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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Indom native since HC launch here! I don't mind the low population most of the times I play. If I want to PvP I can always log in a second account 😆
  2. Hover/Fly/Use a temporary jetpack power and move above the aforementioned fire patch then click rest. After about 3 seconds, it will root you to the ground on the fire patch.
  3. On a Friday night, on Indomitable, there aren't enough players in one zone to spawn an invasion.. ...at least as far as those willing to show themselves in the search GOT IT TO SPAWN! 😄 Also, amazing custom enemies!!!!
  4. Man this thread is hella depressing, but also insightful. Next time someone goes afk I'll think twice about it!
  5. Right, also 'you just want people to play the game your way'
  6. Click the link AboveTheChemist pasted in the message above your message. It shows an in game picture of the badge location and its in game coordinates in the Abandoned Sewer Network.
  7. It's a toggle?
  8. What about my unique gold title I earned from a Homecoming contest?
  9. No new updates on "the talks" since last year (per my signature thread): https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/31053-a-history-of-the-talks-a-consolidation-of-the-hc-team-legal-discussion/
  10. Everyone's alluded to the causes of this issue, and frankly it's not an Indom only problem as @Apparition mentioned. What hasn't been said is that the volunteers and staff who run this community are also slowly departing. Jimmy hasn't been on in a long time, less and less content is being created because there are less volunteer devs to create it (and less players to test it). While I was hopeful that after the 2019 population boom, the player count would stabilize, I see it hasn't even stagnated - there are even less people posting and viewing the forums these days. Sorry for the 'Doom and Gloom' folks 😄
  11. I always thought it was because I couldn't zoom out enough. Interesting!
  12. S/L is the most common enemy damage type. I'm happy with the power, because of the extra S/L resistance I don't need to dip in to the Fighting Pool for Tough.
  13. Yes it is *and has been* back on a number of independent and volunteer ran servers. The forum for one of those servers, (that you are on right now) is the Homecoming server, who opened its doors back in April of 2019. Homecoming has made a number of updates from the last publicly available OuroDev fork of Issue 24 and its currently in its Issue 27, Page 3 iteration.
  14. While not exactly what you are looking for, there is real time data for player counts on the Server Status tab for this forum. I would go so far as to say that if a player wanted to know the average player count per server (and what faction they belong to) they could record that data for a day, week, or month and post it for others to view.
  15. Welcome back! I don't know of the group you mentioned, but if you're just now returning, I'd recommend checking out all of the stickied topics in the arena sub forum. Lots of stuff has changed since the game went dark, but Homecoming has done a lot of QoL work to improve the PvP side of things. Still, no where near the population of the live servers it takes a bit of patience or a dedicated group to do any PvP these days.
  16. Oh yeah, I had a Level 30 Sonic/Rad Corruptor that was loads of fun to play in Siren's Call back then, it was even slotted with just Level 30 IOs. There was enough leeway in builds at that level to allow for pretty much any play style to work. Just a few things, not exhaustive by any means, but... - PvP IOs didn't exist in Issue 13. The Chance for Teleport Protection for example has made Teleport Target (enemy), coupled with the built in invulnerable delay on the TP'd target makes /Traps powerset styles moot. There's a lot more going on behind what I just said, but I'm writing lazy. - Telekinesis doesn't force control the enemy player away (assuming they didn't have a tray full of breakfrees). - Damage... well actually damage spiking has always been the biggest value added in solo and team play in PvP, so no change there really - Elusivity - +5 IOs - PvP recipes used to only drop from defeating enemy players But Homecoming has done a bunch of positive things for PvP - /Arena command works anywhere to set up matches - Movement suppression is turned off in PvP zones and in arena matches by default - Added the higher level barriers so that while Siren's Call is capped at 30, players can use powers from up to Level 34. See also Recluse's Victory having access to Incarnate Alpha slot only - PvP fakkolades (Fake Accolades) which can be purchased from vendors in PvP zones and the arena - Removed all but a few temporary powers in PvP zones to prevent some bad actors taking advantage of certain powers. Certain temporary powers are still accessible and many can be purchased from the same vendor as above. - Fixed many exploitable geometry holes throughout PvP zones, of course many still remain and have been submitted in the Geometry Error thread to be addressed. - Added new PvP arena maps! I'll just say lastly that the Homecoming team has been very open to suggestions from the PvP community, going so far as to allow testing of power changes on the beta shard and rolling them back if they intended effects didn't meet expected outcomes. That, along with other ideas to promote interest in PvP (community reps, organized events, potential alternative PvP game modes, etc.) has given me a lot of confidence in the all volunteer team. The crux of the problem isn't that the mechanics are messed up, or that powers are over tuned, or that some damage spikes from a single player can kill any non Tank ATs in less than a second - it's that our community is pretty small and it's mostly made up of returning players who either enjoy PvP or don't - and you can't PvP by yourself (okay okay unless you dual boxes for those badges 😉).
  17. There isn't one single cause for the state of PvP in this game, there are many. The root of the cause was the direction that the development team went with powers prior to Issue 13, then the changes they made afterward that created a lower ceiling for player skill (possibly in order to increase the population that participated in this game play mechanic). I think it is important to look backwards to inform future decision making, but the fact is the state of play is where it is at now because of many contributing factors. I don't see any more valid or key than others. Bottom line, in PvP, damage output is king and all other capabilities are second in line to that.
  18. Fair enough. I saw the other PvP thread that Troo created in the General Discussion sub forum and figured it was a continuation of either a rant or a suggestion.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this just a rant thread? 🤔 If not, there is a bug thread on these forums if you believe something is not working correctly. You can also put a support ticket together. And it should go without saying, but there is a Feedback and Suggestion sub forum as well.
  20. I'm not moved by the anecdotal presumption you've stated. Whether players are moved by stories and such is irrelevant. The stories exist in the game and are part of an arc which culminates in a task force. Players can choose to do the story arcs and complete the task force or choose not to.
  21. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Defender and Corruptor versions of Benumb from Cold Domination do the same -regen percentage as all ATs share the same -regen debuff modifier... at least that's what I believe @Bopper said to me in a separate thread recently.
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