 electric/electric tank.


He he, I just recently made a fire/dev blaster called Ember Sparks :).

I also have a elec/energy stalker called Elektralight. an elec/elec def called Elektralite, elec/elec corr called Electricksity, elec/temp blaster Elektra Chronos, grav/elec dom Gravelektra. And they're certainly not my favourite or best work by far!

Edited by Nostromo21
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Game over man, game over!

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On 2/1/2024 at 6:39 PM, nzer said:


  • It encourages degenerate behavior, such as logging into every single character on your account in sequence just to refresh their name expiration, or compulsively scrolling through your entire alt list to check whether there are any characters with a name expiration warning. This could realistically cause stress for players with OCD or anxiety.
  • Its existence is not communicated to the player until very near the point of name expiration, meaning a player who isn't aware of its existence will not actually have a year to refresh their characters names, they may only have as long as the pre-expiration warning period

These two points are exactly why i'm against it. I've got a massive anxiety problem and today i just saw the warning with a few days left on a character i was specifically saving for when my brother who've i've been trying to get into the game starts. That freaked me out to see a warning like that especially since i came up with some names that i was really proud of, alongside some names i was surprised i was able to even get. Some of my names are gibberish, but i have had gibberish names taken before, even just within a day in certain instances. Like on Mario Maker 2, i didnt realize that game had its own profile naming thing unique to it instead of using your actual profile name and on the very 2nd day that game was out, my gibberish name was already taken. 

it just adds unecessary stress to me to have to constantly log onto each character within a varying time table just to make sure my characters identities arent taken. stress like that is the whole reason why i never got into the housing system in Final Fantasy 14 (which for those who dont know you have to go into your house once a month or you lose your plot that you bought), and to see something like that implemented on something as central as just your character's names really kills any desire to keep playing this game for me if i gotta stress out about logging into each of my 10 or so characters. And since i tend to binge games, drop em for a while, binge em again, rinse and repeat, its a very real threat i'd have to worry about if i kept playing this game.

imo, if the devs are so worried about people sitting on names, why even let people have 1000 per server in the first place? the chance of someone having anywhere near that many active characters is incredibly slim. One solution i can think of is have a middle ground where the more characters you have the stricter the log in policy is, so more casual players like me who just want a few alts wont be caught up with people who make hundreds or even thousands with the hope of sitting on names for whatever reason.

Edited by Arklos
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On 2/1/2024 at 5:34 PM, nzer said:

Permitted by who? The devs? By that logic nothing you have in the game belongs to you. If you're gone for a year I should be able to take your inspirations enhancements, your influence, your supergroup, and all of your characters, because they don't actually belong to you and you're not using them. Right?

Yes.  By the devs.

All the name DB is is a trace of random characters by pattern.  And the main rule is "No dupes".

You can rant and rage against that.

Unless you have a fully working, drop-in example of code to fix that, you are essentially pissing in the wind.

I know.  It kinda sucks.  I'd LOVE to have copies of my main on all the servers.

However, some people managed to sneak in and snag those before I did.

C'est la vie.

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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5 hours ago, Snarky said:

They came close here….



Now I have a mental image of vamps trying to say "Thqueal Like a Piggeh!" around fangs...

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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1 hour ago, Hyperstrike said:

Now I have a mental image of vamps trying to say "Thqueal Like a Piggeh!" around fangs...

Something like that.  Here is Bill Paxton in hillbilly vamp mode



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On 2/2/2024 at 9:03 AM, Excraft said:

The odds of a single desired name even being in a list of 700,00+ to begin with isn't "1 in 3."

So I think there's some miscommunication here in how the statistics are being represented. If there are 2 million characters and 700,000 of those are "inactive," then the odds of an already-in-use name being taken by an inactive character is 1 in 3 (well, 1 in 2.85174 but we'll round). The other poster is basically saying the name release policy would free up about 1/3 of the total character names that are already taken.


22 hours ago, Player2 said:

Can I have a look at your complete list of names?  You may have something I want.  😄

No, but if in the future you try to create a character and I happen to have the name you want, PM me and we'll talk.

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3 hours ago, macskull said:

No, but if in the future you try to create a character and I happen to have the name you want, PM me and we'll talk.

I'm not even sure what your global is, but thanks... I should be fine with what I have, and what I have is so creativity.


Although, come to think of it, if you have Creativity as a character name, maybe we could work something out.  😉 

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I just try not to hang onto names that, for whatever reason, I feel like I may never use. Once in awhile I'll pick up an interesting one as a "Yeah, maybe?", but if a few months go by and I haven't done anything with it, I drop it over in the 'Looking for a name'-thread on the Everlasting forum. It doesn't feel fair to keep a stray indefinitely. 


The one time someone has contacted me about a name that I had that they wanted, I'm afraid I didn't give it up. The player wanted Ironhorse, and that particular Brute is a favorite. So... no. I had to disappoint him. I'd find it pretty hard to give up any of my gang's names, honestly, but a favorite? Sorry, but no. 'Not going to happen, no matter how "nice" the community may expect me to be about just handing them over because someone else wants it.  


Call me a selfish horrible person if you like, but that's the truth. 😝




Edited by Coyotedancer
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12 hours ago, Snarky said:

Something like that.  Here is Bill Paxton in hillbilly vamp mode




Heh, I thought the vamps in 30 Days of Night were fairly Alaskan hillbilly feral, and gave these a run for their blood!


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Game over man, game over!

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1 hour ago, Coyotedancer said:

I just try not to hang onto names that, for whatever reason, I feel like I may never use. Once in awhile I'll pick up an interesting one as a "Yeah, maybe?", but if a few months go by and I haven't done anything with it, I drop it over in the 'Looking for a name'-thread on the Everlasting forum. It doesn't feel fair to keep a stray indefinitely. 


The one time someone has contacted me about a name that I had that they wanted, I'm afraid I didn't give it up. The player wanted Ironhorse, and that particular Brute is a favorite. So... no. I had to disappoint him. I'd find it pretty hard to give up any of my gang's names, honestly, but a favorite? Sorry, but no. 'Not going to happen, no matter how "nice" the community may expect me to be about just handing them over because someone else wants it.  


Call me a selfish horrible person if you like, but that's the truth. 😝





We have a saying down under: fool me once...errr, no I meant: "first in, best dressed". Not sure if that's one you use in NA or EU as well, but I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Unlike ridonculous sayings like "don't come the raw prawn with me", eh. 8-/

Game over man, game over!

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2 hours ago, Nostromo21 said:


Heh, I thought the vamps in 30 Days of Night were fairly Alaskan hillbilly feral, and gave these a run for their blood!


30 days of Night were (in my opinion) a tribute (love letter?) to Sabbat players from Vampire the Masquerade.  Very feral, very focused, very pack oriented….yet with a deep cunning.

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4 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

I just try not to hang onto names that, for whatever reason, I feel like I may never use. Once in awhile I'll pick up an interesting one as a "Yeah, maybe?", but if a few months go by and I haven't done anything with it, I drop it over in the 'Looking for a name'-thread on the Everlasting forum. It doesn't feel fair to keep a stray indefinitely. 


The one time someone has contacted me about a name that I had that they wanted, I'm afraid I didn't give it up. The player wanted Ironhorse, and that particular Brute is a favorite. So... no. I had to disappoint him. I'd find it pretty hard to give up any of my gang's names, honestly, but a favorite? Sorry, but no. 'Not going to happen, no matter how "nice" the community may expect me to be about just handing them over because someone else wants it.  


Call me a selfish horrible person if you like, but that's the truth. 😝





I hear ya, not giving up favorite names either. But I got a number of others I don't mind releasing 🙂👍🏻

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On 2/3/2024 at 2:12 PM, macskull said:

So I think there's some miscommunication here in how the statistics are being represented. If there are 2 million characters and 700,000 of those are "inactive," then the odds of an already-in-use name being taken by an inactive character is 1 in 3 (well, 1 in 2.85174 but we'll round). The other poster is basically saying the name release policy would free up about 1/3 of the total character names that are already taken.


I can make up math too.  The odds of someone getting a name they want is actually 50/50.... they're either going to get it or they won't.  See how easy that was?  😁


If Mr. Math Wizard really wants to dazzle people, have him calculate the odds of finding just 1 acceptable name in all the combinations of all of the words in all of the languages you're able to create a name in game with.  Chances are pretty good that people will find a good name in that... much better odds than it getting freed up by the existing policy. 😉

Edited by Excraft
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