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What should be the rules of a hardcore solo self found challenge?


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Hello friends, looooooooongtime player, first time poster here. I have sunk an unbelievable amount of time into this game interspersed over the last 2 decades and I wanted to try something new and fun: A Hardcore challenge of some sort! The trouble is figuring out what the rules should be. Some things off the top of my head that I have been testing today..


Win Conditions:

- Reach Level 50+Max All Incarnate Slots?


For sure rules:

- Any AT/power combo

- Must skip the tutorial (getting from level 1 to 4 is a DIFFICULT  puzzle to solve from the testing I did today)

- 1 life (obviously)

- +4/Bosses and AV Always on. 

- You can only fight overworld enemies at least +4 to yourself or higher.

- No Grouping

- No trading/wentworths

- No AE 

- No p2w vendor  xp bonus

- You can only do each arc once and no resetting missions (no abusing ouro for easy xp)


Unsure rules:

-No temp powers at all?

-x8 might be completely impossible in particular at the low levels, it basically makes missions a non-starter. Should x1 be acceptable or what would a good floor be to be a challenge at +4 but not unmanageable?

-how restrictive on p2w vendor? Should the various bonus powers be allowed? What about the purchasable temp powers?


I am happy to hear any suggestions that would make this more interesting, again this is just for fun to give the game a little bit more challenge, I already have some characters in mind that may be able to pull it off under the for sure rules as is.


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5 hours ago, Darknat said:

-No temp powers at all?



Well, depending on the arcs you do, you can't do that. For instance, you need a temp power (the lost cure wand) to - well, cure the lost.  There aren't a *lot* like that, but there are a few instances at least. 


It is, of course, different from "no P2W temp powers," so...

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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5 hours ago, Skyhawke said:

Start in Praetoria at +4/+8 (or whatever that max setup is).

Look, I'm all for playing the game the way it was meant to be played, maybe even more than most, but let's not go crazy here!


Meanwhile, every Posi 1 I play on works like that...

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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How about:

  • Only use trains, ferries and zone gates for zone travel
  • Must train only in Peregrine Island

That won’t add a tremendous amount of difficulty once you reach your first travel power, but it would almost certainly require that you take one; that way you can’t use that power choice for something else.

The original @Hertz, creator of the Stan and Lou audio series on YouTube. Player of City of Heroes for yonks.1


1A yonk is a very long time.

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If I were doing a self challenge, it’d be something like this. 

* Powers: must pick the next primary power whenever possible. If not, then the next secondary power. If neither of those, the next power from a single pool set. Your last power pick must be from an epic power pool. Only temp powers that are mission-required may be used, except that Day Job and Safeguard powers are allowed. 
* Slots: no power may have more than one slot more than any other power. Fill them in pick order. 
* Economy: enhancements, inspirations, salvage, and recipes must be only from drops and self made. Send excess to another character if you need to free up inventory. No auction house for any reason. No influence from other characters or players. 
* Supergroups: no bases, yours or anyone else’s. 
* Travel: allowed are sprint (or equivalent), pool power if your picked pool set has one, and monorail or ferry. No base portals or Ouroboros. 
* Missions: radio scanner only. No resets, no regular contacts, no Ouroboros, no architect. No teams. Set to whatever difficulty you prefer. Street sweeping is allowed. 
* Hospitalization: before you leave the hospital after being defeated, you must mail all your salvage, recipes, unslotted enhancements, and inf to another character. Keep your inspirations. 

For me, the fun part would be tightly keeping to that character’s theme, as chosen by the power set selection. And then playing the role of a self-made hero protecting the city against threats. YMMV, of course. 

The American Dream, Willpower/Kinetic Melee Tanker, Everlasting.

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3 hours ago, Etched said:

If you're goin to go nuts, then go for the big nuts. 

You have to do it on a defender first. 

That's big nuts.




I would like to change my vote to Praetoria at +4/+8 as a FF/Archery defender. Thank you.

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Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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14 minutes ago, Skyhawke said:


I would like to change my vote to Praetoria at +4/+8 as a FF/Archery defender. Thank you.

That's some BIG NUTS.


I would of gone with FF/Ice Defender but Archery works just as well. ☠️



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Well Thunderspy does have an iron man hardcore challenge mode that you can choose from character creation which I thought was an interesting implementation. 


Here you'd be limited to your own self imposed rules and ensuring that you play by those rules.


Either way a hardcore character challenge can be a fun way to play every once in awhile.

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  • Not sure why you'd allow *anything* from the P2W vendor. Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff, Envenomed Daggers, and Dual Inspirations seem so much more overpowered than 2XP. 
  • Are you allowed to turn XP off?
  • Are you allowed to do this on servers that are currently running 2XP?
  • Are you allowed to abandon or autocomplete missions?
  • Are SG Empowerment station buffs allowed?
  • What if a mission requires you to kill overworld mobs in a specific area, and the mobs in question don't spawn at +4 or better?
  • The "+4 or better" restriction on killing overworld mobs doesn't apply to Giant Monsters and other levelless mobs, correct?
  • The mission difficulty has to be set to +4, but the "+4 or better" restriction on killing overworld mobs doesn't apply to mobs inside a mission, correct?
  • According to the rules, you could run missions that are 5 levels below your current level, set to +4, of course, so that they are effectively being run at -1. Working as intended?
  • Mission arcs can't be repeated. This only applies to missions with a storybook icon, correct?
    • Non-arc missions gotten via Oro can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Contacts who always hand out missions, such Sir Lionel in Night Ward or Warzone Agent Eckman in Bloody Bay, can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Tip, alignment, radio, safeguard, and mayhem missions can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Task forces, strike forces, and trials can be repeatedly farmed, correct? 
    • Signature story arcs can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Zone events like Oobatz, Prison Break, Booty Bay Meteor, can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
  • Is your plan to hit 50 via missions, then grind through every Oro mission you missed, and then endless tip/radio missions until you're all T4'd?
  • Other than the 6 DA mission arcs (which you are only allowed to do once), the only way you're getting any rare or very rare incarnate salvage is by converting from the Empyrean Merits you get from Vet Level rewards. Or possibly getting the 1 Astral Merit reward for signature story arcs and converting them to Empyrean merits. Or via threads for 100M+ inf each. Am I missing something?

In a way, the challenge seems almost backwards. At some point, maybe in the 20-35 range, you'll be able to handle +4 without too much difficulty and then you should switch to the most conservative farming of content so that you maintain (or increase) your safety margin and reach the goal with the least amount of risk. But before you can get to that point, there is no safe path of progression. Everything you do is extremely risky and has a much higher chance of failure. The start is where all the challenge and danger is. The finish is boring. Just thinking aloud.  


The +4 or +4/x8 and Boss/AV requirement is already enough to turn me off, but clearly I'm not the target audience. Knock yourself out though.


Edited by ZekeStenzland
conjunction misfunction
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2 hours ago, ZekeStenzland said:
  • Not sure why you'd allow *anything* from the P2W vendor. Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff, Envenomed Daggers, and Dual Inspirations seem so much more overpowered than 2XP. 
  • Are you allowed to turn XP off?
  • Are you allowed to do this on servers that are currently running 2XP?
  • Are you allowed to abandon or autocomplete missions?
  • Are SG Empowerment station buffs allowed?
  • What if a mission requires you to kill overworld mobs in a specific area, and the mobs in question don't spawn at +4 or better?
  • The "+4 or better" restriction on killing overworld mobs doesn't apply to Giant Monsters and other levelless mobs, correct?
  • The mission difficulty has to be set to +4, but the "+4 or better" restriction on killing overworld mobs doesn't apply to mobs inside a mission, correct?
  • According to the rules, you could run missions that are 5 levels below your current level, set to +4, of course, so that they are effectively being run at -1. Working as intended?
  • Mission arcs can't be repeated. This only applies to missions with a storybook icon, correct?
    • Non-arc missions gotten via Oro can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Contacts who always hand out missions, such Sir Lionel in Night Ward or Warzone Agent Eckman in Bloody Bay, can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Tip, alignment, radio, safeguard, and mayhem missions can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Task forces, strike forces, and trials can be repeatedly farmed, correct? 
    • Signature story arcs can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
    • Zone events like Oobatz, Prison Break, Booty Bay Meteor, can be repeatedly farmed, correct?
  • Is your plan to hit 50 via missions, then grind through every Oro mission you missed, and then endless tip/radio missions until you're all T4'd?
  • Other than the 6 DA mission arcs (which you are only allowed to do once), the only way you're getting any rare or very rare incarnate salvage is by converting from the Empyrean Merits you get from Vet Level rewards. Or possibly getting the 1 Astral Merit reward for signature story arcs and converting them to Empyrean merits. Or via threads for 100M+ inf each. Am I missing something?

In a way, the challenge seems almost backwards. At some point, maybe in the 20-35 range, you'll be able to handle +4 without too much difficulty and then you should switch to the most conservative farming of content so that you maintain (or increase) your safety margin and reach the goal with the least amount of risk. But before you can get to that point, there is no safe path of progression. Everything you do is extremely risky and has a much higher chance of failure. The start is where all the challenge and danger is. The finish is boring. Just thinking aloud.  


The +4 or +4/x8 and Boss/AV requirement is already enough to turn me off, but clearly I'm not the target audience. Knock yourself out though.


Yes most of those points are against the spirit of the challenge and yes the challenge is a bit masochistic in a way, no it might not be your cup of tea and I am getting the impression from some of the replies here that yall may be doing a bit of the "What? Why would anyone like a thing I don't like" response to this. The point is to be difficult ESPECIALLY early on so that the progression in mid/late game feels more meaningful. I don't really appreciate the snide for sharing a fun idea and had some enthusiasm for. (for me and people like me).

Here is the key points:

This isn't for everyone. If you don't like this style of challenge please feel free to ignore this post.
No deaths makes it so you can't just slowly die your way to success.

No farming easily repeatable content makes it so you have to continue to problem solve through out leveling.

The journey is the point, if it gets easily along the way, great thats the point.

I made the post to clarify the fringe cases where it may be difficult to actually find a possible solution.


Good grief 😕

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2 minutes ago, Darknat said:

The point is to be difficult ESPECIALLY early on so that the progression in mid/late game feels more meaningful.

there will be no "late game"  your odds will (sooner rather than later) turn horribly against you

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7 minutes ago, Snarky said:

there will be no "late game"  your odds will (sooner rather than later) turn horribly against you

Says you, I will just try again I have done similarly difficult things in other games because its how I like to play. If I give up eventually whatever, I still had fun on my own terms. You are being incredibly negative about something you have no interest in for absolutely no reason, if this is a troll take it elsewhere.

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Whoa whoa whoa… Apologies for offending. No shade or snark was intended. 

Most of the questions were just me putting on my software dev hat and trying to see where the loopholes were and if I could crash the requirements. 

(It would be nice if you did answer the questions though. I appreciate other people having a well thought out plan, even when it doesn’t accomplish any of my personal goals.)


I’ve done Ironman/Hardcore before. Mostly on WoW. And to me what made it challenging was that the rules had you consistently staying behind the power curve the whole time. The rules you propose don’t seem to work that way and I commented on it. If that’s a design goal of the challenge, then feel free to ignore my comments as a difference of tastes. No harm, no foul. 

Again, plainly stated, not trying to rain on your parade at all. 

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59 minutes ago, Darknat said:

Says you, I will just try again I have done similarly difficult things in other games because its how I like to play. If I give up eventually whatever, I still had fun on my own terms. You are being incredibly negative about something you have no interest in for absolutely no reason, if this is a troll take it elsewhere.

Have fun.  I do not care if you do this or tattoo your whole body.  Do what makes you happy. 

Me pointing out that you WILL die, repeatedly, almost always before 20 (and that is being generous in my opinion) is not negativity. I am positive that is hitting the LZ hard. 

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5 hours ago, Snarky said:

Have fun.  I do not care if you do this or tattoo your whole body.  Do what makes you happy. 

Me pointing out that you WILL die, repeatedly, almost always before 20 (and that is being generous in my opinion) is not negativity. I am positive that is hitting the LZ hard. 


I will thanks, your opinion on whether this was worth doing was never asked. All you did was call me mentally unwell which is by most definitions pretty rude, so politely if you have nothing constructive to add stay out of my thread.

5 hours ago, ZekeStenzland said:

Whoa whoa whoa… Apologies for offending. No shade or snark was intended. 

Most of the questions were just me putting on my software dev hat and trying to see where the loopholes were and if I could crash the requirements. 

(It would be nice if you did answer the questions though. I appreciate other people having a well thought out plan, even when it doesn’t accomplish any of my personal goals.)


I’ve done Ironman/Hardcore before. Mostly on WoW. And to me what made it challenging was that the rules had you consistently staying behind the power curve the whole time. The rules you propose don’t seem to work that way and I commented on it. If that’s a design goal of the challenge, then feel free to ignore my comments as a difference of tastes. No harm, no foul. 

Again, plainly stated, not trying to rain on your parade at all. 

Sorry snarky got my goat a bit, I swear this community was not like this back in the old days. Regarding most of your feedback it can be summarized as "No, because it goes against the spirit of the challenge." For example delaying arcs until being at +4 was bellow normal level would present no actual challenge or danger. I suppose I agree about none of the p2w prestige powers though they are basically part of the base game and don't require trading or interacting with players to acquire which is what put them on the table. Things like the nukes would trivialize many things so I think that's probably a no. Id say unleveled mobs are probably off the table as well since they are just set to your level and thus not +4. Regarding ouro, repeating anything there is what I mean not just the arcs. Its just too abusable. Like I get the point you are making with the feedback but this is a for fun, honor system style thing spelling out every edge case seems excessive for when it can be left to the individual to decide if something is in the spirit of play. 

When I was making the post I was mostly hoping to get some opinions on the team size difficulty setting because I feel like that setting it to +4/x8 would make it completely impossible to new characters within missions across missions, maybe some edge cases exist where it is possible if extremely difficult with some strategy or planning

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Hey, I think this is awesome. Technically, you can go from 0 to 50+3 Powerhouse Solo self-found. Hardcore 1-life of course is adding a new layer to that.


My advice? Lose the +4x8 AV challenge and avoid the p2w vendor instead. The p2w vendor has some powers that can really skew the odds, especially early on in your journey. Yes, they cost inf, but I still think it cheapens the challenge.


But aside from specific ATs/Powersets, you're going to need stuff like the Envenomed Dagger to solo AVs.


I would be interested in watching or reading into a journey like this. Don't let folk get you down. Whatever challenge you decide to do, if it's fun - shoot for the moon.


edit: I think temp powers are fine, and managing them would be cool - especially if you don't redo arcs. Just the p2w vendor has some very, very beefy ones.

Edited by Wiseguy

AKA @Shibbs

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8 hours ago, Darknat said:

Says you, I will just try again I have done similarly difficult things in other games because its how I like to play. If I give up eventually whatever, I still had fun on my own terms. You are being incredibly negative about something you have no interest in for absolutely no reason, if this is a troll take it elsewhere.


Snarky is actually someone who regularly does challenges of this sort. And no, Snarky is snarky, but he's not a troll.



I looked at these rules and found them pretty farfetched. But heck, if you're having fun then I say go for it. Seems like it would be a very slow slog though.


Once in a while I also do ironman challenges where I don't transfer IOs or money and start from scratch, but they are several rungs easier than your challenge since I just level normally and use the AH and all. I did decide my next one I will not make money out of crafting (excepting what drops) since I was spending more time in front of the AH than playing the game.


IMO the only-one-life is what limits you the most since all you need to do is take it slow and easy which will only slow you even further. Removing that rule lets you go a bit more ham and push the envelope. With it it'll be impossible to do x8 missions as you pondered. Without the one life limiter you can at least stock up on inspirations and keep brute forcing dying rinse and repeat until you get to the end of the mission. If you DON'T do x8 then it's back at what I said of taking it easy with 0x2 or 0x4 (realistically what someone using SOs can handle in the low levels).


As long as you stick to Ouroboros you will have enough XP to reach level 50 without repeating content AND receive a steady supply of merits which you will need to purchase the recipes from the ATM since no Wentsworth.


You will definitely want a brand new SG with all the storage bins you can fit to save all the salvage you find since you won't be able to buy some random bits of whatever crap is needed.


Just because of the above I'd probably ease up on no Wentsworth. Sure, use only IOs from recipes you need to get Merits to buy off the ATM, but having to worry about finding an Alchemical Silver in 10 storage bins to craft one IO seems dull as heck. So perhaps white and yellow salvage can be bought but orange is saved preciously in one bin (instead of 10). But, it's your challenge.


Not sure if you'll be able to get full incarnates without repeating missions. Dark Astoria is a bunch of repeatable missions after the initial intro and story, and there is only so much you get from veteran levels (they only give incarnate materials up to 99 plus whatever threads drop from mobs) without a steady supply of Tinpexes to actually max out everything.

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2 hours ago, Sovera said:

Snarky is actually someone who regularly does challenges of this sort. And no, Snarky is snarky, but he's not a troll.

Thank you, but let us not oversell the Snarky.  (especially to someone who already scratched the gold electroplate off the steel!)  I, once or twice a year, do completionist attempts.  Which go well if I do Red, and have had decidedly mixed results on Blue and Red/Blue/Gold.  These are set at +0/x1 and are not near the stress and difficulty of each mission being a possible end of the run.


I have seen some SG mates take on a similar challenge, allowed to team together, one death and out.  It was a meat grinder they ran for two? months.  Everytime someone died they rerolled and joined back in.  At it every night. No idea how far the most successful got.


Finally, I am sorry that you were offended.  Careful reading will reveal I am not apologizing for what I said.  I am who I am.  In my view I pointed out basic facts, in a Snarky way.  I may be wrong. You may take the first toon and frog march to 50.  A 50 of almost any AT/Powerset can handle +4.  My old Brutes could handle +4 (on a team) by about late 20s early 30s.  I see the issue as low level.  Although any fight at high level could end the run,  I see huge roadblocks at 1-30 running at +4.  If my saying something about it offends you.


Finally, I would like you to meet my heroes....



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5 hours ago, Wiseguy said:

Hey, I think this is awesome. Technically, you can go from 0 to 50+3 Powerhouse Solo self-found. Hardcore 1-life of course is adding a new layer to that.


My advice? Lose the +4x8 AV challenge and avoid the p2w vendor instead. The p2w vendor has some powers that can really skew the odds, especially early on in your journey. Yes, they cost inf, but I still think it cheapens the challenge.


But aside from specific ATs/Powersets, you're going to need stuff like the Envenomed Dagger to solo AVs.


I would be interested in watching or reading into a journey like this. Don't let folk get you down. Whatever challenge you decide to do, if it's fun - shoot for the moon.


edit: I think temp powers are fine, and managing them would be cool - especially if you don't redo arcs. Just the p2w vendor has some very, very beefy ones.


I'm not sure where people are getting the x8 from, I think that's probably unfeasable, +4x1 from my testing is pretty manageable with careful play I don't think it would be particularly difficult, I guess it could be a case of just do it again adding additional player count until the fun is exhausted. I definitely don't think the temp powers like the av summons should be allowed (or any of the inf-cost temp powers). In the case of envenomed dagger if you find it and craft it yourself? 


4 hours ago, Sovera said:


Snarky is actually someone who regularly does challenges of this sort. And no, Snarky is snarky, but he's not a troll.



I looked at these rules and found them pretty farfetched. But heck, if you're having fun then I say go for it. Seems like it would be a very slow slog though.


Once in a while I also do ironman challenges where I don't transfer IOs or money and start from scratch, but they are several rungs easier than your challenge since I just level normally and use the AH and all. I did decide my next one I will not make money out of crafting (excepting what drops) since I was spending more time in front of the AH than playing the game.


IMO the only-one-life is what limits you the most since all you need to do is take it slow and easy which will only slow you even further. Removing that rule lets you go a bit more ham and push the envelope. With it it'll be impossible to do x8 missions as you pondered. Without the one life limiter you can at least stock up on inspirations and keep brute forcing dying rinse and repeat until you get to the end of the mission. If you DON'T do x8 then it's back at what I said of taking it easy with 0x2 or 0x4 (realistically what someone using SOs can handle in the low levels).


As long as you stick to Ouroboros you will have enough XP to reach level 50 without repeating content AND receive a steady supply of merits which you will need to purchase the recipes from the ATM since no Wentsworth.


You will definitely want a brand new SG with all the storage bins you can fit to save all the salvage you find since you won't be able to buy some random bits of whatever crap is needed.


Just because of the above I'd probably ease up on no Wentsworth. Sure, use only IOs from recipes you need to get Merits to buy off the ATM, but having to worry about finding an Alchemical Silver in 10 storage bins to craft one IO seems dull as heck. So perhaps white and yellow salvage can be bought but orange is saved preciously in one bin (instead of 10). But, it's your challenge.


Not sure if you'll be able to get full incarnates without repeating missions. Dark Astoria is a bunch of repeatable missions after the initial intro and story, and there is only so much you get from veteran levels (they only give incarnate materials up to 99 plus whatever threads drop from mobs) without a steady supply of Tinpexes to actually max out everything.


My main reason for wanting to not ease up on the no wentworths is to encourage actually using IO's that drop, it also make things less trivial for longer especially once you get to the 35+ range where you can basically become totally untouchable with sets. Again, I don't think x8 is possible at the lower levels, I will probable make an attempt at +4x1 and see how that goes. Max incarnates may be impossible with no repeated content but unlocked with something slotted should be doable. I agree the sg base will be required just from a storage front.


2 hours ago, Snarky said:

Thank you, but let us not oversell the Snarky.  (especially to someone who already scratched the gold electroplate off the steel!)  I, once or twice a year, do completionist attempts.  Which go well if I do Red, and have had decidedly mixed results on Blue and Red/Blue/Gold.  These are set at +0/x1 and are not near the stress and difficulty of each mission being a possible end of the run.


I have seen some SG mates take on a similar challenge, allowed to team together, one death and out.  It was a meat grinder they ran for two? months.  Everytime someone died they rerolled and joined back in.  At it every night. No idea how far the most successful got.


Finally, I am sorry that you were offended.  Careful reading will reveal I am not apologizing for what I said.  I am who I am.  In my view I pointed out basic facts, in a Snarky way.  I may be wrong. You may take the first toon and frog march to 50.  A 50 of almost any AT/Powerset can handle +4.  My old Brutes could handle +4 (on a team) by about late 20s early 30s.  I see the issue as low level.  Although any fight at high level could end the run,  I see huge roadblocks at 1-30 running at +4.  If my saying something about it offends you.


Finally, I would like you to meet my heroes....




It's not so much that I am offended as that I am annoyed you are continuing to stick around. I can't block you, I can ask you to leave. Do what you will with that. I am not going to interact with your posts further.

With that said, I think I have all the information I need. Thanks everyone for the ideas and feedback, I will probably run under this set of conditions.


The Casual Masochists Solo-Self-Found-Hardcore-Challenge

Win condition: Level 50 with incarnates unlocked and crafted

Solo +4x1 with bosses and AV's in missions, in mission enemies must be +4 or have xp turned off.

No fighting overworld mobs that are less than +4, unless xp is off. (avoid if possible to not get easy drops)

No P2W vendor powers or temp powers, no xp bonus from p2w or server settings.
Only mission earnable/craftable temp powers.

No Nukes or Shivians, etc.

No Mission Architect 

No repeating Ouro content.

No Wentworths/Blackmarket.

Paper/Radio Missions are allowed with xp off.

Abandoning is fine, autocomplete is not. No intentional reseting of single missions (ex: ye' old demon farm)

Base for storage purposes is allowed.

See ya.

Edited by Darknat
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Technically nukes and shivans are earnable temp powers. Not sure what separates them from the acceptable temp powers, but it’s a minor quibble. I wouldn’t want to make assumptions about what else is included in that “etc”. Maybe it’s because they’re from zone events rather than missions?


Other than that, I don’t see any obvious loopholes, conflicting rules or dead ends in your proposal as stated. 

Two minor thoughts. It’s might be possible to  exhaust all the mission content, reducing you to just farming L54 mobs in DA for xp. I don’t know if it’s likely. It wouldn’t violate the laws of physics weather way.


Second, without spending merits on random salvage or specific recipes that match the salvage you have, you aren’t likely to do much crafting at all. There’s a reason why Luck Charms on live typically ran 25k+ on the auction house. And you have a finite number of merits by the rules. Not sure how I would plan…


Anyway, looks good to me. I look forward to hearing your progress if you do this. Doing this activity may not be to my tastes, but hearing about your experiences sounds entertaining! Good luck!

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2 hours ago, ZekeStenzland said:

Technically nukes and shivans are earnable temp powers. Not sure what separates them from the acceptable temp powers, but it’s a minor quibble. I wouldn’t want to make assumptions about what else is included in that “etc”. Maybe it’s because they’re from zone events rather than missions?


Other than that, I don’t see any obvious loopholes, conflicting rules or dead ends in your proposal as stated. 

Two minor thoughts. It’s might be possible to  exhaust all the mission content, reducing you to just farming L54 mobs in DA for xp. I don’t know if it’s likely. It wouldn’t violate the laws of physics weather way.


Second, without spending merits on random salvage or specific recipes that match the salvage you have, you aren’t likely to do much crafting at all. There’s a reason why Luck Charms on live typically ran 25k+ on the auction house. And you have a finite number of merits by the rules. Not sure how I would plan…


Anyway, looks good to me. I look forward to hearing your progress if you do this. Doing this activity may not be to my tastes, but hearing about your experiences sounds entertaining! Good luck!

The nukes and shivians are just particularly strong regardless of your character choices. I don't think there is too much risk of running out of missions with side swapping as a consideration. Also thanks!

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