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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Paragonwiki has a full breakdown of ED here.
  2. If I had my 'drothers, (and any say in how MMs were implemented), I'd have the devs create them as "templates", where what you're selecting are their powersets, with their appearances being completely customizable. If there were any concerns over how players would make their minions appear and/or treat them, well that would be covered under the code of conduct/EULA/ToS...
  3. You have to come up with another character/concept that you really like and want to see become a reality. A simple starting concept would be to imagine what your MA/SR scrapper might be like if they grew up in an alternate dimension, under different circumstances. Maybe, in another world, they suffered an injury early in life, which caused them to have to slow down and change their tactics; Instead of being an agile martial artist, they donned heavy armor and focused on raw physical strength instead of quick and precise strikes. What if, in another universe, said character's mentor was a brilliant cyberneticist instead of a martial arts master, and augmented them with powerful synthetic limbs and implants? Take what you already love and reimagine it...
  4. I concur. There are also a lot of tops with skin and face textures that just look, well, "off"; They're either blurry, don't match up properly between the front and back halves, or have other oddities, like the color being off from other pieces using the exact same color selection(s)...
  5. Once upon a dark and stormy night... lived happily ever after?
  6. Well, if it's anything like a bind that allows you to teleport with just a point and click, then it'd probably look something like this: /bind shift+lbutton "powexecname burst of speed"
  7. CoH runs quite well on Windows 10. As others have pointed out, just copy the entire install directory and paste it into a generic folder on one of your hard drives. Depending upon your computer's specs, you should be able to upgrade to Windows 10 without much issue. Cheers!
  8. Interesting powerset proposal, Lazarillo. Personally, I like the idea of having all your tiers of pets look similar. If they used the same models as phantom army, I wonder if they could also have them be tintable...
  9. I'm currently leveling up an archery/tactical arrow blaster, and she's really fun to play. The /TA powers feel "weightier" than the trick arrow ones, and many also do some damage, which is a nice plus.
  10. If you select the "no redraw" option from the power customization menu, (accessible during character creation or at a tailor/trailer), then the redraw issue is basically nonexistent.
  11. I can kind of you your point in regard to the first thing you mentioned - but you do get your AoE hold pretty early on. I suppose domination wouldn't really do anything for the invisibility powers or pets, though. As for a mastermind primary set - that could be interesting. What if you got the phantom army as your T1 and T2 pets, only the T1s have weaker attacks and the T2s have some control abilities, and the T3 was the phantasm? You could have a weak spectral wounds, a strong spectral wounds, and maybe a more damage-oriented version of flash as the 3rd attack, and possibly group invisibility or spectral terror as the "special power" that all MMs get.
  12. I'd love to see this, but I fear that illusion may be *too good* on dominators...
  13. I'm so sorry! For some reason, I thought this was about tankers. *facepalms* Ice armor is a good overall set, but I can only really speak about it in regards to tankers. My apologies...
  14. Understood. Do you think it would be too good if everyone that used a blast set could choose between the base and sentinel lineups, as a starting point?
  15. Except that the tier 3 mercenary pet is a heavy weapon specialist, not a commander/leader. Mercs basically consist of generic submachine gunners, (and a medic), 2 swat-like riot police/CQC/breaching specialists, and a heavy machine gunner - they're actually more of a rag-tag bunch of misfits than an actual tight-knit and highly disciplined military squad.
  16. I played an ice armor/stone melee tanker on live, so my experience may be a bit outdated. That being said, I would generally save permafrost until ater, if there are other powers you'd rather take. While, over the long term, icicles will actually be one of your most damaging powers, you can always grab it later, and primarily rely upon chilling embrace to help keep aggro on you. Hibernate can be a great "oh sh*t" power, but IIRC, it can cause you to lose enemy aggro, which can be very dangerous when teamed. Do slot up energy absorption ASAP, as it is a real game-changer!
  17. Create a macro that includes petsayall em eat, then use powexectray to easily trigger the macro, and you'll eliminate the issue. As for me, I just cannot tolerate the psi blast sounds for extended periods of time, so that set is a hard pass for me. Similarly, illusion's lack of decent control abilities early on make that set quite un-fun, (for me).
  18. I've dabbled in the set, and from that, I can tell you that you're trading raw defense for a lot of utility. If you want maximum survivability, then look elsewhere, but if you want a ton of tricks and other buffs at your disposal, then ninjitsu is for you...
  19. This would undoubtedly require a lot of work, but I think it could add a new dimension to the game. My initial inspiration for this idea came from how Sentinels have blast sets that are slightly rearranged from what other ATs get. To this end, what if there were several options for each set made available to us, with powers and their related stats, being adjusted to account for the new order. For instance, maybe I want to get speed boost a lot earlier on my /kin corruptor. OK, well then its end cost, recharge, or overall buff may be modified to account for that. What if my mastermind wants the assault bot sooner - it'll be weaker than its original counterpart or otherwise adjusted. Your thoughts? Thanks!
  20. How about allowing us to use influence to respec our characters? Perhaps base the cost on character level and the number of paid respecs they've used...
  21. You should be able to use /camreset as part of a bind, if you want to go that route...
  22. I've never tried combining tactical arrow with a different primary, so I can't speak to that. For fire as a primary, though, take a look at martial or plant for the secondary. Plant, in particular, is nice because its immobilize is magnitude 4, so it can affect bosses with only 1 application.
  23. I'm gonna go against the grain here and suggest archery/bow manipulation (or whatever the archery secondary is called). Not only do you have a great mix of single target, AoE, buffs, and debuffs, but you also get a status protection toggle and an nice auto-power that boost recharge (among other things). Make sure to choose the "no redraw" option under power customization during character creation, and I think you'll enjoy it!
  24. Well, regarding thugs getting leadership and mercs not, I look at it like this: As the gang leader, you rely upon your enforcers to backup your regular thugs and the bruiser. As the leader of a group of mercenaries, you are the squad leader, and just order them around more directly. I realize that a lot has to do with thugs coming later, and I certainly agree that mercs need some love, but both sets function quite differently...
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