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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I experienced the image storage limit a few years ago. After deleting many images in my posts, I hit it again two years ago. I have since given up trying to store images on Homecoming and instead use images already hosted on another site and link them in my posts.
  2. Real Soldiers take the shoelace express travel power! And they like it! Hooah 🇺🇸
  3. You can turn Bosses off when soloing by changing your difficulty setting. This is found by clicking the Chat tab Chat bubble icon.
  4. I don't think Burnout should have a place in discussion about power balancing, but at the same time, as @Jacke points out, it's there and powers devs have to be aware of it when making changes. Having powers not meant to be chained together like Elude or double nuke is certainly a concern, but it should stay an exception to the rule and not the norm. At the same time, why would a player waste Burnout on Sleet when it already comes back so fast? Players can get Benumb perma for AV/GM battles. I could maybe see a case for Heat Loss.
  5. Ah that's interesting to read - I scoured through patch notes today looking for any changes to this power since Issue 6 and couldn't find any. Do you know a ballpark time frame when this was the case?
  6. Ah my apologies. I could've swore someone teleported me during the event to multiple places. It's been a while for me too!
  7. Isn't this Summer Blockbuster? The Heist one?
  8. If a player doesn't enjoy a specific section of content in this game, they are perfectly capable of not participating in said content. Taking away content that players enjoy and the developers enjoyed making seems spiteful. This is not a suggestion I support.
  9. I went to some lengths to ensure that people knew the history behind the change - based on a formula that had been established over twenty years ago, along with the added context of how Freezing Rain was the progenitor of Sleet.
  10. The winds of change have begun to below - another poster mentioned the improvements to Defender Storm Summoning (or was is Storm Blast?)
  11. I don't see anyone discounting the point about the place of Cold Domination amongst the highest performing sets in the game. There is disagreement that the powerset has not been substantively negatively impacted by the change, with posters indicating both that it was and was not noticeable in their experience. Edit: I am specifically referring to Cold Domination for Corruptors in the above sentence.
  12. This is the kind of insight I was lacking on the Freezing Rain connection! Thank you for sharing.
  13. I'll count myself as one of those who were confused on what the stacking meant. Thank you for enlightening me and the rest of the thread. In your second paragraph, I pointed to as much in my original thread - regardless of the reason, the change was made. I'm still seeing a consensus that this change did not make a substantive negative impact on the performance of the power (for Corruptors specifically, though mac mentioned it hit Mastermind's harder).
  14. Adding additional context for the lay person: Sleet used to apply it's debuffs on every tick on target in the area, which meant that it could apply the debuff over and over to the same target to extend its duration past the actual pseudopet. With the Page 7 change, it now applies once per target in the area.
  15. Thank you for your post - I also agree the change is barely noticeable in my experiences, especially when added to the context of a full rotation of Cold Domination powers to a mob or GM/AV.
  16. Like @arcane pointed out, this is a slight downward tweak overall. Looking at Sleet in game (see below), I noticed that it can still stack multiple times on the target (Rikti Pylon). Can anyone clarify what is meant by "pet effect set to ignore stacking?" I thought Sleet was made in to a true pseudopet.
  17. Thus far, I'm seeing that for the sake of balance, powers for Archetypes should be tied to the inherent values of said Archetypes. I think this is correct and I would hope this continues for future power development. I'm also reading that how a power behaved over two decades has no bearing on how a change should be made, in this very specific case of Sleet. Perhaps a less reductive approach could have achieved a similar desired balance - for example, on Corruptors - allow Sleet to Scourge enemies.
  18. This is interesting to me because looking back at the patch notes for the legacy days, there were various passes across many powers that were eventually proliferated across other Archetypes. If a stat was reduced in some way, there was another stat that compensated for the change to ensure parity to the Archetypes. I could not find an outright change to Sleet in any patch note since Issue 6. I may be speculating, but I believe this change was brought up because of the change to Tar Patch previously and because someone pointed out that the values were all the same across all Archetypes with Sleet. Why the devs chose not to find a way to ensure parity and instead make an across-multiple Archetypes change was not explained during testing (though it was requested).
  19. I appreciate your input and I see this as a bug fix as well. However, I'll point out that in my post at the top that those "overpowered " versions of Sleet you mentioned didn't apply to the Corruptor version, as it has been the same value since Issue 6, which persisted for nearly twenty years before a change was deemed necessary.
  20. Glacier Peak


    For all of you Corruptor Cold Domination powerset players out there and others who discussed this during alpha/beta (@macskull, @Vanden, @Draeth Darkstar, @America's Angel) I've got something to add about one (of the two) changes made to the Cold Domination powerset (Sleet and Heat Loss). I appreciate @Captain Powerhouse giving their explanation during testing, however, I think this change now prompts discussion post-implementation. For those not aware of the change, please see below for context. Background on Sleet: This power was modified in to a real pseudopet, inheriting Archetype modifiers in the Issue 27, Page 7 release based on the explanation (see quote below) that non-primary powerset Archetypes (Corruptor, Controller, and Mastermind) were doing primary powerset values (Defender) inadvertently boosting it's performance beyond what was intended. Once the real pseudopet inherited the values of the Archetype, this would be considered balanced. During testing, there was a discussion of a scenario where a player had the ability to drop Sleet, then Heat Loss, Burnout, then Sleet Heat Loss again to stack more than 60% -resistance on a mob which persisted for 45 seconds (now 30 seconds post-patch) (though that was not considered an exploit, instead working as intended). There were also comparisons during discussion of other targeted area of effect powers like Tar Patch. I added those last two sentences for context if the reader was not aware. Lastly, I want to point out that Sleet does not Scourge. If I missed anything or incorrectly identified the wrong values, please let me know. Realizing this is the way it is now and asking why a change was made is irrelevant, I wanted to look back at the power to see what exactly were the values for this Cold Domination powerset power Sleet, a staple when it was released, (then subsequently proliferated). For context, below are the Issues aligned with the aforementioned action: Cold Domination Powerset History: Issue 6: Cold Domination was first added when City of Villains launched to Corruptors only as a Secondary Powerset. Corruptor Sleet had been doing -30% Defense and -30% Resistance on target since Issue 6. Issue 12: Cold Domination Primary Powerset was proliferated to Defenders. Defender Sleet had been doing -30% Defense and -30% Resistance on target since Issue 12. Issue 16: Cold Domination Secondary Powerset was proliferated to Controllers. Controller Sleet had been doing -30% Defense and -30% Resistance on target since Issue 16. Issue 18: Epic Pool Power (Sleet) was added to Ice Mastery (formerly Cold Mastery) for Dominators. Dominator Sleet had been doing -30% Defense and -30% Resistance on target since Issue 18. Issue 25: Cold Domination Secondary Powerset was proliferated to Masterminds. Mastermind Sleet had been doing -30% Defense and -30% Resistance on target since Issue 25. Edit: Stacking Effects: (thanks to @macskull for the clarity!) "The previous behavior was the debuff was set to “replace,” so every tick of damage that hit would refresh the debuff for an additional 30 seconds (which realistically resulted in a 45-second debuff). It is now set to ignore new applications, so it will never last for more than 30 seconds after the first tick of damage. Multiple applications of the power from the same caster still stack because different pseudopets are considered different “casters.”" Freezing Rain tangent: This next part is a bit speculation since I don't have access to original power data, but Sleet was likely a port of the Freezing Rain power from Defender Storm Summoning, which at the time I believe was doing -30% Defense and -35% Resistance. Freezing Rain itself was also available on Controllers, so in Issue 4 the developers increased the duration of the power for both, but also increased the slow debuff for Defender to distinguish it between controllers. Beyond that it remained the same until Issue 27, Page 7. Edit: Further Tangent on Freezing Rain (thanks to @Uun insight on this thread!): "Freezing Rain was scaled for defenders and controllers. While controller secondary values were supposed to be 75% of defender values, Freezing Rain was designed with 35% -res on defenders and 30% -res on controllers (85.7% of defender value). When Cold was created for corruptors in I6, Sleet was a direct port of the controller version of Freezing Rain. When Cold was proliferated to defenders in I12, the corruptor version of Sleet was copied (they didn't even match the slightly higher values for defender Freezing Rain. This imbalance wasn't addressed until p7. In the case of Freezing Rain, the defender version was increased to 40% -res and the other ATs were left at 30%. In the case of Sleet, the defender version was left at 30% -res and the other ATs were reduced to 22.5%. Per Captain Powerhouse, this was an intentional buff to Storm Summoning." Note the similar values at the time of City of Villains launch until the Issue 27, Page 7 update. How do others feel about the change post-implementation? Good or bad, happy to discuss.
  21. Being able to swap builds on the fly - going from my Night Widow build to my Fortunata build - is why my Arachnos Widow is my second favorite character I've made. No other AT beside Kheldians can do that, but Widows can not just do it - they can do it well or even better than other ATs.
  22. No feedback, but I'm supportive.
  23. That Ice APP though! Got it on my main and it's got Build Up down to a minute recharge, capped HP thanks to the heal, and more +Cold def. I even went four deep and grabbed the Ice pet, which works really well with Frostworks and my Ice shields buffs.
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