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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. @MagicalAct I am not a great fan of most results people achieve with the cel shader, but somewhere in the combination between settings, color choices, and costume design your costumes really rock.
  2. Very much agreed. I stockpile those I think useful but build to try to not need them.
  3. Normally no, but my SS/Bio has had a number of times where his To-Hit has been so thoroughly been rebuffed that with Rage up he is hitting nothing with Foot Stomp in a crowd. Still, I probably would not look to Focused Accuracy but rather popping yellows.
  4. Use crafted, basic IOs. You never need to replace them and at level 25 they get you most of the bang you need. If you really want to save money, recycle your crated, basic IOs between characters (unslotting them with a respec for free when upgrading to set IOs).
  5. The thought came to me the other day that since you do make more influence against higher level foes, running with xp boost gets you to that point sooner. But I typically only use xp boost to get to level 23.
  6. Yep. If I got Follow Up and started alternating knockdown/back with Eviscerate and Shockwave, even purples were finished pretty handily. Possibly having Radiation Armor as my primary (Tanker character) helped too a bit due to its -Defense.
  7. Infinitum's posted build's Knockout Blow hits for 864.8 damage. It does not look like he's given up damage at all.
  8. Arguably dropping a meteor someone -=IS=- death related, but I get what you're saying.
  9. Not sure I would say it is just early where debuffing overwhelms Claws: Follow-Up. Doing radio missions in PI just yesterday there were points where I was chain whiffing CoT because of the debuffs. I came close to wishing my plan for the character involved Focused Accuracy.
  10. Heck, I don't even want to go near Arachnos on my guys who can handle Psi damage.
  11. Not a problem if you aren't trying to look up Master Illusionist's dresses.
  12. So am I setting myself up for heartache by approaching Rad as a hybrid set?
  13. Great design and inspired use of the aura for the head (best use I've seen of that effect).
  14. I am using AMD Radeon and Cell Shader is available.
  15. Here is your summary for Regen, Willpower, and Bio:
  16. I don't have him on ignore. You have to evidence pretty miserable behavior for me to invoke that.
  17. Meltdown yanks 10% of your endurance after 60s. That is not a crash. What Power Surge has, -100% endurance after 180s, is. And yes, Power Surge gets skipped by plentty of people.
  18. The T9 crashes? Easily avoided by not taking those powers as the other powers in the set embody the theme of the set. But in the case of Super Strength, if you do not use Rage, you are dealing subpar damage compared to every other set in the game--the exact opposite of being super strong.
  19. While the words "I didnt (sic) say you did" are literally true, what you did was quote me writing: and respond: The implication is clear and if misreading is possible in what is being objected to the onus is on the writer, not the reader. Is it your habit to give advice you do not follow? But one thing I am usually good at is letting the other person have the last word. So give what response you will and do not expect a response from me.
  20. How large the damage numbers are for a power/set is not all that meaningful since you're not going to just use a power or the set of power from a set just one time. You are going to attack something until it is defeated, so how often you can make the attacks is important because a 1000 damage attack you can make only once make once minute is less effective at dealing damage than a 300 damage attack you could make every 15 seconds. There are two factors which determine how often you can attack, how often the power recharges and how long it takes to animate. The power has to animate before you deal damage (hence why Kinetic Melee: Concentrated Strike is so strongly disliked with its nearly 3 seconds of waving your hand around--things can be killed while this happens by other team members, leaving you hitting nothing). The power then has to recharge before you use it again. You may use Mid's to look at powers and powersets from this standpoint and get closer to meaningful comparisons of powersets. But even then, you are going to fall short of complete accuracy because the effort of defeating foes requires you to string attacks together and that means finding a sequence of attacks which combined yield the best damage over time. Also, recharge, both slotted in the power and applied via debuffs and global recharge, change how long it takes a power to recharge and so impacting what viable sequences can be constructed.
  21. I did not say a melee could not support another melee but the options a melee has are different and more limited than, for example, a controller or defender. Nor did I write that melee plus support was better than anything else. What I wrote was: I also wrote: How you chose to read that as something other than, "Play what you want to play" I do not know.
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