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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Can't do that to regular IOs either, so this shouldn't be a surprise. Exactly! Which is part of what I'm aiming for. That and creating a little flexibility in what's out there. 🙂
  2. Just having them not count for "rescue the hostage" and "defeat all" would make them far less frustrating. And for me it's not the phantasms that Master Illudionists spawn, it's the decoys that *they* spawn, since you have to sit there and wait for *both* to despawn to have the defeat finally "count" for a defeat all or hostage rescue.
  3. Bleh. Illusion. You'd need to dump one of the invisibilities for something that would help with dom. Maybe combine them into a PBAOE stealth toggle. And yes, PA would need to be changed. Probably reducing the number of summons or making them able to be killed - essentially a non targeted Haunt. The rest.. eh. Works. I can see the argument for changing Spectral Wounds to an immob - Spectral Cage, maybe. Possibly split some things into a themed "spectral" assault group, but that'd be even more work.
  4. Eh. I'd probably turn it off if it existed - people put in lowball bids and sometimes get several of the same item. If we have a recipe (for instance) that often goes for 70,000 (for instance) and someone for whatever reason has several of them and dumps them at 1 inf, suddenly filling those lowball 5k bids, the next "normal" prices would trigger it. I'm not against it, like I said I'd probably just turn it off like so many of the other warnings.
  5. *If* there were an Arachnos presence, it should make sense. I get why they have to be the way they are in Bloody Bay (though it makes no sense that a hostile military presence would be left in posession of *anything* in a US city otherwise,) and they feel forced in in Faultline (with the same comment. I mean, seriously. If ... I don't know, Cuba invaded and took over part of Miami, not only would they be kicked out but there probably wouldn't be a Cuba left in its current form. Having it happen in Paragon is just jarring. And yes, it's the same in Nerva and Mercy, frankly.) Any (visible) Arachnos presence should be *small.* Diplomatic mission/embassy size. They can send redsiders around to do things, sure, but there shouldn't be this massive military garrison running half the zone. Heck, have them there to *protest* and "try to get help with" the Longbow incursions back in the Isles - while gathering or disrupting intelligence. Including approaching heroes, or at least vigilantes. Zone tweak: Get rid of the War Walls. At least on the North side of the zone. It's opening out into the ocean. Toss a couple of destroyers there, but - Rikti invasions or no - it would be nice to have a spot "where the war walls end." Since this seems to also serve as a port, I can't see any businesses being thrilled with having to slowly get ships in through giant gates one at a time. (Indy Port has the same issue, really, as does Talos.) I mean, as a quick (?!?) defense or reaction around the time of launch, war walls "made sense," but between their obvious ineffectiveness (since thy just get shut down by the Rikti during invasions anyway) and all the time that's passed since then, tech should have advanced to something less jarring. GIven we've seen the Praetorian sonic walls and we have some Praetorian population, this could even be a point of contention - new tech to defend (or steal.) Since part of the zone is new, shiny and tech-y, having Crey makes sense. Given the levels and timing, maybe even have a "New, post-Countess, reinvented Crey" trying to show they are more than her scandals. They aren't, of course, but finding out what they're up to and working on now could be interesting. Where there are docks, there's Family, so it makes sense to have some upper level Family as well. Take a beat from the AMA information and have this be where the Circle (who had an outpost under where Statesman Plaza is now) emerge and push for recognition (instead of the old plan to destroy yet another zone to bring Orenbanga up to the surface.) Of course, this sparks some conflict between them and the bondage boys of the Mu Mystics. While we're at it, why not use it to hint at "the larger world?" It's a port. Have more representation of (and missions for...) groups from the rest of the world. Put in the offices of Gadzul Oil (and look into what they're doing, with the mystic/tech angle.) Have some representation of groups (good and bad) from Africa (touching on the Pantheon, as well as an *ancient* magic tradition in general,) Europe, Asia - and yes, some Preaetorian representation. Drop in a Kheldian embasssy larger than just Sunstorm, Shadowstar and Moonfire. Heck, give a nod to a dead EAT idea and have Avilans.. avilians? .. just as beings run across by Portal Corp. Have the Virtea found, dig into their background and their relationship with the Coralax - maybe they're looking for freedom. There's possibilities.
  6. ... while not the same thing, there were always "inspirational" posters, too... 🙂
  7. Hmm. Not the same site, I don't think, but... I think this was related to the CCG launch or something.
  8. I typically play things with knockback and don't mind it. I don't put the IO in, typically. With bonfire? I put the KB to KD IO in, not because it needs it but because it's *fun.*
  9. Right click on the buffs under your menu ( I think it is,) and/or to the side of the team list. Though it didn't seem to make as much difference as turning off camera shake, so I'll probably leave mine on Numeric.
  10. I kind of assume these will have some "close enough" - there may be some palettes that are hard enough to tell one color from another. They're just something to have fun with!
  11. So, for a while back on live there was a thread (or two) where someone picked random color palettes (from one of .. many sites on the web) and had people try to come up with costumes using that theme. Not a "contest," really, just seeing what could be done. Thought it might be fun to try here... So to start out, I'll use this site, Colourlovers. We'll just pick a palette and see who comes up with what over a week (or so.) And yeah, COH's palette is limited, so... "close enough" works. 🙂 First palette - Intoxicated Heroics .
  12. Yeah, I play with Daz a lot. 🙂 It's kind of fun, actually. (Better when you have a system that's not going to take all night to render an image...)
  13. I don't know, Nerf Capes might look a little odd. Sort of sticking out the back, not waving...
  14. I know it's been mentioned on some of the ones I've been on to disable camera shake (which, I believe, is under "Control"... ) I'd also heard something about not having buff numbers sent, hadn't tested it really. That said, I bring empaths, thermals and pain doms instead of my tanks and such because at least they can do something if I'm seeing a slideshow. 🙂
  15. 1. You know, I never really paid attention to what the ATOs were slotting into. I *think* it might be because of the globals? But even those are centered on you... I don't know. I wouldn't argue with it. 2. This might be where it is because of the assumption you have pets. Maybe something that would scale up or down depending on the number of pets. 3. I'd let someone who plays with the numbers more look at that. Accuracy, especially for T1s (which, when you have three, are -2 to you,) I couldn't really argue on. 4. Which powers are you thinking of? I'd assume the first step there would be "tweak the powers," as opposed to replacing. Some - not necessarily just rez powers (*looks at Serum*) - are generally regarded as skippable, yeah. Or are you looking at powers on a secondary? Those, I don't think I'd remove, since they're useful on teams. It kind of *would* be nice to be able to resurrect a minion. 5. Another I'd let people who play with number balance look at. 🙂
  16. .... ok, but you can do the exact same thing now by frankenslotting from four sets? And I'm not sure you're factoring ED into this. (Or I might be reading this wrong. *shrug* Also possible.) (Edit: It is me reading it wrong, I see what had me wondering about ED- going from that 74% to 175%, talking about two different things.) My counter-view to this is that by using one of *these,* you're sacrificing the abiility to get a six (or five or four, depending on how many you use) slot bonus from the set itself, so there is that cost involved, as well. Not to mention the literal cost in making the IO. Mako's Bite, a rare quad, costs 490k to craft plus salvage - one of which is a rare - though, honestly, I usually just use drops. A plain old 50 Acc *also* costs 454k to craft, ignoring salvage. I don't know that a frame would cost the same - a quad, likely. Then you're using three *more* common IOs - so we're looking at nearly 2.5 mill per level 50 player-created-quad. (Yes, I know, some people are rolling in it, that's not everyone.) I don't personally think that people would load up on these (other than some experimental builds, perhaps) and sacrifice the set bonuses people use now. I think they'd throw a few in here and there for flavor (damage/taunt, as mentioned for an example, which doesn't exist elsewhere,) but otherwise would prefer sets for higher end builds or just plain IOs for those who don't really care at all. If this did somehow get onto test and was found to be "too much," making each similar to a set - unique within the power - would be fine with me, as it would still accomplish the goal of letting players mix things up and try combinations that aren't otherwise available. (Edit 2:) I do think this would also be a help when it comes to development getting really underway and looking at new sets. Face it, people will post builds and talk about combinations, so if something seems to be talked about a lot - I'm going to lean on that "dmg/taunt" again for example - it might just get a set with that in faster.
  17. First, they can't be converted. This is solely "You can create your own double, triple or quad value IO, with similar values to what a set IO would give but no set bonuses." The only drop you "get" is what I'm calling the "frame" you combine with the common IOs you want aspects of in. There's really no reason to try to convert, so it sounds wholly different than what you're talking about - which, frankly, is already done here on the market. Converting's something I'd leave for set IOs. "Enhancing the same attribute more than once" is part of what I think the flexibility aspect of this would attract people with. How much *more* each would give would be up to the devs to adjust. For instance, putting two END reductions in a lvl 25 triple plus one "something else" shouldn't add up 16%+16% but perhaps 16%+8% for a 24% END reduction plus 16% whatever other aspect of the same schedule. (I'm perfectly open to the values being tweaked.) No. You do not get the full value of each IO, as mentioned. You get what they would be in a similar IO. For instance: Level 25 Endmod IO. Reduces END costs by 32% by itself. Add it to a level 25 dual "frame" with, say, a recharge. You now have an IO that, similar to a 25 acc/something, enhances ACC and one other item on the same "schedule" by 20%. (I'll use Shield Breaker as a reference for values here, which has Acc/Def Debuff at 25 showing both values at 20%.) Add it to a triple and it enhances by 16%, with two other aspects at 16%. (I didn't see a quad at that level after checking several sets, probably from the percentages being too low.) So for the acc/dam/end/recharge in your example, at 50, you'd be getting values similar to the Devastation Acc/dam/end/rech with each aspect at 18.5%, but without the set bonuses - so you might, for instance, change the Acc out for a Taunt or Def Debuff or whatever the power you're looking at slotting it in takes that might not be expressed in a set.
  18. And even "oh, should be easy" or "they have it" can have ... odd results. While I wouldn't say it was *easy,* I think it was the issue they brought in the popup temp power tray? When that was on beta, it *completely screwed up* three entire ATs - Warshades, PBs and Dominators - by messing with their inherent. THey had no idea why, speculation was that it "moved" the power (the shapeshift or Domination button) somewhere. So, yeah. Unintended consequences. 😄
  19. Without. And as mentioned, there are some combinations that just don't exist, or only exist as hami-Os.
  20. It depends. What have you already done as a 50? My first thing is "Roll another alt," personally. 🙂 But yeah. Unlock your Alpha slot. (You're going to want that if you want to join a "tinpex," as without it, you're at a -8.) Start tweaking the build, if that's what you're into. Dark Astoria was mentioned - it's pretty much where the story takes you.
  21. Yeah. Roll your own Hami-o. Adding bonuses would just... be too breakable. Not to mention dumping more spaghetti onto COH's codebase. 🙂
  22. .... side note, I wish that argument would stop being used. It's fine to say "This would take a lot of dev time," because it's surprising what would, but until someone here hires them and has to assign people to projects... I wouldn't take "I wouldn't use this" as an attack though. If nothing else you can use it as a gauge. Heck, *I* don't think I'd use it, but that's not saying I'm against it, either. At least you're not wondering if people are just ignoring it.
  23. And as far as the subject at hand, if convenience is the issue: - Sure, P2W option to reject common/uncommon/rare (are you sure?) salvage. - Optionally, or additionally, some commands: /deletesalvage common (or uncommon or rare) /auctionsalvage (rarity) (cost) (so, /auctionalvage common 6 would auction all common salvage for 6 inf each.) /movesalvagetovault moves everything (or add common/uncommon/rare) to your "vault reserve" vault.
  24. As far as the "forum game," as it was put - At least for me, no, it's not a "game," nor is it meant to show some sort of superiority or put someone down. The point of the forum is discussion - and that does mean also pointing out existing solutions to the problem being presented (assuming a "problem" is being addressed) or down sides with whatever the suggestion is, including if it's something unworkable. Yes, the person posting it should be prepared to defend their post. (Or abandon it if it's one of those "Oh. Wow, I didn't know that, yeah, that wouldn't work" or "I didn't know a solution already existed in game!" items.) This should not be used or seen as a personal attack on *either* side. It's hard to do sometimes, absolutely. We're not face to face, most of us don't personally know each other, so it's very easy to take something dashed off in a minute as being snarky or condescending or otherwise rude. (And yes, there *are* some posts that are just that. Let's be real.) You, the person making the suggestion, have put thought (I hope!) into the idea, it's something you think would be great, and suddenly you have a bunch of people telling you there are problems or it's not the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is, sometimes, hard not to feel attacked. The only advice I can give is back up, take a few breaths, and re-read what's getting you annoyed. And *do your best* to cut that off at the pass - whether that's asking (*politely!*) for clarification or even just saying "Look, the last three responses have been pretty much just snarky put downs, I'm not responding to you any longer." If you have to actually *put* the person on ignore for a day or two so you don't even see the posts, do that. But do your best to gauge intent, too. Back on live, I was known for "copypastas." I had responses for some fairly common suggestions (vehicle travel powers, for one.) Some people took them as attacks. The whole point of them, for me, was to say "OK, we've talked about this in the past. To summarize, here are what we know of as problems, here are some ways the idea hs been given in the past, here are what the devs have said if they've weighed in. So let's shortcut all that and see if there's something new we can do with it," primarily to avoid retreads and some things that would bring up arguments. Everyone had the same info, and occasionally they *would* be jumping off points for interesting discussions or new twists. Which was the point. But they were never meant to be "Your idea's stupid, and so are you," or "read the 10000 pages of the forum, noob!" Unfortunately, some people took them that way. *shrug* It's the danger of a text medium. All we can do is try our best to avoid misunderstandings.
  25. Responding to some comments: I'm sure it'd be somewhat easier than completely reprogramming the game to use modern graphics, but slightly harder than fixing typos. I can't be more precise than that 🙂 Yes, I had "rarity" in mind there, too, I forgot to mention it. And yes, multiples of the same adds complexity - but, ,honestly, to me it's like IOs anyway. You can just slap a set in, or pick something that matches what you want ("eh, I don't really want to slot heavily, half ACC half DMG from that set works fine,") or you can go crazy plotting set bonuses and the like. And as someone else mentioned, I see these treated as regular commons as far as attuning. But I'm not the one you'd have to sell on the idea - the argument could, after all, be made that these have more of a "cost" to the user than a common IO (craft the frame, craft the IOs, eat the salvage and INF cost for all of that) so attuning "should" be allowed. I'm not set in stone either way. They absolutely would not skip ED. They are, at their heart, still "common" enhancements. Though, to me, it also gives a situation where someone doesn't want to "waste" part of a regular enhancement going over ED, so (with the regular split or the multiple of the same effect) they can go RIGHT up to the line, then add a little something else (say, a partial RECH IO.) Oh, I should note, these wouldn't take sets, so no making a dual with common DEF +LOTG global, or 2/3 DMG 1/3 Proc. (Part of the power concern.) Other than that, the potential complexity is part of what I think some people would like. By "No vendor buying," you're looking at merits? Or regular stores? We can't buy common IO recipies at regular stores as it is, and as far as merits... I have no idea what they would be priced at if they *were* there. I think, power wise, these would walk the line between "standard" IOs and sets - other than experimental builds, I don't think someone would put them in (say) half their build, but would sprinkle them about to differentiate themselves a bit. Oh! Yes, they also would not "add" effects. I don't think I mentioned that. For example, the Taunt/DMG I mentioned. THey'd act like HOs - the Taunt part would work but you wouldn't suddenly get DMG added. However, if you put it in (say) Fiery Aura on a tank or brute, both components would work.
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