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  2. I've exported my Scrapper build for you to take a look at. It is a pretty straightforward build IMO, it may have slightly too many attacks for pure efficiency, but it plays well across all content. build-StJWP-Scrap.txt For the Daredevil homage, I don't think there is a particularly good choice of Epic/Patron. Weapon Mastery hits the 'ninja' notes, Energy Mastery is a fine neutral choice with Focused Accuracy and Physical Perfection; neither of those requires many slots. If I was going to rework *this* build into a Daredevil homage, I'd probably drop the Sorcery pool and Soul Mastery to instead work in Force of Will: Mighty Leap as the travel power <- I like the slow resistance, but more slots might be available when dropping Soul Mastery for more choices. Weaken Resolve as the 'radar sense' to find weaknesses (this is a one-slot wonder IMO, with just Accuracy/Debuff or Accuracy/Recharge) Unleash Potential, franken-slotted with LotG (+recharge) ,3x Shield Wall (+res, boosted defense, boosted defense/recharge), and a boosted (or HO) Heal/Recharge If a couple more slots are available, I like 4x Unbreakable Guard for more Melee Defense (Tough currently has 2 slots) Perma-Hasten is nice, but not entirely necessary.
  3. A while back, I did a test on a radio mission at all different combos of level and team size, solo from the same level 50 character. I didn't save the data (wish I had) but I recorded the time it took to defeat the first spawn in the mission, how much xp and inf dropped, how much damage I was doing vs a minion, lt, and boss with single-target attack, and how many HP they each had. From that I concluded that I got maximum Inf and Xp per minute from +2/x8. I figured If I had my incarnate alpha slotted, then +3 or +4 would make sense. This was on a tanker, so I had no possibility of being defeated myself, I just wanted to know how the level scaling of their hit points and my dps combined to affect the clearing speed. Overall, I've settled on a rule of thumb for when I run mixed-level radio teams to produce the best overall xp and inf gain per minute for the whole team. I start at +2/x8, and if I have an extra well-built 50+1 on the team, I increase it to +3/x8. I tend not to run at +4, since lower level players sidekicked to level 49 and often without good slotting can struggle to hit them. Even at +3, half the mobs will spawn at level 54, but the the other half will feel hittable. If there's a lot of deaths on the team, I'll drop it back, all the way to +0 if needed -- Imo, Fun>Efficiency. Sometimes people get focused on experience or inf per mob-defeat, and forget that mob-defeats per time is just as important.
  4. But...maybe I have an evil character? Or my character knows THE TRUTH...she's eying the people at the shore line and slowly making her way to them to eat them and only with your intervention, can she be stopped? Want a nice way to take her down? Use Brawl and call it petting 🙂
  5. Why don't you just make it so that when you apply clear mind on a target, it applies to the emp as well. I think that would provide justification and utility for the emp to take it and not be gamebreaking with all of the other mez rez options available. As someone who plays a bubbler, there are downsides to having a toggle that provides mez res over an area. End drain, players that don't stay in proximity anyways, the fact that it quickly becomes redundant if you have a halfway decent party, etc.
  6. I ran this mission last night (Your Personal Blog) and ran into the issues described. The heroes are indeed spawning at far too low a level (below level 30) for the mission due to their limited level ranges, leading them to easily be defeated by the Freakshow tanks if engaged in melee range, as they're not exempt from being valid AoE targets before their rescue. Their ranks are not fixed either - LeoKnight spawns as an Elite Boss! If any of the heroes are defeated before being rescued, then the mission breaks because the objective cannot be completed, but they are also not tagged for failure. The "heroes to rescue" objectives have their objective text change to blank when you're close enough to activate their dialog, leading to the count decrementing and the comma appearing. (If you get in range of 2 of them, you'll have "2 , heroes to rescue" or something like that, because you have two "blank" objectives.) The heroes stand around and do nothing after being rescued, rather than joining forces or running away.
  7. Today
  8. @Ironblade and @Andreah have explained best and made the best suggestion. For drops, x8 is best. The level adjustment is probably best at +0 or -1 (for speed). The main reason to not turn down difficulty is this: attacks which do knockdown against +0 enemies can turn into knockback against lower-con enemies. This may or may not slow down map clearing. Higher con enemies yield more XP/inf upon defeat, but the drop rates are unchanged. My personal experience with RNG at level 50 is that running something like a 4-part arc at +0x8 (solo) and defeating every enemy on "large-ish" maps has something close to a 50% chance of dropping a Very Rare or level 50 PVP recipe.
  9. Trouble is my business.
  10. The long kiss goodnight
  11. Boy ... this is a long goodbye
  12. Reminds me of my old CO toon "Batdevil" a mix of two heroes.
  13. I guess I misunderstood. I think there are things with the CC that need improving - like when you zoom in on feet they fall under the screen, rendering that option as useful as a rubber duck in the Sahara, for example. But I suspect that the devs know about most of the issues and haven't really addressed any of them so my suspicion is that it's a huge amount of potentially game breaking work for little to no gain. I mean we still don't have fingers unless we're a VEAT
  14. Odd, as I have been secretly hoping you'd go Stj/Nin. 😛 Go Scrapper. True, but it's not like he is going to take hits like The Thing or Colossus.
  15. LOL. :D (never encourage rule-breaking)
  16. The real secret sauce has been my Street Justice/Ninjitsu build. With Combat Readiness, Shinobi, and Crushing Uppercut (with two purple procs), you are critting for a bit under 3,000 damage in one swing. Yeetus Deletus
  17. That's where we get the phrase, "Everything in moderation" from. They gettin' jiggy up in the hizouse.
  18. You can already edit .costume files, but you can only set it to assets currently within the game, so no that's not possible, and not what I'm asking to do either. I'm just trying to have certain combinations of assets.
  19. if you could edit the costume files and upload them, that would effectively become user generated content and that could be very very bad. There would be penis hats and humungous boob extensions (bigger than the mahoosive hooters that we can create wtih existing sliders) and of course some bright spark would decide it's fun to create a belt that looks like a massive dick. So, just no. If you want that, go to virtual worlds where that is a thing.
  20. The biggest issue I see making a bubble CM won't allow you to stack it on people.
  21. Ooooh, a new gold colored title, "Got Spanked", that only shows if you keep playing your character with their nekkid costume and genericed name.
  22. so dispersion bubble but just mez resist? sure
  23. Dang. I know it would be a little less faithful to the original if they did lift the constraints, but man would it go miles for the RP community to really go full hog. Also would probably spark some really frighteningly atrocious abominations but would still be neat to see.
  24. Not on HC AFAIK but I recall Thunderspy and another manifest (I forget which sry) allowed that kind of freedom in the creator.
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