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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Yes, it did. Well back on live. Which is why they're orange now.
  2. Yep. Statesman was available (only choice) in the COH ... I don't recall if they called it a collectors edtion or not. (Also awarded prestige power slide and cape.) Most of that stuff, including the cards, looks like it's from the COV CE (which I ended up with several of - one on release, for something like $75, and then several at Big Lots for $3 or $5 or something. picked them up for friends who didn't have the in game goodies, still had spares.) Oh yeah. And you can grab PDFs of the comics, too. (How many people got their characters in the cameo on page 26 of this one? 🙂 (Piracat says hi!))
  3. I see a trend. 🙂 Know who doesn't find it overpowered? People who *don't* have softcapped defenses. It already ramps down. It's not like it's giving everyone that buff for 5 minutes straight at max power. So for the OP? No thanks.
  4. I'm the other way 'round. Love Kheldians. SOAs/Widows... eh.
  5. Hmm. Stuff that stays installed and replayed - Command and Conquer 3. Single player is borked thanks to being "balanced" for multiplayer, but I find a skirmish vs multiple AIs relaxing. Recent replay - Dragon Age: Origins. Earthsiege:Cyberstorm. Turn based strategy from way back (and when I bought it, it was unique in having two CDs - one for you, one for a friend, both the same, so you could play over a LAN.) WIngs of Prey - simple "simulator," but it's distracting. And then there's my Atari 2600 (though now it's the retron - works better with a modern TV, though seeing Combat in widescreen is odd.)
  6. Depends on which SSA. I think Warburg was the PITA one? But the first one (Skyway, hero side) - doesn't matter what you run it on, really. Level 10-ish and above, I'm running that puppy once a week or so for 20 easy merits for 10-15 minutes of time. About all I need are two small purples (to avoid the rock-throwing igneous in the second mission while I click three glowies.) Almost no fighting required either. Mmm. Merits.
  7. Yes there is. Which I don't have to worry about on the majority of my characters because I don't have hasten. 🙂 And don't want to have to go through... what did I say, 75? costumes to turn that off on multiple slots.
  8. Sonic Dispersion (and the FF equiuvalent) are toggles. Technically, then, PBAOE (and hope the person running it doesn't get slept, killed or run out of END. Also requires you to stay close.) Faraday cage is a *location* PBAOE. The others have already been touched on.
  9. I was going to point that 3 power cost out (again) but it looks like you beat me to the punch. 🙂
  10. Honestly, the only gripe I have with Poison is the heal. Especially on a mastermind, it seems to take so long to cast and "travel" that by the time it gets to the target, they've gone to the hospital, healed up,had some kids, the kids have grown up and you're finally healing that scratch on the grandkid's knee. (Plus I seem to recall the END cost being kind of high, but that might just be from heavy use in some mastermind situations.)
  11. And WHY did you feel the need to post in a thread that hadn't been posted in for nearly a year?
  12. Not with the Green Machines, no. 🙂 "Turning Empathy/ defenders into Regen blasters." Fun to play with.
  13. Eh. It's one thing if you could deliberately choose, but most of the time you don't *know* that a mission is (say) in the north of IP, or which side of steel. And what about those mission doors in the middle? Plus, what if you deliberately wanted to (say) hit Wentworths in South Steel even though your mission was up north? While I don't mind the idea... eh.
  14. And again, the point of base raids - at least as I remember it - was to obtain an "item of power," you'd end up destroying generators, etc. People can put them into rooms with no access now. Given human nature, I can see some group making bases and "inviting" raids that can't be completed.
  15. Yeah. There are a lot of factors that go into "I missed." Including just plain bad luck (thus, streakbreakers.) Kind of like "I popped a yellow and immediately missed" - you remember it because it was annoying, not because there was anything wrong. Plus, if I'm recalling correctly, from ... 1-10? you SHOULD have an acc (or is it tohit?) bonus. But again - a lot of factors go into "I missed."
  16. Yes. I did love having hover, doing /em *flips you off for trying that* and reporting the people who were doing that. (I want to say that was before they set it so you could not die from fall damage from full health, but would end up with 1hp.) Just as annoying were the people teleporting others into guard towers.... you'll note they have openings to walk out of now.
  17. Wow. Let's just unpack this. "Literally everyone uses this power" - prove it. I'm also making the assumption that by "everyone" you're intending to say "it is put on the majority of characters," not "every user has hasten on at least one character," as that's weasel-wording things. "Except a few people who refuse to out of spite or protest." - Nice of you to assume you know my motivations. I don't take hasten on the majority of my builds because I don't want to. I don't need it. So, word of advice, don't shoot yourself in the foot and sound like rather an arrogant cur by making statements like this. "Because they're pretty much obligated to in order to be viable" - No, they aren't. Every powerset is perfectly viable without hasten. I have played literally hundreds of powerset combinations. You know how many needed hasten to be "viable?" Zero. Hasten is a "nice to have" power in some instances. That is it. (That link is from live, and incomplete as I had multiple sets. That does not count the characters here, either, obviously.) (Currently, across all servers I have about 80 characters. The majority on one server - 75. Remove two that are base builders or NPCs - 73. Of them, I have it on... possibly two. And I'm considering removing it on one since it's rarely used. Know how many are not "viable?" Zero.) "Or to compete with other players who do have it." Unless you're in PVP, this is not a competition. You don't have to compete with anybody. "This means not only one less power that everyone could be taking but also one less power pool everyone can choose from." Well, not everyone takes it, so personal choice is personal choice. " Kind of a steep price for something so ubiquitous." It's the same price as any other power, pool, primary, secondary or ancillary. "The last time something like this happened, it was with the Fitness power pool, and they eventually reworked that entire pool to be automatically granted to all players." Specifically *Stamina* was taken by a majority of players (and it really was a majority at that time.) AND that required not one power (like Hasten,) but *three* to be taken (sprint/leaping/health - two of three as a prereq.) Hasten, again, does not. It's a very low cost choice if someone wants (note, not needs) it. "There's no reason to not make Hasten an inherent power. " Yes there is. It's not as needed as you say, and I don't want the side effects (from having to make costuming choices to avoid glowy hands to having to change slotting to deal with the endurance issues of having powers trigger faster in the low to mid game) of it. There are other ways to get more recharge if desired, given IOs, which makes Hasten even *less* "required" than you wish to portray it as.
  18. Funny that he mentions this while I type the above. Yes, I remember *very* well asking NOT to be buffed with the original Sonic (because it caused headaches) and having people intentionally do it, who *quite obviously* heard the request. That should be reported to a GM and acted on, because that's not "funny."
  19. Poked around and found this thread referenced from another. Yeah. I pretty much was *very* loud and fought... since sonic resonance was on beta to get those animations (well, graphics) changed, because I heard *every night* I played with my SG just how it was affecting people. I have friends who get bad migraines and had this trigger them every...single...time. *I* don't get migranes and it was giving me a headache. I was even told by BAB that it couldn't be fixed (or that they wouldn't or some such. I don't remember the wording, just that it rather... annoyed me, to where I was ready to leave the game.) I argued that often and for what felt like years. Then the current animations came out. Relief for everyone... except one person. What *really* annoyed me - and part of what prompted me to post was your friend's experience with people *trying* to give them siezures (who, frankly, if they're doing it with foreknowledge? Should be jail time, as far as I'm concerned,) was the number of people making fun of the people who *actually* had problems. If there was ever a time I was disappointed in the COH community, that was it. And the "Orange gives me migranes" (which they admitted to others that, no, they were just not liking the shields.) All their BS almost drowned out one person who *actually did have a physiological problem with it* - which, while I'm not happy they did, it turned out that's how they finally went to a neurologist and got diagnosed. (They'd apparently also had an episode of... whatever it was, I don't remember now - because of the opening of the movie Saw, as I recall.) So, if Keen says they have a problem with it, I'll believe them until I have reason not to. And yes, for me personally, I keep wondering just what the hell attacked me, too. (Especially if we're dealing with enemies with electric attacks.)
  20. The truth is more in the middle. If you need a certain file type of a certain format, it's possible that no, the person doesn't know how to get *specifically* that. An OGG file? Try to hunt down something that might not be intuitively named in a PIGG viewer? No. However, if someone creates a thread and says "Download this transparent graphic. It will be named this. Put it in this folder," more people would try it. Not everyone - I do tech support, I have people utterly baffled by "read this information off the screen," who still call the monitor the "computer" and the like, but they're great in their fields. I would *not* call them "unwilling to try." Computer-related (or generally tech-related) things are just *foreign* to them, and you know what? When they're done dealing with patients or whatever and they go home and decide they want to just play a game and not have to learn directory structures, file types and other "esoterica" *I* enjoy - that's fine. Hell, *I'm* getting to the point where I want to not have to care about it, and I do this for a living and have done it as a hobby for decades now.
  21. I don't, because I generally don't care about "builds." I don't try to perma-this or softcap-that. My builds tend to be "organic" - slots go where they go when I get them with what it looks like I need now or in the near future. Yes, sometimes there's a set in mind, but not a grand overall plan. I have tried "builds" a time or two and it just never felt like *my* character, no matter how much I played them.
  22. As a side note... you can't change the color of someone else's buffs/effects. Plus, that doesn't look like what the OP was asking (mentioning specifically Leadership, with the little graphics that swirl around showing acc and def buffs.) It's *probably* possible to do something with replacing it locally, but I don't know what or with what (or what it would break.) This would only affect you.
  23. Nope, that also screws up gameplay if a mastermind is trying to position themselves using TP while sending their pets elsewhere. And that mention of masterminds was only *one* use case. I'll point out that it was useful enough we have a much wider area version of it in the Incandescence incarnate power tree. Again, removing powers tends to be *bad.* The Recall/TP Foe gets a pass on that because it's combining versus actually removing.
  24. To be fair, that's pretty much just +def. Tack on the +status resist bonuses in sets. Also, for the +res in Phase Shift - and it's rare enough I don't actually recall - was the change actually *implemented* to let phased entities fight each other? Still would be fairly rare.
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