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  On 5/14/2024 at 6:42 PM, Eiko-chan said:

HC is a registered LLC that pays its operating costs from player donations. While it is not currently operating on a profit factor, there is nothing preventing them from doing so save possibly the license agreement with NCSoft. Without a playerbase, they would not be able to secure those donations to keep the servers operating.



Again, so what?  The only reason they're taking donations is to cover the costs of running multiple servers which are needed to accommodate the number of players and spread the load out.  Less players = less servers = less money needed.  HC operated for years without taking any player donations.  With no players, it's less of an expense which they could go back to paying out of their own pocket.   


Also, how many times has HC said they're never going to be a for-profit business?  They're "not currently operating for-profit" because they don't want to and have said countless times they never will, especially now with the license agreement with NC Soft.

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Posted (edited)
  On 5/8/2024 at 11:34 PM, Krimson said:

The major difference is you EXPECT to be at a disadvantage in Secret World. I never expected to feel super or powerful in that game. I didn't care for Legends, but the first iteration felt like playing a Stephen King novel.



in TSW, a Gaia-charged bee that flew into my mouth gave me superpowers, I certainly expected to feel powerful open world. particularly with my shotgun and hammer! 😃😃


((just not in instances))


I should totally remake my Illuminati character in CoH!

Edited by Force Redux
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  On 5/14/2024 at 5:51 PM, Eiko-chan said:

If this is true, this is a bad stance to have. The beta is not the live servers. Expecting your player base to expend a lot of time and effort - and levelling - on beta testing is aspirational but grossly unrealistic. 


But I don't believe this is actually the case. 



There is no leveling or time or effort on the beta server. There are insta levels (even to a specific level if needed), IOs (all IOs available), etc on test.


And there are settings where you can insta kills mobs or insta complete missions as part of testing there.

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  On 5/14/2024 at 8:20 PM, golstat2003 said:

There is no leveling or time or effort on the beta server. There are insta levels (even to a specific level if needed), IOs (all IOs available), etc on test.


And there are settings where you can insta kills mobs or insta complete missions as part of testing there.



That's the case on the Closed Alpha and Ope Beta Shards.


That's not the case on the Closed Beta Shard Vanguard.  It's a persistent small-population environment that provides a final check on changes.  There are no massive testing advantages there like on the ones I mentioned in the last paragraph.

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  On 5/14/2024 at 5:52 PM, Eiko-chan said:

My suggestion and feedback post was quite reasoned. My general post asking where I was supposed to post about it was not. But then some GM came and pasted them together sloppily and now it's a big mess.


Agree.  Not sure with what happened w/this thread at some point, but beyond recognition at times. lol.  

I spent some time w/the testing, if not what you were after I may have misinterpreted what to test. LMK.

If you want, willing to run some of this content w/ya so I can understand betterer.

None of this testing means anything, but am willing to listen at least.  Not in any position to recommend anything, Not affiliated or using an alter non-GM ego. lol

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Posted (edited)
  On 5/14/2024 at 6:06 PM, Eiko-chan said:

That is precisely why it's not a realistic expectation. People are going to hop into beta testing at level 50 with Incarnate abilities. They are not going to be testing the levelling experience, which means there will be a lot of issues that get missed until it goes live.


Well, you're absolutely dead wrong.  My standard routine (when it's applicable) is to start in Outbreak and work my way through the lower level stuff.  (Occasionally using the pop menu to jump 3-4 levels to save time.)  And I pretty much only use DO or SO enhancements.  The Lorax speaks for the Truffula Trees, and in beta testing, I make sure and speak for the low and mid level game.  (I give and grant I'm one of the few who does so, but we do exist and we do put in the work.)

Some of us do give a flying fig about the course of the game and do our part to participate in the opportunity we're given to do that.

Edited by Doc_Scorpion
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  On 5/14/2024 at 10:59 PM, Doc_Scorpion said:

I make sure and speak for the low and mid level game.


You really can't know how pleased I am to read this. Before stone blast came out, I was on Brainstorm, running a few missions at level 5, then 10, then 15, and then when I got to 20, it went live...I just didn't have the time to get on to try it earlier. To be honest, I was kind of irritated, because from the outside looking in, with my limited time to do that kind of thing with note-taking and stopping to analyze combat logs ...well, it just seemed like I heard about it 2 weeks after the announcement it was in beta to be tested, and then poof - it hit the server. 

I had no idea what specifically to test, so I figured I would just level up the character as I might normally do, only skipping every few levels to expedite things, as not much is going to change. Hard to really evaluate a power until it gets some slots - but how it performs with just a few is also important - at least to me.
So, I'm thrilled someone is taking this approach. Thank you!

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  On 5/14/2024 at 11:09 PM, Ukase said:

well, it just seemed like I heard about it 2 weeks after the announcement it was in beta to be tested


Protip:  (Which sounds snarkier than I mean it to be)  Go into the Beta section of the forums, and follow the Patch Notes subforum.  That way you'll know as soon as change hits the Beta.

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  On 5/14/2024 at 10:59 PM, Doc_Scorpion said:

Well, you're absolutely dead wrong. 


One person is nice, but it's not a solid testing pool. This also doesn't find issues in the back half of levelling. Do you often check the 30-50 stuff? Are you the only one doing this?


Having a policy of "nothing changes after it goes live" is bad policy. I also don't believe it's the actual policy.

  • Finland 1
  On 5/14/2024 at 11:18 PM, Eiko-chan said:

Having a policy of "nothing changes after it goes live" is bad policy. I also don't believe it's the actual policy.


At no point did I say nothing changes after it goes live. What I said was "What they generally don't do is change things in response to complaints after its gone live." Sure, there have been exceptions, but in general you'll find it's much easier to get things changed while it's still on the beta server, still in testing, that it is once it's gone live.


And no, Doc Scorpion isn't the only person who does testing under level 50. I routinely see people on the test server under level 50. And, in the last set of feedback threads, specifically the ones about the changes to the Council and CoT, you'll see my posts where I specifically talk about my testing with characters in the 30 - 46 range.

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

  On 5/14/2024 at 9:08 PM, Jacke said:


That's the case on the Closed Alpha and Ope Beta Shards.


That's not the case on the Closed Beta Shard Vanguard.  It's a persistent small-population environment that provides a final check on changes.  There are no massive testing advantages there like on the ones I mentioned in the last paragraph.



Correct. Just pointing out that the person who I was responding to has so misconceptions about testing.

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  On 5/14/2024 at 11:28 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

in general you'll find it's much easier to get things changed while it's still on the beta server, still in testing, that it is once it's gone live.


Yeah, well, I wasn't here for the beta testing. I'm here now. It's frankly none of your fucking business why this is the first chance I've had to say something.

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  On 5/14/2024 at 11:53 PM, Eiko-chan said:

Yeah, well, I wasn't here for the beta testing. I'm here now. It's frankly none of your fucking business why this is the first chance I've had to say something.


I'm not berating you for past actions. I'm trying to tell you what works and what you should do going forward if you want to have a chance to actually influence changes that you want/don't want.


At no point did I even ask why this is the first chance that you've had to say anything. You're responding to your own thoughts, not to what I've actually written.

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


To put into perspective why the Council needed a buff, let’s put this into perspective: if you tried to recreate one of their level 50 minions in AE, you wouldn’t get full EXP rewards if you fought them at level 1. They had a single attack and brawl. Somehow live devs felt that warranted full EXP rewards. Combined with increased spawning rates and largely being smashing and lethal damage group, they were fought in radios explicitly to farm rewards, even groups going so far as to avoid any other enemy group in radio missions.

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  On 5/15/2024 at 12:10 AM, Sakura Tenshi said:

full EXP rewards


I'm not sure what you mean by this. There isn't a single value for EXP rewards. Different enemy groups have always given different EXP values, and Council was the lowest because they sucked.

(I haven't actually tracked to see if they're still giving lower EXP than other groups.)

  • Finland 1
  On 5/15/2024 at 12:16 AM, Eiko-chan said:

I'm not sure what you mean by this. There isn't a single value for EXP rewards. Different enemy groups have always given different EXP values, and Council was the lowest because they sucked.

(I haven't actually tracked to see if they're still giving lower EXP than other groups.)


When you create your own enemies in AE, you need to give them a minimum number of ranged and other attacks to get full rewards.  Yes, some enemy groups or tiers received more or less than the baseline, but there is still that initial reward amount...

  • Finland 1


Thank you for clarifying my point. I’ll say in the defense of the live devs though I think part of the old council being farmably easy was a side effect of them not grasping how strong players/teams could be on SOs alone, much like how several TF missions required teams of 8 to confront: A BOSS LEVEL ENEMY!

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  On 5/15/2024 at 12:39 AM, Sakura Tenshi said:

I’ll say in the defense of the live devs though I think part of the old council being farmably easy was a side effect of them not grasping how strong players/teams could be on SOs alone


Other than adding in the Galaxy troops when HEATs were introduced, did the Council ever get a revamp when Incarnates were added?  The only other update I vaguely recall is them getting some sonic troops when that powerset was added...

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I don’t think so and I don’t even know if the the Archons were added after Sonic powers. I think they might have existed before but they only appeared in limited content if I recall.

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  On 5/15/2024 at 12:45 AM, biostem said:

Other than adding in the Galaxy troops when HEATs were introduced, did the Council ever get a revamp when Incarnates were added?  The only other update I vaguely recall is them getting some sonic troops when that powerset was added...


No, it was the 5th Column that got an incarnate update, not the Council.


  On 5/15/2024 at 12:51 AM, Sakura Tenshi said:

I don’t think so and I don’t even know if the the Archons were added after Sonic powers. I think they might have existed before but they only appeared in limited content if I recall.


Archons already existed in the game before the Council got sonic attacks.

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  On 5/14/2024 at 8:20 PM, golstat2003 said:


There is no leveling or time or effort on the beta server. There are insta levels (even to a specific level if needed), IOs (all IOs available), etc on test.


And there are settings where you can insta kills mobs or insta complete missions as part of testing there.


     Thank you.  The amount of comments on this thread that are *just* OP making incorrect assumptions about beta testers, and people correcting them, are too high.  Listen... OP... Eiko, if you really have such a huge issue with Council and CoT now: this is like 4 months too late to bring it up.  Everyone had the same opportunity to spend a little bit of their time testing things on Beta and providing feedback about it.


     Sometimes, the feedback does result in positive changes that make it into the game before stuff goes live.  Other times, you get Beanbagged.  That's not important though, what's important is the effort itself.  I respect the concept of putting forth effort.  If the game changed in a way that bothers you this much: put forth more effort next time to get involved in beta testing and at least try to voice your concerns when changes are still likely.  For all the futility of the struggle, I did see a couple positive changes made to Arse Control between Open Beta Ver1 and what we have now on live: so it's not hopeless.

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  On 5/15/2024 at 12:10 AM, Sakura Tenshi said:

To put into perspective why the Council needed a buff, let’s put this into perspective: if you tried to recreate one of their level 50 minions in AE, you wouldn’t get full EXP rewards if you fought them at level 1. They had a single attack and brawl. Somehow live devs felt that warranted full EXP rewards. Combined with increased spawning rates and largely being smashing and lethal damage group, they were fought in radios explicitly to farm rewards, even groups going so far as to avoid any other enemy group in radio missions.


Though you put it a bit confusingly...  Yeah, spot on.  Prior to the I27P7 revamp, high level gameplay was being distorted because people were basically farming Council radios and avoiding other high level enemy groups.  The Dev team has an established track record of trying to correct such distortions.

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