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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Of *course* you didn't see another fire armor stalker. They have *hide.* 🙂
  2. A few things - 1. the forums are not the majority of the player base. 2. Even among forum users, you're probably not seeing a majority, but people who enjoy min/maxing. 3. If you go by in game chat, scorp also sounds popular - but that's also because it's a faster, easier patron arc. Running it unlocks all patrons. 4. It's a game. Take what sounds useful or fun to you, not what "it looks like everyone takes." If someone criticizes you for not taking scorp, it's because they're an ass, not because they're correct.
  3. Early designers? They brought on Sean McCann (from the playerbase, actually) a ways into the game's development and... well, he *loved* ambushes, apparently...
  4. Eh, that's why I did mine on the test server. 😄
  5. Solution: Run the content at level instead of PLing yourself. There's a lot more work to getting mobs to work "at any level," and frankly they don't often scale well. (For instance, lowbies vs Rikti invasions don't tend to fare well, even though the mobs are "levelless.") What is a level 50-worthy Skull going to look like? WHY would there be a level 50 skull? We take down their leaders in the teens. They're thugs and drug dealers with a small side of magic. The Hellions are... thugs with a bit of magic who get put in their place by Warriors and Tsoo. No, outleveling these guys makes perfect sense. Also, If you're at level, you get the XP with the badge. If you're above level the badge (and possible subsequent badges for hitting X number of badges, damage done, etc.) is the reward. If you don't feel that's a reward, that's personal preference.
  6. You buy a pack, you get a salvage item (the "pack" itself.) Each pack has five "cards." You tell it to open, the cards flip. Each "card" can grant something - an IO (considered rare/very rare, you will not get five of these, for instance - you'll get from 0-2,) or something like a tailor session, respec, 20 brainstorm ideas, 25 reward merits, etc. You will *not* get purple recipes, pvp recipies, etc. - you won't get Hecatomb, etc. from them. You are not guaranteed an IO. Seriously, load up the test server, create a character, grant yourself 2 billion and pick up a pile of packs, you'll see. 🙂
  7. WInter packs are like the hero/villain packs (or rogue packs) with various "stuff," primarily of interest for the winter IOs which are themselves fairly expensive. Worth... is pretty subjective. *shrug* Surprisingly I don't see them listed on either wiki. (You can, of course, just hop on beta and give yourself a bunch of inf and pick them up.;) Which is what I'm about ot do to refresh my memory.) Edit: Saw what I wanted to be sure of. Yes, you can get candy cane salvage from them, as well as winter-os (of course.) Other unique things that are in these vs. the other packs are temporary powers like Winter Ward, Frosty Aegis and Summon Snow Beast (which... never seems to live that long.) And, of course, you're not guaranteed a winter-o in them. Again, test server, opening up a bunch of them, most have at least one Winter IO, I've had a few with two and a few with none whatsoever - it's a 25m risk per. But if you've got the inf... *shrug*
  8. Yeah, well, male face 1 hates you too, so nyah! Er. Depending on which faces, I suppose. Some of the much later ones often get "looks weird" and "kind of creepy," too. (the .. gunslinger pack faces, I think.)
  9. Not to mention... development is not and should not be a democracy.
  10. Re: support sets. Little too limited, missing debuffing as well. Some sets do little to nothing for "ally buffing," but are still beasts.
  11. Hmm. Anagram server gives ... Fiasco Vinyl Lit (The) Vinyl Lit Fiasco. Person sank all their money into a shop making LPs of literary works, since "vinyl is making a comeback." They lost everything, and turned to a life of crime. Cavil Lift Noisy. Goes around literally picking up one specific Superman actor while shouting. Acts Vilify Lion... Vilify Lion Acts! Ya Inflict Viols - Obviously a sonic corrupter. Attacking people with musical instruments.
  12. Yeah, underscores don't really matter. "powexectoggleon walk," "pow_exec_toggle_on walk" and "p_o_w_e_x_e_c"... well, you get the idea... are all the same as far as it's concerned.
  13. Also an example of the issue being the *player,* not the power. If they were being malicious, well, there's no enhancement for "don't be a ****." If they weren't, then they need to learn how to use the power properly. Edit: Hmm. What would that enhancement be. Hedup's Proctological Extraction? 🙂
  14. Yeah, yeah, I know. We used to have connection of some sort with AlienFX lighting, back in the day. Which... I never had an alienware, so I have no idea how well it worked. Now, though, it seems you can't swing a catgirl in a computer store without hitting something RGB. And - while I don't generally *care,* I've found occasion where it's actually useful to be able to customize lighting for things (warnings, control setups, that sort of thing.) We should take advantage of how widespread this is and work on integrating it into the game. Anything from simply "Red if I"m playing a villain, gold for .. .wait, people play that?... Blue for heroes," to "match my UI" to "make it aware of custom setups." Now, the main issue (other than some people just not liking RGB, which... they probably don't ahve any or have it turned off) is all the different RGB software out there. I don't know if anyone's come up with a "unified RGB control software," but I know on my system I've got an Asus MB and video card, which work together for Aura - but my Razer KB and mouse don't, as they have their own software (which, actually, kind of inspired this - as mentioned, I've found it useful in some games to customize lighting for control groups and such.) So that could be an issue. Vital? Game breaking? OP? Nah. Just a bit of fun.
  15. So you decided to completely miss the point and dip into hyperbole to be dismissive. Good to know. Yes, it like many things is a skill that takes a bit of practice and awareness. Oh my god, how terrible to point out that's the case... like multiple other things in the game, and in life itself. And yes, for this (or worse, for a Null option,) you might as *well* be removing it from the game. *Especially* for a Null option. After all, "it's only one slot" or "it's only one trip to Pocket D" for people to insist you turn off the option (and completely change how *you* play, *your* strategies, etc.) for those vocal anti-knockback, "I don't want to know if you actually know what you're doing" folks to insist on. We might as well go back to the other suggestion made at some point of having the leader decide if knockback works on the team or not. Why do I feel this is an actual possibility and not a stretch? Because with several anti-KB IOs (and the phrasing already in that people feel they "have to" slot it,) after playing characters effectively with KB since *issue 3,* I sadly can no longer say "I haven't been asked to do anything about knockback." I've had two scenarios - ITF, me on a Warshade. Leader expresses concern about KB and suggests getting IOs. I decline, because, well, I already have a build *and know how to use my KB.* During play, the leader sees... wait, look, not only am I gathering spread out groups *together* by KBing, but kbing them vertically and using other, effective KB strategies. Leader actually complements how it helped. iTrial. Group coordinates via voice. I'm on a warshade. Organizer is prompted by others in their SG "omg, a warshade, so much knockback the trial will fail!" Instead of asking about it, or suggesting (say) "Hey, could you use dwarf in this section," or *seeing what I could do* (mind you, I'd played frequently with this group prior on a different character) it was "Hey, go get a bunch of KD-KD IOs." Between that (fairly rude, frankly - "go screw over what you have going on, build-wise") and the comments, I said no and left. Which just made me wonder how many OTHERS they'd treated that way and made to feel inferior or unwanted because of a powerset, which is not only unneeded in this game but rude. Haven't bothered with their other events, either, given the attitude on display at that point. Now, imagine needing "just one IO" or not even needing a slot and how much pushier these people might get. On TOP of people not bothering to work out how to use their KB, because IOs/Null option. Yes, with these single (or no) slot solutions, you might as *well* remove it from the game - with nothing to compensate in return. Other than "Slot this and you may have the pleasure - no, the honor - of teaming with me, peasant." And yes, that's *exactly* the attitude shown ("AOE Melee > all, everything should just bow down and play for the sake of gathering things for the AOE melee!") in quite a number of posts. So, yes, I'd see a single-slot IO (or Null option) as nothing but a big middle finger to those of us who enjoy and know how to play with KB, while hampering those who could *learn* it and making them feel like second-class (at *best*) citizens and emboldening those who want to tell others how to play "or else."
  16. Heh. Overthinking it. It's right in front of you. Rosy of the Ice City of Heroes
  17. Cooperative or competitive? Because I'm not sure how a cooperative unlock for a zone would be more than a short term event... and competitive I think woul djust irritate people. (Competitive - I want to say Aion had this, and probably other games, where your side could win control/access to a zone and lock the other side out until they won it back.) You *can* say Siren's Call has this with the hero/villain control of the zone, but that affects... practically nothing (the store, that's about it, and that's not really worth fighting over.) Oh, and RV, but even that's ... eh... I'd have to chew on that a while to figure out a "cooperative zone unlock." Not just how, but what and why. I just get the feeling it'd be annoying to people who aren't on at the "right" time or "don't play enough."
  18. Oh, just go down the columns. "Skullcracker SHattershield." "Sable Regis." "Mynx minx." "Minx jinx" "Vixen Hell Lass." "Rose Cracker." (Hmm. Plant/ice or plant/cold...) ... reminds me.I had Rosy of the Ice. It's an anagram.Can you figure out what of? 🙂
  19. There's no nudity in game. Though some costumes come awfully close.
  20. As I'm recalling, Repel is a wholly different effect to KB/KD. Where something can resist KB but still be knocked down (or, more frequently seen - such as in clockwork - having no KB protection so KD turns into KB,) when Repel's resisted it just does ... nothing. Conversely, if a controller (for instance) uses an AOE immob on a bunch of enemies and they're spread out - *most* immobs also have a degree of KB resistance there. But you *can* use Repel to push them together into a nice group - it's not affected by that resistance. You'd basically need either one or two IOs (I'd assume two, frankly) or settings - one to turn off Repel, one to add KD to a non damage power.
  21. Yes and no. Yes as in it doesn't fix suicidal "helper" AIs that will fail a mission when they die. No in that +Per means they will see more things to rush off and die fighting.
  22. If I'm recalling properly from other discussions on this, wind control isn't in a playable state (as in it would need animations, more definitions, balancing, etc.)
  23. We used to have this. Get to 20 for a cape, 30 for an aura. And do the mission. Vanguard pieces? Better grind those merits. Those no longer exist in that form, but are open from level 1. And I *much* prefer it that way. In a game like this that's so *big* on customization, hiding costume pieces behind a GRIND just sucks. Granted, it's not as bad as Aion - wings *sucked* to upgrade, and there was one set of armor that you could only get one piece per character. At level 30, as I recall. So you had to get five different characters on the same side and server up to get one full set of that armor... that was just bs (and yeah. Read that and promptly ignored the set existed.) Other challenges? Sure. I like Pither. I'd love to have that "stop fir bolg from escaping" mission have a badge reward showing how many (if any) escaped. But costume type stuff, no. (And thank $deity they don't have powers or boosts tied to them here.)
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