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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I've stared at this long enough and I've come to conclude it's a fake! Those eyes are awfuly suspicious! And how come the Llamas aren't getting any popcorn? Conspiracy! 🙈
  2. It is almost like this will do nothing to assuage their vitriol 😅
  3. Snarky Baby pic inbound Edit: Folks, this is a reference/parody for "don't put baby in the corner" is Snarky not being put in a corner and free to express themselves... Quick Google for the lay persons: "The meaning behind the phrase 'nobody puts baby in the corner' is that no one with talent should be stopped from expressing it or showing it off. It's about self-expression – about enabling anyone to be their best self, and a striking call against anyone who strives to keep people's potential at bay."
  4. We are in agreement. Perhaps based on testing the Burn recharge change will be modified in the next patch update on the Beta shard.
  5. I used to have that emote too before they switched off the forum funsies. I think there was forum badges too, but they were taken away because... actually I don't remember what or why lol
  6. I knew it! Jimmy has been gone all these months because you've been busy being every other member of the team! 😆
  7. Again, it's not "you guys" or "us." All the same members of this community. I'm sensing you may have experienced what you're describing first hand. I'm not in a position to say what is right or wrong, since I'm not a GM. But I'm going to trust the mods when it comes to enforcing the code of conduct here and in game. Finally, "attacking" is a bit of a stretch in semantics for my taste. Perhaps "strongly worded disagreements" would be more appropriate? I mean nobody is getting punched in the face here. Nobody is flanking an enemy fighting position here. It's a video game forum. Again, that's my view.
  8. I hear that! I used to have to delete characters if I messed slotting back on live in the old days. 😪
  9. I can understand your point. My opinion is that respecs are the easiest that they have EVER been in the life of this game. I am not the only one who remembers running Terra Volta respecs before they started handing them out like candy. The game has come a long way to making the process of updating powers and letting players make their desired changes. Again, I can understand your point though.
  10. I'm not responding to your post so much as to say that the community is stronger together than it is apart. Using the "us" versus "them" argument (players and the Homecoming staff, respectively) is an easy way to drum up drama or make a simple point, but it is divisive and ends up creating a mentally among the community that we aren't all players who enjoy the game. As you point out in your post, players are developers and developers are players.
  11. 👍
  12. Passionate discussion is important. It shows that players care about this community. Let's put that passion to good use and build up each other instead of tearing down one another. And, as I alluded to in an earlier post, beta testing isn't the only method players can use to help the community out. But it is arguably (in my opinion at least) the most fun part! 😆
  13. I appreciate this post. I'm still unsure why it is thought that anything is owed to the players. Is that described somewhere in writing? Is it just based on someone's beliefs? I know I'm not owed anything and that the server could shut down tomorrow without telling anyone. It wouldn't upset or surprise me in the slightest. I wouldn't want that to happen, mind you - I'm just a realist and I'm not entitled to more than anyone else in this superb community.
  14. Yeah the ninja crits are exciting! I've not ever played an MM, but I'm excited for the attention they're getting for what is to come.
  15. I think we can all agree that policing what others can say on an internet message board is best left to the GMs.
  16. Others have pointed this out in the feedback thread, but since these are proposed changes, it's likely that based on testing there will be changes before the final product hits live.
  17. You missed the point. They don't need to explain it to you, it's THEIR server. They can do whatever they want. And whether a player pays or not, that has no impact on the value of their feedback. And good lord man, WE, you and I are both players. WE both are a part of this community. Our feedback is equally valid. Let me break it down in clear capital letters for you. I DON'T THINK NOR HAVE I EVER SAID THAT THE OPINIONS OF PLAYERS AREN'T WORTH CONSIDERING.
  18. In the same post you're demanding that the Homecoming team give you insight as to the reason why they made a PROPOSED change and then later on you say if the Homecoming team thinks the PROPOSED change is needed that isn't a good enough reason. It was an incredibly long post, but you do realize that, right? Whether the Homecoming team describes the reasoning behind a PROPOSED change or not, there are going to be players who say they aren't satisfied with their reasoning. There are going to be players who aren't pleased by the PROPOSED change whether their given a reason or not. Even though it's on the beta shard for the explicit purpose of being tested to determine the PROPOSED change validity. If you activate said power, does it damage the enemy NPC or does it mapserver the client? There is enough armchair patch note quarterbacks on these forums as many folks in this community have pointed out. Anyways, my opinion, if I was volunteering my time as a dev, I wouldn't waste my time writing a post to describe why a PROPOSED change is being tested. Look at the past three years on this server and tell me what that has accomplished. Petty bickering from forum posters who drown out the purpose of the thread. Then again, that's just me. And I'll continue to support the Homecoming community both financially and with my free time.
  19. The Bounty that is collected by defeating players from the opposite faction allows one to 'Cash Out' and buy a Single Origin enhancement from the zone Arbiter/ Warden that are located within each respective base. 6000 bounty gives a player one single origin enhancement. Players can also conduct patrols around the zone for a Combat Invisibility temporary power or complete missions within the zone.
  20. And on the other end of this polarizing conclusion to your post, many folks want to test changes and it's the primary reason why pages and issues make it out the door in months instead of years. Look at the Dr. Aeon SF. Look at the Piecemeal story arcs. Look at the new powersets Homecoming has made. That's just a few things that require hours and hours and weeks of play testing and breaking to ensure it works correctly. How do you think those things got in to the game? Developers made the content, the community tested it, and we all get to enjoy it. It's how this server has ran for the past three years.
  21. If I can solo a Level 54 Archvillain with a cup of coffee in my hand and a single attack on auto, I have either figured out how to cheese the game or there is no longer a challenge. Does it matter to me? Not in the slightest - I play the game because it is fun.
  22. Bug: Progress towards the bar does not move after winning a battle (tested winning five battles in a row as a Villain and no progress made). The zone was already under Hero control on Indomitable, therefore testing was not applicable. Methodology: Tested on Indomitable using a Villain; hero-aligned NPCs (Longbow) in the designated Hot Spot area were defeated until a message was shown ("Villains have won a neighborhood battle!"). After each battle, I moved to the next Hot Spot and repeated the process. Importance: Access to the temporary powers (and the PvP fakkolades) are tied to the respective Hero and Villain vendors in the zone. While these temporary powers can be purchased in any other PvP zone, the Arena, or Pocket D, (and their purchase carries over to any zone the player goes to, though they can only be used in PvP settings) it essentially removes the reward for gaining control of the zone, a la "Battle For Siren's Call." Recommended Action: Turn the ability to make progress on this bar back on. @Troo
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