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If you were a bad guy/girl...

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And you lived in Liberty City/Rogue Isles, you have a decent level of skill, enough to get noticed by all the baddie factions who came recruiting, which would you join? Which is the most beneficial? You start off as a lowly minion, and work your way up through training, enhancements etc to an Elite Boss, so what would you choose?

Arachnos, Council, Tsoo, Skulls, Hellions, Banished Pantheon, Circle Of Thorns, The Cabal, Cage Consortium, Carnival, Crey, The Family, Freakshow, Gold Brickers, Malta...to name a few.

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In the Isles it would have to be Arachnos.  Yes, there's a lot of internal competition and active service, but against that Arachnos is the official power of the Rogue Isles, and every other faction that operates there is - to one extent or another - doing so only because Arachnos allows it.  Indeed, I'd imagine that joining Arachnos is one of the better career paths available in the Isles - good prospects for advancement, the power by association that comes from being part of a big organisation, and the uniforms are cool.


In Paragon City on the other hand - Malta.  They seem more focused and less reckless with their agents than many other factions, and besides that you'd get drawn into less fights, since given the choice between fighting Malta and someone else most Heroes will take the easy option and go beat up the Council instead.

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Hear me out.


How often do you actually face the Warriors? How often do you really run in to them in missions? They're one of the smallest level ranges of foes, in a range that a lot of people end up skipping past. Plus, as a Warrior, you're in the range where most heroes know what they're doing, but haven't reached their full potential.. so you're less likely to be accidentally killed, while still standing a chance of winning even as a low level grunt.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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And you lived in Liberty City/Rogue Isles, you have a decent level of skill, enough to get noticed by all the baddie factions who came recruiting, which would you join?


That would depend on a lot, a LOT, of variables.  A big one is, "what actual powers do I have - if any?"


Another one would be, "how old am I, when I get noticed by those recruiters?"


For example, a 14-year-old is more likely to be actively recruited by a gang like the Hellions, than a paramilitary outfit like Arachnos (unless said 14-year-old has some pretty astounding power(s) ...).  Mostly because those street gangs would be more likely to give a kid the chance to prove himself or herself, whereas an organization like Arachnos, or the Sky Raiders is more likely to prefer waiting until someone is 18 or 19 - 16 at the very absolute least - regardless of power/skill level.


On the other hand, a super-skilled computer nerd isn't going to fare well in a violent street gang.


On the gripping hand, regardless of age, if you have an astounding talent for magic, the Circle of Thorns may not care if you're 14, or 12, or 10 ... or 114, for that matter.

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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Nothing dealing with soul magic or eldritch abominations so the mystic villain groups are out, no hate groups or traditional fascist so 5th are out, no piss-ant street gangs either.


Long story short I'd have to go with Malta, they have some of the best gear & coolest Robots in the game.

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Crey probably.  Good R&D, seems like they have nice facilities.  I would think their benefits are better than almost everyone else.  Do they contribute to my 401k?

Yeah plus Crey is so large they're bound to have at least some non-evil departments. So you can always try and work in a facility that isn't likely to get blown up by marauding heroes.

Defender Smash!

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My first thought is... Carnies?


They seem fun. More inclusive than a lot of the others, too.

Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark

Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Cyber-Security (Shield Defense/Street Justice tanker, 16 March 2024)

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My first thought is... Carnies?


They seem fun. More inclusive than a lot of the others, too.

Isn't every one of them who's not named Vanessa DeVore either a mind slave or a corpse puppet?

The men are but I think the women have at least some free will although Vanessa can influence them.

Defender Smash!

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Yeah plus Crey is so large they're bound to have at least some non-evil departments. So you can always try and work in a facility that isn't likely to get blown up by marauding heroes.


Complaints department?  ;)

That seem risky. I figure some heroes would probably attack it just on principle. Plus would you want to have to deal with a marauding villain complaining that his coffee maker malfunctioned?

Defender Smash!

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That seem risky. I figure some heroes would probably attack it just on principle. Plus would you want to have to deal with a marauding villain complaining that his coffee maker malfunctioned?


The headline writes itself.


Crey complaints department slaughter


28 complaints staff at Crey were brutally slaughtered today when a group of heroes mistook their office for a Crey lab. The heroes who came at the defenceless staff with katanas, fire blasts and flying boulders said they were trying to 'arrest' the staff. When we pointed out that impaling a 53 year old woman in a wheelchair with a katana isn't arresting, they declined to comment.

Crey made this official statement. 'This is just typical of the reckless behaviour we have come to expect from these so called heroes. We have lost over 300 loyal staff members this month alone. People with families. How do I explain to their children that mummy and daddy isn't coming home, because some hero caved their skull in with a stone mallet while 'arresting' them. They don't arrest anyone! How many Crey are in jail right now? None! How many are in the cemetary, thousands!'.


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First of all, living in either place would actually be horrible.  I'd try to escape to a place with less hassle.  Think about it, how often do you see people getting mugged in the streets?  How often do you see a hero just fly/run on by?  Even if a hero comes by to save you, you'd likely get in the same situation later in the day or at night with no one to come save you.  Even if you yourself are adequate at self-defense, your gf/bf/spouse/kids/mom/sibling/ect may not and likely would get in the same situation or worse.


Now if we're talking about realism here where people aren't getting mugged 5 times per city block in broad daylight, you'd probably think the whole situation with mission doors and gang busts are also at realistic levels (a hero might bust up a warehouse trafficking drugs once a month not 3 times per day).  In which case, things look a bit more sane.  After all, Crey is suppose to seem like a legitimate yet very shady industrial power, not wackos that practically every hero has had multiple run-ins a month of them raiding labs over and over.


Funny thing is, despite the circumstances, I think as a regular person, your survival is possibly higher in the Rogue Isles as you don't see people getting robbed, mugged or held hostage every week.  But if you are crazy enough to live in either place, you're better off with a group that isn't considered a high priority threat.  Something like the Midnighters, for example, might seem safe but it's not unlikely to be killed along with all your comrades or face a fate worse than death within your time as a member.  On the other hand, the Outcasts don't have to be dastardly villains, they could just be a bunch of guys with powers hanging out.


But my answer is still get out of Dodge...

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If I was a bad guy, i’d work for the worst villain in the whole game...the office building architect.  Man that guy has caused more pain for hereos than anyone else, including all the Nemesis plots.  How he was able to coerce the city council to continue to build these insanites after the first one went up is the work of a true Mastermind

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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First of all, living in either place would actually be horrible.  I'd try to escape to a place with less hassle.  Think about it, how often do you see people getting mugged in the streets?  How often do you see a hero just fly/run on by?  Even if a hero comes by to save you, you'd likely get in the same situation later in the day or at night with no one to come save you. 


This is kind of the background for one of my characters, Angry School Girl. She's just an ordinary girl in Paragon City. She used to live in Galaxy Park but, well.... Her parents living in Paragon and work with heroes so moving isn't an option. But dealing with life in the city, just trying to get school or go out for some pizza is insane. One day she grabbed the gear off a dead Longbow agent and just started fighting back. She's no  hero, she's just late for homeroom.


If I were stuck on the Isles and desperate to get out/work my way up I'd probably do exactly what we do in game. Get in on this 'Destined Ones' program. Other groups may have power in the Rogue Isles, but Arachnos rules them all. So if you want to succeed, you'd better be in their favor. Depending on the personality of the character they might cut and run as soon as they get to Paragon. Which is the background of another character. She grew up in the Isles, found a book of demon summoning from her time as a Hellion girlfriend. Joined up with Arachnos and when the opportunity presented itself stole a hero ID and fled to Paragon City where she's amazed that it's so clean and not destroyed in many places, and she gets attacked on the streets at least 20% less.

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Hear me out.


How often do you actually face the Warriors? How often do you really run in to them in missions? They're one of the smallest level ranges of foes, in a range that a lot of people end up skipping past. Plus, as a Warrior, you're in the range where most heroes know what they're doing, but haven't reached their full potential.. so you're less likely to be accidentally killed, while still standing a chance of winning even as a low level grunt.

That and most other gangs just want the Warriors to


Come out and plaaayy!

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Since Carnies are just mind puppets, the Nemesis is just a bunch of robots, and Council/5th Column are a bunch of fascists.  Next there is the gangs, Hellions mixed up with the occult, Skulls are a bunch of nihilists,  the Outcasts are just that outcasts of their own choosing, and the Freakshow are just anarchists.  Circle of Thorns?  screw those maps of Oranbenga, that right there is enough to make you want to kill yourself.

I would say I would start with the Warriors, I like the Greek literature references then I would get in with the Skyraiders, then get picked up by Malta but work, undercover for Malta, for Crey….in the complaints department.  :D

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Easy access to a volcano lair and an army of attack sharks.  Eventually.  Theres deffinately some corporate ladder BS that you need to go through first.

You know what, if I'm gonna have to deal with corporate ladder BS in the professional world anyway, I might as well aim for the endgame of volcano lair and attack sharks.

Part-time table flipper

Global: Skathi the Huntress

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