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Everything posted by WanderingAries

  1. Well there IS but it's a bit more banter leaning on average seeing as it's a throwback to Pinn, PinnBadges. :p
  2. How do you DL this as a font file? I must not be familiar with that site or just another case of blurry-eyes.
  3. There are existing threads talking about this and I'd suggest you keep an eye on them. That said, you don't Have to upgrade the OS unless there's a functional reason to do so (an app reqs it, etc).
  4. Just to throw this out there, but with the right amount of adjustments you Could install a minimalistic version of a pre-OSX 15 os as a 2nd bootable partition and Then use it for either just the game or other 32bit apps. Now with a Mac you Will need a 3rd party app to partition the drive And you'll have to make sure you are careful in the future with any drive level modifications, but this will allow you to keep yourself "pure Mac" (if that's your thing) and not have to deal with the occasional Bootcamp rebuild issues I've read about.
  5. Something that often gets missed in the prep/worry of such things is that we learn from our surroundings and what we're intentionally taught. So if you teach the good and encourage the behavior, then they'll learn to lean towards those things. As for the suggestions: 1) Create that Adult controlled email that's used for gaming accounts only; 2) Create that individual game account for them and let them have a say in its naming (as well as any alts); 3) Remember that you Can have multiple accounts on the same machine so that your stuff stays separate from theirs and can Easily be copied to a new machine; (there's a way to simply copy the whole game and play in minutes!) 5) Pre-Customize the chat / LFG / etc so that they're only talking with people you don't mind them playing with; Or not at all, that's up to you; 6) Any ripe potato will play the game so long as you don't mind lowering GFX; (if they've played the lego games, then they're fine) 7) Have fun and schedule time for everyone; General suggestion: Someone make a set of age-appropriate global chats that are parent moderated. AFAIR you can mute people who are abusive in the chats. I'd also suggest that these chats Require the parents to somehow be on a roster of sorts where the their global soft-links so the childs so that mods can know who to send in-game issues to. A sort of volunteer nanny system. This would be an Entirely community based thing and as such require a group approval system I'm sure to get established.
  6. I'd hate to ask for server space, but it'd be REAL cool if we had a single place to keep the consolidated add-ons. for the game. ;)
  7. Just chiming in to say GOD do I remember the day that set dropped. It was like Wolverine mated with a fish and BOOM there were thousands of clones everywhere!
  8. So you have the game saved here: c:\user\myname\downloads\tequila That means there needs to be the Add-ons / Data folder like this: c:\user\myname\downloads\tequila\data The way I make things easy on myself is to simply pick somewhere to extract the files and then drag the data folder into the root/game folder. IE: I would drop the extracted folder into your: c:\user\myname\downloads\tequila Start with the original files and then do the same for the updated files, making sure to okay the overwriting of files/folders.
  9. A bit late in the game (having a hard time getting back to threads I've read), but what I was Trying to get at was something like having you put up say 1-10Gb chunks for people to munch on that would speed up the initial DL and make it easier for those who appear to be using SSDs. Personally, I'm sitting on a good ~6Tb so long as I don't go back to my AV project (been avoiding) in the meantime. I hadn't started anything because I first read this when it was like half a page long. :p
  10. And the clue is that it has something to do with the queue code for that particular screen/page. This, while I wasn't Looking for this sort of thing early on, I'm pretty sure it's related to the queue code somehow.
  11. I got lost somewhere in there. Is there not a way to specifically tell it what to process and therefor allow You do dictate who takes what chunk?
  12. Code it where the requirement is that the NPC is verified to be in the wall?
  13. The nature of this badge made it the rarest thing in the game. It was Intentionally hard to get and not something just anybody could aim for. More of a luck of the draw thing. Asking for a way to get it would be vaguely like someone who missed a year 2 badge and wondered Why they couldn't earn it in year 5.
  14. Oh come now guys, you missed the obvious choice! Imagine this, you click a power and all of a sudden SB1 zooms in at ludicrous speed, parks near the click point, and transforms into Mega Maid.
  15. Just tested on my Win10 x86 Machine: (Atom 1.33Mhz, 1Gb RAM, Flash storage) Average US server load is roughly 1550, EU ~400 Server->Character List US Servers: ~2-7s / Ranging from 0-40+ alts each EU Server: ~2s / 0 alts Holy difference batman! Besides the basic specs, the only difference is that the character file doesn't include the spacing I've done on my normal machine (some pages have character gaps), but this has been going on longer than I've been organizing the alt list.
  16. You're general troubleshooting and procedures are exemplary, but I'm pretty sure Kat and my machines are both running optimally.
  17. Just tested on my Win7 x64 Machine: (3770k @ 3.5Ghz, 32Gb RAM, Samsung Evo 860 SSD / OS, Apps only) Average US server load is roughly 1550, EU ~400 Server->Character List US Servers: ~60s / Ranging from 0-40+ alts each EU Server: ~17s / 0 alts Game->Character List Torch: ~60s
  18. This, I'm using the Exact same hardware with roughly the same filepaths and ever since (I think) the introduction of the Que system it has taken ages to get onto a new alt. I could probably /afk-Bio and it'd be about as long to load. I'll have to check my Win10 Atom machine to test, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with how the que is setup as the message you get when clicking "go back to shard" arrow triggers "do you want to leave the que?" message.
  19. Should've asked someone for an i3 style TP (to the moon!). ;) :p
  20. I don't have the link off-hand but there's a whole thread on setting up Vidiots that includes the Mac setup.
  21. This is what I was going to point out and take one step farther. TBH I wouldn't mess with the playerslot file in terms of permissions because you'd have to unlock it every time you add/remove an alt. You're more likely to cause game issues that way. Yes, you can drag/drop and it's pretty quick. The trick with that is that the game sometimes scrolls too quickly, so it takes practice. Now that we get a billion slots (10 per page) it's possible to sort/group your alts if they're themed in some way. I haven't tried using comments in the file, but since it's based on C/C++ I'd assume that you could comment with group separations like Hero, Vill, etc. As for editing the file, no, you don't have to rearrange the order, but it would make your life so much easier if you're looking to arrange them using it. Since we can copy/paste with ease, then it's just that simple to make a new file, setup the numbering, and just copy/paste the names.
  22. You can leave them as-is save their apparent agro. There's NO reason I should be losing my Fae because she has more agro than me from the mob that I just leaped into and started attacking. For example, yesterday I raced ahead of the Fae so that there was NO chance she would be in range when I launched my attack. Not 2s later she just Barely enters range and they ALL run towards her. Mind you, I'd been pummeling them all this brief period of time by changing my targeting, so I Should have some strong agro going on. But no, they have to go gang-bang her while I sit there and watch. So yeah... STAPH KILLIN' MA FAE!!!!!
  23. Lately I've been seeing threads along the lines of "If you're experiencing problem X, click here". IDK which subforum they've been in as I've been clicking the "show unread" when I read daily.
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