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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. There is a GM command that sets all targets to enemies that works on NPCs, though I can't vouch for whether it works on players too. The concern I would have is with how the game applies PvP specific power attributes and DR to players in PvE contexts.
  2. This suggestion has been discussed in one form or another a few times in this sub forum and tends to involve separating PvE content out of the equation and allowing PvPers to have a place just for themselves (specific zone/SG base PvP/new zones/instanced pvp maps/etc.). 😅
  3. Intrude, perhaps this is accurate and I can see the reasoning behind this.... however, this game in its current state has cross-play across this figurative boundary. Plenty of PvE content in PvP zones, plenty of reasons for PvPers to PvE in order to achieve better performance (accolades, IOs, etc.). Heck, PvP IO sets add additional bonuses while players are PvPing (though the dreaded diminishing returns of PvP shreds these bonuses in to oblivion lol) I think it is a nice balance where it is right now and there hasn't been a compelling reason to rock this boat.
  4. Very good question! I've amassed a large number of temporary powers as well, some that can be deleted and other that can't. It would be convenient to know if a command exists to prune the list down a little. Unfortunately, I too skimmed through the slash command list and did not see anything that could apply to removing/deleting temporary powers.
  5. This is exactly correct - the access points to Echo Plaza become available when special contests or events are held by the Homecoming volunteers. At all other times, Pocket D is the only access point.
  6. Echo Plaza becomes accessible through Pocket D, TUNNEL portals, and the Long Range Teleporter power when events like this are held.
  7. The folks who are a part of this community who spend their free time testing and restesting incremental changes to improve the balance of PvP encounters deserve a tip of the hat. It's not an easy task as it's been made to seem in this thread, it's not a click or exclusive group. Literally folks who know a lot about how the game's mechanics work and have the capacity and interest to get groups together to test out changes in different environments like zone or arena. Perhaps if you elect to contribute to this process, you'll find the improvement you're seeking.
  8. If I'm reading this correctly, the suggestion is to change the way everyone else plays to match the way you want to play? Nah.
  9. I've tried it hardcore mode with no insp or temps at level, but I couldn't retard his regen fast enough with my own DPS. If you're looking at it that way, as long as you can mitigate incoming damage effectively, you really just need to be able to overcome the regen. It can take a while though!
  10. Right! I'm thinking that sucker weighs at least 20lbs - not to mention the fact that satellite phones are now as small as a normal cellphone (though they still have those long antennas lol). I feel bad for the radio operator who has to lug two of those things around for the boss, along with extra batteries, antennas, and a spare hand mike in case the buttons get stuck. Nevermind the fact that the sweet looking headset with antenna and extended microphone could probably get the job done by itself!
  11. Redundant and archaic communication technology, circa 2021 😁
  12. Edit: Oops! When I read the title and respond before reading the message 😅
  13. Interesting poll! I've found that these are different experiences when ran solo compared to with a team. Hard to decide when thinking about that context....
  14. This occurs across alignments, as I understand it the game some how checks for that, then if your character doesn't align with the requirements it ports you to a default zone. A bug from a year ago allowed any level character with a no longer ingame teleport power to return to zones like Precinct Five, Destroyed Galaxy City, and Outbreak & Breakout after leaving it. Examples below...
  15. I can't speak for the majority (who on these forums can, anyways?), but I am not interested in knowing. Thanks for asking though!
  16. Huh I guess I've done it so much I haven't had any problems. Thanks for the heads up!
  17. Go exactly to the coordinates where I show you in the video.
  18. I also show in my video how to hit the bottom of the Pocket D zone, for say, if you want to grab a cool screenshot of the zone or something.
  19. Show me these "many players" and I'll show them all the same response. There is already a way to address these concerns, players just need to use it. Advocating for anything else is a waste of volunteer time in my opinion.
  20. The trick I found is to delete similar frames. You can choose to delete frames that are up to 95% similar. That, and making the clip 4 to 5 seconds.
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