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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. So the one thing balancing the set needs removed because it requires the knowing the limitations of the powerset and taking appropriate action? I'm not convinced by this suggestion. Carry more blue inspirations. Pick up the Recovery Serum at the P2W vendor. Team with +recovery granting teammates. Add more +recovery slotting to the build. Kill the minion that is cause for concern first. Edit: Activate Strength of Will which grants +recovery.
  2. Nerva has Ballista out the wazoo if you're hankering for some. At the big hero base in the zone they're scattered around.
  3. Can some one link the proc chances spreadsheet already??
  4. I liked having The Hobbit read to me when I was young. I enjoyed reading the trilogy before the movies were released and I loved the three movies when they came out. The Hobbit was pretty far off from the book as I could remember, so I felt like it was a different take on the series instead of an exact copy and paste. I remember the books being so long that I'd have to put them down for a while until I had the taste for Middle Earth again. So yeah I'll watch the series since I've got Prime 😄
  5. This thread has been collecting geometry errors for a while so this is bound to happen, but the one you posted was already mentioned at the bottom of page 3 a year ago:
  6. Targetted AoEs are awful for proc'ing in my experience. Better off slotting for the debuffs, if slotted at all. I like having Ice Storm, Sleet, and Blizzard up every other mob, so I slot for rech and acc, and that's about it. Edit: Actually, I guess I am misremembering, I used them as slot mules.
  7. Thrust is a travel power specific IO set. Super Speed and Speed of Sound. Edit: ...and Elude apparently: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=scrapper_defense.super_reflexes.elude
  8. Self-mezzed 😆 I can only think of one other power like that still in the game and one recently added: Rest and the new Geode power to a degree.
  9. Even with the designation as the unofficial pvp shard, there was never a level of population in that gameplay area seen on the live shards, where pvp was already relegated to essentially niche status outside of farming pvp io sets. It was great though in 2019 - lots of community ran pvp, teams, scrims, prizes, gold titles, zone and arena was open to new and returning players to learn, fail, win, and have a good time. While it's not at that level anymore (that I've observed), it would just take some folks with enough interest and passion to start it back up again on this shard. Considering that, and what you've said, coupled with the overall population decline of Homecoming, I see it as a normal progression. At least it's all there still to play and pick up should anyone want to try it out. As for your last point, totally hear ya. I've been on Indom since June 2019 and it's been grand. Then again I've got RL friends to pull in to stuff and don't really have to rely on ingame numbers to get after any content. I suppose results vary by perspective.
  10. I'd wager the decline in population is a global occurrence tied more to the folks who get their fix and move on without returning more so than folks transferring servers as others have alluded to. I also have no evidence to support this speculation, so who knows.
  11. Oh my bad, I could've sworn I quoted someone else. I was just trying to show a similar thread had been started last year.
  12. I tried my hand at recreating Lord Recluse's costume, minus the cape (ignore the spider arms, it was a costume bug years ago)
  13. The back end label for Afterburner is still Evasive Maneuvers if I remember correctly
  14. Also Port Oakes north side
  15. Yeah - they've been there since launch of the zone on legacy.
  16. Procs do. Now a days a great deal of damage comes from procs.
  17. I went about soloing every GM/AV, etc., at one point in time. And any AT or powerset can do it too with little effort or care by opening up the auction house and spamming inspiration. Other times I've done the recruiting, waited patiently to make sure all the interested badgers are brought in. Other times I've seen it, reported it in the badge channel, then moved along.
  18. That's probably just a short sighted response meant for another poster (likely who you quoted), but I'll take a swing at this anyways. Gameplay in this game is constrained by a few systems which players can't force or overcome. Think hard caps, physical objects, and the mighty Null the Gull. Outside of those types of limits, an individual's play style is largely unconstrained by anything except for their own self imposed limitations. Whether a decision is stupid, genius, or fun - outside of the box that is displaying the pixels to the audience, nobody cares whether a player picks a power or makes a costume, or runs through every story arc again, or collects ever badge. The game is playable years after its legacy conclusion. Try to enjoy it while you can and chill a little.
  19. Enjoy the game however you want to play it. As for the inf, it's yours to decide how to use.
  20. Can confirm DJ Zero gives the 10 Snaptooth missions any time of year as long as he's unlocked and the arc has been started.
  21. Looks good on mobile. 4 wide costumes per row is a good fit. I like the pages option.
  22. For starters, weapon draw animation aside, AoE immobs are great to use with targeted or location based AoEs. Drop a web cocoon and then blizzard or bonfire. Back in the old days it was useful to use in combination with web grenades to ground flyers in PvP or when running a heavy -speed build. Now it's more of a niche PPP in my opinion. Ghost Widow almost always has better powers to offer that take easy proc fu.
  23. Interrupt enhancements already do what they are described to do. Reduce the interruptable time of a power. Are you recommending a new enhancement category that reduces activation time?
  24. Looks like oedipus_tex is at it again trying pad their post coun... oh wait its a parody thread. Continue 😄
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