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  2. I don't know. Longbow's - I don't want to say always, but seeing them fight a purse snatching with a flamethrower's always seemed a bit much. (Granted, we have fire blasters, so it's an odd moral point to take.) I mean, in part I kind of like (and kind of don't) having Longbow have a squeaky clean image in Paragon, and showing them not *quite* as clean in the Isles - though, again, given what they're supposed to be, some of their "ugh, these people, there's no saving them" dialog has always felt off. It always *felt* like there was supposed to be a sort of ... moral stepping stone? ... from them to Wyvern, who *would* do whatever (including killing villains) - to where I'd used that as a part of one character's storyline. (Villain redeeming herself, fiance - or rather fiance-to-be - killed as "collateral damage" by Wyvern in front of her.) And of course it's a big enough (and isn't it UN-backed?) organization to have a whole range of opinions and viewpoints from "we can save them" to "not worth it," and we get to see that in the tip missions especially. That said, seeing some tip missions with longbow *trying* to get through to save or redeem "hardcore" villains (and maybe even starting to succeed) wouldn't be amiss, running alongside the "You don't understand, it's the only way" ones we have.
  3. [Verse 1] Spending all my nights, all my inf going zone to zone Doing anything just to get you off of my mind But when the morning comes, I'm right back where I started again Cause having you back here would be so fine [Chorus] Snarky, come back, any kind of fool could see There was something in everything about you Snarky, come back, you can blame it all on 'them' They wrong and we just can't live without you [Verse 2] All day long, I'm searching bins and all dark corners Knowing I can't see you in a mirror But as the sun goes down, I know that you are lurking How we all wish that you were still here [Chorus] [Bridge] Now that I put it all together, oh-oh Give us the chance to make you see Have you really chose to abandon this thread? Are you really going to leave us be? Please come back and make us SQEEE? [Chorus]
  4. You also may want to check up i the Blaster section https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/13-blaster/
  5. Hello, I am looking for a Water Blast / Marine Affinity Corruptor and a Water Blast / Willpower Sentinel, Thank you in advance! Rinza
  6. I like both. They are single target -def attacks. I like having them up as soon as I switch targets, at least one is good to go and my rotation is seamless. I am typing this after watching entire missions worth of enemies fly backwards, almost comically. The comment that it does knockdown instead of knockback is simply untrue. I am in game as I type this doing the frostfire mission solo and am knocking people into the next room, seemingly. Inex is a set mule with an absorb chance. DNA - this is cracking me up a little 🙂 I took that slotting from you 😉 Para - I really am still looking for ways to get some slots in there. I want to use the -dam aspect, but in reality it's only 1 source and not a great one compared to other needs/power choices. It's just a slight bump in health and endo, not much more to say really. I try to use it just after build up, if needed, when my chance to hit is @99% ( mobs @+3) I might rob Peter to pay Paul ( the power above ) with this suggestion. I'll see what I can do. Thanks Uun.
  7. My little post of Melee AT's getting better AoE in their Primaries went into Taunt Auras Lol.
  8. Claws/Bio seems like a classic… for good reason. I’m torn between going Claws/Bio or Claws/Stone.
  9. My preferred primaries lean more to the launch ones. Broad Sword / Martial Arts tend to rank as my favorites. Regen / Shield happen to be my enjoyable secondaries.
  10. Today
  11. Wars over salt, taxes on salt, a barrier built right across a heckin' continent to control access to salt. And the salt fish trade in the Baltic and across the Atlantic a couple of centuries later. Sitting 'above the salt' and 'below the salt'. The Union's targeting of Confederate salt works during the Civil War... And no Roman soldiers were not paid in salt. That's an urban legend. (Can you tell I recently write a short paper for a presentation on the history of salted meats and ended up going down all sorts of rabbit holes in the process?)
  12. I think a "gang war" among Longbow isn't necessary, and the Homecoming Devs have already said with the Warriors overhaul that they don't really want to retread that ground. But it might make a decent future story arc or something, where the tensions within the group brings you into a position where you're forced to bring a reckoning against them. Ms. Liberty might be hubristic, and maybe that could be played up as being made worse with the death of Statesman, feeling the weight of the legacy heavy on her shoulders, but I don't think she's so far gone as to be irrecoverable. And it might be a good chance to give her some more character development, where she gets to admit she's been blinded and resolves to do better. Yeah, but that's why it's fiction, right? The whole premise of superheroes is "what if someone with power was actually a decent human being, too?" Which, as reality shows us, is clearly fantasy. Maybe the problems with (insert virtually any group intended to be responsible for the public good here) are not resolvable. But so long as City of Heroes is supposed to be leaning into wish fulfillment, can't it give us that too?
  13. Much appreciated! Something to work towards!
  14. After a lot of tinkering, I present the rootinest, tootinest, cold bloodest varmint in the wyrd west: "Sylphiss"!
  15. Thanks for the input. 🙃
  16. Nit: MM pets do not have Super Jump (A forward moving jump that inherits the player's horizontal velocity), they have Super Leap (a vertical jump with no significant horizontal velocity).
  17. Marine X, you helped me get to the solution!!! All I was seeing was the game freeze and stop working, or crashing but not being able to see anything in the crash logs I could understand to lead me to a conclusion. But when you suggested the netgraph, it made me think about connection stability. So, I started Googling/YouTubing ways to improve internet stability, followed a guide to edit my Ethernet adapter settings in Windows, and was just able to be in game for 25 minutes straight, flying around, using powers, and even changing zones with no freeze, crash, or other noticeable issues. I'll post here again if I have any more consistent issues after this, for the time being this seems to have done the trick! Thanks again to both you and Healix for reaching out to help!
  18. I don't suppose that could work when we accidentally email a ton of INF to a similarly-named, one-character-different account that we didn't know existed? Never done anything like that, of course. Nope, not me. Just asking the hypothetical...for a friend, yeah, for a friend.
  19. Holy crap. That was definitely the best episode of the season so far, maybe of the whole dang show. This season has been a little uneven up to this point, but this more than made up for any criticisms I've had.
  20. Sooo...some sort of civil war within one of the hero groups, whether fists or political, that either causes a split or refinement of the organization? It'd be a little bit like the Fifth Column/Council civil war, but I could see it. In Longbow's case, you're either going to have to get Duncan to step down and another to step into the leadership role, or it will have to split into factions of white and grey hats. Ms Liberty, at least from my experience, exhibits a bit too much hubris at times to pull off a pure-white overhaul of the group. That said, I can think of one story plot that might transform the full organization: the sacrificial play. Have either an individual or a small squad known to be the "more principled" of the organization, protest the direction it is headed, be derided by others, then be annihilated in a standing-in-the-gap moment while maintaining their pure status. This should cause shock and a rethink by all who survive in the organization. But that's actually real life, too. Name any "good guy" group that people respect, and if you dig into their history enough, you'll find some pretty bad people and moments. It is the policing of themselves, or the arrangement to be policed by an outside oversight group, that continually helps refine the group to maintain that "good guy" reputation. It is nice to have, in concept, a group that cannot be corrupted. It is quite another to find it in real life. I do like the idea of Longbow internally policing themselves, though.
  21. That article covers people who were affected by two striking unions slowing down productions when they were still ramping back up after the pandemic, and production companies looking for bigger tax breaks outside of California. Not a single word of it even touched on film failures or production companies firing people, and considering that all of the people interviewed were unionized and contract workers, it affirmed what I said about the structure of the film industry. Um... thanks?
  22. I appreciate you backing my point. Although the prospect that the taunt portion is autohit escapes me, I never said the damage taunts. I will quote myself *again* because in all your years of playing CoH, you don't see to want to read: "Scrappers give up a slight ST advantage to get higher overall DPS via AoE and strong ST with crits but it doesn't get taunt in its damage auras + it has less defensiveness to be able to stick around in hoards of enemies to do the AoEs." "I know that Scrappers have buff/debuff auras that have a taunt element...that's why my initial post specifically said "damage auras". The post was describing the differences between the ATs' sets, i.e. why Tankers get some extra range on their AoEs." "They are. I literally just described the distinguishing factors between them." "They designed it so that Scrapper's aptitude for aggro is less than either Brute or Tanker. It's reflected in lack of punchvoke, weaker taunt in buff/debuff auras, single target Confront vs AoE Taunt and no taunt in damage auras." "It's just a fact, just like it's a fact that Scrapper damage auras just do more base damage. Exceptions can also exist while a fact is true, like damage auras cannot crit, the exception is Quills but that doesn't alter the fact that damage auras aren't designed to crit...or taunt for Scrappers." Couple that with your post just now that "Brute/tank damage auras also require a tohit check for the damage component. The taunt component is autohit", that's literally describing what my original post said as I re-quoted for you because you can't read. So not only do Tanker get taunt in their damage auras while Scrappers do not, but apparently the taunt is also auto-hit. As for laser focusing on the ToHit part, I mostly brought that up to indicate damage (the first part of the damage aura), not specifically that damage taunts. We all know that powers in CoH are compartmentalized for the individual effects, so for a power to taunt, it has to have taunt in the power, same for if it buffs the user, it has to have that component in the power or if it interacts with an inherent ability, it has to have the inherent ability *IN* the power. The statement said "damage auras for Scrappers don't taunt" because the devs designed it not to and that is the literal statement I made AND outlined BECAUSE I'm pointing to the DIFFERENCES that were DESIGNED into the powers. Do you honestly think you're going to swat your ruler on the white-board of how many raids you've done and that matters? The only reason I mentioned having the discussion about Gauntlet Changes in the past is because it's actually relevant to the discussion.
  23. I don't gotta say nuttin' to nobody. You can't make me talk, copper!
  24. You absolutely should be taking it! It should be one of the first things you fire off at the start of an encounter. TA can deliver a severe amount of -RES between Disruption Arrow and Entangling Arrow! Also, keep in mind that Disruption Arrow does not stack! Recasting it simply moves the patch to a new location!
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