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Everything posted by biostem

  1. My concern would be the same that I have for any truly F2P games - too many trolls/griefers and not enough GMs/moderators to wrangle them in. I am truly appreciative of everything that the volunteer devs & GMs/mods do, I just don't want to see the game widely publicized, only to have a bunch of haters coming in to ruin other people's gameplay.
  2. I want to see an "Inferior Strength" set, where enemies die from laughter at how ineffectual you are. 😉
  3. AP peaks out at level 6. You are meant to be leveling up as you run such missions, and they probably expected a certain amount of random street fighting to get in a bit more XP. Don't you have an NPC helping you in Twinshot's missions? You also don;t get XP debt until level 10, so perhaps it is meant to be a little "tough love" early on, to help you learn not to get in over your head...
  4. If you turn down the various bloom and other such settings, it should reduce the brightness and such, for the powers. I play CoH on both a desktop, (where I have everything maxed out), and a laptop, (where I have to turn everything down), and I definitely notice a difference in how bright or "loud" things like power effects are. Stupid question, but would something like one of those screen privacy filters help you?
  5. Well, I want the set to convey the trapping and attractive aspects of gravity; We have plenty of sets that knock enemies away, so I wanted something that would draw them closer...
  6. Oh! I just refer to that as the "Windows key". In that case, sure, why not...
  7. I wouldn't say we need a mute command per se, but something like "setvolpow, setvolvoice, setvolbgm", which could accept a value from 0 (muted) to 100 (max), would be great. Then you could just put the 3 commands, with values of 0, into a bind to mute all sound...
  8. So I've really come to enjoy playing my various gravity control controllers and dominators, and think that the set could be adapted for use by melee characters. Here is that attempt: The set would feature a special effect called "gravity well". Gravity well is a short lived immobilization effect that also causes targets affected by it to take more damage from other gravitic melee powers. A target can only have 1 stack of "gravity well" on them, (I'm debating whether this should be allowed to stack, so you could immobilize bosses, EBs, or even EVs). 1. Gravitic jab - minor smashing damage, fast recharge, minor chance to apply gravity well 2. Gravitic smash - moderate smashing damage, moderate recharge, greater chance to apply gravity well 3. Gravity wave - You swing your arm in a wide arc, trailing along gravitic energy which afflicts all in a 120 degree arc with moderate smashing damage and the gravity well effect. 4. Gravitic empowerment - applies a tohit and damage buff to you, and inflict gravity well on all enemies in a small PBAoE. 5. Gravitic slingshot - You use your fine control over gravity to rapidly spin yourself, damaging all enemies in a PBAoE. Moderate smashing damage and a moderate chance to apply gravity well on all targets. 6. Taunt/Confront 7. Gravity pulse - you create a micro-singularity behind your target, which rapidly collapse and emanates a shockwave, knocking them toward you. Moderate AoE damage & recharge. [I imagine this as creating a pseudopet behind your target, which detonates and causes a knockback effect, thereby knocking them toward you] 8. Singularity strike - you generate a micro-black hole in your hand, and rapidly thrust it into your target's abdomen, dealing heavy smashing damage. If the target is already affected by gravity well, their regeneration is significantly debuffed and emit a small AoE that deals energy damage. This consumes the gravity well debuff. 9. Gravitic collapse - This relies upon the same "pseudopet" effect as Gravity pulse, only it creates several of them in a circle around you, knocking all targets back toward you. I'd appreciate your thoughts & feedback. Thanks!
  9. I wonder how difficult it would be to add a version of the T1 and T2 pet powers, which only summons 1 of them, but at the same level as you and sufficiently buffed to compensate for the loss of the other 1 or 2...
  10. Not likely, as it'd need an entirely new pose/animation. Perhaps if you wouldn't mind your character *standing* on the broom, it could be done more easily... I suppose they could just use a generic sitting animation and just have your character ride sidesaddle or something...
  11. The OP noted "The damage and such should be reduced accordingly" - By making them the same level as you, this would remove the issue of them being so much less effective than the enemies you're facing, due to the purple patch and so-forth, when facing off against enemies higher level than your own.
  12. What happens if you were to bind a targeted AoE to, say, alt+lbutton, then simply look where you want to use it and press those 2 buttons? Does it produce an error?
  13. Can you clarify what you mean by "Apps keys"? Do you mean like how some keyboards have a key for the media player or something?
  14. If you based it off of some kind of rotary weapon, like a minigun that fired slugs, grenades, and missiles, you could have a "spin-up" mechanic, where if the weapon is already "spun up", then the activation times are shorter...
  15. I have to be honest, here - I very much dislike some of the psy blast animations and sounds. While they may be effective on paper, in practice, I need to play a set whose animations and "real world" performance is to my liking. Since you have so many character slots at your disposal, here's what I'd suggest - try out all the blast sets, run around the starting zone and see which you like best...
  16. I guess. It still bugs me that the costume editor is missing so many QoL features. Do you think having each category built as completely separate pieces was some performance-improving measure by the devs? I can't imagine that it was efficient to have to build a version of every new piece for every category, each time such a costume piece was added to the game...
  17. Well, I understand that. What I'm saying is something like "If [currently selected torso option] exists in [new category you just selected] then [set selection to 'currently selected torso option']. So, if I'm in regular torsos, select 'tanker', go to jackets, and 'tanker' is an available option under jackets, that's what will be selected. It's sort of like how you may go through all the different face options, find one you like, find a face pattern & color you like, but then decide that you actually want to see how that looks with a hat - you have to remember the face, the pattern, the color, and reselect them again, from scratch, under the 'hat' category...
  18. Given that, then perhaps the best option would be to "respect" an option chosen from regular torsos if a similar base layer exists under jackets - so if I chose "tanker" as a torso option under the regular category, then went to jackets, it should save what I had selected under the previous category, if that same option exists under the new one...
  19. So my basic suggestion is to create a powerset focused around ranged projectile weapons that are much heavier than the standard assault rifle. In going over the heavy weapons already in-game, I found the below 3, and think a good set could be made from them: Minigun: Rocket launcher: Grenade launcher: Here is a basic rundown of the set: 1. Short minigun burst: moderate lethal DoT, minor chance for a fear effect 2. Long minigun burst: heavy lethal DoT, slightly greater chance for a fear effect 3. Suppressing fire: moderate cone lethal damage, applies a movement speed debuff and a defense debuff 4. Fusion-thermite ammo: toggle - adds energy and fire damage to all heavy weapon attacks 5. Frag grenade burst: Fires off 3 fragmentation grenades in rapid succession from your grenade launcher - deals moderate lethal damage in a targeted AoE, with a chance to knock the target(s) back. 6. Flashbang burst: Fires off 3 flashbangs from your grenade launcher at a targeted location, which deal minor smashing damage, apply a tohit debuff, and stun all targets affected. I don't know if this would be possible, but what if each of the 3 grenades was its own entity, applying a mag 1.1 stun, (so a boss hit by all 3 would be stunned). 7. Ground-pounders: You fire 3 grenades in rapid succession along the ground toward a targeted location, and after a short delay, any enemies in the vicinity suffer heavy smashing damage and are knocked up. 8. Bunker-buster; You fire a high-velocity, armor-piercing projectile from your rocket launcher - deals heavy lethal damage and applies a defense and damage resist debuff. 9. Battlefield nuke: You fire a small-yield battlefield nuclear missile at your target. Deals heavy smashing and energy damage, as well as debuffs your target's regeneration and lessens the benefit they receive from any healing effects. Your thoughts?
  20. Basically, what I'd love to see is the option to temporarily not display certain costume parts while I'm editing a costume. For instance, let's say I'm creating a character that wears a jacket. It is very difficult to get the chest part under said jacket to look how I want, since the jacket is, well, covering most of it. I could go to the regular top, choose the look I want under the jacket, then make a mental note of it and go to the jacket option then re-select it, but an option to temporarily hide the jacket would be awesome! Similarly, if I'm creating a character that wears a skirt, kilt, or shorts, but I still want a certain lower torso piece/look, I'd have to go to regular tights, choose what I want, then go back to skirts & shorts. Alternatively, perhaps the costume editor could be made to respect the selection of a previous category, so if I set a certain lower tights option, then go to skirts/shorts, it'll retain what I just set. Similar options would be great for things like hats, hoods, and so on. Your thoughts?
  21. I wonder if you could create a custom chat window and have it display there, then bind the command to a frequently used key, like W...
  22. One thing that I think would be a good addition would be sonic or "vibro" melee. We have sonic blast and support/debuff sets, so this seems like a natural fit. The set would focus on damage resistance debuffs, but perhaps the melee set could have a PBAoE toggle or click that can put enemies to sleep, a la 'Siren's Song' from the blast set. You could also have a short cone attack that knocks enemies down, like shockwave. A sonic armor set would go with this, too.
  23. Thank you, Rylas! That is a very interesting read. I guess with how some powers pack so many effects into them, some compromises had to be made...
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