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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. And Storm Summoning? And Kintectics? Any Force Fields? And....? Better to not tie it to any set but just make it some kind of inherent "Stance" toggle to choose KB or KD if they choose to go that route. still. I could live with this kind of solution, since it still puts final choice into the players hands.
  2. I level my heroes 45-50 by exemplaring down and doing lower level taskforces. It should be every bit as possible to join varied Night Ward groups and just keep fighting lower level mobs there while exemplared. And in a real pinch, there is AE available by Studio 55 / Pocket D. Edit. And no, I can absolutely confirm that switching to First Ward / Night Ward does NOT require choosing hero/villain. My scrapper is currently lvl 23 in First Ward, doing First Ward missions, still flagged as Resistance. Has never set foot in primal earth. Never made the choice of red vs blue.
  3. I oppose anything that forces KB-to-KD for merely selecting a power. YOU may consider KB objectiionable as a team tactic. This opinion is not universally held. I see no need for any changes, given that the Sudden Accel IO is not unique. However, if at some point the devs do decide to put in some global control / swtich for this, I trust that they will do so in a manner that gives player a CHOICE to flip that switch, or not, regardless of what other powers they may or may not have selected in their builds.
  4. You can. The game absoutely doesn't tell you this, and tries it's darndest to lead you to going Red/Blue. But you can go to Imperial City, then to the Underground, then to Doorman, chat with him, and enter the First Ward. I have a Praetorian scrapper who I'm going to try like heck to take allllll the way to 50 without ever giving up her Praetorian alignment. I believe you also get a different set of "Set Your New Title" options at 20, and either 30 or 40 (forget which), if you are praetorian aligned but not hero/villain.
  5. I do not think any MM set should be forbidden from appearing on either side. I do not think any MM should have their choice of pets limited by their current alignment. Example: Desdemona. in-game NPC. Demon-Binding-Witch who forsook evil to be a hero. Still summons demons. Keeps them on a tight leash, doesn't let them go on a rampage. But um... yea, she summons demons. Not angels. And if she can summon demons, why COULDN'T a villain bind Angels into acting against their will to further their villainous plans? After all, some angels/devas/seraphs are pictured as forces of light, mercy, and forgivenss, and some angels are depicted as overbearingly righteous and merciless avengers who seek to scourge all that is impure. "Law Enforcement" as Mastermind Minions absolutely need not imply "Hero". It certainly can. There are many many selfless cops who devote and even GIVE their lives to protect the public. There are also some who are little more than gang members with a badge. If a "Law Enforcement" minion set were added, I think you can reasonably expect players to view it through either lens.
  6. Don't think of it as kicking puppies.... think of it as.... clubbing baby seals! 😄
  7. I have no idea if that's technically feasible, but I have zero design concerns against this. This would not force characters to be split apart or set a precdent for alterate builds being alternate AT's.
  8. If you have a populated SG, or even a regular (or irregular) group of global friends you often group with, consider saying "Hey, anyone want to make a redside/goldside squad? I was thinking maybe play them on Thursdays" or something like that. It usually doesn't take much serious organization to get a group started, just the gumption to float the idea. And worst case, they say "Nah, not interested. Thanks though".
  9. It should also be noted that since you can't do to the Tutorial, you can't take the "Undercover" mission options when doing those arcs via Ouro. And some (not all) of the undercover choices, are very well written.
  10. The one thing I want for female costumes for most boots to have a "No High Heels" option. Keep the heels on your ladies if you want them. I do not bedgrudge you that. Now if the boot type is NAMED "Strapped Heels", or "Silettetos" or "Platforms", etc okay. Thsoe should definitely remain heels-only. But I'd like some non-heels choices for the ladies under. Thigh Highs Victorian Steampunk Classic Steampunk Gunslinger Barbarian Fur (really? Female Barbarians all use giant heels?) Barbarian Leather Baggy Socks (sneakers + baggy socks, maybe?) The Retro Sci-Fi's Default boot for all of them can still have monster heels, just would like an option for flats of some kind too.
  11. But you know Troo waits. Eagerly watching for the stroke of midnight, ready to pounce once it becomes Tuesday. 🙂
  12. I hear you. But if someone has an existing character that they already have, leveled up, dual builds, both builds slotted, and they enjoy hopping back and forth under that character, with that character name.... spliting the specialities into different AT's means that one existing character has to become two separate characters in their roster. And one of them has to be renamed. Because you can't have two characters with the same name existing twice on server. And you cant have build 1 and build 2 be completely different AT's, not unless HC devs have some magic shenanigans going on, and that's just an EXTREMELY slippery slope I DON'T want them going down.... Build 1 = Blaster? Build 2 = Brute? Hell no. But if Crab and Bane spidder become different branches, and were allowed as different builds of the same character, how do you forbid other combos? I just do not feel that 55 gallon drum of worms is worth opening for what's generally going to be a very rare occurance that happens a few times in the life of a VEAT.
  13. As irritating as it is, this would play sixteen kinds of hell with players who already have a VEAT with build 1 as Widow and build 2 as Fortunata. Do they have to give up one or the other permanently? They couldn't be named the same thing, not if they're different AT's / Characters. I think this is just something people are going to have to grin-and-bear it, and just not lvel up until the end of the mission / group / TF.
  14. All good in my book. Threads with posts within the same month are well within the statue of limitations. It when you get threads from June 2019 reactivated that I start mentally hearing the Altered Beast introduction
  15. Honestly I think I would enjoy the game more if Incarnates literally did not exist AT ALL. PERIOD. However, that ship has long since sailed. And, not only has that ship merely sailed, but its completed Magellen's Voyage. Several times. It may have even planted a flag on the moon when I wasn't looking. It's much too late to get rid of Incarnates now. Good/Bad/Indifferent they are too baked into player expectations. I do still wish Incarates were restricted to Incarnate Content Only. That is, not available for oldschool 45+ content, not available for World Wide Red or Shadow Shard or Peregrine Radio Missions, etc. But only available for BAF, New Dark Astoria, etc. I've pretty much given up hope for that as well. PERHAPS, if we get a new expansion-pack worthy update of entirely new content, people would tolerate giving up Incarnates in older 45-50 content. PERHAPS. But until we got a large update of truly new content, I do not think players will accept losing access to incarntes where they already have them, even if I personally think the idea of having access to them in any pre-incarnate content was a giant mistake. Could the devs do it anyway and say "too bad, eat yer vegetables"? In theory yes. But if they haven't done it by now, the quick and simple answer is the devs simply do not agree with me, and do not feel the impact of the power creep on the last 5 levels is that big of a deal. So I have only my standard existing solution. I solo level from 45-50, AND/OR, that's when I fit in all my Task Forces, and exempt down to lower levesl to do a task force extravaganza, to get my 45-50 exp while on a team where everyone is exemplared to much lower level.
  16. I guess I'm feeling very cynical today, but I'm thinking either you'd have to seriously pump up the rewards for doing X content to absurd levels, or people are still going to do whatever method they are already doing because of the interia of "it's faster levelling" and "it's what they know". And I don't like the idea of pumping up the rewards to bribe people to prefer certain content over other content. It's the same reason why I oppose all "not enough people play redside, let's buff rewards for redside players" ideas. (even though I AM a redside player...) same animal, just a slightly different venue here.
  17. If any boost to drops / merits are given, I definitely think it should be only while you're "At level range" for that content. I'm not sure that I think any boost should be given however, as I can EASILY see farmers setting their characters to "No XP" at a certain level range and then milking, say, the Katie Hannon TF just like got done in the Days of Yore, since it's a very quick TF. So if a boost is to be given at all, maybe "only if you're at appropriate level range at the START of the TF", AND, "only if you have Earn XP on for the entire duration of the TF". But honestly, I'm not really in favor of any boosted rewards at all. I have had absolutely zero problems kitting out all my characters with attuned IO's as they level without ever farming even once.
  18. I just wanted a Shadow. Is that really so much to ask? 🙂 (The answer of course, is yes. Copyrights out the wazoo and such)
  19. If and only if I can have a refusal option that tells Lord Recluse where he can stick it, because I'm not being subserviient to him any more than I am to his lieutentants. (even if choosing this option meant I'd be ambushed by 5-10 waves of enemies) Arachnos/Recluse are allies-of-the-moment AT BEST, and competitors to be eliminated at worst.
  20. Conceptually, I much prefer epic pools over patron pools. Some of this is lingering resentment over the low-level redside content where it's city of lackeys. When my villains finally come into their own, they should be a power int thier own right, not sucking up to an arachnos patron to be taught a few tricks or able to borrow some of THIER power. I do use them on some villains who are more in the mold of an unthinking brute rather than a planner or schemer. And I do use them on one "Natural" villain who is just a completely normal unpowered human, but who has excessive helpings of hatred and ambition. But never on my "Doctor Doom" style villains. And never on any heroes at all. Doesn't matter what provides the most utility or best performance. Patron PETS in particular I will never ever take on anything except a Widow or Soldier, because again, I never really enjoyed the concept of Arachnos to begin with. But a Widow/Soldier, I can see calling on their Sisters/Brothers.
  21. If you had universal agreement on which ones were bad, maybe. I have a few characters where I *like* the T1, and I do not want the T2.
  22. Dammmmmn. I'm still at 34 characters. I need to stop fussing over whether or not I have "overlapping powersets", etc and just Make Moar Alts.
  23. I'm willing to allow Fridays to be nerfed into the stone age, AS LONG AS, I can Perma-Saturday.
  24. My guess is it borrows from Ice Patch / Freezing Rain. Periodically anyone on an ice patch can flop down to the ground. I think Bolas will work liek that, except single target, not an ice patch. but for the duration off the effect a *chance* and maybe not that great of one, to fall down.
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