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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Yes, and typically those instances are around the time one of said characters is about to die/retire/go off on their own and change their name, (Robin -> Nightwing, one of the new Supermen to Superboy or Steel, etc). You also have to remember that the name you're choosing is, in-universe, part of an official registration process, so even though your "real name" may be "Cyclone", the rep at the registration office may flatly tell you that the name is already taken for official documentation purposes, but you could be "Cyclone 12345" or perhaps incorporate some aspect of your costume design or power effects to amend that original name...
  2. I'd say make elec attacks have a minor dmg and recharge debuff. Sure, end drain can be effective vs other players, but AFAIK, NPC enemies don't actually have endurance per se, (just powers on timers)...
  3. I bought a lifetime subscription to Champions Online when it came out. On paper, it is the superior game, yet here I am, playing this one over that. No doubt part of that is nostalgia, but I do genuinely believe that City of Heroes is a great game...
  4. My only concern is that a) you'd basically have to either use some sort of generic silhouette or body shape for the attacks, (picture something like phantom army), and/or you'd need at least 3 versions of the power, (male, female, huge). I suppose you could do something like what shield charge or lightning rod do, but would you be vulnerable/targetable while you're moving around? Also, and sorry for being pedantic, but I always thought that "vorpal" was used to denote something that was unusually sharp, (like the vorpal blade from the jabberwock), or the "vorpal bunny" from Monty Python, not some kind of hyperspeed "flash step"...
  5. Hey, I call 'em as I see 'em, and if your response to me wasn't loaded with snark and passive-aggressiveness, I wouldn't need to push back. Either way, has it ever occurred to you that "Adjective Noun" is a comic book tradition with a long history? Perhaps you should embrace that, instead of misspelling your character's name... Red Cyclone, Azure Cyclone, Mighty Cyclone, Beyond the Cyclone, etc. "Why can't *I* be Statesman?" "Why can't *I* be Synapse?" The answer is because they're taken, now let's keep it moving...
  6. I wonder, if instead of adding "more space" in the existing bio page, if they could add like another page or 2. Perhaps it's like a 65536 character limit issue or something...
  7. Perhaps they saw a larger market by appealing to the lowest common denominator? Perhaps it was to prevent people from attempting to disguise themselves as someone else, since your global handle is attached to every name in a more obvious way in CO? If you think that getting exactly what you want, on the first time, every time, is due to you, without having to perhaps tap into your creative side or come up with other names, then I don't know what to tell you other than "tough"...
  8. I wonder if they could just kind of plop the shield on your back while you're carrying out the emote animation, though I suppose just keeping it on your arm, even if it clips with some prop from the emote, wouldn't be terrible, either...
  9. Put in a tinyurl or something? Be more concise with your bio and save a few text files that you can easily copy and paste into in-game emails, if someone wants to know more? *shrugs*
  10. I could see freeing up character names if said character hasn't been played in 3 or so months, but why is requiring players be a bit more creative a bad thing? There are many tools out there to help you come up with an interesting name, without having to resort to "Hulk 12345"...
  11. So let's play this out... you're sitting there RP-ing with some friends, and bam! You suddenly unlock a new power? You can RP that your character is training while in a mission - even create an AE mission specifically for that purpose, but while just sitting around with absolutely no risk to yourself? I don't think you should get XP from that. Heck, you could hang out in a zone that is just at the edge of what you get XP for, where there's very little threat to you, and knock off a few enemies if you want to RP some training or such.
  12. As the title suggests, I'd love to see the wrist launcher animation from the ninjitsu blaster secondary set proliferated to other powersets as alternate animation options. Anyone from firing shurikens in the dominator martial assault set, to possible even launching grenades from sets like traps or devices, could conceivably work. It'd also permit a somewhat more technological or stealth/integrated weaponry option for characters that wouldn't just be throwing stuff around willy-nilly. Your thought & input are welcomed! :-)
  13. Personally, I kind of like knowing that there won't be anyone else on the server with my exact name. I can certainly understand building up a character/concept around a name, then finding out it was taken, but in those cases, such limitations can push you to be even more creative. Another good resource is this site. For instance, who'd guess the true identity of the Maniac Acre Pita!!??
  14. This site as well as this one have been invaluable when I'm having trouble coming up with a name, or the one I want is taken...
  15. Ah... the days before "prompt for teleport". When instant healing was a toggle. Good times!
  16. Maybe I'm dating myself here, but I recall many broadcasts specifically looking for a kinetics user with speedboost, and sometime later, a stone tanker with granite. I also remember players specifically looking for teammates withOUT knockback powers...
  17. Basically, what I'd like to see is an emote or some sort of temporary power which casts a nice bright light on you or an area, so you can take good screenshots of your character, anywhere. Your thoughts? Thanks for reading!
  18. Given that they go for a few million inf on the AH, that may be too good. Maybe make it an acc enh that also provides kb -> kd, but looses the secondary effect around level 12 or 22, (whenever the other prestige enh's lose their bonus effects).
  19. Blasters are basically the "selfish route" - not that you aren't there to aid your team in completing their task, just that the way you do so is by staying alive and dealing as much damage as quickly as possible...
  20. While I miss the greater detail and color options from CO, I still kind of prefer CoH's character models and animations... *shrugs*
  21. So I rolled up a grav/traps and grav/storm controller last night, and got them up to about 12-15. I'm leaning toward the /storm one, as the animations and powers feel like they gel better with grav. While I've played traps on other characters, I kind of preferred them on my masterminds, where the minions could distract the enemy and allow me to setup my kill zone in peace. I'm going to continue to experiment with builds and power combinations, however. Thanks and keep the advice coming!
  22. TYVM oedipus_tex! I'll definitely have to do some thinking, based upon what you've said. Any suggestions for how to play the set early on? Thanks yet again!
  23. That's definitely some food for thought. I never quite "got" /storm, though - Could you maybe sell me on it a little? Thanks again!
  24. So I mainly play solo, and am looking to expand my horizons beyond the scrappers/stalkers/brutes/MMs/dominators I usually play. I love the idea of containment, and have messed around with taking arcane bolt from sorcery, but found its cast time and heavily magical appearance, (even when set to minimal FX), to clash with some concepts. I was thinking about rolling a grav/FF controller, and making heavy use of powers like lift, propel, and force bolt, against immobilized or held targets, in order to maximize my damage and also as a form of keeping enemies from attacking me. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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