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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Just since it seems costume contests always run into the sun not being up in Atlas and affecting colors and the like... Very non-fancy base available. Three stages which should be enough for most contests, as well as travel to both sides (and co-op.) One's a plain stage, one has a bit of a catwalk, one has a stand for whatever you want to use it for, all have tiered stages around the edges for contestants. Stages-13625. Let your contestants be seen the way they were meant to. (I'm not a fancy base builder. But this doesn't really need it.)
  2. ... welp. Just crashed on the female reptilian going into SG settings (double checking a base code.) Saw the motd, hit next, crashed. Going to change from that costume, obviously. 🙂 Picked another random character, went through the settings just fine. (Non-reptilian skin/texture.)
  3. ... two mind/kin 'trollers and a mind/ dom? Controllers speed boost each other and the dom and just keep things rolling? Bit of tactics from Leadership to help with hitting, perhaps...
  4. As I recall, the issue isn't "shouldn't be allowed" but "can't be done," due to how the character is set up. You can't change AT, primary, secondary or origin - they're baked into a character. Everything else is fair game. But yeah. 1000 slots. Go nuts.
  5. Please don't buff titan weapons inappropriately. This is supposedly a family friendly game.
  6. We have at least one map in space now, and hasten does indeed happen in a vacuum! 🙂
  7. Here's the thing.... You don't have to. Why are you CMing a tank, barring some extreme situation? They don't need it. Most melees don't. Save it for other squishies - and even all of *them* won't need it. Most of my teams, I'm seeing... 3-4 people, max, that need that. Fort? Be picky. *Especially* in the current IO-heavy game. I combat buff the auras (no "Everyone stop what you're doing and gather around!" breaking the flow of a mission) and that's generally fine. Pay attention to your team and you'll save yourself some work. As for the OP, I'm not particularly fond of the 'bonding' thing. I can make a judgement of the moment with the current absorb pain - is it worth the cost and risk to me right now and for the next few moments, yes or no. (I will say it would be an interesting mechanic... elsewhere. Bodyguard, basically. I don't know how technically tough or game-wise desirable it would be to echo auras like that.) That said, AP is *not* a cornerstone power in Empathy. It's easily skippable. I'm also not fond of the auras becoming toggles, quite frankly. The recovery aura seems especially like it would be fighting itself - especially solo (I tend to do two builds, one team, one solo.) About the only change I'd honestly go with is the ability to "heal" a bit of absorb onto people, within limits. Revitalize being a buff as well as heal would be... interesting. It would partially solve the issue of "wasted" rezzes - though I'd still like a fast recharge if the target ignores it or hits the base/hospital instead. (That's just an annoyance...) Other than that... in part it sounds like you really want Pain Domination with tweaks. I, personally, don't think I'd want my emps' playstyles to change as drastically as some of this would do. But again, I wouldn't object to some of the changes being looked at, as mentioned above.
  8. While remote base access maybe cut off, you can still get to the portal and use the code. Mind you, I"m not against the suggestion - just pointing that out. (I'm not sure I'd want it in *every* zone. Several would be good. Not really against it either. )
  9. Based on a small sample set, I think they drop too infrequently. The rate should be at least doubled.
  10. So this is minor but annoying. I'll craft IOs - common or set - ahead of time sometimes and stick them in base storage. When retrieving multiples, the order will "flip" (if it were in a spreadsheet, for instance, you'd be going from ascending to descending.) It seems exceptionally random when it happens. Click speed doesn't seem to matter, I'll click (say) two accuracy, suddenly it's flipped order and there's a hold where I'm clicking. If I look at the order, it's definitely reversed itself - stuff at the top is now at the bottom. It doesn't matter who put the enhs in or when - the instance that this happened that got me to finally put this in was me retrieving some IOs on the same character that *created* them and put them all in at the same time. It will do it partway through a stack, so it's not just "that one ran out and it refreshed." This is *really* annoying when it happens.
  11. I am curious where this "Powers were balanced around having hasten" popped up from, myself, as I've been hearing it more and more and frankly my face is sore from all the facepalming.
  12. I find it hard to call an AT weak whose playstyle is "Lock you down and walk up with a damage secondary to smack you around in perfect safety."
  13. Nem invasions existed on live. They were... somewhat late. They frankly feel half-baked and rushed and not that fun. The others felt like they had at least some thought put behind them. And by contrast, if another invasion event was never added to the game, I'd be happy. As a post-TF thing... maaaybe with a timer so we don't have a bunch hitting at once.
  14. Stepping in here to say I love my Doms the way they are... and as I've stated elsewhere, I don't permadom o rperma-anything. I get a LOTG, typically I sell it. How much of my build is my own? All of it. And yes, I know you don't want to hear it, but a "good" dom build is one the player's enjoying. It's a game. Also, yes, I disagree with Vanden and *do* see the "jekyll and hyde" play as a plus - as one of the pros you listed. I *like* having to decide if I want to use the ability *now* or hold on a bit. It's a bit less strategic in larger teams as you tend to build it faster, but... *shrug.* As far as "powerful?" I'm not in competition with anyone else, so I don't give a dead rat's rear if someone is "more powerful" or not. I'm an asset on a team, I can solo just fine, and handle pretty much any content I care to. I don't run +4x8 - I find that boring and the "you've defeated 100,000 gang members/soldiers/rocks, now go to the next cave and do it again" just... ridiculous. But that's *my* preference.
  15. We need something above purples. Plaids? Or should we call them Tartans? Hey, we could combine that with the guy that wants the sonic blast IOs. Bagpipes Lament. Not only does it give you even more power, but changes the sound effects on all Sonic powers to bagpipes. Maybe ultraviolets. Slot too many sets and your character starts turning an unhealthy red and getting a debuff. Perhaps even gains a flames aura. I mean, it'd be one heck of a tan.
  16. No, a PB is supposed to be unique by being a shapeshifting AT that can change roles - or not, if you choose to skip one or both forms - given their own storyline (the "epic" in "epic AT.") Qs are one of the things I love about my Khelds, even early on. Unlike every other AT, the game world is *specifically reacting to my presence* by spawning them. I enjoy the additional challenge - something extra to look out for. Yes, even early on. As you get farther in, they're just less and less of a worry. Especially with them not doing what they used to do (unresistable "nictus" damage specifically to Khelds.) For once, the player needs to sit up and *pay attention* to the environment. Yes, I miss old style Cysts too. Especially when my Khelds could just say "Stand back. That's here for me. I'll clean it up" ... and do so.
  17. I run both. Sentinels do not make PBs "almost entirely obsolete" by a long shot. And leave my Quants alone.
  18. Reproducible fairly consistently. I have a character with the Reptilian (Male) costume. If I go into SG settings, the first page is fine. Hit "Continue" and go to the next page - instant crash. It's a new SG, new character. Tried with an established SG, different character - no crash. Took character to icon. Created a new, non reptilian costume - works just fine. Character was not in SG mode. Happened with two different logos (yes, it saved the SG changes) - the default Anarchy, and musical notes. Took the same character to the cosmetic tailor. Changed gender to female. Reptilian top. No crash going into SG settings. I can get through both pages, no problems.
  19. It's a "nerf" that isn't even being considered. Nor is making it inherent. Not everything "called for" gets put in the game. *Most* things don't. All this thread is doing is getting some people unneccesarily worked up over something that isn't happening.
  20. That was not a demand. That was a suggestion. And read my post again. I was very blunt about leaving it alone - as you yourself admitted I said later in the post. Just after you stated I was "demanding to take away fun from most of the game." And just after you stated I was asking for nerfs. You also need to lay off insulting others, being condescending towards those whose playstyle is not your own ("No experience with better and are very easy to please" - I've had experience from I3 onward, one that changed quite frequently, thank you) and making assumptions. Especially over something that isn't happening anyway (that being nerfing hasten.) Edit: For your own enlightenment, I don't bother perma-ing or doing megabuilds for the exact *opposite* reason you state you play the way you do. I find it makes an already easy game too easy if I can wade in with a defense-capped blaster and kill everything without batting an eye or worrying about health. I *like* having to decide if I'm going to use domination *now* or wait just a bit longer. You'll note I'm not casting aspersions on you for wanting to pay that way. You playing that way affects me not a whit. Again, I *do* prefer choice - whether that's tanker, scrapper or brute, or "take hasten or not." And that's the way I want it to stay. (Again, *not that a nerf is even being seriously considered.*)
  21. Choose for some extra challenge then. Play without it. *shrug* My characters feel perfectly "awesome" and "top notch," very few have ever had hasten, I don't perma-anything or "build," particularly. I don't care if you do. Hasten is fine as is. It does not need to be nerfed, does not need to be buffed, and does not need to be made inherent. Why? Because, amazingly, that gives people the most choice on how to build with (or without) it without affecting anyone else.
  22. I think you mean the zero powers that do. No powers rely on Hasten. Some peoples' playstyles lean on it heavily. If a power or powerset actually *relied* on hasten, its recharge would be adjusted or there would be a Hasten-type power in the powerset. All this is complaining about something that isn't even in the works.
  23. I think corruptors are fine, honestly. My "Do I pick this or a Defender" is solely based on if I want to build up offense or buffs first (and occasionally if Scourge fits what I want.)
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