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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Figure with the relative desertedness of red side he may equally have just been looking for someone to break up soloing.
  2. Better AoEs and no Rage crash. 😁 Mind you, I really, seriously enjoy my SS/Bio brute.
  3. I am telling you what he said. None of us thought he would get the unlock, not him, not me, not the guy exemplaring down. If we were wrong on that, fine. But I tend to take people at their word when they say why the are doing something.
  4. I was literally about to post that Electric Melee is best on Stalkers when Omega Force beat me to the punch. I've played Elec and Rad Armor both and you can get either to work well, though I am slightly more familiar with Elec Armor since I've played it more times (and the joy of ignoring sappers and those using Energy attacks would be the best thing about it you ignored that being able to recover Endurance, Heal, and +Recharge are all part of the Elec Armor package). As for theme... Just because a powerset says its Energy Melee does not mean you cannot make use another powerset and costume choices to fit your theme. Not saying anything negative about Energy Melee but you could use Street Justice or Super Strength, choose an Aura that surrounds your fists and Voila!...you have an energy themed character. As example, my Fire/Bio Sentinel thematically produces flamelike psychoplasmic constructs and between Bio Armor and the Bio Plasma Aura I play up that his abilities are psychic in nature.
  5. You all are really trying to get me to make Bouncing Baby as a TW/Regen Brute who is an oversized baby with an atomic rattler
  6. For all the difference an unslotted, level 8 is likely making in the mission I am not sure that anyone is likely to care but not the point of debate really. So the 50 veteran above is only lazy if they sit at the door? They were too low level to get the unlock. They were solely involved for the levels they would gain. What is a farmer going to do for the person trying to level unless they have two accounts?
  7. Is it lazy to join a high level team and be carried in +4/8 missions? Two days ago I was planning to run a patron power unlock run and while perfectly content to solo figured I would see if anyone else wanted to come along because because I was in the mood for some non-solo time. Got a level 50 who exemplared down to my level and a level 8 who obviously could not unlock the patron powers at that level but could get levels by tagging along. Why was it lazy for someone to join a farm but not lazy to join in content which your character could not access? Or is lazy applied to anyone who does not play, "level appropriate" content all the way up?
  8. Just going to note that if you are goin Shield Defense your entire means of damage mitigation is not getting hit in the first place. At maximum Defense you're looking at 5% of incoming damage making it in versus 10% at maximum Resistance. The Resistance focused character needs 25% Defense just to get to the same amount of incoming damage as the Defense focused one. Of course plenty of Resistance focused builds do that and go on to cap Defense but... (1) While they may max out their defensive value they will not typically have much in the way of Defense Debuff Resistance, so in harder content their Defense really is not there. (2) While the Defense (Shield) oriented Brute would most likely not cap their Resistance they do have DDR and can still achieve reasonable S/L resistance values.
  9. Invulnerability does not have an endurance recovery mechanism but when did Invulnerability lose Dull Pain?
  10. Feeling kindly eh? Because I'd personally use continuous compounding (and really don't understand why that is not used in the real world other than financial people not understanding exponents and logarithms in medieval times).
  11. Twisted Reflection (Keith Nance, Talos) and Protean's Invasion (Jenni Adair, Talos) is my favorite story arc. I run every character through it without fail.
  12. Well I once had an Apocalypse recipe drop--not the crafted IO, let alone attuned--that I got 31 million for when selling. That is a little under double what the finished product goes for now.
  13. I wanted to reply to this thread when I came back to playing last month but I had just scrapped my go at an Inv/ElM Tanker and started on his replacement (with same costume and description) and the replacement was not yet 50 nor was I sure the thrill I was feeling would not fade. Elec/Rad excites me and I am not really sure why since it is neither a damage god nor one of the theoretical toughest Tankers. Even so I simply find more joy in playing the character than with my other Tankers.
  14. So we'd just completed running an all Brute ITF and someone suggested we all bring on our squids (Kheldians). Alas, the only one I had was one I'd created back when Homecoming first launched then let sit for 756 days. I kinda hated to ruin his streak of being unplayed but I have other characters who didn't work out that have gone longer. So this is an older creation of mine whose name and style I enjoyed, just not enough to play the character (until now). I present to you, SPACE BROTHER: You know, if I could just get platform shoes I might consider going with an entire Parliament Funkadelic theme. Hmmm...wonder if the name Bride of Funkenstien is taken? No?!?!? Well, let there now be The Bride of Funkenstein:
  15. I am relatively unfamiliar with Kheldians (played a Warshade back on live) and for some unknown reason have decided that lack of familiarity shouldn't keep me from tackling advanced subject matters with the AT--a human form only Peacebringer. I always run the Protean arc on my characters where you end up fighting your clone a few times. The handwriting was on the wall when I noticed how little damage I was doing (typical slotting for me at the low level of the story arc being one accuracy SO in powers that take them). Took notably more attacks to put down targets but I could afford to let them beat on me for a bit as I worked them down. Whoops, forgot about quantums, got dead once. Fine, kill them first. Then we get to the first instance of encountering your clone. I knew clones could use powers you didn't have but how on Earth was mine using form powers without shifting forms?!? Filthy cheater. And he hit a lot harder than I did. He forced me to flee the mission to recover. Second try same thing. Fine...I'll go slot two damage SOs in the powers with the highest damage value. Fight, fight, run, heal, run, but with a lot of inspiration use (which I almost never need on other ATs) I managed to put him down. Yeah! Mission is over and I'm getting the final dialogue... ...and then my clone self-rezzes!!!!! OH HELL NO! I very quickly push the Exit Mission button. 😁
  16. Great. Now I'm wondering if Master Blaster is open, or perhaps Immortan Joe, Rictus Erectus or Corpus Colossus.
  17. There may be great variety in the finite length we have to use for names, 'D$5LE~ñ\P', probably is not going to be highly desirable. Limitation such as, being suggestive or reflective of the character's powers, not overly wordy, humorous, serious, etc. place further constraints. I can see no scenario whereupon I name a character 'Super Blueberry Muffin' for example (though that might well fit someone else). Though to be fair, while there are names I wish I'd gotten for characters I have as of yet always found something I could live with.
  18. Create a level 1 nameholder to hold the name on the server the character originates from.
  19. But if a debate ever starts suggesting Tankers are overpowered in regards to Brutes there will be hasty additions to the above to note that Tanker mitigation is overkill. 😈
  20. Shield is about positional defenses--Melee, Ranged, and AoE. You've achieved the basic soft-cap for Melee (45%) and have extra to address Defense debuff that some opponents do. You're a bit lacking in Ranged and AoE however. You could grab yet another slot from Active Defense since you only need it to recharge before it runs out and you're way past that point with the level of Recharge Reduction you're at. That leaves you at 5 free slots my previous breakdown. Beyond that you start getting into more significant changes to what you have involving tradeoffs. However with the 5 free slots you could fully slot Hurl with the Tunderstrike set and pick up 3.75% Ranged, bringing you up to 41.46% Ranged Defense. If you could find another 3.5% you'd soft cap it and even if you didn't find that 3.5% you'd still be more defensive.
  21. I have an engagement to be at shortly, but quickly, if you slot Miracle: +Recovery in health you can drop both IO slots in Stamina giving you more Recovery than you have and freeing up those two slot. Or you could go further and drop two IO slots from Superior Conditioning and be at the exact same Recovery value and free up 4 slots.
  22. While I usually have some sort of "how the character came to be" in the back of my mind when I create a new character, I usually do not fill in a background until the character is in the 20-30 level range as that is about the time on most characters I can tell if I am going to like them enough to continue playing them. Most backgrounds are of the typical biographical synopsis form though I have done magazine interview excerpts, FBI wanted posters, conversational exchanges and other unusual formats as inspiration came to me for them.
  23. I can see you all are going to milk this for all its worth. 😁
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