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Everything posted by skoryy

  1. I'll repeat that before AE can be used as a content generator, we'll need a tag to sort out stories from farms. With every fire farm having eleventy billion five star ratings, its near impossible to find anything that isn't dev choiced in there.
  2. So basically you're just spouting horse hockey. Good to know.
  3. Honestly, though, I don't think its a bad or unworkable idea. Chat spam can be headache inducing! Caveats I've thought of though: - Players will have to cluster to listen in, and walk up to those clusters to notice. That comes across as a little awkward. - Teams and leagues are a useful workaround. Your conversations won't be noticed, of course, but see the line above.
  4. 'Whisper' 'Intimate' Oof. Why not just go all the way and call it 'The Playboy Channel'?
  5. What you'd optimally need is an API tied to AH history.
  6. Five slotted winter sets are a good source of defense, five of the melee give you more S/L than four Kinetic Combats. In ye olden days, it was a valuable source if recovery. Now with the Panacea proc more abundant, it's a bit outdated unless you really need that extra bump to invest in a third slot in Health.
  7. I've tested out an earth/earth on Brainstorm, and thanks to that I'm leveling up one as my next project. Great Caesar's Ghost, she's mighty!
  8. That the equilibrium hasn't changed in two plus years and yet you continue to state this as fact is tell #1. And there's tell #2.
  9. Atomic Blast. Boom, baby.
  10. Also, what inflation?
  11. The thing is, with Ouro and TFs, the game actively incentivizes farming. You can do content at level, or you can speed your way to a full build and then do all the low level content you want with full slotting, extra powers, and IOs. If you're a melee with only a handful of active options at low levels or a low damage class that's reliant on procs and IOs, its a very tempting choice to make. More so if, like a good number of us, you've done the content repeatedly and know how your AT works. You've done this all before and there's nothing new to learn, and now here's a way to get to where you want to be as efficiently as possible.
  12. My elect/time controller says 'Por que no los dos!'
  13. True, but that's not what's had me thinking. Offering better rewards for extreme difficulty is where I start recalling such fun times as optimal builds being the only builds, team kicks being more frequent, 'look at this scrub' posts, and all that drama. Again, drawing on my experiences and understanding of FFXIV, its relatively drama free thanks to a.) extreme difficulty offering different - not necessarily better - rewards and b.) heavy forum / Reddit / GM moderation. From what I'm reading here, its not a bad idea but I hope y'all are prepared for this.
  14. Don't take this harshly, but given the expectations that everything at endgame runs at 54? I have a feeling this gonna get drama spicy in-game.
  15. I imagine not everyone knows you can multi-box here. Related note, I created a second account to create a farmer but realized farming just wasn't for me and let it sit idle. Yesterday, I dusted that account off so I could use my proto-farmer to take better screenshots of my character and that worked like a charm. I may have to make a proper Cambot alt on that account.
  16. Taking a page from the FFXIV page is a smart move. (Or did FFXIV take a page from CoH?) The key, of course, is making both rewarding in their own rights to keep both crowds content and the drama at a minimum.
  17. As they say out in the sticks, "A hit dog uses a lot of question marks."
  18. One thing I enjoy about Everlasting, is the Everlasting TFs channel with daily Hive and master incarnate raid trials. Playing the actual endgame in well organized leagues shows just how essential controls and supports were meant to be.
  19. Here's a favorite costume idea I had, I bounced it between a few ideas and nearly bounced it again yesterday before re-discovering the joys of assassination sneakyboy heroics. Its Nightlight! Once he was afraid of the dark, now the darkness is afraid of him! Now to wait and see if we ever get longer guy hair options.
  20. Elec armor layered for defense works well enough, the additional recharge and recovery recharge debuff resistance is handy. Though SR would work better if you just want to wind up and go.
  21. I've had a notion of trying out an Earth/Earth dom, so I put this together on Brainstorm and, uh, boy howdy this build is a beast. Solidly tanky and mobs die relatively fast. I think I've found my next project, just need a good concept to go with it.
  22. skoryy

    Aim vs Tactics

    The Guassian proc is in Ionize to boost the nuke. But yeah, I guess using Aim more often might be more useful, I was just curious which one was more net beneficial. 40% To Hit enhancement plus the Kismet proc should get you to 20%, if I'm recalling correctly.
  23. I haven't seen this as much of a problem on Everlasting, but if it is a problem elsewhere then a separate channel might be a good idea. What would also be a good idea is a 'farm' tag in AE so I can sort out AE story content. Right now its a chore to find any that's not marked with a dev star.
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