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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Not sure I have ever heard anyone suggest DA is useless...ever.
  2. I enjoy the Twisted Reflection story arc where you fight your evil double so much I run it on all my characters. Generally its not so bad until you get to the AV at the end of the following arc, Looking Through the Glass, and even then I can sometimes solo him down. Well I hit a new snag on my most recent scrapper: Bad enough that he is using Crushing Uppercut on me (my double clearly has at least 8 levels on me 😄) but he attacked from stealth, so auto-crit. Protean doesn't even one-shot you. 😱
  3. My latest scrapper, Calibrated with slight uniform revisions (from right to left):
  4. If you want to hit like a truck dropped from orbit, pair something up with Shield. I've played up Rad/Shield and WM/Shield. Neither disappoints. Sure you can find some other hard hitting set to pair with Shield.
  5. I think about recreating the character at times. Played him strictly solo and did not take a travel power. Kind of a Punisher knockoff.
  6. People creating Emps and Emps being sought after are two different things. I honestly cannot recall the last time I was in a group with an Emp though to be fair, as most of what they do is heal health and endurance its not something that is going to stick out. I do not practice powerset discrimination, accept anyone to any group I form, and never hassle anyone about their choice in builds. But frankly, were I picking, Emp would be near the last powerset I'd invite, just ahead of Poison--too little brought to the table compared to other powerset options that were open. And heck, I'd likely invite the Poison user first just because that's a hard road to travel (having played an AR/Poison corruptor at one point).
  7. My first character in release was a Rad/Electric Defender. I never experienced pushback for the nature of Radiation Emission's heal. Who is complaining? Tanks? You're likely standing behind them with them in the radius of the heal. Other ranged characters? They shouldn't be getting hit to begin with but certainly they can be behind you, further from the tanking characters and be covered. And then there is having Accelerate Metabolism up your sleeve for extra recovery and extra damage. And unlike Kinetics (glorious though it be) Rad comes with a rez. As I like to say, there are 8 billion people on the planet. I'm going to discount, "Someone did something" because with 8 billion people someone did just about anything one can imagine.
  8. "Healer" is anyone with a heal, which is not particular to one specific powerset. Again, how often have you seen a request for a specific powerset? About the only powerset I can think of that I've seen people ask for specifically is Kinetics, and that because it keeps their endurance up, allowing more damage to be delivered and it buffs damage which of course allows more damage. Neither of which is asking for defensive buffs ala bubbles.
  9. This is certainly true but the forum is where we're at and where the OP asked the initial question (topic title). It is certainly overstatement to say everyone is at cap because that ignores that part where you're levelling and as you noted the people who play considerably more casually. I certainly have no problem with anyone buffing my character's defenses while working a character up to 50. But how often have you seen anyone, casual or not, forum frequenter or not, ask for a specific powerset in forming a group? I am going to guess about never. So why not use a bubble? No reason not to but no reason to seek one out either.
  10. Erratic1

    SR a trap?

    I made an SR Tanker because someone claimed that a Tanker relying on chance to not get hit versus the certainty of damage resistance was a bad thing. To take the idea all the way I made him an SR/TW Tanker. He ran perfectly fine up to 50. Not done much with him since but I probably should consider progressing him some.
  11. I found Devastating Blow's activation time annoyingly long on my Elec/Rad Tanker and swapped it out for Cross Punch.
  13. I have a Water/Kinetics corruptor which was a lot of fun to run up to 50. Does not look like you've used either of those sets.
  14. Formatting threw me at first two, but think I have it figured out. Columsn from left to right are: (1) Character number (2) Level (guess) (3) Primary (4) Secondary (5) Character name Right right side of the table is simply all of the primary powersets (in two columns) and then all of the secondary powersets (in two columns) with entries highlighted if one it is used on one of the characters.
  15. It was pretty dispiriting. Have not played the character since. But time heals all wounds...just might be a lot of time in this case. 😄
  16. Yeah, but you had to use IOs and 50+ at that. If you're not getting by well until you're IO'd out using level 50+ enhancers, I'd call that disadvantageous since you went dozens of levels without. I did without travel powers on a character or two back on Live. Typically it meant taking weird routes to get places and always arriving after anyone else in a group was already in the mission. Of course the arriving late for groups bit is less meaningful if you primarily solo (which is what I did with one of the characters I had without travel powers). 😄
  17. I will mention that I just (last night) decided to start yet another scrapper with Street Justice and Ninjitsu as his powersets. Natural origin would seem the obvious choice but I decided to go with Mutant instead, making his ability to read people's physical reactions reflexively--he knows what you're going to do from that first flinch and reacts accordingly both offensively and defensively. With a mutant background I could really justify any travel power but the powersets themselves really do lean towards the Natural origin and I really considered getting him a hoverboard instead of taking one of the pool travel powers.
  18. I assure you they were there when I submitted the poll. In alphabetical order for the base travel powers even. Hmmm...how to edit? Okay, seemed to have gotten it fixed.
  19. Not been to zones which require verticality recently? 😛
  20. From time to time a character concept comes to mind where none of the travel powers really fits. As example, Captain America conceptually is the, "Maximum human potential" character and humans do not be default fly, leap blocks at a time, run faster than speeding cars, nor teleport. If Cap sees an explosion on the horizon he's going to have to get there by mundane means. That's all fine in a comic book but practically in CoH not having a travel power is disadvantageous in the extreme. Of course one could make use of the P2W vendor and grab a flying gizmo but is there a power you shoehorn in?
  21. Not interested in farming. Lack of patience for it.
  22. I love Foot Stomp. Refer to it as, "Putting my foot DOWN!" But I was referring to the fact that SS only gets one damaging AoE.
  23. Figure with the relative desertedness of red side he may equally have just been looking for someone to break up soloing.
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