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Need Ice/XX leveling build suggestions for 1st time player.

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Posted (edited)

I'm looking for a build for a new player to level with. Doing a Respec later to 'optimize' would be the long-term idea.


I have been searching through this forum and found a few posts on Ice Tanks. Some Hyperstrike builds, an Ice/Ice for the holidays themed, a smattering of others but none that are any newer that Feb2023.

Since I'm a first-time player learning the game, I don't have a lot of influence although I am following some guides to craft and sell AH to make cash. This means a lot of the sets and unique's are out of my reach for now. I don't know about incarnates or any of the later game stuff. That's one of the reasons I play a tank, to live long enough to learn LOL, plus I love tanking.


I prefer Ice/Ice for my theme, but I am open to others if it doesn't simply look too wonky for ice. The other pools I am completely open to trying.
Currently 21st level. Any builds from that point of view?

Edited by SirArion

Just keep playing! Slot what you can. Archetype Origin enhancements should be your top priority when it comes to how you spend your inf. The Tanker ones are super strong! And Ice/Ice is a strong enough combo that keeps itself super safe even on just SOs, so you can rest easy on slotting until you're ready to expand your knowledge and push your toon to its limit.


Keep in mind that mobs in this game are dumb enough to chase you around a corner to punch you! Use this to your advantage so you can get every mob possible inside your Ice Patch and Frost cone!

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Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

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I appreciate the offer of influence but if I don't learn to make my own, I will always be hurting for it.
The problem is more the abilities, what looks good vs what is good are two different things. The abilities keep getting tweaked over time, so I don't know which are worth taking and in what order as I level. I'm not using the Double XP as the first time I prefer to get a feel for the game and story.
It's information I need and if it's as simple as pointing me to the right forum post that's great, I just can't find the info that's up to date.

I did a TF yesterday and got my butt whooped, after they were kind enough to make some suggestions on how some to choose abilities (Wet Ice) that I didn't have. I'm trying to avoid that as I go up.

14 minutes ago, SirArion said:

I appreciate the offer of influence but if I don't learn to make my own, I will always be hurting for it.
The problem is more the abilities, what looks good vs what is good are two different things. The abilities keep getting tweaked over time, so I don't know which are worth taking and in what order as I level. I'm not using the Double XP as the first time I prefer to get a feel for the game and story.
It's information I need and if it's as simple as pointing me to the right forum post that's great, I just can't find the info that's up to date.

I did a TF yesterday and got my butt whooped, after they were kind enough to make some suggestions on how some to choose abilities (Wet Ice) that I didn't have. I'm trying to avoid that as I go up.

My favorite ice toon is Ice Armor/Stone Melee.  This is a leveling build, but also fully kitted out at 50.  As with almost all my builds, it is not the absolute maxx, as some of the decisions to eek out that last 1% of whatever, goes against my thematic or fun factors (or just personal preferences). 


AVALNCH_4.0 - Tanker (Ice Armor).mbd


Ice's endurance recovery offsets stone's thirsty attack chain.  Stone melee's controls complement Ice's slows and vice versa.  Recharge and slow resists are key, as you are dependent on refilling your end bar with Energy Absorption (lvl 22)...which also gives you a +def, for every target in range.


If you don't want to continuously get your "butt whooped", take Yomo up on his offer, follow @Sovera's money making tips (in his sig), and buy the handful of uniques, as they become available.  You can buy the tanker ATOs immediately (at least get the Might of the Tanker +res and Gauntleted Fist +absorb), as those sets boost your stats immensely.  Other uniques come on at various levels starting around lvl 7.  Look at the build in Mids' and see those items that are unique.  Not dying alot, especially as a tank...when the rest of the team is counting on you being upright, is worth adding those pieces in, early. 😆

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Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present


Excellent, thank you. This helps a lot. Few questions to clarify.

The level 12 power shows blank in MidsReborn 2023.9.605. No power or enhancements.


Is the Combat Jumping at 20 just for the +def and +Immobilization resist or is there some form of jumping to a target?


Stone Fist/Heavy Mallet/Kick/Tremor/Stalagmites seem to be the only direct attacks. So just cycle those attacks? I know most of the agro and control comes from the toggles but other than Taunt what should I do to get the mobs on me? Move to them and let the toggles grab their attention?


Energy Absorbtion should be used on cooldown or when I have a good group gathered?


Would Salt Crystals break if Icicles/Tremor damages then or is only on a direct attack?


This gives me a great starting point to build from, I appreciate it.



Hello Arion, and welcome aboard.


The level 12 power should be Super Jump and has two slots, that it shows as having no slots makes me think your version of Mids is outdated. See if you have the most recent one from here: https://www.midsreborn.com/


I don't completely agree with how that build is built but that's in good part because builds are like art and each person brings their touch. But Ice Armor has no Knockback hole that requires the -KB IO, and without the second Mallet the single target rotation may be a bit iffy.


In theory you do not use powers that are not slotted such as Kick. Your single target rotation should be Heavy Mallet, Stone Fist, Stone Mallet, Stone Fist. Repeat until Seismic Smash opens. Seismic Smash is the set's big hitter and it hurts my soul to see it slotted for Holds instead of damage... But once you have Seismic Smash the single target rotation is Seismic Smash, Heavy Mallet, Stone Fist, Stone Mallet. May need an extra Stone Fist.


Combat Jumping lets you do small bunny hops during combat. Super Jump (and other actual travel powers such as Fly or Super Speed) has combat suppression which stops them from working for X seconds when attacking. Combat Jumping does not have this limiter. And, yes, it adds another 2% defense.


Using Taunt is not strictly necessary but has niche uses such as making ranged characters go into melee and forcing mobs to attack you if they are attacking a squishy (most melee characters are tough enough to not mind being hit and thus do not need to be babysat).


Energy Absorption fills your endurance bar. Ice Armor is very hungry, and Stone Armor is ALSO very endurance hungry, so you will be probably using that power on cooldown.... which again hurts me seeing it slotted for defense instead of endurance...


Salt Crystals are a forced pick. Can't pick the next powers without taking it, but it's useless since as you've reasoned it will break from Icicles or anything else.


Give me a few minutes and I'll post my own version that will not damage my soul.

Posted (edited)

And back.



I'm not an Ice Armor fan but I think I covered the basics. You will be gasping for blue bar so stock up on Recovery Serums from the P2W vendor all the way until you get Energy Absorption which I suggest you slot ASAP. You'll be using it at every spawn pretty much to keep your endurance bar from flatlining.


I'm more of a Fire Armor person 😄 But I won't begrudge you wanting to try the icy brethren.


This is NOT a leveling build, but I can cobble something if you need it.

AVALNCH_5.0 - Tanker (Ice Armor).mbd


There are a bunch of free powers I did not take since nothing really grabbed me. Ice Armor has endurance problems and so does not want more toggles, but take whatever and try it out. More toggles are not a problem if you pick Cardiac in the Alpha incarnates.

Edited by Sovera

Oddly I did have that version of MidsReborn but I downloaded the installer instead of the zip and it's working now.

I have been using your guide and Shinobu to make the money I have. It's a little hit and miss as I try and figure which things sell but it's going up as well as letting me buy a few of the essentials (Panacea/Numina/Miracle). I'm not making billions but millions server me well while I learn the game.


Thanks for the explanations and the guide. Both are appreciated and this gives me a foundation to work with.

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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Sovera said:

I don't completely agree with how that build is built but that's in good part because builds are like art and each person brings their touch. But Ice Armor has no Knockback hole that requires the -KB IO, and without the second Mallet the single target rotation may be a bit iffy.


In theory you do not use powers that are not slotted such as Kick. Your single target rotation should be Heavy Mallet, Stone Fist, Stone Mallet, Stone Fist. Repeat until Seismic Smash opens. Seismic Smash is the set's big hitter and it hurts my soul to see it slotted for Holds instead of damage... But once you have Seismic Smash the single target rotation is Seismic Smash, Heavy Mallet, Stone Fist, Stone Mallet. May need an extra Stone Fist.


Combat Jumping lets you do small bunny hops during combat. Super Jump (and other actual travel powers such as Fly or Super Speed) has combat suppression which stops them from working for X seconds when attacking. Combat Jumping does not have this limiter. And, yes, it adds another 2% defense.


Using Taunt is not strictly necessary but has niche uses such as making ranged characters go into melee and forcing mobs to attack you if they are attacking a squishy (most melee characters are tough enough to not mind being hit and thus do not need to be babysat).


Energy Absorption fills your endurance bar. Ice Armor is very hungry, and Stone Armor is ALSO very endurance hungry, so you will be probably using that power on cooldown.... which again hurts me seeing it slotted for defense instead of endurance...


Salt Crystals are a forced pick. Can't pick the next powers without taking it, but it's useless since as you've reasoned it will break from Icicles or anything else.


Give me a few minutes and I'll post my own version that will not damage my soul.

And that's the best part of this game.  You can tailor your build to whatever you deem important.  You'll also note that @Sovera is a class act, and recognizes that, rather than those who just immediately jump on the opportunity to show how only their opinions and build theories should be followed/respected.  I focus on survival, rather than single target damage.


So to try to soothe the damaged souls 😆, here are my philosophies and reasons.


-I'll start by agreeing that the BotZ KB prot. enhancement was overkill, so I moved it to Taunt and added the sixth piece of Mocking Beratement for another +7.5% recharge.  My KB target is 12 pts. and back when this was built, I was hooked on KB numbers.  Not really necessary now and 10 is OK. Remember, slow resistance and recharge are key, as you will need Energy Absorption up, as much as possible.  With this change, the recharge is 26 sec., which is less than half the time of it's unslotted time.  Using Recovery Serums is an option, but after you hit 22, it shouldn't matter.


When CoH started, there wasn't much soloing with tanks and your job was to survive and hold aggro, thereby letting the true damage dealers (Blasters and Scrappers) kill things.  Your kills were (are in teaming) just gravy.  I rarely take both T1 and T2 attacks, on any tank.  T1 is a fast recharging and constant attack, so Gauntleted Fist goes there, for lots of +absorb activations.  Absorption shields are the same as "free hit points".  Many builders don't like the ATOs in AoEs, but I've found that with Icicles (or Blazing Aura and the like), I have one stack, consistently.  Rarely, if ever, two stacks, but since I focus on survival (Res. and Def.), I don't need it.


-Kick:  The perpetual controversy.  It's slotted with a Force Feedback +recharge.  No I don't often use it, unless exempted.  What hurts my soul is to see empty slots in Mids', so it's an easy fix to fill with FF.


-Seismic Smash:  The bonuses from Char are just too good to pass up.  Resistances (including recharge resistance), tasty defense boosts and a sprinkling of end recovery.  Wait, and there's another +absorb proc?  Sold!  Definitely a team approach, rather than solo or as a max damager.


-Combat Jumping:  Same as what Sovera said and it (usually) is a mule for some of the defense uniques.  Since Ice is a defensive set, those go in Frozen Armor, instead. 


-Taunt:  Normally, I one slot it with the Perfect Zinger +psi damage proc, since it's auto-hit and has a base recharge of 10 sec., doesn't need recharge.  In this build, it's a full set of Mocking Beratement, for the set bonuses.  End, resistance, defense and, most importantly the 6th slot for the aforementioned 7.5% recharge enhancement.


-Energy Absorption:  Targets and target numbers determine how much end you refill and since you're always at the center of the mob(s), you should refill fully, each activation...so...more defense for me.  The bonuses for LotG (Regen, HP, Accuracy and Resistances - especially the Toxic/Psi for the 6th piece) are more important (to me).


-Salt Crystals:  Yes, required pick for Quicksand (not many are, but I'm a fan of the 'sand) and Stalagmites, but the -Rech proc is valid, once it hits.  Having said that, it's usually reserved for bosses and isn't in the regular rotation.  Quicksand gets Ice Mistral, mostly for the 5th piece and 6.25% recharge, but also has HP, Accuracy and Recharge debuff resistance.  Stalagmites gets Ragnarok for chance of KD and 6% fire resistance.  Part of this build's art is that Earth Mastery perfectly fits the theme. 


AVALNCH:  A nearly indestructible muddy snowball that will slow you, knock you down, stun and hold you before pounding you into oblivion.  May take a bit longer than a procc'd out damage monster, but when you've got damage around you, the team is incredibly safe.  (numbers with no incarnates and one stack of MoT and one mob in EA):





And with Incarnates (Resilient and Melee Core - 1 mob):



Edited by PLVRIZR
fixed paste formatting
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Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present


When I get home I will edit this post with more information and some Mids screenies.  I started playing CoH back in Issue 6 I believe, and quite a bit after incarnate came out.  I have been, and always will be a Tanker and love it.  My favourite build ever so far has been Ice Armor / Stone Melee / Fire Epic.


This build is very much thematic, and is based around having access to all the elements as possible, but there is a lot of beautiful synergy that happens.  As mentioned by other people, Ice Armor is end hungry and so is Stone Melee, you will be living off of your Energy Drain PBAoE, but unlike most people, I slot it for defence nowadays.  This is primarily a result of having access to Incarnate Abilities to drastically curb end costs, but until then, I run Energy Absorption with 3 rech and 3 end mod.


Ice Armor's strength is its ability to push it's defence way above the cap to help accomodate def debuffs, aoe toggle to slow and damage debuff enemies, inherent +perception, and some minor resists.  The armor covers a lot of bases at once, and Stone Melee not only HITS HARD, but it has a lot of damage mitigation built into it.  2 PBAoE knockdowns (not knock back), 2 single target knockdowns, a hold, a spam disorient, and a ranged single target.  This really helps you setup enemies for ideal ENERGY ABSORBING to help properly your end bar.  The synergy between the armor and the melee is beautiful.  


Ice Armor is VERY GOOD at holding aggro by itself, but I find that adding in Fire Epic makes the build even more well rounded.  Char for the single target hold helps you manage single AV encounters, then Melt Armor and Fireball are just wonderful for more AoE doom!  Fireball puts out some good AoE damage, and Melt Armor makes the entire team hit harder.  Both of these also do wonders in giving you even more aggro control, which again works towards maximizing Energy Absorption.


This build however is rather painful to level, especially if you are broke.  But the end game is super fun for me, as Stone Melee REALLY feels smashy!

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When I made the post I completely misunderstood respec. I thought it would let me change the powerset. I was already Ice/Ice.

Using the advice here and a few posts I came up with this build and I'm 34 now. I am going slowly to try and enjoy the story the first time around, not even using the 2x XP boost. I wouldn't mind any suggestions to improve this in any way.


I figure I need to make another 300-400 million influence to get all the enhancements but I'm getting there. The AH is getting easier now that I am starting to get a feel for the game.


Character: "Morkold" A Level 50 Magic Tanker (Hero)
Primary Power Set: Ice Armor
Secondary Power Set: Ice Melee
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Epic Power Pool: Energy Mastery

Selected Powers
Level 1: Frozen Armor
•    Slot Level 1: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance
•    Slot Level 3: Shield Wall: Defense/Recharge
•    Slot Level 3: Shield Wall: Endurance/Recharge
•    Slot Level 5: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance/Recharge
•    Slot Level 5: Shield Wall: Defense
•    Slot Level 7: Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
Level 1: Frozen Fists
•    Slot Level 1: Superior Gauntleted Fist: Accuracy/Damage
•    Slot Level 37: Superior Gauntleted Fist: Damage/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 37: Superior Gauntleted Fist: Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 42: Superior Gauntleted Fist: Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 43: Superior Gauntleted Fist: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 43: Superior Gauntleted Fist: RechargeTime/+Absorb
Level 2: Hoarfrost
•    Slot Level 2: Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb
•    Slot Level 7: Preventive Medicine: Heal
•    Slot Level 9: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 9: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance
•    Slot Level 11: Preventive Medicine: Heal/Endurance
•    Slot Level 21: Impervium Armor: Psionic Resistance
Level 4: Chilling Embrace
•    Slot Level 4: Pacing of the Turtle: Chance of -Recharge
•    Slot Level 17: Pacing of the Turtle: Range/Slow
•    Slot Level 17: Pacing of the Turtle: Accuracy/Slow
•    Slot Level 19: Pacing of the Turtle: Endurance/Recharge/Slow
•    Slot Level 21: Pacing of the Turtle: Accuracy/Endurance
•    Slot Level 45: Pacing of the Turtle: Damage/Slow
Level 6: Wet Ice
•    Slot Level 6: Invention: Endurance Reduction
Level 8: Permafrost
•    Slot Level 8: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance
•    Slot Level 13: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance
•    Slot Level 13: Unbreakable Guard: Endurance/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 15: Unbreakable Guard: RechargeTime/Resistance
•    Slot Level 19: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime
•    Slot Level 46: Impervium Armor: Psionic Resistance
Level 10: Combat Jumping
•    Slot Level 10: Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage
•    Slot Level 39: Reactive Defenses: Defense
Level 12: Super Jump
•    Slot Level 12: Launch: Jumping / Increased Jump Height
•    Slot Level 33: Launch: Jumping
Level 14: Icicles
•    Slot Level 14: Armageddon: Damage
•    Slot Level 15: Armageddon: Damage/Recharge
•    Slot Level 23: Armageddon: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
•    Slot Level 23: Armageddon: Recharge/Accuracy
•    Slot Level 33: Armageddon: Damage/Endurance
•    Slot Level 34: Armageddon: Chance for Fire Damage
Level 16: Frost
•    Slot Level 16: Ragnarok: Damage
•    Slot Level 25: Ragnarok: Damage/Recharge
•    Slot Level 29: Ragnarok: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
•    Slot Level 40: Ragnarok: Recharge/Accuracy
•    Slot Level 45: Ragnarok: Damage/Endurance
•    Slot Level 45: Ragnarok: Chance for Knockdown
Level 18: Glacial Armor
•    Slot Level 18: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance
•    Slot Level 27: Shield Wall: Defense
•    Slot Level 29: Shield Wall: Defense/Recharge
•    Slot Level 31: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance/Recharge
Level 20: Build Up
•    Slot Level 20: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up
•    Slot Level 39: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Recharge
•    Slot Level 40: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
•    Slot Level 40: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Recharge/Endurance
•    Slot Level 42: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Endurance
•    Slot Level 46: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff
Level 22: Energy Absorption
•    Slot Level 22: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance
•    Slot Level 25: Shield Wall: Defense/Recharge
•    Slot Level 42: Shield Wall: Endurance/Recharge
•    Slot Level 43: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance/Recharge
Level 24: Taunt
•    Slot Level 24: Perfect Zinger: Chance for Psi Damage
Level 26: Freezing Touch
•    Slot Level 26: Hecatomb: Damage
•    Slot Level 34: Hecatomb: Damage/Recharge
•    Slot Level 37: Hecatomb: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
•    Slot Level 39: Hecatomb: Recharge/Accuracy
•    Slot Level 46: Hecatomb: Damage/Endurance
•    Slot Level 48: Hecatomb: Chance of Damage(Negative)
Level 28: Hasten
•    Slot Level 28: Invention: Recharge Reduction
•    Slot Level 31: Invention: Recharge Reduction
Level 30: Boxing
•    Slot Level 30: Mako's Bite: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
•    Slot Level 31: Mako's Bite: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 32: Tough
•    Slot Level 32: Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All)
•    Slot Level 33: Impervium Armor: Psionic Resistance
•    Slot Level 34: Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%
Level 35: Weave
•    Slot Level 35: Shield Wall: Defense
•    Slot Level 36: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance
•    Slot Level 36: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance/Recharge
•    Slot Level 36: Shield Wall: Defense/Recharge
Level 38: Focused Accuracy
•    Slot Level 38: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Endurance
Level 41: Physical Perfection
•    Slot Level 41: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End
Level 44: Frozen Aura
•    Slot Level 44: Superior Might of the Tanker: Accuracy/Damage
•    Slot Level 48: Superior Might of the Tanker: Damage/Recharge
•    Slot Level 48: Superior Might of the Tanker: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
•    Slot Level 50: Superior Might of the Tanker: Damage/Endurance/Recharge
•    Slot Level 50: Superior Might of the Tanker: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
•    Slot Level 50: Superior Might of the Tanker: Recharge/Chance for +Res(All)
Level 47: Maneuvers
•    Slot Level 47: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
Level 49: Tactics
•    Slot Level 49: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Endurance

Inherent Powers
•    Slot Level 2: Invention: Healing
•    Slot Level 1: Invention: Run Speed
•    Slot Level 1: Invention: Jumping
•    Slot Level 1: Panacea: +Hit Points/Endurance
•    Slot Level 11: Miracle: +Recovery
•    Slot Level 27: Numina's Convalescence: +Regeneration/+Recovery
•    Slot Level 1: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End
Prestige Power Slide:
•    Slot Level 0: Invention: Jumping


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You definitely want your MotT chance for res way earlier in your build than in a lvl 44 power pick. That's usually used in a single target attack in your rotation to try and get 2-3x stacks of it. At 44 you're missing out on that buff for a significant amount of times and when you exemplar.


OK, I see what you mean. Does swapping the enhancement from the 44 Freezing Aura and the 16 Frost seem right?

Alternatively, should I swap the 1 Frozen Fist to the 16 Frost and then the 16 Frost to the 44 Freezing Aura and slot MotT into the 1 Frozen Fists since the SupGauntFist has the +Absorb?

10 hours ago, SirArion said:

When I made the post I completely misunderstood respec. I thought it would let me change the powerset. I was already Ice/Ice.

Using the advice here and a few posts I came up with this build and I'm 34 now. I am going slowly to try and enjoy the story the first time around, not even using the 2x XP boost. I wouldn't mind any suggestions to improve this in any way.


Other than being a bit of a pain in the butt for a few minutes, respecs are a great way to try out stuff and decide what works at that point in time.  You will probably find that at later points in time, other things may work better.  There are a lot of ways to get the ability to respec, so that should never be the bottleneck.



Who run Bartertown?


57 minutes ago, SirArion said:

OK, I see what you mean. Does swapping the enhancement from the 44 Freezing Aura and the 16 Frost seem right?

Alternatively, should I swap the 1 Frozen Fist to the 16 Frost and then the 16 Frost to the 44 Freezing Aura and slot MotT into the 1 Frozen Fists since the SupGauntFist has the +Absorb?

Swapping MotT to Frost will probably work well enough at lvl 16, because then the only time you wouldn't have access to it while exemplaring would be going below lvl 11 which wouldn't be often. you have Ragnarok in Frost above which won't fit in Frozen Aura, but you could use Armageddons if you really wanted to. Personally I'd probably probably have Frost sooner if I was playing ice melee myself but that's just me as getting to 16, you are probably still using sands of my and nemesis bolts to round out your attack chain up to that point.


That said looking over the slotting choices of your proposed build seem to me that you're just slotting in the most expensive set you can for each power. Doing so without a plan for what you're building for is a waste of influence and likely doesn't get your performance to where you want it.


What do you want out of your tank? Do you have any particular build goals that you want to accomplish? Do you have any particular power must haves?


I like the fact that you took effort to try to make your own build, but now that you've experienced mids a bit, it's time to start looking towards build efficiency. Are you playing a leveling build and plan to slot this toon out as you go, or are you planning to just build it with IO sets from the get to?


I can take a look at your build in more depth tonight and see if I can help you improve some efficiency if you have particular build goals as I like helping people get better at making builds (not to say I'm necessary an authority on how to make a toon but as Sovera said there's a number of us that all have our own way of building them to get the job done).


Posted (edited)

Since this is my first toon, I am slotting as I make the influence I need to afford the enhancements. I was picking them simply from other builds as I don't have a good grasp as to what works. I didn't understand the + abilities until you explained it, I thought they just went off on their own. In the meantime I am using IO's to fill some spots. I try and get what I think are the better singles followed by completing a set for the bonuses. The plan was simply the end build Def/Resist.

My overall goal was agro and staying alive, I don't mind slow killing when I solo. In teams I just wanted to make sure I was keeping the dps safe. I am also fond of jumping vs Flying.


Your statement finally let me understand what people meant by exemplaring as well, so I am shifting things around a bit. Since I'm 34 now I can move some things back to focus a little on the exemplaring effects. So 35+ would be for leveling currently.


Due to what fits where I dropped Ragnarok for Avalanche in Icicles. This drops my psionic/toxin resist a little but gives me knockdown in Icicles which is nice.

Oddly  my  resistances don't show up now in MidsReborn totals.

Morkold-Tanker Ice-Ice Updated.mbd

Edited by SirArion
6 hours ago, SirArion said:

Since this is my first toon, I am slotting as I make the influence I need to afford the enhancements. I was picking them simply from other builds as I don't have a good grasp as to what works. I didn't understand the + abilities until you explained it, I thought they just went off on their own. In the meantime I am using IO's to fill some spots. I try and get what I think are the better singles followed by completing a set for the bonuses. The plan was simply the end build Def/Resist.

My overall goal was agro and staying alive, I don't mind slow killing when I solo. In teams I just wanted to make sure I was keeping the dps safe. I am also fond of jumping vs Flying.


Your statement finally let me understand what people meant by exemplaring as well, so I am shifting things around a bit. Since I'm 34 now I can move some things back to focus a little on the exemplaring effects. So 35+ would be for leveling currently.


Due to what fits where I dropped Ragnarok for Avalanche in Icicles. This drops my psionic/toxin resist a little but gives me knockdown in Icicles which is nice.

Oddly  my  resistances don't show up now in MidsReborn totals.

Morkold-Tanker Ice-Ice Updated.mbd 43.58 kB · 1 download

I checked your build out a bit, and just sent you a variant of an ice/ice tank via a message that I built for incarnate content that uses a high level of typed defense, moderate resistances, decent absorb, capped hp, and lets you play between cycling rebirth for more regen, melee for more res/regen, and demonic. You can use it as a basis and play with it how you want.

On 2/2/2024 at 5:58 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

I checked your build out a bit, and just sent you a variant of an ice/ice tank via a message that I built for incarnate content that uses a high level of typed defense, moderate resistances, decent absorb, capped hp, and lets you play between cycling rebirth for more regen, melee for more res/regen, and demonic. You can use it as a basis and play with it how you want.

Any chance I could get a copy of that to look at?  Vanilla Frost will be forever in your debt!  Ice Ice baby!

3 hours ago, cyberwraith said:

Any chance I could get a copy of that to look at?  Vanilla Frost will be forever in your debt!  Ice Ice baby!

I don't typically publicly release my builds as I told you last February. That said I'm more than willing to work with you to improve your build. Feel free to message me with it and your build goals and we can take it from there.


Posted (edited)
On 1/26/2024 at 10:57 AM, SirArion said:

Energy Absorbtion should be used on cooldown or when I have a good group gathered?


You want to pop this as often as possible. In a full spawn it'll add a lot to your defense and also refill your End bar. I slot it with three Luck of the Gamblers (+Rech, def/rech, Def/end/rech) and three acc/rech/endmods to get it recharging in ~15 seconds.

Run around in a spawn, pop EA, start whomping, pop it again as soon as it's recharged.


Here's a decently cheap leveling build. That's a set of Kinetic Combat in Frozen Fists, the Gladiator's Armor and Steadfast +Def uniques in Permafrost, and 3 of Eradication in Icicles (you could put them in Frost too). If EA hits 6 enemies your defense is soft-capped to S/L/E/N.

Oh, you should get Hoarfrost and max out its Heal/Recharge as quick as possible. Maybe choose it early and save Chilling Embrace for your teens.



Edited by ninja surprise

Ice/Energy is what I have and love it.  Although, I need to update his build still from the recent changes to the levels that powers are available and the changes to Energy Melee.  Otherwise, I'd post a build.  Maybe someone else a current one to share.  But Ice/Energy is a fun, great, and deadly combo.


On 1/25/2024 at 6:51 PM, SirArion said:

I'm looking for a build for a new player to level with. Doing a Respec later to 'optimize' would be the long-term idea.


I have been searching through this forum and found a few posts on Ice Tanks. Some Hyperstrike builds, an Ice/Ice for the holidays themed, a smattering of others but none that are any newer that Feb2023.

Since I'm a first-time player learning the game, I don't have a lot of influence although I am following some guides to craft and sell AH to make cash. This means a lot of the sets and unique's are out of my reach for now. I don't know about incarnates or any of the later game stuff. That's one of the reasons I play a tank, to live long enough to learn LOL, plus I love tanking.


I prefer Ice/Ice for my theme, but I am open to others if it doesn't simply look too wonky for ice. The other pools I am completely open to trying.
Currently 21st level. Any builds from that point of view?

Try this one - it's fairly current - the powers can be moved sooner in the build if you like.  This is a very durable tanker - especially if you lean on Energy Absorption for defense. 

Absolute Infinitum - Tanker (Ice Armor - Ice Melee).mxd

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