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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. In case you didn't know, you can trick the editor into allowing you electric eyes. Not that you necessarily want such, but in case you did.
  2. Erratic1

    Swamp Thing?

    Was pointing out first Swamp Thing series, not appearance. 😛
  3. It seems unlikely to me because I stood in front of the person doing the invites for a while upon arrival before I got told they were possibly waiting on someone. So I would be the person who (a) sent a tell and (b) was right there in front of the recruiter for several minutes. I update as they come in. If I get two people quickly there is no reason for me to send a message for each person who joined...I simply decrease the previous message count by two. I try to avoid spamming LFG by either waiting a minute or so between posts unless updating when I have an updated count. With welcoming new people to the team as they join it would be hard to spam LFG every few seconds.
  4. Erratic1

    Swamp Thing?

    Clarification: That is a recent #1 as comics did not cost $2.99 in 1972 (otherwise I would never have gotten started with them had that been the case--no telling how much that would have saved me though).
  5. Had this happen day before yesterday. They were forming Synapse, I responded immediately after announcement, went to zone, and waited. After a bit I got told they were waiting possibly for someone. Then a few minutes later they were full up. When I form a TF I update my recruitment message as people join so as to keep a count of how many people I have, even if some of the invite have to logout to swap characters. That way I can (a) make the announcement of being full pretty quickly and (b) make sure I don't over-invite. Most importantly I don't leave anyone waiting for an invite for a long period and if I get a sudden rush of people right at the end asking for invite I can let them know I got the last person right before they asked without them waiting around. Its annoying when I get stuck waiting but there are greater injustices in the world by far.
  6. Pretty much this. Of course depending on your primary you can also toss in Kinetic Combats as necessary.
  7. I get why people are passionate on the matter, both pro-release and those opposed. It can be frustrating to have a concept and struggle to find an available name which fits it and at the same time there are still some real gems out there which have not been gobbled up (I got Arachno Lad and The Depths both in the past few months). I thought there was a sliding scale beneath 50 for names releasing with it taking lengthier periods of inactivity based on the level of the character before the name went free.
  8. Noticed the Tanker version has Build Up instead of the usual Follow Up. Going to guess the thought of Brutes being through the roof tough with a damage buff which could be stacked to 60% up was considered going too far. 😁
  9. There could have been: Admittedly it would have been a somewhat different style consideration. 😁
  10. What are your primary and secondary powersets?
  11. I can't say I've ever been particularly drawn to the animal headed option and I've certainly seen lion-headed angels before so its not an original concept. Still, I thought I'd have a go at it and see what I could come up with.
  12. Erratic1


    This is a quickie, "I think you could get better defenses without sacrificing much" I tossed together while making myself late for work this morning. I might be able to do better with time to finesse things but already going to be late for work. It has 8 slots unspent, has Scaling Resists (not sure if your build had that but just in case it didn't), and pushing Smash/Lethal/Fire/Cold Defense a bit higher than you had. No purples, no superior ATOs. The Health/Stamina slotting is in preparation for th the usual Performance Shifter/Numina Endurance routine. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1253;595;1190;HEX;| |78DA6593C96FD34014C6C7B5B33A4BD336346DB3D0A4499B06AC94E58C805084685| |02817560503A6589804D90EA2470E9CA840C08D1DFE00FE335A96238B7999F72908| |C5B2FD9BF9FC66E67B6F3CED87ADC4E7D38F8E09453FE9989ED73DE10E7C2B72CEF| |407AEE9A882AE083D0B52EEB62DC7B28C4DF3966DFA76BFC7FD1C7F6B59B7AD9E67| |192DD3BDDB3DEEDEEBBB42EFF4FB8EB1EED85B77FC24B7874DBBB7F57F2F237B677| |A0F6CCFBE613BB6BF9D3D75DFBE6960D141B76D7ABEE56EE7C849899E2735812B50| |458750D6C4C4797093A95D60BE1A8629886D52634D13B535E6F211F0287387E6553| |8565330AF8679C398378C79A38F27E498D7D455794C480D6B524B4598935130C65C| |8A833A53A7D286380F110AE812CFC841040E2270108583381CC4E1209153E52C6FA| |81B43863164B8840C6B874164FA96A274C4EA88AD23B68ED83A629F929724DC25A5| |BB77D44ECB0205A17492562F686235C53C900627C10CF3E014F339CD96419D323FB| |97653BFC0DFCC993FCC7D012838C3F7346A1AAEA777599BD963AE7E03BF3315AA69| |16AEB3D2B54ACA2C6A3A7B88A372C83D87DCF3C87D11B9BF20B773F8C3E6B00FF3D| |88779EC431EFBB053A5F301770BC8AC88CC8AC8A888BFE5034515E0AE20DDBDA495| |4AA84BE922BBDB7F09BC0C5E612E5E05AF3135CAAC8CCCCAA84B0575A9A01E951FC| |CE5B3CC8F145DE531A2EAB1AB4FD45B918724102B0D21B5EB14DE80D386746A9262| |4031A492A4F59B509A52C96BA39349F75059D746E72FD818FBDAD1F09114452A5FE| |2A3330865EF9FA2B09292EFDDB1C8AF639109F9FE0BE185E27D| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  13. Having a Claws/Elec Scrapper who I find great fun, I may be biased here but isn't the best scrapper strategy for survival to max both resistance and defense? If you're doing that then it makes little difference between Defense or Resistance based armor sets. While it may be true that it is harder to cap out on the damage mitigation type your armor set does not provide you can probably still layer enough targeted mitigation to still be ahead of simply relying on only Defense or Resistance.
  14. Back on live on of my, "Its not really good but the challenge is sort of fun" character was an Assault Rifle/Poison Corruptor (might have been Defender but I think it was a Corruptor). Since he was a normal guy, I had to save up for a hoverboard for transportation even. No self-healing and pretty miserable controls made groups of enemies tricky to deal with.
  15. I've had a thing for a certain super-powered group of modified humans from the comics, in particular their leader. Not sure why I did not think to draw inspiration from his costume design (though the antenna on the forehead is definitely NOT HAPPENING). Sound Lord does not strike me as a great name though its far less silly than the "real name" the creators of the inspiration gave poor Blackigar. Wonder if I can work in Kirby Dots Dark Matter aura around his head when he uses his powers?
  16. Why can't we have nice things? This is what I might shoot for if the costume creator allowed for it: But it doesn't. I had to composite two different costumes together to get the above image. 😢
  17. For pizzaazz without changing much you might consider nothing more than slightly less muted color settings: The left side is the costume with no changes other than a slightly more golden hue in the appropriate places. The right side is my frustration that the waistcoat is part of the belt settings as Archery/Temporal screams to me to have both quiver and clock. I tried Trenchcoat to get the look but then the belt option wasn't available (and changes would have been necessary to the chest but I think that could have gotten close). I may fiddle with it some more as the day progresses. Edit: Forgot to add the costume files. Draw-Back2.costumeDraw-Back3.costume
  18. Not seeing that in the most recent patch notes. Seeing something like that for Tankers in the April 20th patch notes in regards to Tankers. Can you link?
  19. Maybe I'm missing it in the Patch Notes?
  20. I started one recently and it definitely has its merits. Addendum: Just soloed Protean with mine by keeping him slow and staying out of range.
  21. Energy Aura: Entropic Aura gives you +Recharge based on the number of foes within radius 8. While the resolution of the the following is low (had to compress the file considerably to get it to fit within the attachment size limitation) if you set the display to full screen you should be able to make +Recharge reaching 42.5%: KRBW.mp4 The character in the video is a scrapper but Brutes have access to both Savage Melee and Energy Aura, so the difference will be the same you face for choosing Brute as opposed to Scrapper. I also made no attempt to further boost +Recharge, so it may be something to consider.
  22. Having both a Fire/Dark and a Water/Dark, I will not disagree. 😁
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