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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Well, as long as it matched the animation time, (so as not to make a power OP), then I see no problem...
  2. My biggest "want" is to be able to fully customize my character and their powers. This means everything from being able to pick from virtually any animation, (where appropriate and within the activation time requirements for said power), as well as mastermind pets. I'd also love to see an emphasis placed on balancing the player experience around all levels, and not just 50/Incarnate. Regardless of what we do or do not get, thank you all for your efforts!
  3. I've suggested something like this before, but I thought I'd have another go at it: Most characters, (at least that I've seen), seem to stick to between 2 and 4 colors across their costume designs. It can be annoying to have to remember that the particular color you were using was 4 columns in and 7 rows down. To that end, what if the last 4 or so colors we used could either be differently highlighted within the current color palette grid, or maybe another row could be added that consisted of the last few colors we selected? I'd love to hear your thoughts & feedback! Thanks!
  4. Regarding sentinels - be aware that their 1st 2 primary attacks trigger effects, (offensive and defensive opportunity), which is their class ability. Therefore, it is probably in your best interest to take them.
  5. I don't recommend doing this exclusively, but there should be an Architect Entertainment, (AE), building in each starting zone. If you go in there, use one of the computer terminals, and search for "Tunnel", there are some quick missions that give good XP. Like I said, don't stick to these exclusively, but it is a good way to get some quick levels, to get a better feel for how a set may play out. Also, some sets like bio armor or staff fighting, have powers that actually unlock 3 other toggles - these other toggles don't get placed into your power bar automatically, and provide significant benefits, (like how dual pistols gives you toggles to switch between cryo, incendiary, and toxic ammo).
  6. Well, check out the Sentinel - it's a ranged damage archetype that has defensive armor sets as their secondary. There are also some cool sets, like martial combat or tactical arrow for blasters (both secondaries). Some newer support sets, like Nature Affinity or Time Manipulation, are very interesting. Beast and Demon Summoning are pretty fun sets for Masterminds. Also make sure to check out the P2W vendor in the starting zone - nothing there actually costs real money, and there are some neat temporary or thematic powers, (some do cost in-game influence/infamy, though). Cheers!
  7. Welcome back! Be sure to check out some of the new stuff that's been added!
  8. I would prefer an alternate methods of getting some defense and damage resist on characters that perhaps don't want or need melee attacks; Maybe add a mutually exclusive pool that has 2 basic single pistol attacks or something, plus tough, weave, and some variation of cross punch, only ranged.
  9. Here are some ideas I came up with, that I hope you'll like: nat ice 2.costume nat ice 1.costume
  10. What if they added or replaced one of his regular attacks with a version of "injection" from the medicine power pool, (or maybe add an enemy debuffing attack and an ally buffing one). Get rid of the melee attacks from all of them, and replace it with a simple "single shot" attack to round out their attack chains.
  11. The big question is what is your preferred playstyle. If you want to "live by the seat of your pants", then there are some fun and interesting blaster combos that can be highly effective, (beam rifle/tactical arrow is interesting). If you want a more tactical/methodical approach, then consider a demon/storm or bots/time mastermind. If you just want to play a high-energy and non-stop character, consider a street justice/radiation or claws/bio armor brute.
  12. Just set it to 'no redraw' and it shouldn't be a problem. I suppose you could mainly focus on the eagle eye and gymnastics toggle, but it seems like you'd be doing yourself a disservice. The flash arrow/blinding arrow is great for being able to setup the perfect alpha strike or skip enemy groups you don't want to deal with, ice arrow is a mag 3 hold that can be super useful, glue patch is a nice way to keep groups of enemies at bay, and so on. You should gain access to an alternate build at level 10, so maybe try a secondary heavy and secondary light build? Cheers!
  13. Here's a link to Gravitic Armor. Any other thoughts on this set? Thanks again! I was thinking a bit on the issue of trying to implement some sort of "pull" or "knock towards" effect, and how it's difficult or impossible with the current implementation. What about this: You generate a strong knockback or repel effect, (which is actually generated from a pseudopet created at your location), but then you teleport to the target and deliver a powerful blow, (possibly while that enemy is still being knocked or repelled back)? Also, as an effect for the powerset, you could use the ripple around the hands effect some gravity powers include.
  14. So unlike other ATs, you have your initial build and a limited set of powers to choose from, then you select 1 of 2 paths at level 24. Widows get to pick between Night Widows (think stalker with extra tools at their disposal), or Fortunatas, (kind of like a psychic blaster/controller). The soldiers can choose between being a Bane Spider, (kind of a stalker again), or a Crab Spider, (use the spider claw backpack for lots of AoE and such, but still have good defenses). I find both VEATs a bit of a slog early on, but they do get some cool powers. It's definitely worth giving them a try... Here and here are some sources you may find useful.
  15. It's kind of funny - powers like granite armor kind of give an insight into the minds of the devs while the game was in development; "Players won't mind if we completely override the appearances that they've worked so hard on crafting, because this fits our vision of how the ultimate power should work"...
  16. IIRC, Windows XP was an outgrowth/evolution of Windows 95/98, while Windows 2000 was more based upon Windows NT.
  17. Hence the "if" portion of the statement "If you were running around in a populated zone, spouting sacrilegious stuff". So what we have, then, is some people say you did some stuff? You said yourself "for a change, i made a sacrilegious and sexually active character as my main on everlasting" - so how, exactly, would anyone know said character was sacrilegious? Was it just in your bio, or were you saying stuff in local/broadcast/etc? You put yourself out there, so can you give some substance to your claims one way or the other?
  18. Awesome! One thing I recommend against is to not use any of the rikti rifle models - I find the pulsing animation to be a bit uncomfortable during longer play sessions. Some other ones have glowing bits that can look a bit off. Some also don't quite scale in size with your character. Still, it is a very good set. Just take care to keep the recharge time of disintegrate into account, when it comes to creating an attack chain.
  19. I wonder if they could kind of scale the granite armor model to your character's height, then just kind of superimpose it onto your character - have parts show through or not - it could represent your (partial) transformation...
  20. This sounds a bit hyperbolic. Is it at all possible that you conducted yourself in a way specifically to get a rise out of others? If you were running around in a populated zone, spouting sacrilegious stuff, especially if it is of a religion that many players are likely to practice IRL, then it doesn't surprise me that you'd get some heat for it. I also find it odd that you have no problem doing this kind of stuff, but then call others bigots for opposing you? How do you know they weren't rp-ing as well? Frankly, I think the best course of action would be to keep real life politics/religion/etc out of the game, and just work within the framework of the existing villain groups...
  21. Understood. Consider beam rifle, sonic attack, or dual pistols. Sonic attack has some great additional control in siren's song and screech. Dual pistols is a mixed bag, IMO - it's a decently solid set, but I find some of the animations to be too "showie" for my tastes, though I do like the ability to change ammo types to suit my needs. Beam rifle is a solid choice, but so much relies upon disintegrate that I feel it shoehorns you into that power. Even ice blast and dark blast bring something substantial to the table, (slows & holds, tohit debuffs and fear/hold, respectively).
  22. My Archery/Tactical Arrow blaster is around level 25 now. Got her kitted out with level 25 IOs and a couple pool powers, (arcane flight, aid self, stealth), and she's quite good. That eagle eye toggle is very good, and I can't wait for gymnastics at 38. The flash arrow allows me to easily setup some devastating AoEs. I skipped fistful of arrows, but may take it later on. I actually prefer the lack of melee attacks in the /TA secondary...
  23. One thing I love and hate about CoH is how character origins have very little to do with your powers. I love this, because people can make whatever they want, instead of being shoehorned into "powerset A always goes with origin X", but at the same time, it seems hard to reconcile summoning demons using "natural" means. I know that there are some very creative people out there, who can craft the perfect narrative to explain why their character can "naturally summon demons", but sometimes it just bugs me. I'd love to hear your folks' input on the matter. Thanks in advance! Some examples of blurred lines for me: A serum that gave you superpowers seems like science, but what if you were implanted with a device that administers said serum whenever it's needed? Does that become technology? Let's say your character is a demon from a demonic realm? Their ability to summon lesser demons may be inherent to their race/species, so would that make them natural? What if a character utilizes advanced weapons and armor, but it is only because of their mutations, (improved strength & durability), that they can even wield that equipment properly? Do you folks just take an "in the eye of the beholder" kind of approach?
  24. This anagram generator is also a great tool!
  25. I can sort of understand why Paragonwiki wouldn't want to include the Homecoming stuff - unless it became an official/legitimate version of the game, then Homecoming is basically a "fan mod" of sorts. I'm not saying that to belittle what the HC devs are doing - it's a tremendous undertaking and I am very grateful for it... it's just not official. Perhaps a HC wiki could simply reference the main Paragonwiki articles and just say "The available info matches what PW states, except in the following areas ______".
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