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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Huh. Had to go and look. Yep. Character items stays a throbbing red.
  2. We should unnerf regen so the new team gets the full experience of nerfing it again! 🙂
  3. I'd expect more of a DJ. But I'd love to have instrument players available for things like bases that are clubs and want a "house band."
  4. It was interesting. My first redside 50 was an energy/energy brute and I *loved* it. Made a version of my blueside sorta-main (fire/ss) and said "You know, I enjoyed energy, let's make that change" and hated it as a tank. And it was more than just the one power change. It just didn't *click.* My main issue with Illusion is "Hey, we need two invisibilties!" And... yeah, probably reliance on PA. Dark also throws pets in pretty early (Haunt as well as the dog) and that set doesn't feel control-light, so it's not that.
  5. They keep talking about that command not being meant for general use and that it'll go away. But they've been talking about that for a while. I'd disagree about TP Friend and TP Foe being niche - though it's dependent, in part, on playstyle and just *what* You like to play. I do keep seeing people asking for them to be combined into one, which... eh, sure. Recall Friend is *less* used now with people getting travel powers earlier, granted. I'll also fully admit bias here, since I play Warshades quite a bit (*yoink* Hi Quantum! *hold, kill, create fluffy*) as well as support sets.
  6. Yep. I haven't, but there were several pools-only characters on live. Which do take a bit of planning and creativity.
  7. Because when it was introduced they expected you to be part of a team which would be doing the defeating, I'd expect. Also, for the OP: "but would like to have a choice between the old and new Granite Armor (like Practiced Brawler/Master Brawler)" It was my impression this wouldn't be done again because of it being a pain (or hack or some such.) For me, I've run Stones. Yes, I think they need some sort of updating, but at the same time, part of what I like is the feel of *being* this massive, immovable Earth-avatar. Not sure how to reconcile that with how the game is now. That said, Kheldian Dwarf form is *also* supposed to be massive and still can keep up (granted, built in teleport helps, but even without it's not slow - it just feels fairly massive.) Perhaps lowering (but not completely eliminating) the jump and speed debuffs would help with that while allowing more mobility. And, honestly, yeah. Getting rid of the -dmg. I mean, even if you're missing some... "finesse" damage from being a giant rock, you're a giant rock who can put some weight behind your attacks. 🙂
  8. I don't *believe* that's changed. I can check. Edit: Nope. Shows unique on Paragonwiki, too, which is acting as an archive of how it was on live.
  9. Wow, bit of an attitude from you there? No, I do not "click random powers in the power select screen." Nor do I "build against" anything. And I have plenty of experience with pretty much every AT and combo. But, you're obviously not worth continuing a conversation with. so I won't.
  10. I don't want to call them "worst," since they were (and are, for the one I remade as is) quite good at what they do (control.and team support,) but two controllers: Ice/Emp Earth/FF Played both to 50. Neither are particularly *fast* to solo. (Wasn't expecting them to be, but the times I did, well...:) ) Honorable mention to a 50 bot/ff for being boring enough, especially after the "AOE Team buff" change, that it nearly turned me off MMs completely on live.
  11. I wonder if you understand how you just pretty well destroyed your own argument about those pools being "set."
  12. I don't need to softcap or perma anything. Completely uninterested. I find them boring. I never said anything about "elite builds." Nice try, though. If you *choose* to make that kind of build, that is... your choice. It's not necessary in any form. Those choices might be "set" for that sort of build. That does not make them necessary for anybody else. Putting it another way - If *I* choose to go racing and require my car to be stripped down, have a rollcage added, etc, it's because that's what I want to do, and those are the costs of that choice. It does not mean that Grandma's luxobarge or someone's minivan or classic car also need to be stripped down and have a roll cage and other modifications added. Understand? No power pools are required for any AT or powerset to play the game. Stating that they are is a fallacy.
  13. ... I have *few* characters with speed, fighting or leadership. I don't "build against them," I just don't want or need them, so I don't know what you're talking about here. Leaping, I take on a good number simply because I *like* Super jump, not because of any overpowered-ness or whatever you're getting at here. So, no, power pools are not "set."
  14. I'd be telling them to do something else all together. That's exceptionally rude. They can right click and cancel the buff. This is pretty much how I run mine. I combat buff, especially on things like Empathy. Most of the group is together fighting something? Get in the middle, fire off auras, go back to doing my thing. I did that even before IO-powered steamrolling was a thing.
  15. My Khelds often have Kheldian tech. 🙂 Just because.
  16. C&C Remastered. I wish they could (or would) have redone the completely rendered cutscene graphics - it still looks like it did on release, though the gameplay has been cleaned up and, where they could, the FMV has been upscaled as well. I'd almost forgotten just how Kane was - you don't know anything about Nod yet, and he's just got *presence.*
  17. 1 - sure. 2 - In the age of IOs, just can't go for it. And yes, I play a number of Khelds.
  18. Multiple enemy pets stay on. In addition to those mentioned, there's the Malta gun drones, Sky Raider Engineer shield generators (at least those are useful if you can confuse them) and Bres Animated STones.
  19. I haven't checked. Do they exist if you go to the City Hall contacts? I know they gave something... I wouldn't MIND them being in Galaxy (the contacts are still there,) in the Atlas contacts or in Ouro. Or some combination of the three.
  20. You *can* keep asking for more slots, but... yeah. It'd be nice to just be able to get more AE slots. They don't take that much room.
  21. The OP never stated this would be "simpler" in any way, shape or form. Offering that up as a rebuttal is kind of a strawman. Yes, this looks like it'd be hugely complex. The main differences I can see are (1) someone who doesn't know, like, etc. AE will have access to them and get to experience them without foreknowledge (some people do like just "seeing where a story goes,) and (2) they can affect the world, in every way from the small (I have badges!) to larger (dialog, possible other missions, reactions of NPCs.) The second, by the way, is part of why I love Khelds - you're spawning specific enemies just to fight ME? Thank you! Now the downside is, of course, that even with all these paths and branches, assumptions *have* to be made about the player's character. (Which appears to be Naraka's point.) For instance, let's just take the "general chaos" path. If I have a villain who's (say) an arsonist, but tries to avoid killing people (burning down warehouses at night, old buildings, buildings that shouldn't have anyone in them) - well, it's unlikely there's a path specifically for that, but if there's a mission to "Cull the weak," I'm immediately hitting a hard stop there. There's a difference between an accidental Civilian casualty in a Mayhem mission and going out and targeting people. (The flipside being if that's not allowed but it's *totally* what your character would do. "Humanity is a disease, you're the cure... but you can't shoot anyone? Lame!") In short, it sounds like it could be an interesting, fun system, but at the same time would hit some of the same complaints we currently have. Which is not a bad thing - writing for villains is *hard.*
  22. I'll generally support anything giving a player the option to change a pet's KB to KD, since pets don't tend to use it with any planning.
  23. ... eh? If they're doing one of each combination of powersets, it would only be 1 PB, 1 WS. (THough I'd encourage using alt builds to try out triform vs humanform!)
  24. Yes, but that's more of an individual thing. I think trying to get all... what, 1600 badges? sounds tedious, but people enjoy doing it. Same with tweaking builds to get every last tent of a percentage point of recharge, damage, etc. Not interested, but others are and find it fun. *shrug*
  25. It's purely up to if you have fun doing it. If you do, go for it. If not, perfect time to take a break. The only reason my input should have any impact is if I were paying you to do it. 🙂 I did a "one of every control set to 50" back on live - but I didn't concentrate solely on that, even while playing them. I played what I felt like playing with that as a "behind the scenes" goal. It kept it from being a chore.
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