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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Right, and what Psyonico is explaining is that some groups don't *have* a higher scale. You mention the Council. If you look at them, they have different mobs at different level ranges with different abilities. It's not just that nebula gunner you saw at level 1 suddenly hitting you at level 50. Mobs that have been "scaled" where they normally aren't... aren't that fun. Rikti invasions vs a level 5 something? *not* fun. What would need to be done - and I believe players did it on AE on live - is not just "scale the mob," but "create even more minions, LTs, bosses, etc. for all level ranges and balance for those ranges." Which is not an insignificant amount of work if you want to do it for every group in the game.
  2. Think of it more as an offline costume creator.
  3. Though you can also get that without a "travel power," given the steam/jump pack from P2W, or the temp travel powers from the Atlas and KR safeguards. (obtainable a few ways, actually.) That said, for me I'll take a travel early - I generally don't have to allocate slots to it, and that means the next two (early) slots can go into a power that needs them early. Alternately, I'll play a PB or WS and get free travel powers anyway. 😄
  4. All that's needed is someone who enjoys playing. You like support, you have a lot of options just in AT, *before* getting into powerset selection! Make use of all the slots you're given, don't be afraid to try things out (or shelve them if something's not clicking right away.)
  5. Since you want criticism... er... "No! And your screenshots could be color balanced better!" ... that work? 🙂 OK, that done. I'm pretty sure this has been asked for since live, and would still be nice to have.
  6. That's all I do. I don't care to chase after IOs to perma... anything. Domination, light form, hasten... in part because I *like* having to choose when I'm going to use it (and otherwise not sweat it if I forget or miss a click.) Doms are perfectly fine without it. The "If you don't have it you shouldn't play a dom" thing... can go suck an egg.
  7. I've run into this situation in multiple SG nights where we end up with 9 or 10. Just run as two groups. You can be in a league and run different missions, if you want to have everyone talking back and forth (assuming they're not in the same SG, keeping SG chat available.)
  8. I'll still, on occasion, mention something like "Ooh, 20, I can take Stamina now!" or "22, time for SOs!" Usually someone gets what I'm talking about. It saddens me when they don't...
  9. Unique Tops would love to have as much as Kilts does. ... but I don't disagree at all.
  10. There are some things that just won't come back, though. Like dying in the Hollows and having to hotfoot it all the way back from Atlas. (And singing the praises of the taxibots who got you to that mission on the other side of the gulch.) But, close can be fun. 🙂
  11. Eh. It's an "If you have nothing else to take" power. I seem to recall a looooong recharge for it, too, but don't quote me on that.
  12. The bases I have are fairly basic - spot for salvage, storage, transport, couple functional NPCs.
  13. I see we have people who prefer selfishness over protecting the game for everyone and want to rules-lawyer their "but I was .00001% different." I'm out. Policy is what it is, don't like it, take it up with the dev team. I can guarantee you you're not getting your list of rules so you can get just as *close* to the line as you dare. Me, I'll go on making thousands of costumes and characters that have zero chance of being generic'd, like I have since I3 on live.
  14. RIght. Meaning *they do not make a profit.* If they DO make a profit, it puts them into the realm of "making money from someone else's IP" - in this case, NCSoft. You're really arguing against using common sense here, aren't you.
  15. No. THat is a request from someone who wants to rules-lawyer their way into being able to play Ir0n-m4n because two of the letters are numbers *and* there's a dash. This was gone into on live, as well, multiple times.
  16. I did not say one was imminent. Not even close. (In part because Homecoming has and enforces that policy.) And about profit - why do you think donations get shut down as costs are met monthly? One less argument that can be used against Homecoming.
  17. And *this* is why they don't put down a list of guidelines versus "use common sense." "But mine was only 98.5%! I was called Super-man, notice the dash, and used a different belt!"
  18. The flip side of that is *Marvel is part of Disney, who is known for being VERY aggressive in copyright protection.* Do *you* want to deal with Disney lawyers so someone can play as Iron Man? Especially (a) with the money Disney can put behind a suit and (b) the money the movies - and by spillover the comics and other content - have made for them recently... which is a HUGE incentive to go after people copying?
  19. ... and yet people are complaining because they got generic'd for making copyrighted or "close enough" characters. So if they don't want it lifted, then they don't want it applying to them, just everyone else. The rule's there. Follow it, or make a good enough case to the team why it shouldn't be. If they want to make copyrighted characters without getting generic'd, it's a path they can take. I never stated Homecoming was. And they won't need to, because they're following the same policy that was on live.
  20. So what if it was 15 years ago? Know what didn't happen because of it? We *didn't get a license to use copyrighted characters* on live. Know why the lawsuit was settled? In part because *they were already generic'ing characters* to protect others copyrights and had that stated plainly in their code of conduct. (And in part because Marvel used its own employees to create examples of copyright infringement for the suit, which rather irked the judge, as I read it.) And there was no *further* lawsuit in part because they CONTINUED to actively generic copyrights (I lost count of how many former-gokus I saw with generichero#### on them.) Sort of like here. Hmm. I wonder if there's a reason for that....
  21. Right at the top of the forums. Code of conduct. Use of copyrighted characters and content without permission is not permitted when creating characters or Architect content. This includes characters and stories from intellectual property belonging to any IP that is not City of Heroes. The infringing people were reported. The GMs agreed it was infringing. You are in the wrong. Period. This argument was tiresome on live, it's tiresome here. Here, however, you do have choices: 1. Find a server that doesn't care and play there. 2. Get the code. Be sure to pay NCSoft a license. Talk to Marvel. Pay them for a license for similar characters. Do the same with DC, Dark Horse, ... who's the one that does Dragonball, Toyama or something? Them, etc. You will now have paid out a bunch of money, but have a license to use the characters.
  22. Someone else owns the legal rights to the character you're copying and the homecoming team does not.
  23. Kids are not games trying to become legiitmate that already have a history of being looked at and sued by the comic industry. Adults are ... buying the comics from the copyright holder. You're *really* stretching for arguments. You should probably stop while you're behind and think about what you're really arguing for. Again. If my choice is the server having a better chance at becoming legit, but people playing blatant ripoff characters getting generic'd, and the negotiations being shut down or the server having to deal with a copyright lawsuit so you can play "yron.man?" Better get to love that black and white barcode, because I will support that generic every. single. time.
  24. Server of a game that already went through a copyright lawsuit and is trying to become legit again is *very* different.
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