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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Well, depending upon your theme and what aspects of darkness control you want to play up, storm, nature affinity, radiation emission have great selections of powers that work quite well with said primary...
  2. Go reread my post, because you are horribly misquoting what I said here and taking it out of context. You think that, miraculously, the violent and messed up people are just going to go away? Of course people need protections - ALL PEOPLE - not just one rule for me and another for thee. That is the whole point in trying to improve things - for EVERYONE. That means we have to drop this notion that person A is necessarily disadvantaged because of category B that they had no control over.
  3. Nice strawman. Did I ever say things weren't bad for people in the past? Did I ever say there wasn't work still to be done? We don't make progress by treating people differently - that is the very definition of discrimination!
  4. No, the solution is to understand that women are fully realized individuals with autonomy, and not delicate flowers that need protecting. If you want true equality, then no one, regardless of race, gender (identity), religion, etc, gets special treatment/benefits/protections.
  5. You could RP that your robots have female personalities/transferred minds. The same goes for demons. Zombies, at least the T1 and T3 ones, could arguably be female. Arguably, the Oni, and maybe even the other ninja, could be female in disguise...
  6. I'm really enjoying my archery/tactical arrow blaster. Pretty much all ranged, some good AoE damage and controls. Highly mobile and very self sufficient. I also very much enjoy both gravity/energy dominators or gravity/storm controllers. Both are very good to have around and provide both soft and hard controls. I also find darkness control/electricity assault to be a fun combination for dominators. I'm currently leveling a claws/bio armor brute, who plays at a breakneck pace and is very versatile, (adaptable defenses plus a mix of melee and some mid-ranged attacks). Cheers!
  7. Thanks! Maybe "Masterwork equipment" would be more appropriate... *shrugs*
  8. A medieval themed MM set would be cool. I'd go with something like this: 1. Power bolt 2. Summon footmen, (1st 2 use broadswords & shields, 3rd is a "cleric" that uses war mace & shield with heal other instead of one of its attacks) 3. Lightning bolt 4. Equip warriors, (1st upgrade) 5. Fire ball 6. Summon rangers, (summons 1-2 archers that use archery attacks and perhaps a power or 2 from plant control or nature affinity, depending upon upgrades) 7. Battlecry - A PBAoE click power that temporarily increases damage, tohit, and movement speed 8. Summon wizard, (summons a wizard that uses a combination of fire, ice, and lightning attacks, possibly with a hold mixed in) 9. Masterwork weapons, (final upgrade power)
  9. Granted... but that's why I said "it bugs ME"... :-P
  10. Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm only bothered by these poorly made copies because I view them as a missed opportunity, (honestly - there are some truly creative people in this community that have posted amazing costumes). If copyright holder A has an issue with HC, let them contact the devs directly. I'm not here to police other people...
  11. This sounds both elitist and conspiratorial. Most people don't play incarnate content and aren't fully tricked out with IO sets. Most people don't consider their character only relevant at 50+. All that top-tier content needs to be excluded from these discussions, because we are talking about generalities across all level ranges...
  12. Ok, so imagine a typical same level, same team size group of enemies, where you might have 5-6 minions, 1-2 LTs, and a boss. The stalker sneaks past the others to the boss. The team stays out of aggro range. As the team starts to move in, (or just before), the stalker hits BU, assassin strikes the boss, follows up with a placate then their other heaviest hitting attack. Said boss should be dead by that point, and the team has a significantly easier time of things...
  13. Let's stick to normal play, which probably 99+% of players experience. That's also why I mentioned "playing against type".
  14. I pretty much just let others live their lives. I do agree that there are some "original" characters that are very offensive, but that's a separate issue. I've seen some very good homage characters that are just different enough to be original in their own right, (heck, that series 'The Boys' practically lives on that). I think the only thing that bugs me, personally, are the poorly done ripoffs, because you can create some really good ones - but just selecting huge with green skin, purple trunks, and calling yourself "Huuuuuuulk" is boring, IMO.
  15. Stalkers are supposed to be the burst damage experts, specializing in taking out high-priority targets quickly and stealthily. They aren't supposed to wade into a group of enemies and just slog it out, (but of course you can play against type if you spec properly).
  16. The problem for me isn't so much getting a feel for what a character will feel like at 50, it's that, IMO, a character should be fun to play at all levels. Now, obviously you won't have, say, a full attack chain right away, but if those few early attacks aren't that good, or you lack a key power or two until much later in the build, then I'll look for another powerset...
  17. Then it's a useless metric. That's not what actual gameplay is like. Each of the 4 ATs mentioned have different roles to play; A tanker isn't there for their damage. A stalker isn't there for their prolonged DPS. I'm not going to gather the data for you. You mentioned a methodology, so get to it and let us know.
  18. Best single target damage over how long? 5 seconds? 5 minutes? Is the enemy just standing there, or are they actively fighting you? You're not going to do any damage if you're dead, and a stationary non-attacking enemy will allow you to set yourself up for maximum damage. I mean, an assassin strike w/ build-up from stealth is going to do a lot more than a brute with 0 fury. A T9 attack from a tanker will probably do more damage than a non-crit scrapper's T1. If all you want to do is look at a spreadsheet and see what damage is the highest, on average, then fine, but that's not an effective way to determine which AT does the most damage, (or how that's really very relevant).
  19. I wonder how difficult it would be to add a repel -> knockdown IO, just like there is a KB -> KD one. From my understand, the KB -> KD one changes the magnitude of the KB, so maybe not so easy?
  20. Try this: /macro Eat "petsayall <em eat>" (might have to omit the <>) Then either place the macro somewhere you can easily trigger it when idle/shopping/etc, or use a bind with powexec_tray to point to where you placed that macro, to activate it. Your demons will sit there quietly munching on a bone, instead of growling/howling/screeching.
  21. Yeah - definitely slot *at least* 2 acc SOs in attacks - 3 if you can spare the slots. As for sets with a lot of AoEs, most develop that later on. Stone melee, while not oustanding in any single area, does hit solidly and gets 2 solid AoEs in fault and tremor, (though many of the other attacks are slower in both animations and recharge). Street justice is a very fluid set with some great attacks and secondary effects to the powers, (though keep an eye on what builds combo points and what expend them). As for armor sets, there are some really neat ones, but a lot depends upon whether you want to go simple or more complex. Bio Armor has a power, (Adaptation), which grants 3 mutually exclusive toggles, with each causing your other armor powers to gain new effects. It's not the highest in any particular area, but you can dynamically adjust the powers to your (and your team's) needs. Radiation armor, while being more straightforward, has some great buffs and utility powers. Shield defense is an excellent set, includes some buffs for your teammates, and has an great attack/opener in it. I high recommend reading over the sets over at Paragon Wiki, (just be aware that the information there was from just before CoH shut down during its original run). Best of luck!
  22. Thanks for the clarification. How are you slotted? If you aren't running any tohit buff powers, like tactics, you'll probably want the equivalent of 3 acc SOs in any power you need to hit vs enemies that are higher level or applying tohit debuffs on you. Going back to the character you mentioned - war mace excels at single target damage, so perhaps focus on fewer higher level enemies...
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